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Bates L.F. — Modern Magnetism |
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Electron energy bands 150 266 372 386
Electron spin 23
Electron states of atom 24
Electron states of molecule 44
Electron, charge on 54
Electron, magnetic properties of free 50 392
Electron, specific charge of 54
Elements, diamagnetic 124
Elements, ferromagnetic 266
Elements, paramagnetic 124
Elements, susceptibilities of 30 31
Ellis, C.D. 78
Ellwood, W.B. 342
Elmen, G.W. 67
Elmore, W.C 320 321
Energy, crystal 332 346
Energy, strain 332 346
Engler, O. 341 382
Englert, E. 293
Entropy, zero point 284
Erbium oxide, use of 119
Estermann, I. 192 193 199
Europeum, doubly ionised 391
Europeum, trebly ionised 41 43 128 228 229
Eversked, S. 76
Ewald, H. 394
Exchange forces 239 385
Exchange integral 239
Fahlenbrach, H. 101
Faires, R.E. 389
Fallot, M. 243 251 371
Faraday, M. 120
Farineau, J. 372
Farquharson, J. 108
Fereday, R.A. 104
Ferromagnetics, ballistic investigation of 56
Ferromagnetics, for special purposes 66
Ferromagnetics, high frequency absorption in 423
Ferromagnetics, internal friction in 383
Ferromagnetics, magnetometer investigations of 59
Ferromagnetics, properties of 56 et seq.
Ferromagnetics, resistance of 292 et seq. 361
Ferromagnetics, saturation of 57 237 241 305
Ferromagnetics, specific heat of 268 et seq. 379
Ferromagnetics, surface fields on 320
Ferromagnetics, thermoelectric properties of 296
Ferromagnetics, Young's modulus of 381
Ferromagnetism, collective electron treatment of 257
Ferromagnetism, condition for existence of 239
Ferromagnetism, correction for 114
Ferromagnetism, definition of 1 235
Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg's theory of 239 242
Ferromagnetism, Weiss theory of 231 233
Ferrous ammonium sulphate 132 289
Field in antiferromagnetics 387
Field in crevasse 6
Field in solenoid 5
Field in spherical cavity 233 291 410
Field, crystalline 49 129 135 143 394
Field, electrostatic, magnetic effects of 49
Field, intense 80 113 407
Field, leakage 357
Field, measurement of 81 et seq.
Field, molecular 233 et seq. 268 394
Field, self-consistent 52
Field, stabilisation of 87 et seq.
Field, symmetry 49
Field, uniform, definition of 3
Field, Weiss internal 233 et seq. 268 375
Fisher, J.W. 230
Flux density, definition of 7
Fluxmeter 82 et seq. 425
Focke, A.B. 146 150
Foex, G. 107 257 390
Force, line of, definition of 2
Force, tube of, definition of 2
Forrer, R. 107 243 256 258 276 324
Foster, A.W. 296
Fox, M. 188
Frank, Amelia 129
Freed, S. 392
Freurdlich, H.F.W. 320
Fricke, W. 300
Frisch, O.R. 201
Frisch, R. 192 197
Frivold, O.E. 13
Furnaces 117
Furnaces, materials for 426
Gadolinium phosphomolybdate 291
Gadolinium sulphate 17 42 286 289 418 421
Gadolinium sulphate, -rays, use of 290 414
Gadolinium sulphate, specific heat of 286
Gadolinium, ferromagnetic 252 370
Gadolinium, trebly ionised 127 284
Galavics, F. 426
Gans, R. 66 108
Gas, paramagnetic, theory of 14 et seq.
Gases, diatomic, experiments with 177 et seq.
Gases, susceptibilities of 118 et seq.
Gases, test bodies for 122
Gauss 2
Gaussmeter 87 138
Gerlaoh, W. 124 164 292
Gerloff, G. 55 251 283
Giauque, W.F. 283 292 405 411 422
Gibbs, R.E. 118 258
Giittinger, P. 197
Gilbert, definition of 69
Glaser, A. 120
Glasses, magnetic properties of 92
Goetz, A. 146 150 303
Goobar, S.V. 232
Gorter, C.J. 29 114 127 130 395 418 420
Goudsmit, S. 399
Gouy, L.G. 95 et seq.
Graphite, large orbits in 396
Gray, F.W. 108
Greig, J. 66
Grew, K.E. 270 282 379
Griffiths, E. 379
Griffiths, J.H.E. 423
Grigorow, K. 296
Guggenheim, E.A. 340
Guha, B.C. 141
Guillemin effect 298
Gyro magnetic measurements, controlled resonance 219
Gyro magnetic measurements, direct 210
Gyro magnetic measurements, errors in 213 219
Gyro magnetic measurements, modified resonance 216
Gyro magnetic measurements, simple resonance 214
Gyro magnetic measurements, with paramagnetics 222 426
Gyromagnetic effects 204 et seq.
Gyromagnetic ratio, collected results for 209 221 222 426
Gyromagnetic ratio, definition of 206
Gyromagnetic ratio, of nucleus 397 et seq.
Gyromagnetic ratio, spin and orbital effects on 206 221
Gyroscope, properties of 202 et seq.
