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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Primary "extinction", correction for, in sodium chloride 200
Primary attenuation 197
Primitive cell, symmetry operations in 386
Principle, Legendre's 609 611
Prins, J.A. 543 549
Printing box 100
Prints, perfect 96
Prints, positive, preparation of 99
Problem, phase 4 20 551—552
Problem, phase, solutions to 553
Process, bichromated-gelatin 94
Process, photographic, fundamentals of 78
Procession apparatus 75
Procession apparatus, strategy with 144
Product function 556
Product space 555
Products, reciprocals of 425
Profile of a powder line 103—104
Program, computer for computing structure factors 272—273
Projected sections 391
Projected slabs 387
Projected slabs, coefficients for Fourier synthesis of 390
Projected symmetry 385
Projection 395
Projection of electron density 370 380 382 387
Projection of electron density in non-axial direction 384
Projection of electron density in various directions 383
Projection of electron density of diglycine hydrobromide 518—519
Projection of electron density of orthoboric acid 400
Projection of electron density of platinum phthalocyanine 513
Projection of orthoboric acid, modulated electron-density 401
Projection of space group 386 516
Projection of structure 283
Projection of tetramethylpyrazine 391
Projection of the valentinite structure 347
Projection, bounded 391
Projection, component 397
Projection, composite 401
Projection, direction of 383
Projection, generalized 392—393 395 398 400
Projection, generalized, properties of 396
Projection, modulated 392
Projection, modulus 397
Projection, Patterson 595
Projection, sinusoidally modulated 399 401
Projections of several sections 391
Projections of space groups 286
Projections of space groups and plane groups, relations between 283
Projections of symmetry elements 284
Projections, stereoscopic pairs of 385
Proper subgroup 57
Properties, combinatorial of Fourier transforms 448
Properties, combinatorial of generalized projection 396
Properties, combinatorial of reciprocals 424
Properties, combinatorial, fundamental of reciprocals 413
Proportional counter 116—117
Prosen, R.J. 281
Pseudohexagonal cell 62
Pthalocyanines 111
Pulse-height discrimination 116
Pure precession motion 163 169 178
Pyrite crystal 70
Quantitative aspects of diffraction of x-rays by crystals 25
Quantum counter 47 73 77 112 116
Quarashi, M.M. 148 279 579 613 615 616 623 625—626
Quartz 199 544
Quenching agent 114
Radiation, Characteristic 130—131
Radiation, converging, precession photograph made with 110
Radiation, electromagnetic 26
Radiation, filtered 130
Radiation, general 134
Radiation, incoherently scattered 225
Radiation, monochromated 134
Radiation, monochromatic 204
Radiation, polychromatic 204
Radoslovich, E.W. 281
Raeuchle, R.F. 405
Ramachandran, G.N. 118 149 544 549
Raman, S. 544—545 549 550
Ramaseshan, S. 281 550
Ramsay, I.W. 507
Random errors of measurement 619
Range of equi-inclination Weissenberg method 144
Range of precession method 144
Range, recording 151
Rank of equipoint 250 306
Rao, R.V.G. Sundara 281
Rate, counting 115
Rationality of intercepts, law of 1
Real component of structure factor 262
Real reciprocals 420
Realgar 385 490
Realgar, Harker line for 483
Realgar, one-dimensional Fourier summation of 485
Reciprocal cell 58
Reciprocal lattice 53—55 58—59 63 65—66
Reciprocal lattice, composite 66
Reciprocal lattice, generalization of 407
Reciprocal lattice, Lorentz factor m terms of 156
Reciprocal lattice, twinned 63
Reciprocal of a crystal 434
Reciprocal of a crystal structure 427
Reciprocal of a lattice row 417
Reciprocal of a line segment 421
Reciprocal of a plane lattice 418
Reciprocal of a product 425
Reciprocal of a rectangle 422 424
Reciprocal of a space lattice 418 427
Reciprocal of a stack of planes 419
Reciprocal of a structure 423
Reciprocal of a sum 425
Reciprocal of an atom 423
Reciprocal of some periodic objects 417
Reciprocal space 5 51 55 407
Reciprocal space, mapping transmission m 218
Reciprocal space, motif sector of 449
Reciprocal space, symmetry in 431 439
Reciprocal space, transformation from, to direct space 414
Reciprocal space, transformation to, from direct space 413 415
Reciprocal structure 416—417 423 536—538 540 566 588
Reciprocal structure, inverse 416
Reciprocal, complex 420
Reciprocal, real 420
Reciprocal-lattice point, missing 63
Reciprocal-lattice point, volume of 158
Reciprocal-net distance, identical, coincidence due to 191
Reciprocals of lattice types 446
Reciprocals of simple periodic objects 420
Reciprocals of space-lattice types 438
Reciprocals, combinatorial properties of 424
Reciprocals, fundamental properties of 413
Reciprocity 417 419
Reciprocity law 79
Record, intensity, collecting the 138
Record, Weissenberg 142
Recorder, chart 115
Recorder, graphical 115
Recording photometer 89
Recording range 151
