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Содержимое каталога
1961. Basset A.B. A Treatise on Hydrodynamics with Numerous Examples, Volume 21888
1962. Basset A.B. An elementary treatise on hydrodynamics and sound1890
1963. Bassi A. Ghirardi G. Consistent Quantum Realism: A Reply to Griffiths2000
1964. Bassi A. Ghirardi G. Decoherent Histories and Realism2000
1965. Bassingthwaighte J.B. Liebovitch L.S. West B.J. Book Review: Fractal Physiology1995
1966. Bassler K. Sasaki K. Interface Interactions in Modulated Phases, and Upsilon Points1991
1967. Bassler K.E. Zia R.K.P. Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas at Two Temperatures1995
1968. Bastin T. Kilmister C. Combinatorial Physics1995
1969. Bastos J. Sadowski N. Electromagnetic Modeling by Finite Element Methods2003
1970. Basu D. Comprehensive Dictionary of Physics2001
1971. Batchelor M.T. Barber M.N. Pearce P.A. Bethe Ansatz Calculations for the Eight-Vertex Model on a Finite Strip1987
1972. Batchelor M.T. de Gier J. Maslen M. Exactly Solvable su(N ) Mixed Spin Ladders2001
1973. Batchelor M.T. The O(n) Loop Model on the 3-12 Lattice1998
1974. Bateman H. Irrotational motion of a compressible inviscid fluid1930
1975. Bateman H. Lagrangian Functions and Schrodingers Rule1927
1976. Bateman H. On a Differential Equation Occurring in Pages Theory of Electromagnetism1920
1977. Bateman H. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics1944
1978. Bateman H. Physical Problems with Discontinuous Initial Conditions1930
1979. Bateman H. Radiation from a Moving Magneton1919
1980. Bateman H. Ehrenfest P. The Derivation of Electromagnetic Fields from a Basic Wave-Function1924
1981. Bateman H. The Structure of an Electromagnetic Field1918
1982. Bateman H. The Symmetry of the Stress-Tensor Obtained by Schroedingers Rule1927
1984. Bates D. Estermann I. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 111975
1985. Bates D. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 131978
1986. Bates D. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 191983
1987. Bates D. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 201985
1988. Bates D. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 201985
1989. Bates D. Esterman I. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 71972
1990. Bates D. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics.Volume 25.1988
1991. Bates D. Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.Volume 26.1990
1992. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics (№14 1978) (14 edition)1978
1993. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 151980
1994. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 161981
1995. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 181982
1996. Bates D.R. Estermann I. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 31968
1997. Bates D.R. Estermann I. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Volume 41968
1998. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics.Volume 121977
1999. Bates D.R. Bederson B. Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 291991
2000. Bates D.R. Atomic and Molecular Processes1962
2001. Bates D.R. Quantum Theory1961
2002. Bates D.R. Quantum Theory. I. Elements1961
2003. Bates J.R. The Quenching of Cadmium Resonance Radiation1928
2004. Bates L.F. Modern Magnetism (3RD Edition)1948
2005. Bates P.D. Lane S.N. Ferguson R.I. Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Environmental Hydraulics2005
2006. Bates P.W. Chmaj A. An Integrodifferential Model for Phase Transitions: Stationary Solutions in Higher Space Dimensions1999
2007. Bathe K.J. Zimmermann P. Finite-Elemente-Methoden (Second Edition)2001
2008. Batic D. Schmid H. Winklmeier M. On the eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar–Page angular equation2005
2009. Batrouni G.G. Hansen A. Fourier Acceleration of Iterative Processes in Disordered Systems1988
2010. Battezzati L. Pozzovivo S. Rizzi P. Nanocrystalline Aluminum Alloys2004
2011. Battle G. Rosen L. The FKG Inequality for the Yukawa_2 Quantum Field Theory1980
2012. Bauer G. Borstel G. Solid-State Physics1974
2013. Bauer L.A. Concomitant Changes in Terrestrial Magnetism and Solar Radiationn/a
2014. Bauer L.A. Some of the Chief Problems in Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity1920
2015. Bauer M. Bernard D. A Simple Asymmetric Evolving Random Network2003
2016. Bauer M. Bernard D. Multiple Schramm–Loewner Evolutions and Statistical Mechanics Martingales2005
2017. Bauer M. Golinelli O. Random Incidence Matrices: Moments of the Spectral Density2001
2018. Bauer M. Luck J.M. Statistics of Persistent Events in the Binomial Random Walk: Will the Drunken Sailor Hit the Sober Man?1999
2019. Bauer P.S. The condition of self-oscillation of a general triode system1928
2020. Bauer T. Eleklromagnetische, slrukturihnamische und akustische Bereehnung und Optimierung von Induklionstiegelöfen2000
2021. Bauke H. Mertens S. Pseudo Random Coins Show More Heads Than Tails2004
2022. Baulieu L. Introduction à la relativité généralen/a
2023. Baulieu L. (ed.) de Boer J. (ed.) Pioline B. (ed.) Mathematics, physics and chemistry (№208 2004) (1 edition)2006
2024. Baum H. Twistors and Killing Spinors on Riemannian Manifolds1991
2025. Baumann G. Mathematica for Theoretical Physics: Classical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics (Second Edition)2005
2026. Baumann G. Mathematica for Theoretical Physics: Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Fractals (Second edition)2005
2027. Baumgartner B. Griffiths Inequalities for Noninteracting N-Vector (Classical Heisenberg) Models and Applications to Interacting Systems1983
2028. Baumjohann W. Basic Space Plasma Physics1997
2029. Baumjohann W. Treumann R.A. Basic spase plasma physicsn/a
2030. Baus M. Wallenborn J. Long-time behavior of the nonlocal shear viscosity of a one-component plasma: A microscopic approach1977

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