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Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis
Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of  Surface and  Interface Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis

Àâòîðû: Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.)


Integrating advances in instrumentation and methods, this work offers an approach to solving problems in surface and interface analysis, beginning with a particular problem and then explaining the most rational and efficient route to a solution. The book discusses electron optical and scanned probe microscopy, high spatial resolution imaging and synchrotron-based techniques. It emphasizes problem-solving for different classes of materials and material function.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 968

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2009

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O(oxygen), Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      512 516
O(oxygen), chemical shifts      171 328—329
O(oxygen), chemical shifts, bonded to      172
O(oxygen), in C fibres, effect of electrochemical treatment      611
O(oxygen), in C fibres, effect of heat from X-ray source      621
O(oxygen), in C fibres, from coated fibre      618
O(oxygen), in C fibres, functionality contributions      620—621
O(oxygen), in Cr — O — Si cermet, 1s position      328—329
O(oxygen), in Cr — O — Si cermet, ion beam effect      328—329
O(oxygen), in InP on $SiO_{2}$, O KVV indicator      530
O(oxygen), in PbO and $In_{2}O_{3}$, peak positions      499
O(oxygen), in polymers, ion beam damage      338
O(oxygen), in polymers, peak positions      338
O(oxygen), in TiN, peak positions      318 320
Optical interferometry, measurement of crater depth      269
Optical microscopy, corrosion film      651 653
Optical microscopy, corrosion pit in Cu      652
Optical microscopy, information      546—547 648
Optical microscopy, usefulness      548 648 650
Organosilanes, adhesion promoters      811—814
Organosilanes, adhesion promoters, adsorption isotherms on Fe      811—812
Organosilanes, adhesion promoters, covalent bonding to hydrated oxide      811
Organosilanes, adhesion promoters, schematic of interaction with glass fibres      814
Organosilanes, adhesion promoters, surface organisation      812—814
Organosilicon polymers, C 1s spectra      340
Organosilicon polymers, fast atom treatment      339—340
Organosilicon polymers, permeability changes      339
Organosilicon polymers, properties      339
Organosilicon polymers, Si 2p spectra      340
Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM)      654
Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM), Kikuchi images      654
Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM), use in corrosion      654
Oxidation, InGaAsP, by $NO_{2}$      500—509
Oxidation, InGaAsP, O coverage      501—502
Oxidation, InGaAsP, oxide thickness      502
Oxidation, metals, growth law      478
Oxidation, Ni/Cr, AES      104—105
Oxidation, PbS, pH dependence      564
Oxidation, PbS, purging gas dependence      564
Oxidation, PbS, STM images      560—561 563
Oxide films, ion beam reduction      325—327 496
Oxide films, vapour deposited      324
Oxide films, vapour deposited, applications      324
Oxide films, vapour deposited, stoichiometry      324
Oxides, ion beam reduction      327 496
P (phosphorus), chemical shifts      171
P (phosphorus), KLL spectra      505
P (phosphorus), KLL spectra, peak positions      505
P (phosphorus), LVV spectra      504
P (phosphorus), LVV spectra, peak positions      504
Particle size effects, catalysis, bimetallic systems      770—771
Particle size effects, catalysis, EXAFS analysis      765
Particle size effects, catalysis, STM measurements      763 765
Particle size effects, catalysis, supported metal catalysts      763 765
Particle size effects, catalysis, XPS      763 765—766
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$      500—509
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, AES quantification      502
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, AES spectra      504 507
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, description      500—501
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, ELS analysis      507—508
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, interpretation      508—509
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, O coverage      502
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, O depth profile      503
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, SAM analysis      503—507
Passivation, InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, surface analysis requirements      501
Pb, in Josephson junction electrode, depth profiles      495—496
Pb, in Josephson junction electrode, surface analysis      494—496
Pb, in Roman lead pipe, Auger chemical shift      839 854 856—857
Pb4 XPS spectra, lineshape during profiling      497
Pb4 XPS spectra, Nb/(Pb — In) junction      497
Pb4 XPS spectra, Nb/Pb junction      497
Pb4 XPS spectra, peak positions      499
PbS, STM images, clean      559 561
PbS, STM images, deposition of Pb hydroxide      565
PbS, STM images, oxidized      560—561
PbS, STM images, water treated      563
Pd, ISS spectra      139
PE16 superalloy, grain boundary segregation, irradiation effects      471—472
PE16 superalloy, grain boundary segregation, reversal by annealing      471—472
PEELS, characteristics      42
PEELS, grain boundary analysis      450 473—474
PEELS, tribology      707—708
