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Bates L.F. — Modern Magnetism |
Предметный указатель |
Remanence 258 339
Retentiveness 58
retentivity 58 338
Richardson effect 205
Richardson, O.W. 202
Richer, G.C. 349
Richter, G. 63
Roberts, A. 406
Rodebush, W.H. 270
Rogowski, W. 63
Rollin, B.V. 422
Rosenblum, S. 75
Roseoe, R. 144
Rotation, by magnetisation 209 et seq.
Rubens, S.W. 425
Ruedy, R. 148
Ruhemann, M. 245 286
Runge's rule 35
Runge, C. 35
Russell, H.N. 25
Rydberg constant 19
Sadron, C. 252 253 371
Salts of iron group 47
Salts of rare earth group 48
Salts, diamagnetic 12 et seq. 124
Salts, hydra ted 48
Salts, paramagnetic 16 124
Samarium, trebly ionised 41 127 228
Saner, J.A. 413
Sanford, R.L. 65 370
Saturation, approach to 241 370
Saturation, at low temperatures 234
Saturation, definition of 236
Saturation, measurements 243 et seq. 375 380
Saturation, phenomena with paramagnetics 41
Saturation, technical 57 305
Saunders, F.A. 25
Scandium oxide 386
Scharff, Gertrud 293
Scheffers, H. 169 172
Scherrer, P. 22o
Schlapp, R. 49 129 142
Schmidt, Th. 199
Schneiderhan, K. 292
Schnurmann, R. 178
Schoen, E. 242
Schrodinger's Equation 53
Schubnikow, L.W. 199 387
Schuddemagen, C.L.B. 82
Schulze, H. 63
Screening constant 52
Seely, S. 132
Segre, E. 197 424
Selection rule 20
Selwood, P.W. 129 393
Seott, K.L. 77
Seve, P. 132
Shaw, E.J. 178
Shedden, J.W. 360
Shell, magnetic 4
Shell, strength of 4
Shin, J.W. 160
Shirakewa, Y. 79
Shire, E.S. 422
Shockley, W. 378
Shoenberg, D. 105 148 149
Siderose 138 142
Siegel, S. 341 381
Silicon 68
Silicon-iron, single crystals of 158
Silver, atomic rays of 165 171
Silver, magnetic moment of atom of 172
Silver, permanganate 392
Silver, splitting factor of 172
Simon, F. 283 284 291 380 409 412
Simpson, O.C. 193 199
Sims, L.G.A. 66
Sir Ewing, J.A. 58 62 311
Sir Larmor, J. 11 144 198 206 401
Sixtus, K.J. 327 et seq. 335
Skin effect 382
Slater, J.C. 53 239 266 384
Smith, C.S. 389
Smith, F.D. 317 318
Smoluchowski, R. 310
Sodium nitrate 143
Sodium, atomic rays of 164 et seq.
Sodium, magnetic moment of atom of 164 171 172
Sodium, nuclear spin of 188 199
Softer, Th. 320
Solenoid, construction for large fields 55
Solenoid, field in 55 425
Somekh, E.M. 389 392
Sone, T. 119
Soxnraerfeld, A. 19 et seq. 132
Spectra, series 19 28
Spectrograph, radiofrequency 402
Spectroscopy, radiofrequency 400 et seq.
Spedding, F.H. 143
Spin, nuclear 181 et seq. 398
Splitting factor, definition of 12
Splitting factor, values from atomic ray experiments 171 172
Splitting factor, values from gyromagnetic experiments 228
Spooner, T. 65
Squire, C.F. 388
Stability rules 28
Stability, principle of spectroscopic 34
Stark effect 43 et seq.
Starr, C. 387 389 391 416
States, atomic 27 et seq.
States, law of corresponding 236 278
Statistics, Fermi — Dirac 50 258
Steel, chromium 78
Steel, cobalt 74
Steel, K.S. 78
Steel, M.K. 79
Steel, tungsten 78
Steinberger, R.L. 309
Steinhaus, W. 63 242
Steinmeiz, W. 66
Steinmetz coefficient 66
Stenger, F. 141
Stern, C. 164 et seq. 171 174 178 192 193 197
Stevens, J.S. 299
Stewart, J.Q. 211
Stifler, W.W. 259
Stoessel, R. 119
Stoner, E.C. 51 52 94 130 240 249 267 280 340 425
Stout, J.W. 408 411
Sucksmith, W. 51 105 148 154 159 216 221 257 269 352 375
Sugarman, N. 392
Sugden, S. 92 393 425
Sulphur, molecule of 178
Sulphur, solid 93
Sulphur, vapour 123 178
Sunigue, J. 77 85
Superconductivity 232 289
Superlattice structure 255 295
Susceptibility of compounds 12
Susceptibility of diamagnetic salts 48
Susceptibility of diatomic molecules 46
Susceptibility of hydrated sulphates 129
Susceptibility of ions in aqueous solution 127 et seq.
