Scattering, anomalous, utilization of 542 549
Scattering, photometry based on 94
Scatturin, V. 581
Schaffer, W. 282
Scheme of the Azaroff integrating device 108
Scheme of the Grenville — Wells method of summing two-dimensional Fourier series 497
Schiebold method 186
Schiebold — Sauter method 186
Schlecht, William G 258
Schmidt, G.M.J. 282
Schoenflies, Arthur 1 5
Schomaker, Verner 280—281 387 430 508 623—625
Schoone, J.C. 528 531
Schwartz's inequality 557—559 563 571
Scintillation counter 116—117
Screen, Intensifying 83—84
Second World War 3 51 552
Secondary "extinction" 195 202—204
Section, electron-density 377
Section, Harker 483 552 595
Section, pinacoidal electron-density 377
Section, projected 391
Section, projections of several 391
Section, through the electron density 370
Sector, rotating 183
Sector, transform of 450
Segerman, Ephraim 622
Selection of materials suitable for crystal-structure analysis 53
Semipolar method, Lukesh 500
Senarmontite 327
Separable parameter 315
Separable parameter, determination of structures with 315
Sequence of identical planes, diffraction by 38
Sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for symmetry, p1 498—499
Sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for symmetry, p2 496
Sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for symmetry, p2gg 495
Sequence of operations in Fourier synthesis for symmetry, p2mm 495
Series, Fourier 352 358 363
Series, Fourier, general form of 352
Series, Fourier, one-dimensional 370
Series, isomorphous 522
Series-termination effect 362 596 599—600
Series-termination error 368 598 604 612
Sets of Patterson — Tunell masks 488
Sets of similar equipoints 250
Setting angle for Geiger counter 123
Setting, counter 120
Several replaceable atoms 528
Shaded arcs 74
Shaffer, P.A., Jr. 280 508
Shape of crystal 74
Shape of scattering curves 502
Shape, acicular 74
Shape, platy 74
Shaw, C.H. 151
Shaw, W.F.B. 153—154 193
Shearer, H.M.M. 406
Sherman, J. 24 279
Sherrer, P. 193
Shift, n 620
Shift, phase 542—543
Shimizu, H. 507
Shiro, Motoo 549
Shoemaker, David P. 623 625
Sign combinations 577
Sign determination by inequalities, limitations on the success of 565
Sign of structure factor 272
Sign relation 553 567 580
Sign, reversal of 397
Silver bromide 78
Silver iodide 78
Sim, G.A. 430 584
Simple crystal structures, examples of determination of 302
Single crystals, application of counters to measurement of intensities from 118
Single crystals, device for grinding and polishing surfaces on 67
Single-crystal comparison method 111
Single-crystal diffractometer 118—122 125—126 162
Single-crystal diffractometer settings for various crystal systems 124
Single-crystal diffractometer settings, geometry of 122—123
Single-crystal diffractometer, guide mechanism for 120
Single-crystal method 77
Sinogowitz, U. 506
Sinusoidal modulation 398
Sinusoidally modulated projection 399 401
Size of crystal 74 76
Skertchly, A.R.B. 239
Slabs, projected 387
Slabs, projected, coefficients for Fourier synthesis of 390
Slit system, Soller 118
Small, R.W.H. 76
Smallman, R.E. 204 238
Smith, J.E.W.L. 280
Smits, D.W. 147—148
Snow, A.I. 240
Society, American for X-Ray and Electron Diffraction 4
Sodium benzylpenicillin 596—597
Sodium chloride 199 302 542 544
Sodium chloride structure 302
Sodium chloride structure, intensity computations for 311 314
Sodium chloride, distribution of atoms among the equipoints for 305
Sodium chloride, equipoint combinations for 308
Sodium chloride, equipoints available for 307
Sodium chloride, primary "extinction" correction for 200
Sodium rubidium tartrate 544
Sodium rubidium tartrate, anomalous scattering in 545
Sodium stearate: stearic acid 74
Solid solution 244—245
Solid solution, addition 244
Solid solution, omission 244
Solid solution, substitution 244
Soller slit system 118
Solution, direct 4
Solution, direct of crystal structures 51 551
Solution, solid 244—245
Solution, solid, addition 244
Solution, solid, omission 244
Solution, solid, substitution 244
Solutions to the phase problem 553
Some characteristics of Fourier syntheses 365
Sommerfeld, A. 1—2
Soules, Jack A. 151
Sources of error 617
Space groups 2 283
Space groups, isometric, based on face-centered lattice 306
Space groups, projections of 286 386 516
Space groups, special positions of 249
Space groups, specific, inequalities for 561
Space lattice, reciprocal of 418
Space, crystal 555—556
Space, product 555
Space, reciprocal 5 51 55 407
Space, reciprocal, motif sector of 449
Space, reciprocal, symmetry in 431
Space, vector 555—556
Space-group determination 303
Space-group extinction 197
Space-group symmetry 435
Space-group theory 3
Space-lattice types, reciprocals of 438
Sparks, R.A. 281
Speakman, J.C. 406
Special position 250
Special position of space group 249
Specialization, dimensional of a lattice 54
Specific absorption 204
Specimens, cylindrical, transmission factor for 207
Specimens, spherical, transmission factor for 216
Spectrometer methods 112 149
