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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Cochran, W. 103 118 128 149 179 181 183 193—194 240 392 404—406 506 508 520 526 531 570—571 580—583 604 608 613 620 623—624 626 627
Coefficient, absorption 74 203
Coefficient, absorption, linear 79
Coefficient, Fourier 352 356 371 378 384 483 490
Coefficient, Fourier, evaluation of 355 373
Coefficient, linear-absorption 204
Coefficient, linear-absorption, calculation of 205 206
Coefficient, mass-absorption 205
Coefficient, temperature 231
Coefficients for Fourier synthesis of projected slabs 390
Coesite, electron-density projection of 381
Coesite, electron-density section of 379 381
Coincidence for the powder method 188
Coincidence, due to accidentally equal origin distance 191
Coincidence, due to identical reciprocal-net distance 191
Coincidence, due to superior lattice symmetry 190
Coincidence, from twinned crystals 191
Coincidence, reflection 174 190
Cole, W.F. 179 180 193
Colemanite 576
Collecting the intensity record 138
Collimator 84
Combination of waves 7
Combination, equipoint 339
Combination, sign 577
Combinatorial properties of Fourier transforms 448
Combinatorial properties of reciprocals 424
Commission on Crystallographic Apparatus 146
Common symmetry 59
Common symmetry element 61
Comparison with standard reflection 108
Complex plane 11 12
Complex plane, algebra of 9
Complex plane, notation of 8 12
Complex reciprocals 420
Component 395
Component atom 396
Component form of the structure factor 261
Component projection 397
Component synthesis 397
Component, imaginary 263
Component, imaginary of the structure factor 262
Component, real of the structure factor 262
Composite electron density 402
Composite lattice 57
Composite projection 401
Composite reciprocal lattice 66
Composite, twinned 59—60 64 65
Compton, Arthur H. 48 404
Computation of cell content of tourmaline 248
Computation of Fourier synthesis by Beevers — Lipson method, example of 484
Computation of Fourier synthesis, two-dimensional 488
Computation of intensities for sodium chloride structure 311 314
Computation of intensities of reflections for marcasite 325
Computation of interatomic distance for the several crystal systems 631
Computation of linear-absorption coefficient 206
Computation of structure factor 272
Computation of structure factor for valentinite 278
Computation of structure factor, arrangement of 275
Computation, analogue 297 604
Computation, hand 281
Computation, hand of structure factors 274
Computation, hand, aids to 279
Computation, high-speed digital 125 272 504
Computation, high-speed digital of Fourier synthesis 505 508
Computation, high-speed digital of interatomic angles 633
Computation, high-speed digital of interatomic distances 632
Computer program 272
Computer, analogue 272
Computer, analogue for diffractometer settings 125
Computer, high-speed digital 123 272 554 571 613
Computer, high-speed digital, computation by 632 633
Computer, Whirlwind 272
Condensing monochromator 135 137
Cone, flat 162 175 178
Configuration, absolute 543 545
Confirmation of structure determination 312
Conjugate symmetry 432 435 446 448 452—454
Constructive interference 16
Content, symmetry 55
Contours, electron-density 377 387
Contraction of spot on upper levels 85
Contribution, heavy-atom 510
Convergence 126
Convergence of successive Fourier syntheses 367
Convergent beam 104
Converging radiation, precession photograph made with 110
Convolution 425
Coordinates, absolute 21 354—356
Coordinates, angular 354—355
Coordinates, cylindrical 174
Coordinates, estimation of errors in 620
Coordinates, fractional 18 21 261 354—356 374
Coordinates, instrumental, polarization factor as a function of 175
Coordinates, linear 356
Coordinates, trial-and-error adjustment of 590
Coordination, octahedral 250
Coordination, tetrahedral 250
Copper sulfate 2
Corey, Robert B. 623 625
Cork, J.M. 521 530
Cormack, A.M. 430
Correction factor 180—185
Correction for absorption 75 77 609
Correction for absorption, approximations of 218
Correction for Lorentz factor 123
Correction for Lorentz factor, form of 178
Correction for Lorentz-polarization factor 119
Correction for Lorentz-polarization factor by computing 185
Correction for polarization factor 125
Correction for primary "extinction" 199
Correction for primary "extinction" for diamond 201
Correction of errors in location 604
Correction of powder-photograph data for absorption 207
Correction, back-shift 600
Correction, temperature 608—609
Correction, temperature, overestimated 606
Correctness of structure, measure of 585
Coster, D. 543 549
Cotton, F.W. 94 95 146
Count register 116
Count, background 127
Counter 114
Counter apparatus for powders 117
Counter intensity determination 617
Counter methods in intensity measurement 127
Counter setting 120
Counter spectrometer 112
Counter tube, dead space m 114
Counter tube, dead time of 127
Counter tube, window of 113
Counter, application of, to measurement of intensities from single crystals 118
Counter, dead time of 114 115
Counter, Geiger — Mueller 112 116 127
Counter, Geiger — Mueller, linearity limit of 128
Counter, proportional 116
Counter, quantum 47 77 112 116
Counter, scintillation 116—117
Counting rate 113 115 127
Counting rate, plateau m 113—114
Counts, lost, allowances for 128
