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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Diffraction by a crystal 39
Diffraction by a lattice array of points 20
Diffraction by a plane of atoms 35
Diffraction by a row of translation-equivalent points 10
Diffraction by a sequence of identical planes 38
Diffraction by one-dimensional patterns 10
Diffraction by three-dimensional patterns 20
Diffraction group 328
Diffraction of x-rays by crystals, quantitative aspects of 25
Diffraction relations, fundamental 7
Diffraction ripple 598
Diffraction spectra 4
Diffraction symbol 67 307—308
Diffraction theory, Fresnel 30
Diffraction-symmetry information 308
Diffractometer 118 130 212
Diffractometer for powders 117
Diffractometer settings, single-crystal for various crystal systems 124
Diffractometer settings, single-crystal, geometry of 122—123
Diffractometer, single-crystal 118—122 125—126 162
Diffractometer, single-crystal, guide mechanism for 120
Digital computation, high-speed 125 272 280 504
Digital computer 123 272 554 571 613
Digital computer, computation by 632—633
Diglycine hydrobromide 516 518—519
Diglycine hydrobromide, electron-density projections of 518—519
Diglycine hydrochloride 607
Dihydrate, oxalic acid 566
Dimensional specialization of a lattice 54
Dimethoxybenzophenone 576
Dintzis, H.M. 532
Dioxacyclopentyl 593—594
Direct and inverse transformations 413
Direct determinations 551
Direct solution 4
Direct solution of crystal structure 51
Direct space, transformation from, to reciprocal space 413 415
Direct space, transformation to, from reciprocal space 414
Direct summation of two-dimensional Fourier series 494
Direction of maximum 17 19
Direction of projection 382
Disadvantages of lack of resolving power 77
Disagreement factor, R 586—589
Discontinuities in structure 70
Discrepancy 612
Discrepancy factor 586—589 592
Discrimination, pulse-height 116 117
Dislocations 198
Disorder 249
Disordering transformation 56
Dispersion of the satellites 70 72
Displacement of the origin 438
Displacive transformation 56
Disregistry of structure 198
Distances, interatomic, calculation of 629—630
Distribution of atoms among the equipoints 242 249 251 329
Distribution of atoms among the equipoints for sodium chloride 305
Divergence 118
Divergent-beam x-ray technique 202
Dobson, G.M.B. 92 146
Doi, K. 430 623
Donaldson, D.M. 369 624
Donnay, Gabrielle 58 151 504 506 540
Donnay, J.D.H. 50 58 76 151 504 506
Donohue, Jerry 281 406 593 598 623 625
Dornberger-Schiff, Kate 548
Double Fourier summation 377—378
Double salt 56 65
Double-shift rule 593
Douglas, A.S. 570 580—581
Dowling, P.H. 150
Driffield, V.C. 146
Duane, William 404
Dulmage, William J. 240
Dunitz, J.D. 530
Durand, J. 76
Dyer, H.B. 405—406
E and F, relation between 46
Eastman Kodak 81
Edge, absorption 130—132 225 542—544
Edmunds, I.G. 626
Edstrand, Maja 405
Effect, photoelectric 114
Effect, series-termination 596 599—600
Efficiency of polarization 29
Efficiency, reflection 40—41 199
Eichhorn, Edgar L. 280 624
Eiland, P.F. 280
Ekstein, H. 201 237
Ekstein, Miriam G. 214—215 238
electric field 26
Electric vector 25
electromagnetic field 25—26
Electromagnetic radiation 26
Electron density, composite 402
Electron density, estimation of errors in 619
Electron density, general sections of 378
Electron density, projections of 370 see
Electron density, sections through 370
Electron, scattering by 25
Electron-density contour 377 387
Electron-density function, curvatures of 621
Electron-density projection in non-axial directions 384
Electron-density projection in various directions 383
Electron-density projection of coesite 381
Electron-density projection of diglycine hydrobromide 518—519
Electron-density projection of orthoboric acid 400
Electron-density projection of platinum phthalocyanine 513
Electron-density projection, general features of 380
Electron-density projection, modulated of orthoboric acid 401
Electron-density section 377
Electron-density section of coesite 379 381
Electron-density section, pinacoidal 377
Electronic exposure photometer 102
Element, small volume, integrated reflection for 197
Element, symmetry 54 60
Element, symmetry, projection of 284
Element, twin 54
Elementary absorption theory 204
Elimination of atoms having subperiods 401
Elimination of incorrect equipoint combinations 318 331 339
Elsey, P.J. 507
Emulsion 79
Emulsion, photographic 78
Enantiomorph 543—545
Ephedrine hydrochloride 545
Epstein, P.S. 2
Equation, normal 611—612
Equation, observational 612
Equi-inclination 111 123 160 162 175 178—179 212 224
Equi-inclination technique 118—119 126 139 154—155 182—183
Equi-inclination technique, rotation factor for 155
Equi-inclination Weissenberg method, range of 144
Equipoint combination 332 339
Equipoint combination for sodium chloride 308
Equipoint combination, incorrect, elimination of 318 331 339
Equipoint combination, transformation of with change of origin 255
Equipoints 250 306 316 328 345—346
Equipoints, available for sodium chlorate 307
Equipoints, characteristics of 252
Equipoints, distributions of atoms on 242 249 251 329
Equipoints, labeling of 251
Equipoints, ranks of 250
Equipoints, similar, sets of 250
Equipoints, symmetry-fixed 306
Equipoints, transformations between with change of origin 255
Equipoints, variate-atom 307—308
Eriks, K. 406
Error map 596
Error of observation 609 612
| Error synthesis, Bunn's 595—597 603
Error, phase-angle 603
Error, series-termination 598 604 612
Error, sources of 617
