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Bates L.F. — Modern Magnetism |
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effect 381
Abraham, H. 6
Absorption in ferromagnetics 423
Absorption of microwaves 426
Absorption, nuclear resonance 406 422
Absorption, paramagnetic 416 et seq.
Acid, meta-phosphoric 92
Action, constant of 17 54
Adelsberger, U. 342
Ahlberg, J.E. 394
Ahrens, E. 271
Aicomax 355 360 365
Akulov, N.S. 160 162 320 348
Alexander, W. 300
Alkali metals 51 124 164
Allen, R.I. 243 249
Alloying, effect on crystal diamagnetism 149
Alloys, experiments with ferromagnetic 252 371 375 379 380
Alloys, Heusler 240 293 364
Alloys, iron-aluminium 255
Alloys, iron-cobalt 160
Alloys, iron-nickel 67 309 380 384
Alloys, iron-nickel-aluminium-cobalt 79 355
Alloys, iron-nickel-cobalt 78 162 380
Alloys, iron-selenium 426
Alloys, iron-zinc 374
Alloys, K.S. 78
Alloys, lattice dimensions of 80
Alloys, magnetic properties of 252 et seq. 371
Alloys, nickel-chromium 253 297
Alloys, nickel-copper 254
Alloys, nickel-molybdenum 253
Alloys, nickel-tungsten 253
Alloys, platinum-cobalt 355
Alloys, preparation of 259
Alloys, silicon-iron 255
Alloys, single crystals of 160
Alni 360
Alnico 355 360
Alum, aluminium 292
Alum, caesium titanium 413
Alum, chrome 114 292
Alum, iron 114 413 418
Alum, vanadium 114
Aluminium 115 255 385
Alvarez, L W. 404
Amalgams 115 117 389 392
Ammonium ion 393
Anantakrishnan, S.V. 13 393
Andrade, E.N. da C. 144 322
Angus, W.R. 63
Anisotropy, constants 161 397
Anisotropy, diamagnetic 134
Anisotropy, effect of impurities on 397
Anisotropy, ferromagnetic 160
Anisotropy, magnetic 133 146 366
Anisotropy, of metallic single crystals 135 144 397
Anisotropy, paramagnetic 135 393
Annealing, magnetic effects of 314
Anomaly, Glaser 121
anthracene 134 144
Antiferromagnetism 385 387
Antimony, single crystal 149 151 397
Arnold, W.J. 406
Atom, Bohr theory of 17 et seq.
Atom, electron states of 30 31
Atom, energy states of 28
Atom, magnetic data for 171
Atom, vector model of 22 et seq.
Atomic constants 54
Atomic cores, correction for diamagnetism of 132 393
Atomic magnetic moment, saturation 236 266
Atomic number 30 31 124
Atomic order 135 295
Atomic susceptibility, definition of 7
Atomic volume 124
Auer, H. 101 132
Avogadro's number 54
Awbery, J.H. 379
Axis, principal magnetic 134 et seq.
Bacher, R.F. 399
Back, E. 37 et seq.
BaD, J.D. 66
Baker, C.J.W. 51 373 388 390
Balance, Briggs and Harper 87
Balance, Cotton 86
Balance, Curie — Cheneveau 108
Balance, Foex and Forrer 107
Balance, Hutchinson and Keekie 389
Balance, Kapitza 112
Balance, Kapitza and Webster 109
Balance, Sucksmith ring 96 105 136 263
Banerjee, S. 141 393
Baqi, A. 117 240
Barkhausen discontinuities 321 et seq. 335 338
Barkhausen discontinuities, duration of 324
Barkhausen discontinuities, nature of 323
Barkhausen discontinuities, size of 323
Barkhausen discontinuities, theories of propagation of 329
Barkhausen discontinuities, velocity of 326
Barkhausen effect 232 321 335
Barkhausen, H. 232 298 321
Barkla, H.M. 422
Barnett effect 205 et seq. 426
Barnett, S.J. 207 et seq. 219 222 230 231
Bartlett, B.W. 143
Bates, L.F. 51 61 65 117 118 210 216 240 156 258 269 296 342 352 361 373 388 390 392
Bdring, W. 329 340 365 384
Beams, atomic ray 164 et seq.
Beams, molecular ray 177 et seq.
Beck, G. 214
Beck, K. 153 155
Becker, R. 159 160 231 305 307 320 330 338 340 365 366
Bennett, E.G. 370
benzene 144
Bethe, H.A. 132 201
Bhatnagar, S.S. 392
Bidwell, Shelford 300
Birge, R.T. 53
Bismuth spiral 86 121
Bismuth, atomic ray experiments with 172
Bismuth, magnetostriction of 303
Bismuth, single crystals of 146 et seq. 397
Bitter figures 320 349
Bitter magnets 350
Bitter, F. 121 320 340 349 350 389 410
Blanchard, E.R. 394
Bleaney, B. 408 411 413
Bloch, F. 200 231 242 280 329 404
Blooh, O. 264
Boltzmann, L. 14 193
Bonhoeffer, K.T. 177
Borelius, G. 293
Boundaries, domain 331 et seq.
