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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Symmetry, application of, to Fourier summations 448
Symmetry, center of 263
Symmetry, common 59
Symmetry, conjugate 432 435 446 448 452—454
Symmetry, determining by x-ray means 63
Symmetry, lattice, superior, coincidence due to 190
Symmetry, Laue 435
Symmetry, level 63
Symmetry, p1, sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for 498—499
Symmetry, p2, sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for 496
Symmetry, p2gg, sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for 495
Symmetry, p2mm, sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for 494
Symmetry, point-group 434
Symmetry, projected 385
Symmetry, reversal 397
Symmetry, space-group 435
Symmetry-factor graph, use of 296
Symmetry-fixed equipoint 306
Symmetry-fixed structure 302 520
Syntheses, successive Fourier, convergence of 367
Synthesis, acentric, refinement for 592
Synthesis, Bunn's error 595—597 603
Synthesis, component 397
Synthesis, difference 595 603—604 620 624
Synthesis, differential 600 603 613 624
Synthesis, Fourier 5 366 376 407
Synthesis, Fourier of pectolite 403
Synthesis, Fourier of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 515
Synthesis, Fourier, another view of 358
Synthesis, Fourier, circle theory of 504
Synthesis, Fourier, general theory of 352
Synthesis, Fourier, high-speed digital computation of 505 508
Synthesis, Fourier, machine methods of 506
Synthesis, Fourier, mechanical methods of 505
Synthesis, Fourier, some characteristics of 365
Synthesis, Fourier, strip methods of 505
Synthesis, Fourier, successive 590 623
Synthesis, Harker 510
Synthesis, high-index line 500
Synthesis, one-dimensional Fourier 354 483
Synthesis, partial Fourier 403—404
Synthesis, partial Fourier of pectolite 403
Synthesis, Patterson 490 510 522 525 554—555
Synthesis, permutation 576 583
Synthesis, preliminary Fourier 510
Synthesis, three-dimensional 370
Synthesis, two-dimensional 384
System, Soller slit 118
Systematic absence of a meaningless type 66
Systematic error of measurement 619
Taguchi, Inao 580
Takeuchi, Yoshio 226—227 239
Taylor, A. 92 147
Taylor, C.A. 282 301 430
Taylor, Jeanne 87 148 150
Taylor, W.H. 539
Technique, anti-equi-inclination 184
Technique, Dawson positive-punt 138
Technique, divergent-beam x-ray 202
Technique, equi-inclination 118—119 121 126 139 154—155 182—183
Technique, equi-inclination, rotation factor for 155
Technique, flat-cone 118
Technique, inclined-beam 119
Technique, multiple-film 86—88
Technique, normal-beam 118 154—155 181
Technique, normal-beam, rotation factor for 153
Temperature anomaly 608—609
Temperature coefficient 231
Temperature coefficient, determination of 241
Temperature correction 608—609
Temperature correction, anisotropic 613
Temperature correction, Debye — Waller 231 234
Temperature correction, isotropic 613
Temperature correction, overestimated 606
Temperature error, residual 609
Temperature factor 231 237 239 526 589—590 613
Temperature factor, anisotropic 627
Temperature factor, determination of 233
Temperature motion 195
Temperature, Debye characteristic 232
Temperature, developing 86
Templeton, D.H. 238 544 546 549 634
Tesche, O.A. 533 548
Tetrahedral coordination 250
Tetramethylpyrazine, projections of 391
Theorem 10 23—24 35 425 427 432 434 437 449—450
Theorem, additivity 425 449
Theorem, additivity, application of 448
Theorem, Herglotz's 567
Theory of crystal-structure analysis 552
Theory of the Lorentz factor 156
Theory of twinning, Mallard's 54
Theory of very small samples 618
Theory, absorption, elementary 204
Theory, circle of Fourier synthesis 504
Theory, diffraction, Fresnel 30
Theory, Fresnel-zone 29—30 35
Theory, general of Fourier synthesis 352
Theory, image-seeking 556
Theory, implication 552 555
Theory, Mallard 55
Theory, photographic, basic 146
Theory, space-group 3
Thermal motion, anisotropic 590 607
Thermal motion, isotropic 590 606—607
Thewlis, J. 233 240
Thomas, L.H. 280
Thompson, T.R. 508
Thomson, J.J. 48
Three reflections, inequalities involving 563—564
Three-dimensional Fourier series, summation of 377 494
Three-dimensional patterns, diffraction by 20
Three-dimensional patterns, general 21
Three-dimensional patterns, scattering by 22
Three-dimensional synthesis 370
Tiemeyer, R. 73
Tilden, S.G. 194
Timbrell, V. 508
Time, dead 116
Time, dead of counter 114—115
Time, developing 86
Time, resolving 115—116
Titchmarsh, E.C. 413
Todd, G. 532
Tomiie, Y. 280
Tourmaline 247
Tourmaline, computation of cell content of 248
Townsend, J.R. 550
Transform of a sector 450
Transform, Fourier 402 417 501 537—538 541—542
Transform, Fourier of an atom 395
Transform, Fourier of naphthalene 429
Transform, Fourier, sampling of 479
Transformation of a point 414
Transformation of equipoint combinations with change of origin 255
Transformation, between equipoints with change of origin 255
Transformation, direct and inverse 413
Transformation, disordering 56
