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Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis
Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of  Surface and  Interface Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis

Àâòîðû: Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.)


Integrating advances in instrumentation and methods, this work offers an approach to solving problems in surface and interface analysis, beginning with a particular problem and then explaining the most rational and efficient route to a solution. The book discusses electron optical and scanned probe microscopy, high spatial resolution imaging and synchrotron-based techniques. It emphasizes problem-solving for different classes of materials and material function.

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 968

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2009

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UPS, description      884 885
UPS, difference spectrum      886
UPS, gas-phase comparison      886
UPS, instrumentation      885
UPS, joint density of states      884—885
UPS, kinetic energies      633—635 885
UPS, photoionization cross-sections      884
UPS, spectra from Ni(III), clean and benzene-covered      886
UPS, synchrotron radiation      885 887
UPS, valence band of C fibres      632—636
Vacuum requirements, AES and XPS      63 98 611
Valence band, photoemission cross-section      66 333
Valence band, UPS, C fibres      632—636
Valence band, XPS      162—163 333 611 615 620—621
Valence band, XPS, C fibres      611 620—621 632—636
Valence band, XPS, chemical state information      615 632—636
Valence band, XPS, energetic positions      633—635
Valence band, XPS, interpretation      620—621 632—636
Valence band, XPS, modelling      634 637
Valence band, XPS, theory      615—616 632—633
Vibrational spectroscopies      896—901
Vibrational spectroscopies, ATR      897
Vibrational spectroscopies, HREELS      898—901
Vibrational spectroscopies, RAIRS      897—898
W (tungsten), use for STM tip      421
Water of hydration, in corrosion films      659
Water of hydration, outgassing problems      653
WDS, characteristics      41
Wear, improved by ion implantation      368 371 379
Wear, measurement methods      370
X-ray sources      63—66
X-ray sources, anode contamination      63 165
X-ray sources, anode materials      63 65—66 161 163—165
X-ray sources, bremsstrahlung background      65
X-ray sources, characteristic line widths      65—66 625
X-ray sources, high energy      65
X-ray sources, line shape      165
X-ray sources, monochromatic      65 165 491 513 630 805
X-ray sources, satellite lines      63—65 164—165 625
X-ray sources, twin anode      63
X-ray sources, “cross-over” radiation      63 163—164
XAES, $SiO_{2}$ on Si      512—513 520
XAES, advantages      490 760—763
XAES, Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      180—181 490 492 511—512 516 760—763 902-904
XAES, catalysis      749 760—763
XAES, characteristics      40 258 488
XAES, interferences in XPS      180 760
XAES, semiconductors and microelectronics      487
XAES, spectra      163
XAES, use of bremsstrahlung      181 492 511—512
XANES, description      708 710—711
XANES, tribology      708 710—711 717—718
XAS, characteristics      40
XAS, description      708—709
XAS, tribology      707—711 717 719
XPS problem solving, $Fe_{7}S_{8}$, angular resolution      566
XPS problem solving, $Fe_{7}S_{8}$, curve fitting      566—567
XPS problem solving, $Fe_{7}S_{8}$, oxidation      566—568
XPS problem solving, $Fe_{7}S_{8}$, spectra, Fe and S      567
XPS problem solving, $Fe_{7}S_{8}$, surface sites      566—568
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, angular resolution      511—513
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, depth profile      515—516
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, effects of ion bombardment      515 521 523—524
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, O/Si ratio      512—516 523
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, peak widths      517 523
XPS problem solving, $SiO_{2}$ on Si, surface specificity      521 523—524
XPS problem solving, adhesion, adsorption isotherms      788 811—812
XPS problem solving, adhesion, C fibre surface treatment      787 804
XPS problem solving, adhesion, chromate coating on steel      796
XPS problem solving, adhesion, correlation of XPS shifts with enthalpy      816—818
XPS problem solving, adhesion, N 1s state on C fibres      788
XPS problem solving, adhesion, polymer adhering to steel      793
XPS problem solving, adhesion, removal of polymer to expose interface      808—809
XPS problem solving, adhesion, vertical differential charging      805—806
XPS problem solving, catalysis, applicability      749
XPS problem solving, catalysis, bimetallic systems      770—771
XPS problem solving, catalysis, crystallite growth and sintering      774
XPS problem solving, catalysis, differential charging      756—757
XPS problem solving, catalysis, layer model of catalyst      773—775
