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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
New Jersey, Franklin Furnace 245
New York Academy of Sciences 103
New York, De Kalb 247
Nickel phthalocyanine 524
Nicols, crossed 68—69
Niggli, Paul 3 6
Niizeki, N. 213 239
Nitta, Isamu 214 430 564 579 584
Nodal method 538 542 548
Nomenclature, Mallard 68
Non-axial direction, electron-density projections in 384
Non-Daltonian formula 245
Non-merohedral twin 192
Nonius 105
Nordman integrating device, scanning pattern for spot using this 107
Nordman, Christer E. 107—108 148
Normal beam 162 175 178—180
Normal equations 611—612
Normal scatterer 543
Normal-beam technique 118 154—155 181
Normal-beam technique, rotation factor for 153
Normalized F 558
Normalized structure factor 574
Normalized unitary structure factor 563
Norman, N. 241
Notation of the complex plane 8 12
Nowacki, Werner 50 87 405 447 508 581
Nucleus, latent-image 78
Number of atoms in the unit cell 242
Number of formula units per cell 243
Number of sample points per cell 376 386
Number of symmetry operations per cell 376
Number of terms in Fourier series, resolving power as a function of 598
Number, atomic 260
Nyburg, S.C. 76
Observation, error of 609 612
Observation, reliability of 612
Observational equation 612
Observed relative intensities for marcasite 324
Obverse form 68
Occurrence of plateau 104
Octahedral coordination 250
Ogrim, O. 279
Okaya, Yoshikaru 405—406 549 564 579 584
Omission solid solution 244
One-dimensional Fourier series 370
One-dimensional Fourier series, summation of 482
One-dimensional Fourier summation for realgar 485
One-dimensional Fourier synthesis 354 483
One-dimensional lattice 17
One-dimensional lattice array 19
One-dimensional patterns 19
One-dimensional patterns, diffraction by 10
One-dimensional patterns, general 17
One-dimensional patterns, scattering by 17
Opacity 79—80
Operation, symmetry 55
Operation, twin 63
Operator, phase 415 417 420
Orcel, J. 67
Orientation, preferred 74 109
Orientation, subparallel 69
Origin distance, accidentally equal, coincidence due to 191
Origin, change of 270
Origin, displacement of 438
Orthoboric acid, electron-density projection of 400—401
Orthoclase 539
Orthogonal supercell 65
Osaki, Kenji 430
Oscillating-crystal method 63 187
Ott, Heinrich 154 193 577
Outline of crystal-structure analysis 49
Overestimated temperature correction 606
Owen, E.A. 240
Oxalic acid dihydrate 566
Oxygen parameter of valentinite, determination of 343
Pairs of projections, stereoscopic 385
Palache, Charles 50
Parameter determination, analytical 327
Parameters, adjustment of 277
Parameters, physically likely 347
Parameters, reflection 120
Parameters, separable 315
Parameters, separable, determination of structures with 315
Parrish, R.G. 532
Parrish, William 87 148—150 405
Parry, G.S. 623
Partial Fourier synthesis 403—404
Partial Fourier synthesis of pectolite 403
Paskin, Arthur 241
Passband 132—133
Pasternak, R.A. 406
Patterns, amplitude 332
Patterns, background 225
Patterns, one-dimensional 19
Patterns, one-dimensional, diffraction by 10
Patterns, one-dimensional, general 17
Patterns, one-dimensional, scattering by 17
Patterns, phase of a wavelet scattered by a point in 21
Patterns, three-dimensional, diffraction by 20
Patterns, three-dimensional, general 21
Patterns, three-dimensional, scattering by 22
Patterson density 576
Patterson function 555
Patterson map 576
Patterson projection 595
Patterson synthesis 490 510 522 525 554—555
Patterson — Tunell masks, set of 488
Patterson — Tunell method 482 485
Patterson — Tunell strips 494
Patterson — Tunell strips, board for arranging 487
Patterson — Tunell strips, box for storing 486
Patterson — Tunell-type strip 497
Patterson, A.L. 107 148 429 485 487— 506 554
Pauling, Linus 279—280 508
Peak function 419
Peak height 72 85
Peak intensities 84
Peak, heavy-atom 600
Peak, unresolved 520
Peak-intensity method 72 84
Pectolite, Fourier synthesis of 403
Peerdeman, A.F. 544 549—550
Peiser, H.S. 281
Penfold, Bruce R. 580
Penicillin 595
Pentaerythritol 138
Pepinsky, Ray 76 280 387 405—406 430 507 549 576 579—582 584 623 625
Perfect crystal 199
Perfect grating 53
Perfect prints 96
Period, submultiple 284
Periodic function 352 358
Periodic objects, reciprocals of some 417
Periodic objects, simple, reciprocals of 420
Permutation methods 553
Permutation syntheses 576 583
Perutz, M.F. 530—532 540—541 548— 581
Peterson, S.W. 544 549
Petrographic microscope, polarizing 67 75
Phase 4 8 18
Phase angle 261
Phase determination for certain special cases 533
Phase determination for crystals having a set of heavy atoms 509 529
Phase determination for crystals having a set of replaceable atoms 521 530
Phase determination for crystals with regions of uniform, low density 533
Phase determination, application of Harker — Kasper inequalities to 560
Phase of a Fourier wave 366 372
Phase of a wavelet scattered by a point in a pattern 21
Phase of structure factor 271
| Phase operator 415 417 420
Phase problem 4 20 551—552
Phase problem, solutions to 553
Phase relations for crystals in which some atom locations are known 584
Phase shift 542—543