Susceptibility, atomic 7
Susceptibility, collected results of 30 132
Susceptibility, definition of 7
| Susceptibility, initial 338
Susceptibility, ionic 12
Susceptibility, mass 7 30 132
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Curie 96 103 115 389
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Faraday 120 et seq.
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Gouy 95 97 115 119
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Kapitza and Webster 108
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Quincke 100 et seq.
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, radio frequency 114
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, Rankine 110 124
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, survey of 95
Susceptibility, methods of measurement of, with intense fields 111
Susceptibility, molecular 7
Susceptibility, principal 152
Susceptibility, reversible 65
Susceptibility, volume 7
Svemsson, B. 295
Swaffield, J. 300
Sykes, C. 271 380
Table, periodic 30 124
Taylor, A. 90
Taylor, J, B. 173 177
Telfer, E. 424
Tellurium 150
Temperature scale, comparison of Curie and Kelvin 291 412
Temperature scale, Curie 288 291 410
Temperature, control of 117
Temperature, stabilisation of 88
Temperatures, below 1° K. 290 410
Temperatures, lowest attainable 415
Temperatures, production of low 287 et seq. 408
Temperley, H.K.V. 413 421 424
Temple, G. 110
Terminology 27
Teunissen, P. 421
Thallium, atom of 171 172
Thallium, single crystal of 151 397
Thallium, splitting factor of 172
Thermometer, amorphous carbon 408 411
Thermorelay, Moll 304
Thessen, G. 335 363
Thompson, J.G. 425
Thomson coefficient 296
Thomson coefficient and ferromagnetism 296
Ticonal 355
Tin, single crystals of 151
Tin, “cry” of 322
Tirade, T. 381
Titanium oxide 386
Tonks, L. 327 et seq. 335
Torrey, H.C. 199 406 423
Torroja, J. 292
Townsend, A.A. 75
Townsend, Agnes 342
Tracks, cosmic ray 55
Transformations, -ray, use of 290 414
Triphenylbenzene 144
Trombe, F. 252
Tube, unit, definition of 3
Tungsten 290
Tungsten steel 78
Turner, L.B. 327
Tyler, A.W. 90
Tyler, F. 264
Tyndall, E.P. 323
Uddin, M.Z. 148 149
Ultramicrometer 300
Urbain, G. 252
Van Alphen 149
Van der Pol, B. 323
van Leeuwen, Frl. 17
van Vleck, J.H. 17 34 41 43 46 127 131 132 142 229 291 391 421 426
Vanadium, dioxide 388
Vanadium, multiply ionised 130
Vanadium, special effects of 67 257
Vapours, potassium 124
Vapours, sulphur 123
Vapours, susceptibility of 123
Verdet constant 393
Villari effect 298 311
Villari effect, relation to Joule effect 311
Villari reversal 311
Villari, E. 310
Vincent, L.H. 315
Viscosity, magnetic 62
Vogt, E. 115 125 147
Volger, J. 420
von Auwers, O. 68 204 231 308 382
von Engel, A. 366
von Friessen, S. 53
von Halban H. 201
Walden, L. 426
Wall, T.F. 80
Waller, I. 114
Warburg, E. 340
Water, susceptibility of 101 132
Webb, C. 78
Weber, W. 9
Webster, W.L. 96 108 156
Weiss constant 233 et seq.
Weiss constant, and magnetostriction 309
Weiss constant, variation with pressure 309
Weiss constant, variation with temperature 268 279
Weiss, P. 17 162 243 252 259 276 362
Westerdijk, J.B. 351
Weston, J.C. 342 et seq.
Whiddington, R. 300
White, H.E. 424
White, M.G. 76
Whitmore, B.G. 269
Wick, G.C. 193
Wiedemann effect 298 311
Wiedemann's law 13 126
Wiedemann, W. 13 126 298 311
Wiersma, E.C. 288 292 413
Wilkinson, H. 271
Williams, E.J. 295 378
Williams, H.J. 158 163 349 367 381
Williams, S.R. 299 312
Wills, M.S. 366
Wolf, A. 303
Wolman, W. 63
Woltjer, H.R. 42
Wood, A.B. 318
Wood, R.W. 177
Wrede, E. 177
Wurschmidt, J. 62
Wynn-Willianu, C.E. 38 89
X-rays, of transition elements 372
Yamamoto, M. 382
Young's Modulus, change with magnetisation 381
Ytterbium, doubly ionised 391
Ytterbium, trebly ionised 127
Zacharias, J.R. 195 197 199 399 400
Zeeman effect, anomalous 35 et seq.
Zeeman effect, normal 34
Zeeman effect, polarisation rules 36
Zeeman effect, Preston's rule 35
Zeeman effect, quadratic 424
Zeeman effect, Runge's rule 35
Zeeman effect, separations 37
Zeeman, P. 35 et seq.
Zinc, single crystals of 151
Zirconium 290
Zone, Brillouin 150 397
Zuithoff, A.J. 272
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