Phase analysis, CEMS, implanted layers      360
Phase analysis, DCEMS, Eu implant in S/S      362—363
Photoelectron emission, theory      57—58 161 267
Physical constants      871
PIXE information      546—547
Plasmon excitation, AES      92 888—889
Plasmon excitation, C, graphitic, $\pi$ electrons      166—167
Plasmon excitation, ELS      507—508 888—889
Plasmon excitation, polymers      166
Plasmon excitation, surface      166 508 888—889
Plasmon excitation, theory      166—167 888
Plasmon excitation, XPS      86 166—167
Point analysis, SAM      491 503—507 509 520 525—528 531
Point analysis, scanning ELS      491
Polymers, air oxidation      333
Polymers, applications      332
Polymers, damage during analysis      333—334 752—753
Polymers, ion beam damage      333—340
Polymers, ion irradiated      368—369
Polymers, SSIMS spectra      218 237 245 248—249
Polymers, thin films, applications      332
Polymers, thin films, preparation      332—333
Polymers, thin films, recommended analysis procedures      333—334 752—753
Polymers, XPS damage index      752
Polymers, XPS spectra      335—337 340
Polymers, “hydrophobic recovery      333
Post-ionization. SNMS, laser      216—217 221
Post-ionization. SNMS, probability      224
Preferential sputtering      268—269 310
Preferential sputtering, $Nb_{2}O_{5}$      79
Preferential sputtering, correction to profile      269
Preferential sputtering, during profiling      310 496
Preferential sputtering, SIMS quantification      282—283
Preferential sputtering, SNMS quantification      282—283
Pressure conversion factors      872
Profilometry, information      546—547
Profilometry, oxide film thickness      677
Promoters, adhesion, organosilanes      811—814
Pt, (III), surface, Auger emission contour map      118
Pt4 XPS spectra      83
PTFE, XPS spectrum      163
Quadrupole mass spectrometer      213—214
Quantification, AES      183—185 195—198 267-269
Quantification, AES, depth profiling      201 308—309
Quantification, AES, Si and Ge signals      308—309
Quantification, GDOES      279—280
Quantification, general considerations      160—161
Quantification, ISS      148—150 751 775—776
Quantification, ISS, coverage of $WO_{3}$ on $TiO_{2}$      775—776
Quantification, multi-technique approach      161
Quantification, SIMS      212 614
Quantification, SNMS      282—283 287—288
Quantification, SSIMS      232—239 282—283
Quantification, XPS      179 182—186 189—195 268—269 490 683—684 772-775
Quantification, XPS, catalyst crystallite growth and sintering      774
Quantification, XPS, catalysts      772—775
Quantification, XPS, corroded Monel 400      683—684 688—689
Quantification, XPS, errors and pitfalls in heterogeneous systems      772 775
Quantification, XPS, extended layer catalytic models      774
Quantification, XPS, intensity related to catalyst atomic ratio      773—774
Quantification, XPS, layer model of catalytic system      773—774
Quantification, XPS, procedure      659 683—684
Quasimolecular ions      231
Quinone standards, C 1s spectra      624
RAIRS      897—898
RAIRS, adhesion      812—813
RAIRS, comparison with HREELS      900—901
RAIRS, cyclohexane on Cu( III) spectrum      901
RAIRS, description      897—898
RAIRS, FT — RAIRS      898
RAIRS, model catalysts      898
RAIRS, sample requirements      898
RAIRS, vibrational losses      897
Raman spectroscopy, characteristics      40
Raman spectroscopy, corrosion      667
Raman spectroscopy, information      546—547
Raman spectroscopy, spatial resolution      740
Raman spectroscopy, tribology      709
Raman spectroscopy, tribology, $C_{60}$ thin films      740—741
Raman spectroscopy, tribology, instrumentation      709
Raman spectroscopy, use in analysis of minerals, ceramics, and glass      552
RBS, analysis of TiN      315
RBS, channelling conditions      358—359
RBS, characteristics      43 258—259 358
RBS, depth resolution      262 264
RBS, elemental identification      261 358
RBS, energy relation      261
RBS, information      546—547
RBS, interdiffusion study      263
RBS, ion implanted layers      358—359
RBS, operation      260—261
RBS, simulated spectrum      262
RBS, stopping cross-section      262 358
RBS, summary of strengths and weaknesses      264
Reduction, electron beam      490—491 752
Reduction, ion beam      107 271 752
Reduction, ion beam, oxides      2 72 325—332 496 499
Reduction, photon beam, $Cu^{2}$      752—753
Reduction, photon beam, PbO      498 499
Reference materials, XPS, $In_{2}O_{3}$      496
Reference materials, XPS, AgO      81—82
Reference materials, XPS, Au      315
Reference materials, XPS, C      315 758
Reference materials, XPS, C, difficulties with C Is as reference      172 758—759
Reference materials, XPS, noble metal particles      758—760
Reference materials, XPS, PbO      496 498
Reference materials, XPS, peaks from catalyst supports      758
Relative sensitivity factors, AES      184 189 267
Relative sensitivity factors, definition      184 193—194
Relative sensitivity factors, SIMS      283
Relative sensitivity factors, XPS      194 268
Relaxation energy, AES      179—181 184 331 491 750 772
Resolving power, AES      490
Resolving power, SRPS      489
Retarding field analyser (RFA)      95
Rh on $Al_{2}O_{3}$ catalyst      767
Rh on $Al_{2}O_{3}$ catalyst, SSIMS      767—768
RHEED, information      546—547
Roughening, surface, at interface      306—308
Roughening, surface, effect on depth profile      306—308
S (sulphur), chemical shifts      171
SAM images, fracture surface, P and Sn      463—464
SAM images, InP on $SiO_{2}$, In      530
