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Martin J Buerger — Crystal Structure Analysis |
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Abrahams, S.C. 149 179 185 194 625
Abrahamsson, Sixten 548
Absences, systematic of a meaningless type 66
Absent spectra 63 65
Absolute configuration 543 544
Absolute coordinate 21 354—356
Absolute scale, determination of 233 241 526
Absorption 55 74—75 195 202—204 238 585 619
Absorption allowance, anisotropic 608
Absorption anomaly 609
Absorption coefficient 74 203
Absorption coefficient, linear 79
Absorption correction 75 77 609
Absorption correction, approximate 218
Absorption edge 130—132 225 542—544
Absorption factor 526
Absorption for rod-shaped crystal, calculation of correction for 213
Absorption theory, elementary 204
Absorption, anomalous 239
Absorption, correcting powder-photograph data for 207
Absorption, specific 204
Academy of Sciences, New York 103
Accidentally equal origin distance, coincidence due to 191
Accuracy of interatomic distances and bond angles 634
Accuracy, assessment of 616 626
Acentric syntheses, refinement for 592
Acicular habit 74
Acicular shape 74
Acid, lauric 537
Adams, Douglas P. 194
Addition solid solution 244
Additivity theorem 425 449
Additivity theorem, application of 448
Adjusting Weissenberg camera 143
Adjustment of coordinates, trial-and-error 590
Adjustment of parameters 277
Advantages of photographic method 112
Aggregate, subparallel 70
Aggregate, twinned 67
Ahmed, F.R. 281 508 550 624 626
Aids to hand computing 279
Albrecht, Gustav 217 238
Alexander, E. 148
Alexander, Leroy 281
Algebra of the complex plane 9
Algebraic methods 553 577
Allison, Samuel K. 404
Allowances for lost counts 128
Alpha-ray method, Astbury 93
Ambiguity in replaceable-atom method 529
American Crystallographic Association 4
American Society for X-Ray and Electron Diffraction 4
Amoros, J.L. 507
Amphibole 74
Amplitude pattern 332
Amplitude, scattered by a point 23
Amplitude, structure 263
Analogue computation 279 281 604
Analogue computer 272
Analogue computer for diffractometer settings 125
Analysis of lollingite 245
Analysis, crystal-structure, outline of 49
Analytical parameter determination 327
Andersen, A.F. 150
Angle, interatomic, calculation of 629 632
Angle, interfacial, law of constancy of 1
Angle, phase 261
Angular coordinates 354—355
Angular imperfection of the crystal 41
Anisotropic absorption allowance 608
Anisotropic temperature correction 613
Anisotropic temperature factor 627
Anisotropic thermal motion 590 607
Anomalous absorption 239
Anomalous scatterer 543
Anomalous scattering 543—546
Anomalous scattering in sodium rubidium tartrate 545
Anomalous scattering, utilization of 542 549
Anomaly 607
Anomaly, absorption 609
Anomaly, temperature 608—609
Another view of Fourier synthesis 358
anthracene 111
Anti-equi-inclination 111 160 162 175 178—179 184 212
Apparatus for grinding and polishing surfaces on crystals 68
Apparatus, Crystallographic, Commission on 14
Apparatus, precession 75
Apparatus, precession, strategy with 144
Apparent extinctions from a twin of arsenopyrite 65
Application of counters to measurement of intensities from single crystals 118
Application of Harker — Kasper inequalities to phase determination 560
Application of symmetry to Fourier summations 448
Application of the additivity theorem 448
Approximations of correction for absorption 218
Aravindakshan, C. 625
Arcs, shaded 74
Area of Fresnel zone 33
Argand diagram 11 34
Armstrong, W.E. 148
Arndt, U.W. 126 150
Arrangement of computations of structure factors 275
Array, lattice 17 20 35 313
Array, lattice of lines 420
Array, lattice of points, diffraction by 20
Array, lattice, one-dimensional 19
Arsenopyrite 65
Arsenopyrite, polished surface of 68
Arsenopyrite, twin of, apparent extinctions from 65
Assessment of accuracy 616 626
Astbury's method 93 94
Astbury, W.T. 146
Atoji, Masao 194 405
Atom centers, method for locating 598
Atom locations, phase relations for crystals in which some are known 584
Atom, component 396
Atom, Fourier transform of 395
Atom, heavy 302 327 509—510 512 514 516 533 552 590 592
Atom, heavy, possibilities of locating 509
Atom, metal 511
Atom, point 260
Atom, reciprocal of 423
Atom, replaceable 509 522 525 529 533
Atom, residue 520
Atom, scattering power of 260
Atomic number 260
Atomic scattering factor 259 279
Atoms in the unit cell, number of 242
Atoms, distribution of, among the equipoints 242 249 251 329
Atoms, distribution of, among the equipoints for sodium chloride 305
Atoms, having subperiods, elimination of 401
Atoms, heavy, phase determination for crystals having a set of 509