XPS problem solving, catalysis, quantification      772—775
XPS problem solving, catalysis, reduction during analysis      753
XPS problem solving, catalysis, Sn in Pt — Sn clusters      771
XPS problem solving, catalysis, XPS intensities in relation to atomic ratios      773—774
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres      614—639
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, differential surface charging      616—618
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, effects of heat from X-ray source      621
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, electrochemical oxidation      611 621 626—628 632
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, interfaces      636—639
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, surface functionality      619—621
XPS problem solving, composites and fibres, use of valence band      632—637
XPS problem solving, corrosion, advantages      656 658 661
XPS problem solving, corrosion, BEs      660
XPS problem solving, corrosion, chemical states      660 690
XPS problem solving, corrosion, contamination problems      653 659
XPS problem solving, corrosion, depth profiling      659—661 679
XPS problem solving, corrosion, film thickness      653
XPS problem solving, corrosion, general strategy      650
XPS problem solving, corrosion, Monel 400      684 688—689
XPS problem solving, corrosion, quantification procedure      659 661 684 688—689
XPS problem solving, corrosion, recommended conditions      658—659
XPS problem solving, corrosion, sample problems      651
XPS problem solving, corrosion, small area analysis      656 660
XPS problem solving, corrosion, spectrum from crevice in Alloy      600 658—659
XPS problem solving, grain boundaries in minerals and ceramics      569—570
XPS problem solving, intergranular fracture      465—466
XPS problem solving, Josephson junctions      496—499
XPS problem solving, medical prostheses      374
XPS problem solving, mineral depth profiles      570
XPS problem solving, polymers, damage during analysis      333—334 752—753
XPS problem solving, polymers, N 1s spectra      337
XPS problem solving, polymers, O 1s reduction      338
XPS problem solving, polymers, recommended analysis procedures      333—334 752—753
XPS problem solving, polymers, shake-up satellites      335—336
XPS problem solving, polymers, Si depletion      340
XPS problem solving, residues on glass      246—249
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, atomic ratio depth profiles      842—844 849—850
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, BEs C, O, Sn, Pb      839 843
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, elemental depth profiles      846
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, metallic percentages from standards      850
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, Pb and Sn spectra      842 844 849
XPS problem solving, Roman lead pipe, Pb Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      839
XPS problem solving, Roman leaded bronzes, BEs, Pb, Cu, Sn, O      858—859
XPS problem solving, Roman leaded bronzes, Cu 2p spectra      859
XPS problem solving, Roman leaded bronzes, Cu Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      858
XPS problem solving, Roman leaded bronzes, depth profiles      860—861
XPS problem solving, Roman leaded bronzes, metallic state and lattice oxygen percentages      859—860
XPS problem solving, surface composition of glasses      588
XPS problem solving, surface modification of minerals      575
XPS problem solving, tribology      707 720 724 727
XPS, adiabatic approximation to emission process      168—169
XPS, angular resolution (ARXPS)      77 111—112 263—265 487 511 513 566 619 750 794
XPS, Auger peaks      180 760
XPS, background origin      161—163 185—186 316
XPS, C 1s as reference      172 315 628 758 763
XPS, characteristics      40 258—259 488 836—837
XPS, charging problems      492 805
XPS, charging problems, Auger parameter use      181 331 760 799—800
XPS, charging problems, differential      805
XPS, charging problems, internal standard      492
XPS, chemical shifts, assignment and self-consistency      170—171
XPS, chemical shifts, C      61 172—173 625
XPS, chemical shifts, Cr      763
XPS, chemical shifts, N      171 173 316—317 321 324 769
XPS, chemical shifts, O      171 328—329 338 499 530 611 618
XPS, chemical shifts, P      171
XPS, chemical shifts, S      171
XPS, chemical shifts, secondary shifts      174
XPS, chemical shifts, Si      330—332
XPS, chemical shifts, theory      171 615 757 836
XPS, chemical shifts, Ti      316—320 323—324 359
XPS, chemical state analysis      757—766
XPS, chemical state analysis, Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      760—763
XPS, chemical state analysis, BE databases      757
XPS, chemical state analysis, charging correction      757
XPS, chemical state analysis, chemical state plot      762
XPS, chemical state analysis, energy calibration      757—761