Bowden, B.V. 88
Bozorth, R.M. 68 158 160 240 249 314 322 323 325 337 367 381 425
Bradley, A.J. 80
Bragg, W.L. 295 378
Brailsford, F. 368
Breit, G. 182
Bridgman, P.W. 144 148
Briggs, G.H. 77 87
Brillouin function 42 237
Brillouin zones 150 397
Brillouin, L. 42 150 237
Brindley, G.W. 48 132
Broadway, L. 154 159
Brown, W.F. 66 349 381
Browne, S.H. 397
Brukhatov, N.L. 163
| Buperier, A. 390 392
Butterworth, S. 317
Cabrera, B. 127 292 390 392
Cadmium, single crystals of 151
Caesium titanium alum 413 421
Caesium, nuclear spin of 188 199
Campbell, J.S. 55
Carbonates, crystalline 143
Casimir, H.B.G. 162 292 413 416
Cassopium, trebly ionised 391
Cerium 391
Cerium, chloride, solutions of 126
Cerium, oxide 386
Chaeton, J.O. 67
Chakravorty, N.C. 141 393
Chalmers, B. 148 322
Chapin, D.M. 425
Chatffion, A. 130
Chattook, A.P. 63 210
Cheneveau, C. 108
Christensen, H. 381
Chromium 255 387
Chromium, antimonide 386
Chromium, doubly ionised 29 130
Chromium, ferromagnetic compounds of 240
Chromium, in copper etc. 385
Chromium, oxide 386 388
Chromium, trebly ionised 130 228 388
Circuit, magnetic 68
Clark, C.W. 411
Cleener, H.E. 425
Cobalt ammonium sulphate 142
Cobalt ammonium sulphate, chloride, anhydrous 387
Cobalt steel 78
Cobalt sulphate 142
Cobalt, alloys of 79 160 162
Cobalt, crystals of 159 163
Cobalt, directional properties of 160
Cobalt, doubly ionised 49 130 142 228
Cobalt, hysteresis and thermal changes 348
Cobalt, magnetoresistance of 362
Cobaltamines, yellow 43
Cockcroft, J.D. 75 78
Coercive force, definition of 58
Coercivity, definition of 58 338
Coercivity, materials of high 78 351 362
Coeterier, F. 220 226
Cohen, Elizabeth 148
Cohen, V.W. 382 187
Coiffi, P.P. 67 158 337
Cold-working, effects of 389
Comparator, magnetic 83
Compounds, diamagnetic 12 144
Compounds, ferromagnetic 240
Conductance, magnetic 69
Constant of action 17 54
Constant, F.W. 243 249 342 389
Constant, fine structure 20
Cooke, A.H. 114 409 422
Cooke, W.T. 381
Cooling, magnetic 272 et seq.
copper 92 115 380 385 389
Copper ammonium sulphate 142
Copper ammonium sulphate, sulphate 394 415
Cotton, A. 74 86
Coupling jj 172
Coupling, Russell — Saunders 25 et seq. 131 172
Critical point, ferromagnetic 269
Crystallisation, water of 125
Crystals, determination of face of 148
Crystals, diamagnetic 141 et seq.
Crystals, directional properties of 133 et seq.
Crystals, effect of impurities 397
Crystals, ferromagnetic 150 et seq.
Crystals, metallic single 144 et seq. 365
Crystals, paramagnetic 142 et seq.
Crystals, principal magnetic axis of 134
Crystals, principal susceptibilities of 134 et seq. 151
Crystals, pyrrhotite 150
Crystals, very small 141
Curie constant 16 125 234
Curie law 16 41 49 91 125 142 390 396 408 413
Curie point, depression of 374 384
Curie point, determination of 256
Curie point, effect of pressure on 309
Curie point, elastic changes at 384
Curie point, ferromagnetic 235 256 266 375
Curie point, paramagnetic 234 235 375
Curie — Weiss law 17 50 126 142 234 257 385 390 395
Curie, P. 17 264
Current, electromagnetic unit of 5
Cyclotron 76
Czeraichowski, M. 296
Data, useful magnetic 130 393
Data, X-ray 80
Davy, N. 388
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 148 150
De Haas, W.J. 149 162 214 288 292 351 395 413
de Klerk, D. 162 292
de Vrijer, F.W. 420
Debye, P. 14 283
Degtiar, M. 320
Demagnetisation, adiabatic 284 et seq. 408
Demagnetisation, curves of permanent magnet materials 356
Demagnetisation, factor 61 155 158 264 307 410 425
Desmond, L.J. 356
Deuteron, magnetic moment of 193 197 199 403 407
Deuteron, quadrupole moment of 403
Dialogite 393
Diamagnetic compounds 12 144
Diamagnetic salts 48
Diamagnetism, classical theory of 9
Diamagnetism, independent of temperature 50
Diamagnetism, of atomic cores 132
Diamagnetism, of closed electron shells 50
Diamagnetism, of free electrons 51
Diamagnetism, of ions 132 393
Diamagnetism, quantum theory of 51
Dijkstra, L.J. 420
Dillinger, Joy 68 249 314 322 323 325
Dispersion, paramagnetic 416 et seq.
Displacement rule, Kossel's 391
Domains, effects at boundaries of 232 330 334 362 364
Domains, limitations of concept 349
Domains, Noel's theory of 349
Domains, size effects of 249 et seq. 279
Domains, surface effects of 320
Domains, theory 160 238 305 330
Domains, threadlike 63
Domains, Weiss, definition of 238
Dorfman, J. 296
Dreyfus, L. 73
du Pre, F.K. 416
Duiin, H.K. 425
Dupouy, M.G. 74 86 87 99 126 138 142
Dussler, S. 425
Duyckaerts, G. 379 415
Dysprosium oxide, gyromagnetic ratio of 228
Dysprosium sulphate 418
Earth's magnetism 384
Eddy currents, effects of 113 276
Edmondson, A.S. 348
Einaudi, R. 179
Einstein — de Haas effect 205 et seq.
Einstein, A. 214
Electromagnet, condition for maximum field of 71
Electromagnet, condition for uniform field of 72
Electromagnet, design of 70
Electromagnet, for special purposes 74
Electromagnet, reluctance of 69
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