Error, temperature, residual 609
Errors in coordinates, estimation of 620
Errors in electron density, estimation of 619
Errors in location, correction of 604
Errors in measurement, random 619
Errors in measurement, systematic 619
Errors, rounding-off 494
Establishing an absolute scale 526
Estimation of errors in coordinates 620
Estimation of errors in electron density 619
Etching 68
Eulei's relation 9
Eulerian axes 125
Eulerian cradle 125
Evaluation of Fourier coefficient 355 373
Evans, H.T. 125 133 144 149 194 214—215 217 238 582 627
Evans, R.C. 151 281
Ewald, P.P. 2 48 416 429—430
Example of computation of Fourier synthesis by Beevers — Lipson method 484
Example of computation of one-dimensional Fourier synthesis 483
Example of determination of simple crystal structures 302
Example of use of difference map 607
Exponential form of structure factor 261
Exposure photometer, electronic 102
Exposure scale 86
Exposure series, graded 86
Extension of spot on upper levels 85
Extinction 67 195 237 585 588 609 612 619
Extinction, apparent, from a twin of arsenopyrite 65
Extinction, characteristic 63
Extinction, primary 77 109 195—200 202—203
Extinction, primary, correction for 199
Extinction, primary, correction for, in diamond 201
Extinction, primary, correction for, in sodium chloride 200
Extinction, secondary 195 202—204
Extinction, space-group 197
Extinction, strange 58
F and E, relation between 46
F, normalized 558
Face-centered lattice, isometric, space groups based on 306
Factor, absorption 526
Factor, atomic scattering 259 279
Factor, correction 180—185
Factor, discrepancy 586 592
Factor, form 128 260
Factor, Lorentz 46 152 154 177 183
Factor, Lorentz for methods employing a rotating crystal 158
Factor, Lorentz for motion of pure precession 169
Factor, Lorentz for powder method 171 174
Factor, Lorentz for precession motion with universal-joint suspension 169
Factor, Lorentz for pure precession motion 163
Factor, Lorentz in terms of the recipiocal lattice 156
Factor, Lorentz, theory of 156
Factor, Lorentz-polarization 314 321
Factor, Lorentz-polarization, correction for by computing 185
Factor, modulating 394—395
Factor, multiplicity 152 174 186 314
Factor, polarization 27 29 137 152 174 176 183
Factor, polarization as a function of instrumental coordinates 175
Factor, residual 216
Factor, rotation 152 154 158
Factor, rotation for equi-inclination technique 155
Factor, rotation for normal-beam technique 153
Factor, scale 234 589 613
Factor, scale for the Lorentz factor 162
Factor, scattering 231
Factor, structure 259
Factor, structure for valentinite, computation of 278
Factor, structure, computation of 272
Factor, structure, graphical computation of 300
Factor, structure, hand computation of 274
Factor, structure, imaginary component of 262
Factor, structure, normalized 574
Factor, structure, phase of 271
Factor, structure, programs for computing 273
Factor, structure, real components of 262
Factor, structure, sign of 272
Factor, structure, unitary 558
Factor, structure, unitary, normalized 563
Factor, symmetry 264 280 317 329—330 510 516 522
Factor, symmetry, general forms of 270
Factor, temperature 231 237 239 526 589— 613
Factor, temperature, anisotropic 627
Factor, temperature, determination of 233
Factor, transmission 206—207 213 216 225 237
Factor, transmission for cylindrical specimen 207
Factor, transmission for prismatic specimens 216
Factor, transmission for rod-mounted powder specimens 216
Factor, transmission for spherical specimens 216
Factors, geometrical, affecting intensities 152
Factors, multiplicity for the powder method 188
Factors, physical, affecting intensities 195
Factors, symmetry for the plane projections 290—291
Factors, symmetry of the plane groups 285
Factors, symmetry, zonal 288
Factors, transmission for cylindrical samples 210
Factors, transmission for spherical samples 214
Factors, transmission, high-speed digital computing of 217
Fankuchen, I. 78 135 137 151 193 406
Fantl, L. 508
Fedorov, E.S. 1 5 6
Fellgett, P. 506
Field, electric 26
Field, electromagnetic 25—26
Field, magnetic 26
Filler, Aaron 118 149
Film, Dawton, positive, transmission of 101
Film, development of 88
Film, photographic 77
Film, speed of 83 88
Film, transmission of 79
Film, x-ray, transmissions of 87
Filter 132
Filter, balanced 129—133 151
Filtered radiation 130
Filtering 130
Finch, G.I. 430
Firth, Elsie M. 239
Flat cone 162 175 178
Flat-cone technique 118
Flip-flop circuit 116
Fluorescent background 117
Focusing of reflection 84 118
Fog density 83
Form factor 128 260
Form of Fourier syntheses useful in crystal-structure analysis 370
Form of Lorentz-factor correction 178
Form, obverse 68
Form, reverse 68
Formation of a two-dimensional plateau 106
Formula units, number per cell 243
Formula weights per unit cell 303
Formula, non-Daltonian 245
Forsyth, J.B. 280
Fourier coefficient 352 356 371 378 384 483 490
Fourier coefficient, evaluation of 355 373
Fourier mates 415
Fourier series 352 358 363
Fourier series, general form of 352
Fourier series, one-dimensional 370
Fourier series, one-dimensional, summation of 482
Fourier series, practical methods of summing 478
Fourier series, resolving power as a function of number of terms in 598
Fourier series, three-dimensional, summation of 494
Fourier series, two-dimensional, direct summation of 494
Fourier series, two-dimensional, scheme of the Grenville — Wells method of summing 497
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