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Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis
Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of  Surface and  Interface Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis

Àâòîðû: Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.)


Integrating advances in instrumentation and methods, this work offers an approach to solving problems in surface and interface analysis, beginning with a particular problem and then explaining the most rational and efficient route to a solution. The book discusses electron optical and scanned probe microscopy, high spatial resolution imaging and synchrotron-based techniques. It emphasizes problem-solving for different classes of materials and material function.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 968

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2009

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$C_{60}$, fullerene, tribochemistry of thin films      740—741
$GeO_{2}$, effects of ion bombardment      325—326
$MoO_{3}$, XPS spectrum      755
$Nb_{2}O_{5}$ and suboxides, XPS spectra      79—80 499
$Pt_{3}Sn$, ARAES spectra      115
$Pt_{3}Sn$, correlation of SEM and SAM      120
$ZrO_{2}$ on Zr alloy, oxide fracture surface      652
AAS, Roman lead pipe      836 852
Acid-base properties, catalysis      769—770
Acid-base properties, catalysis, chemical shifts in XPS      769—770
Acid-base properties, catalysis, N 1s shifts in pyridine as probe      769
Acronyms, list, methodologies      31
Acronyms, list, miscellaneous      33
Acronyms, list, techniques      29
Acronyms, list, trade names and chemical compounds      32
ADAM, angular distribution Auger microscopy      117
ADAM, Auger emission contour map      118
Adhesion, acid-base interactions      814—823
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, ARXPS orientation study      821
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, Bolger $\Delta$ parameter      816
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, C 1s spectrum from PMMA      820
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, correlation of XPS shifts with enthalpy      816—818
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, Drago E and C parameters      815—819
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, Drago parameters for polymers      819
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, Drago’s equation      815
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, exothermic enthalpy      815—819
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, formulations      815—816
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, Gutmann’s numbers      815—816
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, introduction      814—815
Adhesion, acid-base interactions, schematic of bonding of PMMA to various substrates      821
Adhesion, aim of achieving better adhesion bonds      782
Adhesion, buried interfaces      808—810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, ball-cratering      810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, depths      808
Adhesion, buried interfaces, exposure by chemical removal      808—809
Adhesion, buried interfaces, Fe(II) in interface      810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, interface width      808
Adhesion, buried interfaces, mechanical sectioning      810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, taper section      810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, thin film models      787 810
Adhesion, buried interfaces, XPS-transparent thin films on metal substrates      810
Adhesion, failure analysis      788—807
Adhesion, failure analysis, acid-base interactions      804 814 823
Adhesion, failure analysis, anodic and cathodic corrosion      791
Adhesion, failure analysis, aqueous exposure      791
Adhesion, failure analysis, ARXPS      794 805
Adhesion, failure analysis, brass/rubber interface      789—791
Adhesion, failure analysis, cathodic delamination      795
Adhesion, failure analysis, ceramic/polymer interfaces      804—806
Adhesion, failure analysis, cohesive failure      801—802
Adhesion, failure analysis, composites      802—804
Adhesion, failure analysis, conversion coatings      794 795
Adhesion, failure analysis, crevice corrosion      790—791
Adhesion, failure analysis, galvanised steel/polymer interfaces      799—800
Adhesion, failure analysis, ingress of water      801—802
Adhesion, failure analysis, interfacial failure      800—802
Adhesion, failure analysis, mechanism of corrosion failure      792—795 800—802
Adhesion, failure analysis, SAX analyses      797
Adhesion, failure analysis, steel/organic interface      791—792 797—799
Adhesion, failure analysis, sulphides at brass/rubber interface      789—790
Adhesion, failure analysis, T-peel exposure      801—802
Adhesion, failure analysis, wedge test      801
Adhesion, introduction      781—782
Adhesion, introduction, nature of adhesion phenomena      782
Adhesion, introduction, surface analytical history      781—782
Adhesion, molecular modelling      823—827
Adhesion, molecular modelling, introduction      823
Adhesion, molecular modelling, molecular dynamics approach      824—825
Adhesion, molecular modelling, organosilanes on galvanised steel      824—825
Adhesion, promoters      811—814
Adhesion, promoters, adsorption isotherms on Fe      788 811—812
Adhesion, promoters, organosilane      811
Adhesion, promoters, RAIRS and SERS analyses      812—813
Adhesion, promoters, schematic of interaction      814
Adhesion, promoters, SSIMS analysis of fracture surface      811—813
Adhesion, role of surface analysis      781—782
Adhesion, role of surface analysis, interfacial interactions      782
Adhesion, simulation of arrangement, of organosilane molecules Adhesion, simulation of arrangement, on FeOOH      824—827
Adhesion, substrates      782—788
Adhesion, substrates, adsorption isotherms by XPS      788 811—812
Adhesion, substrates, Al pretreatment      800
Adhesion, substrates, Al/Mg alloy adhesion      785—786
Adhesion, substrates, anodizing treatment      785
Adhesion, substrates, C fibre treatment      787 804
Adhesion, substrates, chemical derivatization      787—788