Transformation, displacive 56
Transformation, Fourier 413 419
Transformation, from direct to reciprocal space 413 415
Transformation, from reciprocal space to direct space 414
Transformation, inverse 415
Transformations, repeated Fourier 415 416
Transforms, Fourier for the plane groups 454
Transforms, Fourier, combinatorial properties of 448
Transforms, Fourier, molecular 428
Translation gliding 73
Translation-equivalent points, diffraction by a row of 10
Transmission 80 89
| Transmission factor 206—207 213 216 225 237
Transmission factor for cylindrical specimen 207 210
Transmission factor for prismatic specimens 216
Transmission factor for rod-mounted powder specimens 216
Transmission factor for spherical specimens 214 216
Transmission factor, high-speed digital computing of 217
Transmission of positive Dawton film 101
Transmission of the film 79
Transmission of x-ray films 87
Transmitted reflections 219
Trial structure 277 297
Trial-and-error adjustment of coordinates 590
Trial-and-error calculation 537
Trial-and-error structure determination 586
Trigonometric functions 480
Trigonometric functions, use of the symmetrical properties of 479
Trilaurin 537 538
Trilled intergrowth 62
Trilling 62 66
Triple Fourier summation 377
Trommel, J. 549
Trost, A. 149
Trotter, James 430 532
Trueblood, K.N. 281 508
Truter, Mary R. 623 627
Tube, counter, dead space in 114
Tube, counter, dead time of 127
Tulinsky, A. 369
Tunell, George 154—155 193 485 487—588 506
Turner-Jones, A. 597 623
Twin boundary 67
Twin composite 58—60 64
Twin element 54
Twin law 59—61
Twin operation 63
Twin plane 67
Twinned aggregate 67
Twinned composite 65
Twinned crystal 53
Twinned crystal, coincidences from 191
Twinned intergrowth 56
Twinned lattice 57
Twinned material 63
Twinned reciprocal lattice 63
Twinning 53 57 61 68—69 76
Twinning, crystals likely to offer trouble due to 55
Twinning, detection of 67
Twinning, Mallard's theory of 54
Twins 53 55 57—62 66
Twins of arsenopyrite, apparent extinctions from 65
Twins, merohedral 68 192
Twins, non-merohedral 192
Twins, repeated 61
Twins, symmetry of 62—63
Two-dimensional Fourier series, direct summation of 494
Two-dimensional Fourier syntheses, computation of 488
Two-dimensional plateau, formation of 106
Two-dimensional synthesis 384
Tyler, John E. 98—99
Ubbelohde, A.R. 150
Umeda, K. 280
Underwood, F.A. 301
Union of Crystallography, International 4
Unit cell 57 303
Unit cell, chemical mass in 244
Unit cell, content of 242
Unit cell, formula weights per 303
Unit cell, number of atoms in 242
Unitary structure factor 558
Unitary structure factor, normalized 563
Universal joint 163 169
Unresolved lattices 55
Unresolved peak 520
Unresolved powder reflection 78
Unwanted inverse structure 529
Unwanted x-radiation 130
Uranium 233
Urea 111
Use of symmetrical properties of the trigonometric functions 479
Use of symmetry-factor graph 296
Utilization of anomalous scattering 542 549
Valentinite 302 327—351
Valentinite, calculated and observed intensities for 350
Valentinite, computation of structure factor for 278
Valentinite, determination of oxygen parameter of 343
Valentinite, method of location of oxygen atoms in 338
Valentinite, projected parallel to c, structure of 347 348
Value, mean 616
Van Bommel, A.J. 150 544 549—550
van der Walt, N.T. 282
Van Driel, M. 238
van Horn, M.H. 82—83 146
Vand, Vladimir 204 238 280—282 430 508 536—538 548 581—582 613 622—623 625—626
Variance 617 634
Variate-atom equipoint 307—308
Variation of intensities with sulfur parameter for marcasite 322
Vaughan, Philip A. 556 578
Vector space 555—556
Vector-space methods 553—554 578
Vectors, electric 25
Vectors, scalar product of two for the several crystal systems 633
Veenendaal, A.L. 280
Venkatesan, K. 550
Vera, R. 238
Verdet, Emile 48
Vibration, thermal, isotropic 606
Vidale, Rosemary 406
Viervoll, H. 279
Volume of a reciprocal-lattice point 158
von Eller, Gerard 507 580
von Groth, Paul 1
von Laue, M. 239
von Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad 1
von Rontgen, Wilhelm Conrad 1
von Sydow, Erik 406 548
Vos, H.J. 218 225 238
Vousden, P. 406
Wadsley, A.D. 406
Wagner, E. 2
Wahlstrom, Ernest E. 67
Wakelin, R.J. 148
Waller, Ivar 237 239
Wallwork, S.C. 148
Walter, B. 2
Walter-Levy, L. 531
Warren, B.E. 87 150—151 193
Wars, world 3 51 552
Wasastjerna, J.A. 147
Waser, Jurg 194 240 430 447 627
Watase, Hideo 430
Wave motion 7
Wave, Fourier 365 371 384 561
Wave, Fourier, phase of 366 372
Wave, fundamental Fourier 370—371
Wavelength, harmonic 134
Wavelength, x-ray 132
Wavelet scattered by a point in a pattern, phase of 21
Waves, combination of 7
Waves, description of 7
Weakliem, H.A. 532
Wedge, density 92—93
Weighting function 392 613
Weighting function, Zachariasen's 400
Weiss, R.J. 149 204 237
Weissenberg camera 143
Weissenberg camera, adjusting 143
Weissenberg coupling 143
Weissenberg method 63 186
Weissenberg method, equi-inclination, range of 144
Weissenberg photograph 70 74 283
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