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Bates L.F. — Modern Magnetism |
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Lenander, H.E. 389
Length, magnetic, definition of 4
Lenz, V. 21
Leu, A. 169 et seq.
Levels, atomic energy 18 et seq.
Levels, molecular energy 44
Levels, X-ray 22 24 26
Levers, mechanical 299
Levers, optical 299 300
Lewis, W.B. 88
Lips, E. 120
Liqaier-Milward, Jeanne 126
Lithium, nuclear spin of 188 199 404
Livingston, M.S. 76 201
Lloyd, H. 300
Lloyd-Evans, B. 65
Lochner, S.J. 299
London, F. 144
Lonsdale, Kathleen 143 144
Lord Kelvin 94 248 311
Lord Rayieigh 58 62
Lord Rutherford 88
Lorentz triplet 35 et seq.
Lorentz, H.J. 35 et seq.
Loschmidt number 54
Lowe, E. 55
Lundberg, W.O. 394
Mabboux, G. 74
MacDougall, D.P. 292
Magnetisation at high temperatures 233 259
Magnetisation at low temperatures 241 et seq.
Magnetisation by rotation 206 et seq.
Magnetisation of domains 330 et seq.
Magnetisation, adiabatic 113
Magnetisation, apparent 249
Magnetisation, direction of easy 157 159 162
Magnetisation, energy of 8 161 268
Magnetisation, parasitic 251 370
Magnetisation, plane of difficult 162
Magnetisation, plane of easy 152
Magnetisation, specific intrinsic 236
Magnetisation, specific saturation 235
Magnetisation, spontaneous 235 238 293
Magnetisation, temperature changes accompanying 273 339
Magnetisation, testing apparatus 351
Magnetisation, true 272
Magnetisation, variation of Young's modulus with 381
Magnetism, induced 1
Magnetism, permanent 1
magnetite 150
Magnetocaloric effect with ferromagnetics 276 et seq.
Magnetocaloric effect with paramagnetics 113 283
Magnetocaloric effect, applications of 287 et seq.
Magnetocaloric effect, definition of 273
Magnetometer 60
Magnetometer, torque 162 366
Magnetomotive force 69
Magneton number, definition of 23
Magneton, Bohr 3 18 199
Magneton, Bohr, determination of 172
Magneton, Bohr, numerical value of 18 54 176
Magneton, nuclear 181 398
Magneton, Weiss 125
Magnetoresistance 293 361
Magnetostriction 298 et seq. 365
Magnetostriction oscillator 314 et seq. 382
Magnetostriction, and initial permeability 313
Magnetostriction, and the Weiss constant 309
Magnetostriction, Becker's theory of 305 et seq.
Magnetostriction, echo depth finder 318
Magnetostriction, effects of shape on 307
Magnetostriction, longitudinal 298 et seq.
Magnetostriction, magnetostriction, effects of tension on 306
Magnetostriction, transverse 298 et seq.
Magnetostriction, volume 308 et seq.
Magnets, Bitter 350 410
Magnets, permanent 76 et seq.
Magnets, permanent, dimension ratio of 78
Magnets, permanent, economic utilisation of 356
Magnets, permanent, Evershed criterion for 77
Magnets, permanent, materials for 78 et seq. 351 360
Magnets, permanent, recoil lines 359
Magnets, permanent, with large pole faces 77
Majorana, E. 197
Manders, R.S. 374
Manganese ammonium sulphate 135 142 289
Manganese arsenide, specific heat of 270
Manganese arsenide, thermoelectric power of 296
Manganese chloride, oxide 386
Manganese chloride, selenide 386
Manganese chloride, solution of 140
Manganese sulphate 99 132
Manganese, doubly ionised 130 135 141 228 388 393 409
Manganese, ferromagnetic compounds of 240
Manganese, in copper etc. 385
Manganese, magnetic effects of 68 385
Manganese, seven-fold ionised 392
Manganous fluoride 409
Manley, J.H. 190
Mann, K.E. 124
Manometer, hot wire 178
Manometer, membrane 286
Margerison, T.A. 352
Martin, L.H. 75
Masiyama, Y. 301 308
Masumoto, H. 79 160 162
Mathews, B.H.C. 299
Matteucci, C. 310
Maxwell turn, definition of 85
Maxwell, J. Clerk 14 155 202
McGeachy, J.A. 318
McKeehan, L.W. 160 162 320 425
McLennan, J.C. 148
Meakin, R. 388
Meissner, W. 169 172
Mercury 8 51 132 147 151
Mercury amalgams 115 117 388
Metals, in dilute solution 392
Metamagnetism 385
Miehaleck, J.C. 270
Milikan, R. 53
Millman, S. 187 399 400 404
Mishima, T. 79
Molybdenum, magnetic effeots of 68
Moment, magnetic, definition of 3
Moment, nuclear see “Nucleus”
Montgomery, C. 147
Mookherji, A. 143 394
Mott, N.F. 239 256 264 386
Mu-metal 68 347
Multiplets, magnetic significance of 40
Multiplets, narrow 40
Multiplets, overall width of 26
Multiplets, wide 40 138
Multiplicity 26
Nagaoka, H. 308
Nakayama, M. 380
naphthalene 144
Narayanaswamy, A.S. 397
Neel, L. 123 349 371 374 385 387 396
Neodymium sulphate 49 394
Neodymium, trebly ionised 127 et seq. 391 393
Nettleton, H. 393 425
Neutron, magnetic moment of 200 404 407
Neutron, mass of 200
Nickel ammonium sulphate 142
Nickel ammonium sulphate, chloride, anhydrous 387
Nickel ammonium sulphate, solution of 99
Nickel sulphate 142 408
Nickel, alloys of 67 78 79 162 253 297 371
| Nickel, doubly ionised 49 142
Nickel, ferromagnetic Curie point of 257 266
Nickel, gyromagnetic ratio of 209 214 222
Nickel, hysteresis and thermal changes of 345
Nickel, magnetostriction of 302 303
Nickel, paramagnetic Curie point of 257 266
Nickel, resistance of 292 et seq.