Adhesion, substrates, composites      787—788 802 804
Adhesion, substrates, corrosion problems      789—790
Adhesion, substrates, hydrocarbon contamination      783—784
Adhesion, substrates, N 1s state on C fibres      788
Adhesion, substrates, organic coatings      791—799
Adhesion, substrates, oxide films, thicknesses      785 787
Adhesion, substrates, release agent contamination      783
Adhesion, substrates, SPM analysis      788
Adhesion, substrates, ToF — SIMS analysis      788 797 804 811 814
Adhesion, substrates, ZnNi on ZnCo for adhesion to rubber      789—790
Adhesion, XPS analysis, adsorption isotherms      788 811—812
Adhesion, XPS analysis, anodized Al/Mg alloys      786
Adhesion, XPS analysis, ARXPS      794
Adhesion, XPS analysis, brass/rubber interface      789—791
Adhesion, XPS analysis, C 1s in failed adhesive joint      806
Adhesion, XPS analysis, C fibres      802 804
Adhesion, XPS analysis, Cl in PVC/galvanised steel interface      799
Adhesion, XPS analysis, Cr in cathodically delaminated chromate coating      796
Adhesion, XPS analysis, iXPS      795 800
Adhesion, XPS analysis, line-scans      798
Adhesion, XPS analysis, N 1s on C fibres      788
Adhesion, XPS analysis, PMMA on basic substrate      820
Adhesion, XPS analysis, removal of polymer by N-melhyl pyrrolidone      809
Adhesion, XPS analysis, SAX      795 797 802 810
Adhesion, XPS analysis, steel/polybutadiene failure interface      790
AES peak shapes, backscattering effects      490
AES peak shapes, CCV and CVV transitions      102
AES peak shapes, dependence on chemical state      102—105 359 489 509
AES problem-solving, catalysis, applicability      750
AES problem-solving, corrosion      661—665
AES problem-solving, corrosion, advantages      661—662 679
AES problem-solving, corrosion, AES with SEM      662—663
AES problem-solving, corrosion, corrosion products on S/S      304 663
AES problem-solving, corrosion, depth profiling      664—665 670
AES problem-solving, corrosion, disadvantages      662 689
AES problem-solving, corrosion, film thickness      653
AES problem-solving, corrosion, general strategy      650
AES problem-solving, corrosion, interlace location and broadening      664—665
AES problem-solving, corrosion, mapping      664
AES problem-solving, corrosion, procedure      662
AES problem-solving, corrosion, sample problems      651
AES problem-solving, grain boundary segregation      450 459—64 471 472
AES problem-solving, grain boundary segregation, annealing reversal      471
AES problem-solving, grain boundary segregation, irradiation effects      471 472
AES problem-solving, InP on $SiO_{2}$, ion etched      526—527
AES problem-solving, InP on $SiO_{2}$, matrix      526
AES problem-solving, InP on $SiO_{2}$, substrate      526
AES problem-solving, InP on $SiO_{2}$, trench      527
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture      449—450 459—464 468—71
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, grain boundaries      449—455 468—471
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, levels of segregation      461 64
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, monatomic layer      461
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, quantification      461—463 472
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, SAM images      464
AES problem-solving, intergranular fracture, SEM images      463 464
AES problem-solving, ion implanted Cr layers      377—381
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP      500—501
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP, AES spectra      504 507
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP, interpretation      508—509
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP, O depth profile      503
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP, oxide thickness      502
AES problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP, quantification of O coverage      502
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, atomic concentrations      838—840
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$, Cu and Pb      839 857—858 860
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, backscattering effects      842
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, depth profiles      845
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, lateral inhomogeneities      841 847 863
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, Pb energies and chemical shifts      839 856
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, Pb spectra      841 853—854
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, SAM images      841—842 846 848 851 855—856
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, SAM point analyses      837—841 847
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, SEM images      838—842 847 862
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, Sn chemical shifts      856—858
AES problem-solving, Roman lead pipe and leaded bronzes, Sn spectra      841—844 855
AES problem-solving, tribology, $MoS_{2}$ coatings      736
AES problem-solving, tribology, dry friction      727—729
AES problem-solving, tribology, gas lubrication      729—730
AES, angular resolution (ARAES)      104 111 204—205 260 263—265 487
AES, beam damage      95 271 325 490—491 508 511 609 750
AES, bremsstrahlung excitation      181—182 492 511—512
AES, calculated KEs      94 100 178
AES, characteristics      41 258—259 460—461 488
AES, charging problems      98 492 750
AES, chemical shifts      179—180 460—461 489 511
AES, depth profiling      106—107 201 257 271 301 308 358 377 480—481
AES, depth profiling, analytical models      311—312
AES, depth profiling, angular dependence      204—205 263—266 619
AES, depth profiling, ball-cratering      810
AES, depth profiling, charging problems      271 314
AES, depth profiling, chemical alteration      313
AES, depth profiling, chemical information      273 276
AES, depth profiling, crater depth      269
AES, depth profiling, depth resolution      269—273 300 304 306—307
AES, depth profiling, electron beam effects      271
AES, depth profiling, factor analysis      277—278
AES, depth profiling, general equation      268
AES, depth profiling, induced microtopography      271 301 664
