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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Lattice array 17 20 35 313
Lattice array of lines 420
Lattice array of points, diffraction by 20
Lattice array, one-dimensional 19
Lattice planes, stack of 39
Lattice row 420
Lattice row, reciprocal of 417
Lattice symmetry, superior, coincidence due to 190
Lattice type 58 446
Lattice, composite 57
Lattice, dimensional specialization of 54
Lattice, one-dimensional 17
Lattice, plane 420
Lattice, plane, reciprocal of 418
Lattice, reciprocal 53—55 58—59 63 65—66
Lattice, reciprocal of 427
Lattice, reciprocal, composite 66
Lattice, reciprocal, generalization of 407
Lattice, reciprocal, twinned 63
Lattice, twinned 57
Lattices, unresolved 55
Laue classes 435
Laue cone 118
Laue method 156
Laue symmetry 435
Laue, Max 2 6
Laurent, T. 507
Laurie acid 537
Lavine, Louis R. 579—580 625
Law of constancy of interfacial angles 1
Law of rationality of intercepts 1
Law, Bragg's 410
Law, Bravais's 1
Law, Friedel's 354 433 435 542 566
Law, Friedel's, breakdown of 543
Law, reciprocity 79
Law, twin 59—61
Laws, Mallard's 1
Layer structure 73
Layer-structure crystal 74
Least squares 625
Least-squares method 616
Least-squares refinement 609
Legendre's principle 609 611
Legendre, A.M. 609
Leonhardt, J. 73
Leung, Yuen C. 624
Level symmetry 63
Levy, Henri A. 239—240 627
Lifschutz, Harold 149
Light, polarized, reflected 68—69
Limit, linearity 127
Limitations on the success of sign determination by inequalities 565
Lindemann, R. 149
Line segment, reciprocal of 421
Line, powder, profile of 103
Lineage 69 71
Lineage structure 69—71 73 198
Linear absorption coefficient 79 204
Linear absorption coefficient, calculation of 205
Linear coordinates 365
Linear structure-factor inequalities 564—565
Linearity limit of Geiger counter 127—128
Lines, lattice array of 420
Lipscomb, William N. 194 240 626
Lipson, H. 135—136 151 237 281—282 292—301 430 477—478 482 488 505 507 520 531 620 626
Literature 5 24 48 76 146 193 237 258 279 301 351 369 404 429 446 477 505 529 548 577 622 634
Littleton, Cecily Darwin 530
Llewellyn, F.J. 282 624
Locating a heavy atom, possibilities of 509
Location of oxygen atoms in valentinite, method of 338
Location, correction of errors in 604
Lollingite, analysis of 245
Lollingite, cell content of 246
Lomer, T.R. 537 613 626
Long-chain molecule 533
Long-chain molecule, crystals containing 548
Lonsdale, Kathleen 118 127—128 148—149 195 200—202 237 240 280 306 313 367 369 477 581 628
Loopstra, B.O. 280
Lorentz factor 46 152 154 177 183
Lorentz factor for methods employing a rotating crystal 158
Lorentz factor for precession motion with universal-joint suspension 169
Lorentz factor for pure precession motion 163 169
Lorentz factor for the powder method 171 174
Lorentz factor in terms of the reciprocal lattice 156
Lorentz factor, scale factor for 162
Lorentz factor, theory of 156
Lorentz, H.A. 156
Lorentz-factor correction 123
Lorentz-factor correction, form of 178
Lorentz-polarization correction 119
Lorentz-polarization factor 314 321
Lorentz-polarization factor, correction for by computing 185
Lorentz-polarization factor, practical methods of correcting for 177
Lost counts, allowances for 128
Love, W. 625
Low-temperature form 56
Lowde, R.D. 237
Lowitzsch, K. 149
Lu, Chia-Si 179 182 193
Lucht, C.M. 579
Lucite 183
Lukesh's intensity method 88
Lukesh's semipolar method 500
Lukesh, J.S. 76 89 99 147 500 506
Luzzati, V. 241 520 530 584 586—588 622—625 627
Macdonald, G.L. 237
Macewan, Douglas 507
MacGillavry, Caroline H. 218 225 238 280 311 317 406 578—580 584
Machine methods of Fourier synthesis 506
Mackay, A.L. 406
Magdoff, Beatrice S. 241 532 579
Magnetic field 26
Mallard nomenclature 68
Mallard point of view 65
Mallard theory 55
Mallard's laws 1
Mallard's rule 66
Mallard's theory of twinning 54
Mallard, Ernest 57
Mani, N.V. 550
Many, A. 148
Map, difference 595 604
Map, difference, example of the use of 607
Map, error 596
Map, Patterson 576
Mapping transmission m reciprocal space 218
Marcasite 65 252—253 302 315
Marcasite structures, possible, intensities computed for 319
Marcasite, computation of intensities of reflections for 325
Marcasite, observed relative intensities for 324
Marcasite, possible distributions of atoms in 316
Marcasite, structure of 326
Marcasite, sulfur parameters of, determination of 319
Marcasite, variation of intensities with sulfur parameter for 322—323
Marchington, B. 508
Mark, H. 193
Marsh, Richard E. 598 624
Martin, A.J.P. 111 147 149
Masks, Patterson — Tunell, set of 488
Mason, Ronald 628
Mass-absorption coefficients 205
Material, suitable for crystal-structure analysis, selection of 53
Material, twinned 63