Coupling, Weissenberg 143
Courant, R. 413
Cowley, J.M. 385 405
Cox, E.G. 153—154 193 508 529 531 626 628
Cradle, Eulerian 125
Craven, B. 548
Crick, F.H.C. 241 532
Cromer, Don T. 391 405 625
| Crossed nicols 68—69
Crowfoot, D. 530 597 623
Cruiekshank, D.W.J. 240 281 582 613 620 623—628 634
Crystal class, merohedral 57
Crystal imperfection 41 69 76
Crystal monochromator 134—135
Crystal space 555—556
Crystal structure of naphthalene 428
Crystal structure, direct solution of 51
Crystal structure, reciprocal of 427
Crystal structure, simple, examples of determination of 302
Crystal systems, various interatomic-distance computations for 631
Crystal systems, various scalar product of two vectors for 633
Crystal systems, various single-crystal diffractometer settings for 124
Crystal, angular imperfection of 41
Crystal, centrosymmetrical 378
Crystal, density of 243
Crystal, diffraction by 39
Crystal, ideally imperfect 198
Crystal, ideally perfect 197
Crystal, layer-structure 74
Crystal, molecular 428
Crystal, mosaic 198
Crystal, needle-shaped 74
Crystal, perfect 199
Crystal, perfect, integrated reflection for 197
Crystal, plastic 72
Crystal, pyrite 70
Crystal, reciprocal of 434
Crystal, remounting 141
Crystal, resolution of, into planes 29
Crystal, rotating 178 179
Crystal, rotating, Lorentz factor for methods employing 158
Crystal, scattering by 29
Crystal, shape of 74
Crystal, size of 74
Crystal, spherical 75
Crystal, twinned 53
Crystal-structure analysis, forms of Fourier syntheses useful in 370
Crystal-structure analysis, outline of 49
Crystal-structure analysis, selection of material suitable for 53
Crystal-structure analysis, theory of 552
Crystallographic Apparatus, Commission on 146
Crystallographic Association, American 4
Crystallography, International Union of 4 146
Crystals for use in monochromators 135—136
Crystals in which some atom locations are known, phase relations for 584
Crystals with regions of low uniform density 548
Crystals with regions of low uniform density, phase determination for 533
Crystals with subperiods within the cell 535
Crystals, apparatus for grinding and polishing surfaces on 67 68
Crystals, containing long-chain molecules 548
Crystals, having a set of heavy atoms, phase determinations for 509
Crystals, having a set of replaceable atoms, phase determination for 521
Crystals, isomorphous 509
Crystals, likely to offer trouble due to twinning 55
Crystals, quantitative aspects of diffraction of x-rays by 25
Crystals, single, application of counters to measurement of intensities from 118
Crystals, twinned, coincidences from 191
Curtis, R.G. 530
Curtis, Richard M. 406
Curtiss, Leon F. 149
Curvatures of electron-density function 621
Curves, density-exposure 80—81
Curves, scattering, shapes of 562
Cycle, refinement 592
Cylindrical coordinate 174
Cylindrical specimen, transmission factor for 207
Dana, James Dwight 50 205
Danaite 68
Danaite, polished surface of 69
Daniel, Yera 237
Darwin, C.G. 48 195 197—199 202 237
Dauben, Carol H. 544 546 549
Davidson, Edna 541 548
Davis, David R. 240 627
Davis, R.J. 148
Dawton film, positive, transmission of 101
Dawton positive-print method 98 138
Dawton scan photometer 88 93
Dawton, Ralph H.V.M. 89 93 95 147
de Beauclair, W. 506
de Bretteville, A.P. 530
de Jong — Bouman camera 183
De Jong — Bouman method 88 138 186—187
de Jong, W.F. 88 193
De Kalb, New York 247
de Lunge, J.J. 147
de Marco, J.J. 149
de Senarmont, Henri 48
de Vnes, A. 545 550
de Wolff, P.M. 531 579
Dead space in counter tube 114
Dead time 116
Dead time of counter 114—115 127
Debye characteristic temperature 232
Debye ring 173—174 190—191
Debye — Waller temperature correction 231 234
Debye, P. 2 103 193 239
Defective gratings 53
Defocused reflection 73
Defocusing 73
Deformation, plastic 72—74
density 82—84
Density balance, Berman 243
Density method 85
Density of crystal 243
Density wedge 92—93
Density, fog 83
Density, Patterson 576
Density, photographic 80
Density, regions of low uniform, crystals with 548
Density-exposure curve 80—81
Density-transforming method 93
Density-wedge method 91
Derivation of symmetry factors, illustrations of 265
Derivative structure 55—57 65
Descents, steepest 613 625
Descents, steepest, method of 614
Description of waves 7
Destructive interference 16
Detection of twinning 67
Determination of absolute scale 233 241
Determination of chemical formula 244
Determination of oxygen parameter of valentinite 343
Determination of simple crystal structures, examples of 302
Determination of structures with separable parameters 315 327
Determination of sulfur parameters of marcasite 319
Determination of symmetry by x-ray means 63
Determination of temperature factor 233
Determination, direct 551
Determination, space-group 303
developer 86
Developing temperature 86
Developing time 86
Development of films 88
Deviation, standard 617
Device for grinding and polishing surfaces on single crystals 67
Device for grinding spherical surfaces 75
di Giovanni, H.J. 149
Diagram, Argand 11 34
diamond 111 199 202
Diamond, primary extinction correction for 201
Dibenzanthracene 111
Difference map 595 604
Difference map, example of the use of 607
Difference synthesis 595 603—604 620 624
Differential method 600
Differential synthesis 600 603 613 624
Difficulties due to harmonics 134
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