XPS, chemical state analysis, fingerprinting      757
XPS, chemical state analysis, reference materials      762
XPS, chemical state analysis, use of shake-up peaks      761 763
XPS, curve fitting      79—80 165 174—177 566—567 619 622—623 625-631
XPS, curve fitting, $\beta$-carbon atoms      174 629—631
XPS, curve fitting, $\chi^{2}$ sum      176 277
XPS, curve fitting, asymmetric peaks      625
XPS, curve fitting, background subtraction      625—629
XPS, curve fitting, C 1s spectrum      174 618 620—624 629 631
XPS, curve fitting, component peaks      611 618 620—631
XPS, curve fitting, dangers      176 622 625
XPS, curve fitting, exponential tail      625 629—630
XPS, curve fitting, Fe 2p spectrum      566—567
XPS, curve fitting, fit      176—177
XPS, curve fitting, fixed doublet ratio      175
XPS, curve fitting, Gausso — Lorentzian line shape      150 165 168 175 662—623 625—628
XPS, curve fitting, iterative minimisation      176
XPS, curve fitting, model compounds      624
XPS, curve fitting, monochromatisation      628—632
XPS, curve fitting, O 1s spectrum      611 618 621—622 630—631
XPS, curve fitting, S 2p      566—567
XPS, curve fitting, self-consistency      622 625—627
XPS, curve fitting, X-ray satellites      625
XPS, depth profiling      201—205 255 257 266 300 358 618—619 659—660
XPS, depth profiling, angular dependence      203—205 511 619
XPS, depth profiling, crater depth      269
XPS, depth profiling, general equation      267—268
XPS, depth profiling, labradorite      570—571
XPS, depth profiling, optimum conditions      271—273 284—285 303
XPS, depth profiling, preferential sputtering and correction      268—269 271 310 496
XPS, depth profiling, taper section      202
XPS, depth profiling, time/depth conversion      269 311
XPS, depth profiling, titanate fracture face      584
XPS, depth profiling, transient composition      269
XPS, emission diagram      59
XPS, energy calibration      69—70 161 172 757—761
XPS, energy relation      58
XPS, energy resolution      63 165
XPS, history      57—58
XPS, imaging (small area) (iXPS)      90—91 200—201 465—466 492 795 797
XPS, imaging (small area) (iXPS), Sn map of fracture surface      466
XPS, line shape      165 168 623 625 627
XPS, multiplet splitting      85—87 566—567 763
XPS, plasmon features      86 166—167
XPS, potential damage      163 333—334 488 609 619—621 752-753
XPS, quantification      179 182—186 189—195 269 488 491 772—775
XPS, quantification, asymmetry parameter      190—191
XPS, quantification, attenuation lengths      190—192
XPS, quantification, background subtraction      72 185—186 616 625—629
XPS, quantification, inelastic mean free paths      191—192 659 750
XPS, quantification, intensity measurement      184 186 659 773—774
XPS, quantification, lateral inhomogeneity      200—201 684
XPS, quantification, magic angle      191
XPS, quantification, normalisation      184
XPS, quantification, photoelectron intensity expression      190
XPS, quantification, photoemission cross-sections      189—191 659 684 750
XPS, quantification, relative sensitivity factors      184 193—194 268 491 750 772
XPS, quantification, spectrometer dependence      194 750
XPS, quantification, statistical errors      198—199 491 836
XPS, reference materials      81—82 496 758
XPS, sampling depths      75 103 200—201 359 517 519—520 615—616 656 750
XPS, scanning (small area)      88—89 492 795
XPS, shake-up features      85—87 168—169 336 689 763 805 857
XPS, spatial resolution      86 88—91 200 465 492 551 656 750 795
XPS, spectral interferences      85 164 180
XPS, theory of emission      57 161 267
XPS, typical spectrum      60
XPS, vacuum conditions      63 611
XPS, valence band      162—163 333 611 620—621
XPS, valence band, background subtraction      616 632—636
XPS, valence band, modelling      633—637
XPS, valence band, theory      615—616 632—633
XRD, $Cr_{3}Si$      332
XRD, catalysis      771
XRD, characteristics      41 258—259
XRD, corrosion      650 667
XRD, glancing incidence (GIXRD)      360 610—611 667
XRD, glancing incidence (GIXRD), C fibres      610—611
XRD, glancing incidence (GIXRD), surface site information      566
XRD, information      546—547
XRD, medical prostheses XRD, Ti      6
XRD, Roman lead pipe      836
XRD, thin film structure      299—300
XRD, TiN      315
XRD, tribology      707
XRD, tribology, $MoS_{2}$ coatings      732
XRF, information      546—547
XRF, minerals      557
XRF, sampling depth      709
XSW, description      549
XSW, information      546—547
XTEM (cross-sectional TEM), Si/Ge multilayers      301—302
Zalar sample rotation in depth profiling      108 110 273—276 284 302—305
Zalar sample rotation in depth profiling, effect of speed      273
Zn, Auger parameter $\alpha^{*}$      799—800
Zn, in phosphate and chromate conversion coatings      795
Zn-coated steel, GDOES depth profile      280—281
ZnNi/ZnCo, adhesion to rubber      789—790
ZnS(III), ISS spectrum      126
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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