Nickel, single crystals of 155 159 162 303 365
Nickel, specific heat of 270 et seq. 379
Nickel, thermoelectric power of 296
Nitrates, crystalline 143
Nitric oxide 16 41 47 119
Nitric oxide molecule 44 178 180
Nitric oxide, solid 120
Nix, F.C. 378
Nucleus, components of 200
Nucleus, magnetic moment of 181 et seq.
Nucleus, quadrupole moment of 403
Nucleus, spin of 181 398
Number, azimuthal quantum 23
Number, effective magneton 40 124
Number, orbital magnetic quantum 23
Number, orbital momentum quantum 22
Number, rotational quantum 45
Number, spin quantum 23
Number, total quantum 22
Ochsenfeld, R. 258
Oersted, definition of 2
Okamura, T. 342 365
Okubo, J. 842
Oligist 87 142
Oliver, D.A. 78 360
Onnes, Kamerlingh 42
Onsager, L. 291 413
Order, long distance 255 296 378
Orthohydrogen 192 et seq. 403
Osborn, J.A. 425
Oscillators, magnetostriction 314 et seq.
Owen, M. 111 115
Oxygen 16 46 118 177
Pacault, A. 132
Palladium 33
Palladium, group 392
Parahydrogen 192
Paramagnetics, gyromagnetic ratio for 222 et seq.
Paramagnetism, classical theory of 13
Paramagnetism, feeble 85
Paramagnetism, of free electrons 50
Paramagnetism, quantum theory of 39
Paramagnetism, saturation 42
Paramagnetism, temperature independent of 42 et seq. 129 229 374
Particles, experiments with single 164 et seq. 181
Pascal, P. 12 97
Paschen — Back effect 37 182 403
Paschen, F. 37 et seq.
Pauli principle 23 et seq.
Pauli, W. 21
Pauling, L. 52 144
Pearce, R, R. 257
Peierls, R. 150
Penney, W.G. 49 129 142 393
Permalloy 67 314 347 384
Permanganate ion 43
Permeability, and magnetostriction 314
Permeability, constant 68
Permeability, definition of 5
Permeability, in a weak field 163
Permeability, incremental 65
Permeability, initial 67 337
Permeability, maximum 67
Permeability, reversible 65
Permeammeter 65
Permeance, definition 357
Perminvar 68
Perry, J. 202
Pettersson, H. 139
Pfaffenberger, J. 322
Phase diagrams 375
Phipps, T.E. 178 197
Piccard, A. 101
Pickles, A.T. 375
Pidgeon, H.A. 312
Pierce, G.W. 315
Planck's constant 17 54
Platinum group 392
Pole strength, definition of 2
Pole tips, cobalt steel 67
Pole, magnetic, definition of 2
Pole, unit 2
Pole-pieces, special 104 388
Pollard, A.F. 299
Polley, H. 370
Potassium aluminium alum 292
Potassium atom 28 188
Potassium atom, normal state of 30
Potassium atom, nuclear spin of 188 et seq. 199 404
Potassium chrome alum 289 292 409 413
Potassium ferricyanide 131 142
Potassium nitrate 143
Potassium vapour, susceptibility of 124
Potential, magnetic, definition of 2
Potential, near shell 4
Potentiometer, magnetic 63 352
Potter, H.H. 90 109 118 154 159 262 269 276 293 295
Pound, R.V. 406 423
Powers, H.N. 201
Praseodymium, sulphate of 49
Praseodymium, trebly ionised 127 et seq.
Preisach, F. 306 322 324
Prentice, J.H. 373
Preston's ride 35
Preston, T. 35
Procession of gyroscope 204
Procession, Larmor 11 198 206
Properties, magnetic, of matter in bulk 47
Proton, magnetic moment of 192 404 407
Pun, S.T. 389
Purcell, E.M. 291 406 413 423
Pyrex 92 99
Pyrrhotite, constitution of 152
Pyrrhotite, direction of difficult magnetisation of 152
Pyrrhotite, gyromagnetic experiments with 221
Pyrrhotite, gyromagnetic ratio for 221 222 426
Pyrrhotite, plane of easy magnetisation of 152
Quadrupole moment 400 403
Quality, magnetic, criterion of 77
Quantisation, process of 197
Quantisation, spatial 20 164
Quantum number see “Number”
Quenching of alloys 68
Quenching of orbital momenta 46 130 135 222 229
Quenching of steels 78
Quimby, S.L. 341 381
Quincke, G. 95 100
Rabi, I.I. 139 167 182 188 195 197 198 399 400 404
Rado, G.I. 373
Ramsey, N, F. 199
Rankine, A.O. 96 110
Rao, S.R. 397
Rare earths 29 49 127 143 228 284 381 393
Ray-Chaudhuri, D.P. 216
Rayleigh law 58
Recoil, magnetic, definition 359
Rectifier, copper oxide 74
Rectifier, electrolytic 74
Reddi-Pantulu, D.V. 118 258
Reekie, J. 389 395
Relaxation constant 417 420
Relaxation constant, nuclear 407
Relaxation constant, paramagnetic 417
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