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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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Radiative transfer, transfer equation 255—266
Radio astronomy 161
Radio galaxies 1093 1107
Radio galaxies, core 1092
Radio galaxies, halo 1092
Radio galaxies, radio lobes and lets 1092
Radio interferometry 164—165
Radio lobes 1090—1092 1122
Radio lobes, formation of 1123
Radio map 161 162
Radio telescopes 161—167
Radio waves 66
Radioactive dating 756—759
Radioactive decay supemovae 534
Radius of curvature (lens) 143
Radius-luminosity relation 956
Ram-pressure stripping 985
Random walk 252—254
Rapidly oscillating roAp stars see “roAP stars”
Rayet, G. 521
Rayleigh criterion 147
Rayleigh scattering 247 402
Rayleigh, Lord 71
Rayleigh-Jeans law 72 73
Reaction rates, electron screening and 306
Reaction rates, Gamow peak 305
Reaction rates, nuclear reactions 302—307
Reaction rates, resonance and 306
Recessional velocity 1054
Recombination 1181—1182 1253
Red edge 498
Red giant branch (stellar evolution) 460
Red giant tip 461
Red supergiant stars (RSG) 522
Reddening interstellar reddening 401
Redshift 98
Redshift parameter 99
Redshift surveys 1073—1076
Redshift, cosmological redshift 1099 1199—1201
Redshift-magnitude relation 1212—1215 1217
Reduced mass 42 122 125
Reflecting telescopes 141 155—158
Reflection 143
Reflection grating 113
Reflection nebula 402
Reflex motion 196 197
Reflex radial velocity 848
Refracting telescopes 141 154—155
Refractories 756
Refractory inclusions 839
Regolith 739
Reionization 1256
Relativistic beaming 1128
Relativistic cosmology 1183—1199
Relativistic Doppler shift 98
Relativistic jets 548 549 699
Relativistic kinetic energy 102—104
Relativistic momentum 102 105—106
Relativistic velocitytransformation 100
Relativity 88 89 see “General “Spacetime”
Resolution 147
Resolving power 113
Resonance 306
Resonance effects in eary Solar System 868
Rest energy 103
Rest frame 93
Rest length 626
Rest mass energy 299
Retrograde motion 3 6—7
Retrograde rotation 741—742 816 861
Reverberation mapping 1117
RGB, see Red giant branch Riemann, Bernhard 1185
Rigel 68 69 112
Right ascension 12
Riley, J.M. 1105
Ring galaxies 1005—1008
Ring systems see “Planetary ring systems”
Ring systems of Jupiter 802 804
Ring systems of Neptune 805
Ring systems of Saturn 775 801—804 806
Ring systems of Uranus 802 804 807
Ritchey — Chretien telescope 158 160
roAp stars 512
Robertson — Walker metric 1189 1201
Robertson, Howard Percy 1189
Roche limit 723—724
Roche lobes 658 659 670
Roche, Edouard 658 723
Roemer, Ole 63
Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) 170
ROSAT (Roentgen Satellite 170
Rosetta spacecraft 824
Rosseland mean opacity 249—250 260
Rosseland, Svein 249
Rotation curves 915—917 951—952
Rotation of stars 380
Rotation of sun 380
Rotationally supported galaxies 989
Rovibrational bands 407
RR Centauri 194
RR Lyrae 470
RR Lyrae stars 490 491 877 895 921 1040
RR Lyrae stars, P-V diagram 494 495
RR Lyrae stars, partial ionization zone 496
RS Canum Venaticorum stars 672
RSG see “Red supergiant stars”
Rubin, Vera 915
Runge — Kutta algorithm A-25
Russell, Henry Norris 221
Rutherford, Ernest 119
Rydberg constant 120 125
Rydberg, Johannes 120
Ryle, Martin 587
S Doradus variables 519
S waves 749 750
s-process nucleosynthesis 467—542
S-star binaries 673
S2 923 924
Sachs — Wolfe effect 1260
Sagan, Carl 763
SAGE 358 359
Sagittarius A (Sgr A) 927
Sagittarius, radio sources in 926—929
Saha equation 213—215 1181
Saha, Meghnad 214
Sakigake spacecraft 821
Salam, Abdus 1236
Salpeter, Edwin E. 1019
SALT (Southern African Large Telescope) 159
Sandage, Allan 519 1016 1041 1095
Sanduleak, Nicholas 524 699
SAS-1 (Small Astronomy Satellite-1) 170
Satellite, orbit 631—633
Satellites see “Moons”
Saturn 715 719
Saturn, atmosphere of 778 785
Saturn, composition of 859
Saturn, cooling timescale 785
Saturn, core of 783
Saturn, energy budgets and effective temperatures 784
Saturn, gravitational moments 781
Saturn, interior structure of 785 786
Saturn, mass-radius relationship 778
Saturn, moment of inertia 781
Saturn, moons of 715—716 723 776 797—799
Saturn, orbit 6
Saturn, ring system 724 775 801—804 806
Saturn, spacecraft missions to 111
Scalar Higgs boson 1230 1231
Scale factor 1148
| Scaliger, Joseph Justus 14
Schechter, Paul 991
Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio 762
Schmidt telescope 158