AES, depth profiling, induced segregation      310
AES, depth profiling, instrumentation      303—304
AES, depth profiling, interface roughness      306—308
AES, depth profiling, interpretation      310—313 665—666
AES, depth profiling, ion erosion      201
AES, depth profiling, ion mixing      300—301
AES, depth profiling, optimum conditions      271—273 284—285 303
AES, depth profiling, preferential sputtering and correction      268—269 310 496
AES, depth profiling, profile simulation      309
AES, depth profiling, quantification      308—309
AES, depth profiling, sample rotation      272—275 284 302—303
AES, depth profiling, surface charging      314
AES, depth profiling, surface roughness      306—308 664
AES, depth profiling, taper section      202 810
AES, depth profiling, time/depth conversion      269 311
AES, depth profiling, transient composition      269
AES, differentiation      93 179 461 491
AES, diffraction effects      114
AES, electron sources      95
AES, emission process      59 91 162 177 359
AES, energy convention      178
AES, energy relation      92 178—179
AES, factor analysis      180 277—278
AES, history      91
AES, influence of H on peak shapes      106
AES, interatomic transitions      100
AES, KE chart      94 99
AES, nomenclature      178
AES, plasmon excitation      92 888—889
AES, polymers, damage problems      333
AES, probability of fluorescent decay      92 177
AES, quantification      183—185 195—198 267—269
AES, quantification, Auger intensity expression      195
AES, quantification, background subtraction      187—188 316
AES, quantification, backscattering factor      197—198 462 490—492 495—496 661
AES, quantification, depth profiling      201 308—309
AES, quantification, direct mode spectra      186 188 491
AES, quantification, errors      186
AES, quantification, Gaussian peak shape      198—199
AES, quantification, instrumental factors      186
AES, quantification, intensity measurement      186—187 491
AES, quantification, ionization cross-section      196
AES, quantification, lateral inhomogeneity      200 501
AES, quantification, matrix factor      197—198 267
AES, quantification, modulation amplitude      186—187
AES, quantification, normalisation      184
AES, quantification, problems in corrosion      661
AES, quantification, relative sensitivity factors      187 189 267 462
AES, quantification, relaxation energy      179 331 760
AES, quantification, roughness factor      195
AES, quantification, scatter diagrams      201
AES, quantification, secondary electron background      93
AES, quantification, spatial resolution      200 463 465 476 485 501
AES, quantification, spectral interpretation      100
AES, quantification, statistical errors      198—199
AES, quantification, substrate backscattering      198 463 495—496 842 860 866
AES, quantification, surface specificity      105 359 460 476 488
AES, quantification, transition probability      195
AES, quantification, typical spectrum      93 462
AES, quantification, vacuum conditions      98
AES, quantification, X-ray excitation      180 511 760—762
AFM, biomaterials      435
AFM, characteristics      41
AFM, contact mode      421 422
AFM, contact mode, implementation      421—422
AFM, contact mode, lateral force      422 431 432 712
AFM, depth resolution      431
AFM, effect of double tip      436—437
AFM, family tree      398 400
AFM, FFT method of resolution enhancement      578
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy      407—410
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy, analogue of STS      407
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy, dynamic ranges      410
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy, operation      409
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy, spectral interpretation      409—410
AFM, force-distance spectroscopy, spectrum      410
AFM, history      398
AFM, image of coating on C fibre      613
AFM, image of corroded Monel 400      685—686
AFM, image of polished Monel 400      684
AFM, images of tobacco mosaic virus      435—437
AFM, information      401 546—547 712
AFM, non-contact mode      422—424
AFM, non-contact mode, amplitude      422—423
AFM, non-contact mode, drag coefficient      422
AFM, non-contact mode, governing equations      422—423
AFM, non-contact mode, implementation      422
AFM, non-contact mode, quality factor      423
AFM, non-contact mode, resonance curves      423—424
AFM, non-contact mode, resonance frequency      422—424
AFM, non-contact mode, spring constant      422—423 425—426
AFM, operation in ambient and controlled environments      416—417
AFM, operation in fluids      416
AFM, operational modes      401 407 422
AFM, physical principles      407—410
AFM, physical principles, interatomic interactions      407—408
AFM, specimen width calculation      438
AFM, summary of attributes      401
AFM, tip shape effects      433—439
AFM, tribology      712 724—725
AFM, tribology, wear particles      736
AFM, use in analysis of minerals, ceramics, and glasses      549 589
AgBr, ToF — SIMS images      228—229
Al4V alloy      374—475
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA      67 68 359 795
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA, $\acute{e}$tendue      69
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA, characteristics      68—69
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA, energy resolution      68 165
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA, retardation      68
Analyzers, electron energy, CHA, slit width      68
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA      97
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, characteristics      66—68 95—98
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, energy resolution      66 68
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, sample position      68 98 165
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, transmission      68 98
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, use in AES      68 95 98
Analyzers, electron energy, CMA, use in XPS as DPCMA      66—68
Analyzers, electron energy, DPCMA      67—68 95
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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