Phase-angle error 603
Phase-table method of Fourier summations 500
Philips Electronics 117 133
Phillips, D.C. 126 148 150 282 406
Photocell 92
photoelectric effect 114
Photographic density 80
photographic emulsion 78
Photographic film 77
Photographic intensity determination 617
Photographic methods 78 146
Photographic methods, advantages of 112
Photographic process, fundamentals of 78
Photographic spectrometer 111
Photographic theory, basic 146
Photographs, powder 74 303
Photographs, precession 185 283 315
Photographs, precession, made with converging radiation 110
Photographs, precession, surface-reflection fields for 226
Photographs, rotating-crystal 191
Photographs, Weissenberg 70 74 283
Photographs, Weissenberg, surface reflections for 218
Photometer 90
Photometer for determining integrated intensities 100 102—103
Photometer trace 89
Photometer, exposure, electronic 102
Photometer, recording 89
Photometer, Robinson's 92—93
Photometer, scan, Dawton 88 93
Photometer-trace method 89
Photometry, based on scattering 94
Photometry, positive-film 95
Phthalocyanine 523
Physical factors affecting intensities 195
Physically likely parameters 347
Pike, E.R. 150
Pinacoidal electron-density section 377
Pinnock, P.R. 281
Pitt, G.J. 193 405 623 626
Plane groups 283
Plane groups, relation to space-group projections 283
Plane groups, symmetries of 439
Plane groups, symmetry factors of 285
Plane lattice 420
Plane lattice, reciprocal of 418
Plane of atoms, diffraction by 35
Plane projections in structure-factor calculations 283
Plane projections, symmetry factors for 290—291
Plane, complex 11—12
Plane, complex, algebra of the 9
Plane, complex, notation of the 8 12
Plane, twin 67
Plane-polarized beam 27
Planes, identical, diffraction by sequence of 38
Planes, reciprocal of a stack of 419
Planes, resolution of a crystal into 29
Planes, stack of 407—408 420
Plastic crystal 72
Plastic deformation 72—74
Plasticity, imperfection due to 72
Plateau 103—104
Plateau in the counting rate 113—114
Plateau method 103 126 129
Plateau, occurrence of 104
Plateau, two-dimensional, formation of 106
Platinum phthalocyanine 511
Platinum phthalocyanine, electron-density projection of 513
Platy habit 74
Platy shape 74
Pohl, R. 2
Point atom 260
Point in a pattern, phase of a wavelet scattered by 21
Point of view, Mallard 65
Point, amplitude scattered by 23
Point, Fourier transformation of a 414
Point, reciprocal-lattice, volume of 158
Point-group symmetry 434
Points, diffraction by lattice array of 20
Points, reciprocal-lattice, missing 63
Points, translation-equivalent, diffraction by a row of 10
Polarization and Lorentz factors, practical methods for correcting for 177
Polarization factor 27 29 137 152 174 176 183
Polarization factor as a function of instrumental coordinates 175
Polarization factor, Lorentz 321
Polarization, efficiency of 29
Polarization-factor correction 125
Polarized beam 29
Polarized light, reflected 68—69
Polarized x-radiation 137
Polarizing metallographic microscope 67
Polarizing petrographic microscope 67 75
Polished surface of arsenopyrite 68
Polished surface of danaite 69
Polonium 94
Polychromatic radiation 204
Pope, William H. 3
Positive Dawton film, transmission of 101
Positive print, preparation of 99
Positive-film photometry 95
Positive-print method, Dawton 98
Positive-print technique, Dawton 138
Posnjak, E. 307
Possibilities of locating a heavy atom 509
Possible distributions of atoms in marcasite 316
Post, B. 406
Potassium dichromate 94
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 512 514
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Fourier synthesis of 515
Potters, M. 280
Powder 178
Powder line, profile of 103—104
Powder method 77 190 202 308
Powder method, coincidences for 188
Powder method, Lorentz factor for 171 174
Powder method, multiplicity factors for 188
Powder photograph 74 303
Powder reflection, unresolved 78
Powder specimens, rod-mounted, transmission factor for 216
Powder-photograph data, correction for absorption 207
Powders, counter apparatus for 117
Powders, diffractometer for 117
Powell, H.M. 530
Power of reflection, integrated 46
Practical methods for correcting for Lorentz and polarization factors 177
Practical methods of summing Fourier series 478
Precession method 63 88 138 144 186—187
Precession method, range of 144
Precession motion with universal-joint suspension 178—179
Precession motion with universal-joint suspension, Lorentz factor for 169
Precession motion, pure 163 169 178
Precession motion, pure, generation of 163
Precession motion, pure, Lorentz factor for 163 169
Precession motion, rolling component of 165 168
Precession photograph 185 283 315
Precession photograph, made with converging radiation 110
Precession photograph, surface-reflection fields for 226
Precession surface-reflection fields 227—231
Preferred orientation 74 109
Preliminary Fourier synthesis 510
Preliminary scale 589
Preparation of positive print 99
Preparation of x-ray negative 99
Prewitt, Charles T. 150
Primary "extinction" 77 109 195—200 202—203
Primary "extinction", correction for, in diamond 201
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