Atoms, heavy, phase determination using 529
Atoms, oxygen, method of location in valentinite 338
Atoms, plane of, diffraction by 35
Atoms, replaceable 528
Atoms, replaceable, phase determination for crystals having a set of 521
Atoms, replaceable, phase determination using 530
Atoms, squared 567
Attenuation, primary 197
Ausloeschung (extinction) 3
Automatic control of spectrometer 112
Avrami, Melvin 577
Axes, Eulerian 125
Azaroff integrating device, scheme of 108
Azaroff, Leonid V. 108—110 138 145 148 151 508
Back-shift correction 600
Background count 127
Background patterns 225
Background, fluorescent 117
| Bacon, G.E. 237
Bailey, M. 430
Balanced filters 129—133 151
Banerjee, K. 554 577
Barbieri, F. 76
Barlow, William 1—3 5—6
Barnes, R.J. 135 151 508
Barney, Elsa 530
Barrere, C. 239
Barstad, G.E.B. 150
Barth, Tom F.W. 307
Basic photographic theory 146
basic structure 55—56
Baxter, A. 94 95 146
Beam, convergent 104
Beam, intensity of 27
Beam, normal 162 175 178—180
Beam, plane-polarized 27
Beam, polarized 29
Beevers — Lipson method 482 485 487 494
Beevers — Lipson method, example of computation of Fourier synthesis by 484
Beevers — Lipson strips 494
Beevers — Lipson summation 503
Beevers, C.A. 281 295 301 477—478 482 488 505—507 526 530—531 612 625
Bell, I.P. 537—538 548
Bending 73
Benedict, T.S. 150
Bennett, J.M. 508
Berghuis, J. 280
Berman, Harry 50 258
Bernal chart 311
Bernal, J.D. 429 584
Bertaut, E.F. 578 580 583—584
Beu, Karl E. 148
Bichromated-gelatin process 94
Bijvoet, J.M. 150 528 531 543—544 549—550
Birtley, Willard B. 93 147
Black, P.J. 405
Blackening 84 315
Blackening scale 87
Blackness 79
Blake, F.C. 48
Bland, J.A. 530 579
Bleeksma, J. 115 149
Blind region 118—119 139 145
Block, mosaic 199
Blow, D.M. 550
Bluhm, M.M. 532
Blum, J.J. 240 627
Blum, P. 583
Board for arranging Patterson — Tunell strips 487
Bodo, G. 532
Bokhoven, C. 528 531
Bond, W.L. 75—76 150 179 193
Bones, R. 150
Booth, A.D. 193 281 387 391 405 588—589 598 603—604 613—614 620 622—627
Borrmann, G. 239
Bosanquet 30 48 237
Bostrom, Kurt 179 194
Bouman — de Jong method 88
Bouman, J. 88 193 579—580
Boundary, twin 67
Bounded projection 391
Box for storing Patterson — Tunell strips 486
Box, printing 100
Boyes-Watson, Joy 531 540—541 548
Bozorth, R.M. 151
Bradley, A.J. 208—211 238
Bragg — Lipson chart 504
Bragg's law 410
Bragg, W.H. 6 112 149 237 292—300
Bragg, W.L. 2—3 6 30 48 112 149 282 301 404 506 548
Bravais's law 1
Bravais, M.A. 429
Breakdown of Friedel's law 543
Brentano's microphotometer 94
Brentano, J. 90—91 94—95 103 146—147
Brill, R. 530
Brindley, G.W. 240 279
Brotherton, T. 548
Brown, I.D. 150
Brown, J.R. 148
Brown, Walter N., Jr. 93 147
Bryden, J.H. 627
Buerger, M.J. 21 50 54—65 68 70—72 76 150—151 161 176 187—188 190—191 193 198 213 218—220 222—224 238—239 258 281 307 315 333—336 340—342 344 346 348 351 377 403 406 447 477 530 540 578 624
Buerger, Newton W. 55 72
Buerki, H. 581
Bullen, G.J. 148
Bullough, R.K. 582
Bunn's error synthesis 595—597 603
Bunn, C.W. 595—597 623
Burbank, Robinson D. 179 194 579
Burns, D.M. 405 623—625
Busing, William R. 239 627
Calcite 199 202
Calculated and observed intensities for valentmite 350
Calculation of correction for absorption for rod-shaped crystal 213
Calculation of interatomic angles 629 632
Calculation of interatomic distances 629—630
Calculation of linear-absorption coefficient 205
Calculation, trial-and-error 537
Camera, de Jong — Bouman 183
Camera, Weissenberg, adjusting 143
Camera, Wiebenga 107
Camerer, L. 300—301
Caminer, D.T. 508
Campbell, H.N. 239
Camphor 525 526
Cantor, Georg 370 372
Carlisle, C.H. 530
Carotine 566
Casals, Jose M. 506
Caticha-Ellis, S. 628
Cauchy's inequality 557 563—564
Cell content of lollingite 246
Cell content of tourmaline, computation of 248
Cell, pseudohexagonal 62
Cell, reciprocal 58
Cell, reduced 377
Cell, unit 57 303
Center of symmetry 263 378
Centrosymmetrical crystals 378
Champaygne, E.F. 507
Chandrasekaran, K.S. 544 549
Chandrasekhar, S. 204 238
Chang, C.K. 151
Change of origin 270
Chao, S.H. 539
Characteristic extinctions 63
Characteristic radiation 130—131
Characteristics of equipoints 252
Charlesby, A. 81 146 430
Chart recorder 115
Chart, Bernal 311
Chart, Bragg — Lipson 504
Chart, Kaan and Cole 312
Chemical formula, determination of 244
Chemical mass in unit cell 244
Christ, C.L. 582
Christensen, Carl J. 507
Circle theory of Fourier synthesis 504
Circuit, flip-flop 116
Circuit, scale-of-two 116
Claassen, A. 208 238
Clark, D. 530
Clark, Joan R. 582
Classes, Laue 435
Cleavage surface of galena 72
Clews, C.J.B. 194 392 405 406 508
Clifton, D.F. 118 149
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