Schmidt, Brian 1214
Schmidt, Maarten 1096
Schoedel, Rainer 923
Schoenberg — Chandrasekhar limit 451 458 478
Schoenberg — Chandrasekhar limit, derivation 453—456
Schroedinger's equation 132—133
Schroedinger, Erwin 132
Schroeeder, M.C. A-26
Schuster — Schwarzschild model 272 273
Schwarzschild metric 630 634 635 638 639 1185 1189
Schwarzschild radius 1111
Schwarzschild throat 642
Schwarzschild, Karl 630
Sco X-1 691
SCP see “Supernova Cosmology Project”
Sculptor group 1061
SDSS see “Sloan Digital Sky Survey”
SDSS 023137.65-072854.4 1099
SDSS 1030+0524 99 100 1056 1159
SDSS 17100.62-641209.0 1099
Second dredge-up phase 463
Second overtone 493
Secondary star 658 659
Sector boundary 820
Secular parallax 922 1039
sed see “Spectral energy distribution”
Sedna 111
seeing 148
Seismic waves on Earth 749 750
Selection rules 136
Sellgren, Kristen 923
Semidetached binary 658 659
Semidetached binary, accretion disks 661 662
Semidetached binary, eclipsing systems 667
Semidetached binary, mass transfer rate 658—661
Semidetached binary, white dwarfs in 673—686
Semimajor axis 25
Semiminor axis 26
Sensitivity function 76 78
Sersic profile 951
Seyfert galaxies 1085—1087 1107 1108 1116 1117 1129
Seyfert galaxies, Seyfert-1 galaxies 1085 1086 1107 1108 1117
Seyfert galaxies, Seyfert-2 galaxies 1085 1086 1107 1108 1117 1120
Seyfert, Carl K. 1085
SFR see “Star formation rate”
SGB see “Subgiant branch”
Sgr A 927 929
Sgr A East 928
Sgr A West 928
Sgr A* 928 932
Sgr A*, supermassive black hole in 929—931
SGRs see “Soft gamma repeaters”
Shadow zones 749
Shapley concentration 1071
Shapley — Curtis Debate 941—942
Shapley, Harlow 487 877 882 894 941 1039 1040
Shelton, Ian 524
Shepherd moons 805
Shklovsky, I. 592
Shock front 377
Shock wave 377
Shoemaker, Eugene M. 834
Short-hard gamma ray bursts 547 705
Short-period comets 825
Shu, Frank 869
SI units, table of conversion to/from cgs units Inside Back Cover
Sidereal period 6
Sidereal time 10
Silk damping 1252
Silk, Joseph 1252
SIM PlanetQuest mission 59 172 856 922
Simon, George 509
Simultaneity 92
Sines, law of 17
Single-line spectroscopic binary star system 188
Single-slit diffraction 145—146
Sirius 76 112 224
Sirius A 557 558
Sirius B, discovery 557—559
Sirius B, electron degeneracy 566 569
Sirius B, gravitational redshift and 622
SIRTF (Spitzer Space Telescope) 168
Sky view 172
SL9 see “Comet”
SL9, P/Shoemaker — Levy 9
Slattery, Wayne 740
Slipher, Vesto M. 941 1052
Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS) 172 204 1078 1099
Slow novae 681
Small Astronomy Satellite-1(SAS-1) 170
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) 467 484 891 945 948 1059
Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), Cepheids in 486
SMBHs see “Supermassive black holes”
SMC see “Small Magellanic Cloud”
SMC X-1 696
SN 1006 524 553
SN 1963p 1043
SN 1987A 524 525 536—541
SN 1993J 528
SN 1997ff 1214
SN 1998bw 547
SN 2003dh 547
SNAP spacecraft see “Supernova/Acceleration Probe”
Snell's law 141 142
Snow line 860 865
SNR see “Supernova remnants”
SNU see “Solar neutrino unit”
Snyder, Hartland 634
Sodiumspectral lines 275—276
Soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) 603
Softening factor A-27
SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) 172 825
Solar antapex 906
Solar apex 906
Solar atmosphere 360—380
Solar atmosphere, chromosphere 364—365
Solar atmosphere, corona 366—370 390
Solar atmosphere, coronal holes 370—372
Solar atmosphere, granulation 363—365
Solar atmosphere, hydrodynamic equations 376
Solar atmosphere, magnetohydrodynamics 377—380
Solar atmosphere, Parker spiral 380
Solar atmosphere, photosphere 274 277—278 360—362 379
Solar atmosphere, plages 385
Solar atmosphere, solar flares 386—388
Solar atmosphere, solar prominences 388 389
Solar atmosphere, solar wind 370—374
Solar atmosphere, spicules 365
Solar atmosphere, sunspots 381—385
Solar atmosphere, supergranulation 365
Solar atmosphere, transition region 365—366
Solar circle 883
Solar constant 61
Solar convection zone 511
Solar cosmic rays 386
Solar cycle 381—393
Solar cycle, coronal mass ejections 389 390
Solar cycle, magnetic dynamo theory 391—392
Solar cycle, plages 385
Solar cycle, solar flares 386—388
Solar cycle, solar prominences 388 389
Solar cycle, sunspots 381—385
Solar cycle, supergranulation 365
Solar eclipse bending of starlight 613
Solar flares 386—388
Solar galactocentric distance 882 883
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