Recording range for various symmetries 140
Recording, graphical 127
Rectangle, reciprocal of 422 424
Reduced cell 377
refinement 202 585
Refinement cycle 592
Refinement for acentric syntheses 592
Refinement, least-squares 609
Reflected polarized light 68—69
Reflecting efficiency 199
| Reflection coincidences 174 190
Reflection efficiency 40—41
Reflection parameter 120
Reflection, absent 63 65
Reflection, defocused 73
Reflection, focused 84
Reflection, focusing of 118
Reflection, integrated 40
Reflection, integrated for a perfect crystal 197
Reflection, integrated for a small volume element 197
Reflection, integrated power of 46
Reflection, powder, unresolved 78
Reflection, satellitic 71
Reflection, spread of 85
Reflection, standard, comparison with 108
Reflection, surface 219 221
Reflection, transmitted 219
Reflection, x-ray, split 73
Reflections, three, inequalities involving 563—564
Region, blind 139 145
Region, inertia 84
Regions of low uniform density, crystals with 548
Register, count 116
Relation, between E and F 46
Relation, between plane groups and projections of space groups 283
Relation, Euler's 9
Relation, fundamental diffraction 7
Relation, Sayre's 569—571
Relation, sign 553 567 571 580
Relation, Zachariasen's 572
Reliability of observation 612
Remarks on the heavy-atom method 520
Remounting the crystal 141
Reorientation 74
Repeated transformations 415—416
Repeated twins 61
Replaceable atom 509 522 525 529 533
Replaceable atoms, phase determination for crystals having a set of 521
Replaceable atoms, phase determination using 530
Replaceable atoms, several 528
Replaceable-atom method 526 528 551
Replaceable-atom method, ambiguity in 529
Residual 586 613—614
Residual factor R 202 216 586—589
Residual temperature error 609
Residue 511 514 521—522 543
Residue atom 520
Residue structure 592
Resolution of a crystal into planes 29
Resolving power as a function of number of terms in Fourier series 598
Resolving power, disadvantages of lack of 77
Resolving power, lack of 78
Resolving time 115—116
Responses of Geiger counter 114
Results, statistical, Wilson's 618
Revell, K.S. 76
Reversal of sign 397
Reversal symmetry 397
Reverse form 68
Rieck, G.D. 317
Riley, D.P. 135—136 151
Rimsky, A. 504 506 628
Ring, Debye 173—174 190—191
Ripple, diffraction 598
Ritter, H.L. 391 405
Robertson, A.P. 626 634
Robertson, J. Monteath 87—89 93 111 146—147 367 369 404 430 478 494 505—507 508 511 513 522—524 530—532 624 634
Robertson, J.H. 530
Robinson's photometer 92—93
Robinson, B.W. 92 146
Robinson, G. 609
Rock salt 111
Rogers, D. 217 239 241 507 532 581
Rogers-Low, B.W. 597 623
Rollett, J.S. 240 625—627
Rolling component of precession motion 165 168
Romgens, Marlene J.H. 280
Roof, Raymond B., Jr. 627
Rose, A.J. 504 506—507
Ross, P.A. 130 151
Rossmann, Michael G. 148 406
Rotating crystal 178—179
Rotating crystal, Lorentz factor for methods employing 158
Rotating sector 183
Rotating-crystal method 63 187 303 308
Rotating-crystal photograph 191
Rotation factor 152 154 158
Rotation factor for equi-inclination technique 155
Rotation factor for normal-beam technique 153
Roth, Walter, L. 405
Rotor 289
Rounding-off errors 494
Row of translation-equivalent points, diffraction by 10
Row, lattice 420
Rule, double-shift 593
Rule, extinction 63 65
Rule, Mallard's 66
Rule, n-shift 593
Rundle, R.E. 240 405
Ruston, W.R. 147
Sagnieres, A. 583
Saito, Yoshihiko 549
Sakurai, Kiichi 579
Salt, double 56 65
Sample points per cell, number of 376 386
Samples, cylindrical, transmission factors for 210
Samples, spherical, transmission factors for 214
Samples, very small, theory of 618
Sampling interval 376 503
Sampling the Fourier transform 479
Sasada, Yoshio 241
Sass, Ronald L. 406
Satellite 71
Satellite, dispersion of 70 72
Satellitic reflection 71
Sauter method 186
Sayre's 571 575
Sayre's relation 569—571
Sayre's relation, geometrical interpretation of 570
Sayre's sign relation 571 575
Sayre's squaring method 567 571
Sayre, D. 282 568—569 580 625
Scalar product of two vectors for the several crystal systems 633
Scale factor 234 589 613
Scale factor for the Lorentz factor 162
Scale, absolute, establishing 526
Scale, blackening 87
Scale, exposure 86
Scale, preliminary 589
Scale, standard 86
Scale-of-sixty-four 116
Scale-of-two circuit 116
Scaler 116
Scan photometer, Dawton 88 93
Scanning pattern for spot using the Nordman integrating device 107
Scanning speed of recorder 115
Scatterer, anomalous 543
Scatterer, normal 543
Scattering by a crystal 29
Scattering by an electron 25
Scattering by one-dimensional patterns 17
Scattering by three-dimensional patterns 22
Scattering curves, shapes of 562
Scattering expression, interpretation of 19
Scattering factor 231
Scattering factor, atomic 279
Scattering power 356
Scattering power of an atom 260
Scattering, anomalous 543—546
Scattering, anomalous in sodium rubidium tartrate 545
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