SAM images, InP on $SiO_{2}$, O      530—533
SAM images, InP on $SiO_{2}$, P      533—534 536
SAM images, O in crack tip on FeCrMoV steel      479 481
SAM images, Roman lead pipe      848
SAM images, Roman leaded bronzes, Cu and Pb      866—867
SAM images, Roman leaded bronzes, Cu and Sn      864—865
SAM problem-solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si      520
SAM problem-solving, corrosion, general strategy      650
SAM problem-solving, Cs maps of fracture faces      583
SAM problem-solving, fibre analysis      606
SAM problem-solving, grain boundaries in minerals and ceramics      569
SAM problem-solving, InP on $SiO_{2}$      527—529
SAM problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$      503—507
SAM problem-solving, passivation of InGaAsP by $NO_{2}$, point analyses      504—507
SAM problem-solving, semiconductors      487
SAM, beam damage      95 118—119 508 894
SAM, characteristics      41
SAM, charging problems      118 516 551
SAM, chemical contrast      492
SAM, description      118 463 488
SAM, imaging procedure      491
SAM, imaging procedure, minimization of topographic effects      863
SAM, imaging procedure, MULSAM approach      866
SAM, information      546—547
SAM, line scanning      491 527 531
SAM, point analysis      491 503—507 509 520 525—528 531
SAM, scatter diagrams      201
SAM, spatial resolution      118 201 463 491 494 525 534 551 606 750 837 864—865
SAM, topographical effects and correction      463 492 863 866
Sample (in)homogeneity      75
Sample configuration      72
Sample configuration, avoidance of charging      72—73
Sample configuration, mounting methods      72
Sample rotation (Zalar), depth profiling      108 110 272—276 284 302—305
Sample rotation (Zalar), depth profiling, multilayer profile      305
Sample treatment and cleaning      73—74
Sample treatment and cleaning, ex situ      73—74
Sample treatment and cleaning, film deposition      73
Sample treatment and cleaning, fracture      73
Sample treatment and cleaning, H atom cleaning      73
Sample treatment and cleaning, in situ      73—74
Sample treatment and cleaning, ion bombardment      73
Sample treatment and cleaning, sequential      74
Sampling depth, SEXAFS      709
Sampling depth, UFI      714 716
Sampling depth, XPS      75 103 200—201 359 517 519—520 615—616 624 636 656 750
Satellites, X-ray      63—65 164—165 625
SAX characteristics      40
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), AFM      398 400—401
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), conducting materials      405
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), electron tunnelling      402—405
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), family tree      398 400
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), history      398
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), information      401 546—547 712
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), instrumentation      410—417 712
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), instrumentation, piezoelectric drives      412—414
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), instrumentation, rastering      414—415
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), instrumentation, spatial control      412—415
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), interaction volume      401—402
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), introduction      395—397
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), physical principles      402—410
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), problem-solving, areas of application      440—441 667
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), problem-solving, C fibre topography      788
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), problem-solving, nanomanipulation      442
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), problem-solving, nanowriting      442
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), spatial resolution      401—402
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), STM      398—401
Scanned Probe Microscopy (SPM), vacuum conditions      405 416
SCM      400—401
Segregation, grain boundary      448—481
Segregation, grain boundary, analysis sequence      454—455
Segregation, grain boundary, atomic solubility and size      452—454
Segregation, grain boundary, diffusion theory      450—452
Segregation, grain boundary, impact fracture exposure      459—461
Segregation, grain boundary, intergranular fracture      449
Segregation, grain boundary, ion profiling      452—453
Segregation, grain boundary, quantification by AES      461—463
Segregation, grain boundary, segregating elements      450 452 153
Segregation, grain boundary, specimen preparation      455 157
Segregation, grain boundary, use of AES      450
Segregation, grain boundary, use of atom probe      477 178
Segregation, grain boundary, use of autoradiography      458
Segregation, grain boundary, use of SEM      463 164
Segregation, grain boundary, use of SIMS      457
SEM, Ag/$Al_{2}O_{3}$ catalyst      76
SEM, ceramic fracture surface      583
SEM, ceramic surface      554
SEM, characteristics      41
SEM, composite      612
SEM, correlation with SAM      120 463—464 522 527—528
SEM, corrosion      650 654 656 661—663 676 687
SEM, crack tip      479
SEM, fracture surfaces      463—464 470
SEM, information      546—547 653—656
SEM, InP on $SiO_{2}$      525 528 533
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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