Mates, Fourier 415
Mathieson, A.McL. 125 150 397—398 406 530 549
Matrix, hermitian 566
Maxima 19
Maxima, diffraction 4
Maximum 16 18 21
| Maximum, direction of 17 19
Maxwell, Louis R. 507
Mayer, S.W. 508
McCullough, J.D. 627
McDonald, G.L. 149
McDonald, T.R.R. 612 625
McIver, E.J. 582
McKeown, P.J.A. 150
McLachlan, D. 118 149 507 556 578
McWeeny, R. 279
Mean value 616
Measure of the correctness of a structure 585
Measurement, intensity 73 77
Measurement, intensity, from single crystals, application of counters to 118
Measurement, random errors of 619
Measurement, systematic errors of 619
Mechanical methods of Fourier synthesis 505
Mees, C.E. Kenneth 146
Megaw, Helen D. 281 623
Melamine 566
Mellor, D.P. 530
Mering, J. 204 238
Merohedral crystal class 57
Merohedral twin 68 192
Metal atom 511
Metallographic microscope, polarizing 67
Methaemoglobin, horse 540
Method for locating atom centers 598
Method of intense high-index reflections 366
Method of location of oxygen atoms m valentinite 338
Method, algebraic 553 577
Method, Astbury -ray 93
Method, Beevers — Lipson 482 485 487 494
Method, counter in intensity measurement 127
Method, Dawton positive-print 98
Method, de Jong — Bouman 88 138 186—187
Method, density 85
Method, density-transforming 93
Method, density-wedge 91
Method, differential 600
Method, employing a rotating crystal, Lorentz factor for 158
Method, equi-inclination Weissenberg, range of 144
Method, Grenville-Wells, H.J. 499 504 506
Method, Hauptman — Karle 574 576
Method, heavy-atom 369 551—552
Method, heavy-atom, remarks on 520
Method, inequality 553
Method, integrated-intensity 71 89
Method, Laue 156
Method, least-squares 616
Method, Lukesh's intensity 88
Method, Lukesh's semipolar 500
Method, machine for Fourier synthesis 506
Method, mechanical of Fourier synthesis 505
Method, mixed-powder 109
Method, moving-film 63 191 308
Method, nodal 538 542 548
Method, oscillating-crystal 63 187
Method, Patterson — Tunnell 482 485
Method, peak-intensity 72 84
Method, permutation 553
Method, phase-table of Fourier summations 500
Method, photographic 46 78
Method, photographic, advantages of 112
Method, photometer-trace 89
Method, plateau 103 126 129
Method, powder 77 190 202 308
Method, powder, coincidences for 188
Method, powder, Lorentz factor for 171 174
Method, powder, multiplicity factors for 188
Method, practical for correcting for Lorentz and polarization factors 177
Method, practical of summing Fourier series 478
Method, precession 63 88 138 144 186—187
Method, precession, range of 144
Method, replaceable-atom 526 528 551
Method, replaceable-atom, ambiguity in 529
Method, rotating-crystal 63 187 303 308
Method, Sauter 186
Method, Sayre's squaring 567 571
Method, Schiebold 186
Method, Schiebold — Sauter 186
Method, single-crystal 77
Method, single-crystal comparison 111
Method, spectrometer 112 149
Method, stationary-counter 126
Method, statistical 553 582
Method, steepest descents 614
Method, strip 482
Method, strip of Fourier synthesis 505
Method, substitution 109 111
Method, vector-space 553—554 578
Method, Weissenberg 63 186
Method, Wilson's 572 589
Method, Wilson's, zones for 236
Method, Zachariasen's 571 573
Methylene bromide 114
Meyer, Charles F. 48
Micaceous mineral 74
Microphotometer, Brentano's 94
Microscope, polarizing metallographic 67
Microscope, polarizing petrographic 67 75
Mineral, micaceous 74
Missing reciprocal-lattice points 63
Mixed-powder method 109
Models which cannot be refined 593
Modulated projection 392
Modulated projection of orthoboric acid 401
Modulating factor 394—395
Modulation, sinusoidal 398
Modulus projection 397
Moffett, R.H. 217 239 532
Molecular crystal 428
Molecular Fourier transforms 428
Molecules, long-chain 533
Molecules, long-chain, crystals containing 548
Moller, Eva 238
Molybdenite 74
Moneypenny, H.K. 148
Monochromated radiation 134
Monochromatic x-radiation 130 134 204
Monochromation 117
Monochromators 151
Monochromators, condensing 135 137
Monochromators, crystal 134—136
Morley, K.A. 282 301 430 537
Mosaic 111 202
Mosaic block 199
Mosaic crystal 198
Motif sector of reciprocal space 449
Motion, temperature 195
Motion, thermal, anisotropic 590 607
Motion, thermal, isotropic 590 607
Motion, wave 7
Moving-film method 63 191 303 308
Mrose, Mary E. 627
Multiple-film technique 86—88
Multiplicity factor 152 174 186 314
Multiplicity factor for the powder method 188
Munoz, R. 239
Muscarine iodide 608
n shift 620
n-shift rule 593
Nakatsu, Kazumi 449
Naphthalene, crystal structure of 428
Naphthalene, Fourier transform of 429
Naya, Shigeo 580
Needle-shaped crystal 74
Negative, x-ray, preparation of 99
Nelson, J.B. 135—136 151
Nepheline 540
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