Spectrometer, automatic, control of 112
| Spectrometer, counter 112
Spectrometer, ionization 112
Spectrometer, photographic 111
Speed of films 83
Speed, scanning of recorder 115
Sphalerite 542
Sphalerite structure 307—309 311
Spherical crystal 75
Spherical surfaces, device for grinding 75
Split x-ray reflections 73
Spots on upper levels, contraction of 85
Spots on upper levels, extension of 85
Spread of reflection 85
Squared atoms 567
Squares, least 625
Squaring method, Sayre's 567 571
Stack of planes 39 407—408 420
Stack of planes, reciprocal of 419
Stadler, H.P. 111 147 430
Stam, B. 280
Stam, C.H. 280
Standard deviation 617
Standard reflection, comparison with 108
Standard scale 86
Standley, K.J. 148
Stanley, E. 108 148 281—282
Stationary-counter method 126
Statistical methods 553 582
Statistical results, Wilson's 618
Stearic acid:sodium stearate 74
Steepest descents 613 614 625
Steeple, H. 613 626
Steinberger, I.T. 148
Steinfink, H. 406
Stephen, R.A. 135 151
Stephenson, N.C. 530
Steroscopic pairs of projections 385
Strange extinctions 58
Strategy with precession apparatus 144
Strip methods of Fourier synthesis 482 505
Strips, Beevers — Lipson 494
Strips, Patterson — Tunell 494
Strips, Patterson — Tunell type 497
Strips, Patterson — Tunell, board for arranging 487
Strips, Patterson — Tunell, box for storing 486
Structure amplitude 263
Structure determination, confirmation of 312
Structure determination, trial-and-error 586
Structure factor 259
Structure factor for valentinite, computation of 278
Structure factor, component form of 261
Structure factor, computation of 272 295
Structure factor, exponential form of 261
Structure factor, graphical computation of 300
Structure factor, imaginary component of 262
Structure factor, normalized 574
Structure factor, phase of 271
Structure factor, real component of 262
Structure factor, sign of 272
Structure factor, unitary 558
Structure factor, unitary, normalized 563
Structure factors, hand computation of 274
Structure factors, programs for computing 273
Structure of marcasite 326
Structure, basic 55—56
Structure, derivative 55—57 65
Structure, discontinuities in 70
Structure, disregistry of 198
Structure, halite 307—308 311—312
Structure, inverse 416
Structure, inverse reciprocal 416
Structure, inverse, unwanted 529
Structure, layer 73
Structure, lineage 69—71 73 198
Structure, measure of the correctness of 585
Structure, projection of 283
Structure, reciprocal 416—417 423 537—538 540 566 588
Structure, reciprocal of 423
Structure, residue 592
Structure, sodium chloride 302
Structure, sodium chloride, intensity computation for 311 314
Structure, sphalerite 307—309
Structure, symmetry-fixed 302 520
Structure, trial 277 297
Structure, valentinite, projection of 347 348
Structure-factor calculations, plane projections in 283
Structure-factor inequalities, linear 565
Structures with separable parameters, determination of 315 327
Structures, possible marcasite, intensities computed for 319
Strychnine sulfate pentahydrate 528
Subcell 536—538
Subgroup, proper 57
Subindividual 69
Submultiple period 284
Subparallel aggregate 70
Subparallel intergrowth 70
Subparallel orientation 69
Subperiod 401 403—404
Subperiods within the cell, crystals with 535
Substitution method 109 111
Substitution solid solution 244
Substitution, general 526
Substitution, isomorphous 249
Substructure 368 536—538
Successive Fourier syntheses 590 623
Sulfur parameter for marcasite, determination of 319
Sulfur parameter for marcasite, variation of intensities with 322
Sullivan, Harris M. 149
Sum function 556
Sum, reciprocal of 425
Summation, Beevers — Lipson 503
Summation, Fourier 376 425 454
Summation, one-dimensional 482
Summation, phase-table method of 500
Summation, three-dimensional 377 494
Summation, two-dimensional 377—378
Summation, two-dimensional, scheme of the Grenville — Wells method 497
Supercell 54 537—538
Supercell, orthogonal 65
Superstructure 55—56
Supper, Charles E. 107 148
Surface reflections 219 221
Surface reflections for Weissenberg photographs 218
Surface, polished of arsenopyrite 68
Surface, spherical, device for grinding 75
Surface-reflection fields for precession photographs 226
Suryan, G. 508
Sutor, D. June 406 532
Symbol, diffraction 67 307—308
Symmetrical properties of the trigonometric functions, use of 479
Symmetries of the plane groups 439
Symmetries, various, recording range for 140
Symmetry center 378
Symmetry content 55
Symmetry element 54 60
Symmetry element, common 61
Symmetry element, projections of 284
Symmetry factor 264 280 317 329—330 510 516 522
Symmetry factor, general forms of 270
Symmetry factors for the plane projections 290—291
Symmetry factors of the plane groups 285
Symmetry factors, illustrations of derivation of 265
Symmetry factors, zonal 288
Symmetry in reciprocal space 431 439
Symmetry information 58 63
Symmetry of a twin 62—63
Symmetry operations 55 59
Symmetry operations in a primitive cell 386
Symmetry operations, number of, per cell 376