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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Weissenberg photograph, surface reflections for 218
Weissenberg record 142
Weisz, O. 530
Weldon, Alice S. 107 148
Wells, A.F. 221 238
Wells, M. 280
Weremchuk, G. 149
West, J. 404 512 515 529
Whirlwind computer 272
White, J.G. 369
White, Noel E. 406
Whittaker, E.J.W. 108 147—148 151 430 609
Whittaker, E.T. 609
Wiebenga camera 108
Wiebenga integrating Weissenberg 105
Wiebenga's integrating mechanism 106
Wiebenga, E.H. 103 106 147—148 523 526 531
Williams, R.W. 240
Williamson, G.K. 204 237—238
Wilman, H. 430
Wilson's method 572 589
Wilson's method, zones for 236
Wilson's statistical results 618
Wilson, A.J.C. 223 241 586 618 622
Winchell, Alexander, N. 67
Window of counter tube 113 114
Wing, A.B. 583
Wittke, O. 239
Wollan, E.O. 147
Wollastonite 206 212—213
Wood, J.H. 280
Wood, R.G. 147
| Woodward, I. 147 404 511 513 530—531
Wooley, Roscoe H. 507
Woolfson, M.M. 282 520 530 577 579—583
Wooster, W.A. 111—112 118 147 149 237 529
World wars 3 51 552
Wright, W.B. 508 582
Wrinch, Dorothy 430
Wyckoff, H. 532
Wynn-Williams, C.E. 149
X-RAC 387 576
X-radiation, monochromatic 130 134
X-radiation, polarized 137
X-radiation, unwanted 130
X-Ray and Electron Diffraction, American Society for 4
X-ray films, transmissions of 87
X-ray means, determining symmetry by 63
X-ray negative, preparation of 99
X-ray reflections, split 73
X-ray technique, divergent-beam 202
X-ray wavelength 132
X-rays, quantitative aspects of diffraction of by crystals 25
Yakel, Harry L., Jr. 584
Yu, S.H. 577
Zachariasen's method 571 573
Zachariasen's relation 572
Zachariasen's weighting function 400
Zachariasen, William H. 237 239 398 400—401 404 406 571 573 580
Zalkin, Allan 238
Zonal symmetry factors 288
Zone, Fresnel 32—35
Zone, Fresnel, area of 33
Zones for Wilson's method 236
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