Haake, H. 329
Hader, G. 74
Haenny, C. 99 3
Hafnium 290
Halpern, O. 200
Hamilton, D.R. 400
Hammar, G.W. 121
Handley, J.H. 300
Hardening, precipitation 79
Hardness, magnetic 242 245
Hardy, A.C 342
Harper, A.F.A. 87
Havens, G. 53 122 424
| Hayasi, T. 307
Healey, D.R. 347
Heaps, C.W. 232
Hebb, M.H. 291 413
Hegg, T. 264
Heisenberg, W. 160 239
Henderson, M.C. 76
Heusler alloy 240
Heusler alloy, resistance of 293
Hirone, T. 342 365
Hoare, F.E. 48 132
Hoffmann, J.G. 201
Hoge, H.J. 146
Honda, K. 78 79 111 115 156 160 162 301 308 342 381
Hopkinson, J. 163
Hoselitz, K. 360 375
Houston, W.V. 55
Howard, J.B. 132
Hull, R.A. 114 409 411 414 422
Hund rules 55 et seq.
Hund, F. 28 29 45 131
Hutchinson, rH.S. 389
Hydrogen, atomic mass of 54
Hydrogen, atomic susceptibility of 52
Hydrogen, experiments with atomic 177 194
Hydrogen, experiments with molecular 192
Hydrogen, solid, measurements with 409
Hydrogen, susceptibility of 199
Hyperfine, separation 190 199 398
Hyperfine, structure 190 195 398
Hysteresis, magnetic 67
Hysteresis, magnetic, energy losses due to 59
Hysteresis, magnetic, examination of 336 et seq.
Hysteresis, rotational 336 et seq.
Hysteresis, temperature 279
Illsley, P.F. 117
Images, magnetic 248
Indium, nuclear spin of 400
Induction, lines of 7
Induction, magnetic, definition of 6
Induction, measurements with permanent magnets 353 et seq.
Induction, nuclear 407
Induction, residual 58
Inglis, D.R. 221
Intensity, magnetic, definition of 2
Intensity, of magnetisation, definition of 3
Interaction, of orbital and spin momenta 25
Ions of iron group 130 392
Ions of platinum and palladium groups 392
Ions of rare earth group 127 et seq. 228 229
Ions, diamagnetic 13 30 31 132 393
Ions, large univalent 48
Ions, paramagnetic 30 31 128 228 229
Iron alloys 66 78 255 372
Iron amalgams 115 117
Iron ammonium sulphate 132 289 291 418 422
Iron cyanide 131
Iron group, elements of 29
Iron group, magnetic and spectroscopic data for 127 et seq. 130
Iron perchloride 123
Iron single crystals 155
Iron single crystals, magnetic properties of 247 365
Iron single crystals, magnetocaloric effect of 276
Iron single crystals, magnetostriction of 302 310
Iron single crystals, specific magnetisation of 245 et seq.
Iron, carbonyl 63
Iron, doubly ionised 130 228
Iron, ferromagnetic Curie point of 235 et seq.
Iron, hysteresis and thermal changes 347
Iron, paramagnetic Curie point of 266
Iron, pure 62 67 370 425
Iron, resistance of 293
Iron, saturation atomic moment of 266 370
Iron, specific heat of 270 379
Iron, thermoelectric power of 296
Iskenderian, H.P. 111
Jaanus, R. 296 390
Jackson, L.C 127 136 139 141 148
Jahn — Teller rule 424
Jahn, H.A. 424
Jellinghaus, W. 79 352
Jenkins, F.A. 424
John, W.J. 397
Johnson, M.H. 200
Jones, H. 150 264 386
Joos, G. 13
Jordahl, O.M. 143
Joule effect, dynamical 315
Joule effect, longitudinal 298
Joule effect, transverse 298
Joule effect, with non-ferromagnetics 303 304
Joule effect, with single crystals 301
Joule, J.P. 298 et seq. 344
Kapitza, P. 80 96 108 112 292 303 424
Kaufmann, A.R. 373 389 391
Kayam, S. 156 158 160 162 360
Keeson, W.H. 380
Kellogg, J.M.B. 195 197 199
Kershaw, H. 78
Kersten, M. 306 314
Kiihlewein, H. 68
Kiinze, P. 55
Kiirti, N. 284 et seq. 291 409 412
Kikoin, I.K. 232
Kinsler, L.E. 55
Kirchner, H. 306 341
Kirensky, L.V. 163
Kirkham, D. 301 366
Klemm, W. 92 125 240 388 391
Klinger, E. 286
Klinkhardt, H. 269 295
Knauer, F. 167 178
Koaig, C.G.W. 141
Koch, S. 101
Kondorsky, E. 365
Kopfermann, H. 182
Kornetzki, M. 307 et seq.
Kornfeld, G. 286
Korster, W. 79
Kossel, W. 391
Kramers, H.A. 288 391
Krishnan, K.S. 141 143 393 394 396
Kronig, R. 418
Kurrelmeyer, B. 380
Kusch, P. 400 404
Kussmann, A. 242
Kynch, G.J. 394
Lacoste-Tayan, H. 352
Laine, P. 291 409
Lallemand, A. 123
Lande, A. 32 et seq.
Lane, C.T. 397
Langevin function 16 233
Langevin theory, of diamagnetism 9
Langevin theory, of paramagnetic gas 13 233
Langevin, P. 9 13 233
Langmuir, I. 177
Laplace expression 5
Laplace, P.S. 5
Lapp, Mme 270 282
Lasarew, B.G. 199
Law, Maxwell — Boltzmann 14
Law, of Corresponding States 236 278
Law, Warburg 340 347
Lawrence, E.O. 76
Lawson, J.L. 90
Lead 150
Leakage, factor 70
Legg, E.V. 66
Lehrer, E. 124
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