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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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Excitations 245
Excited state 124
Exclusion principle 135 136
Exoplanets see “Extrasolar planets”
Exosphere 726 727
Exothermic reactions 314
Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) 166
Expansion of the universe 1052—1058 1207
Extinction see “Interstellar extinction”
Extinction coefficient 401
Extrasolar planets 195—198 714 848—857
Extrasolar planets, atmosphere of 854
Extrasolar planets, brown dwarfs distinguished from 855
Extrasolar planets, density of 853
Extrasolar planets, formation of 867
Extrasolar planets, future search missions 856—857
Extrasolar planets, image of 855
Extrasolar planets, mass distribution of 850
Extrasolar planets, metallicity of 852—853
Extrasolar planets, multi-planet systems 849
Extrasolar planets, orbital eccentricity in 850—852
Extrasolar planets, radii of 853
Extrasolar planets, reflex radial velocity to detect 848
Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 170
F corona 367
f-mode 505
Faber — Jackson relation 987 1048
Faber, Sandra 987 1070
Fabricius, David 483
Faint ancient Sun paradox 747
False vacuum 1241 1243
Fanaroff — Riley luminosity classes 1105
Fanaroff, B.L. 1105
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) 890
Fast novae 681
Fath, Edward A. 1085
Fermi energy 563—565
Fermi — Dirac statistics 294
Fermi, Enrico 135 308 552
fermions 135—136 294 563 564 1230
FH Serpentis 682
Field stars 894
Filling factor 1119 1120
Fireball expansion phase, classical novaes 684
First dredge-up phase 461
First excited state 212
First overtone 492 493
Fisher, J.Richard 952
Fission reaction 299
Five-minute solar oscillations 509
flare stars 392
Flash spectrum 365
Flatness problem 1238 1244
Fleming, Williamina R. 202
Flocculent spirals 964 965
Flocculent spirals, stochastic, self-propagating star formation (SSPSF) 983
Flora family 833
Fluence 544
Fluid equation 1161 1191
Fluid mechanics 316
Flux 60
Focal length 142 154
Focal plane 143—144
Focal points 26 142
focal ratio 153
Forbidden transitions 136
Force-carrying particles 1230
Fowler, Ralph H. 563
Fowler, William 1163
Fragmentation of collapsing clouds 417—419 430
Frail, Dale 195
Frame dragging 640
Fraunhofer lines 111 114 115
Fraunhofer, Joseph 202
Free-fall timescale 416 425 446
Free-free absorption 246
Free-free opacity 246
Frenk, Carlos 918
frequency 63
Friedmann equation 1190—1197
Friedmann, Aleksandr 1190
FU Orionis events 860 861 869
FU Orionis stars 436
Fundamental blue edge 470
Fundamental mode 492 493
Fundamental plane 988
Fuse see “Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer”
Fusion 299
Fusion crusts 838
Fusion of carbon and oxygen 313—314
Fusion of helium 312
Fusion, CNO cycle 311—312 343
Fusion, proton-proton chain (PP I) 309—311
Fusion, triple alpha process 312
G-dwarf problem 1020
g-modes 505 506 508 509 511
g-modes, white dwarfs 561
Gaia mission 59 172 922
Galactic center 882 922
Galactic center, high-energy emission lines from 931—932
Galactic center, mass distribution near 923—926
Galactic center, radio sources in 926—929
Galactic clusters 474
Galactic coordinate system 898—901
Galactic evolution 1016—1032 1064
Galactic evolution, bottom-up formation 1256—1258
Galactic evolution, dissipative collapse model 1020—1023
Galactic evolution, ELS collapse model 1016—1018
Galactic evolution, G-dwarf problem 1020
Galactic evolution, hierarchical merger model 1023 1028
Galactic evolution, initial mass function (IMF) 1018 1020
Galactic evolution, star formation rate (SFR) 1018 1020
Galactic evolution, stellar birthrate function 1018
Galactic evolution, thick-disk formation 1025—1027
Galactic evolution, thin-disk formation 1027
Galactic evolution, top-down process 1256 1257
Galactic fountain model 890
Galactic Legacy Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) 893
Galaxies see “Milky Way”
Galaxies, brightness of background sky and 950
Galaxies, classification of 942—948
Galaxies, clusters 1058—1076
Galaxies, color of 956 1028
Galaxies, Elliptical 943
Galaxies, ellipticity of 943 989
Galaxies, formation of 1016—1032 1255—1256
Galaxies, fundamental plane 988
Galaxies, Galaxy Bahcall — Soneira model 980
Galaxies, groups 1058—1061
Galaxies, Hubble sequence 940—948
Galaxies, Hubble type 942 948 951 983 991
Galaxies, interactions of 999—1016
Galaxies, island universes 940
Galaxies, merger of 1013—1015 1029 1069 1129
Galaxies, metallicity and 958 1028
Galaxies, rotation curves 951—952
Galaxies, Shapley — Curtis Debate 941—942
Galaxies, spiral structure of 964—983
Galaxies, tuning-fork diagram 942
Galaxies, velocities of 1054
Galaxies, X-ray luminosity 958
Galaxy (software) A-26—A-28
Galilean moons 775 790—797 see “Europa” “Ganymede” “Io”
Galilean moons, composition of 859
Galilean moons, evolution of 791
Galilean moons, formation of 859
Galilean transformations 84—86
Galilei, Galileo 29—31 84 141 381 775 875
Galileo spacecraft 777 833
Galle, Johann Gottfried 776
| GALLEX 358 359
Gamma ray astronomy 170
Gamma rays 66
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) 543—550
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) classification 547
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) models 548—550
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), as long-soft 547—550
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), short-hard 547
Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), sources of 544—547
Gamow peak 305
Gamow, George 305 1162 1163
Ganymede 716 776 790 791
Ganymede, evolution 792
Ganymede, orbit 793
Ganymede, surface of 794 796
Gas giants 715
Gas giants, composition of 859
Gas giants, formation of 865
Gas giants, moment of inertia 781
Gas giants, resonance effects 868
Gases, adiabatic gas law 320
Gases, bulk modulus 321
Gases, ideal gas law 288 291—293
Gases, internal energy 318
Gases, sound speed and 321
Gases, specific heat 318—320
Gases, specific volume 319
Gaspra 833 835
Gaunt factors 250
Gaunt, J.A. 250
Gauss (unit) 134
Gauss, Carl Frederich 1185
Gavitational time dilation 621
Geller, Margaret 1073
Geminga 590
Gemini North 148 149 159
Gemini South 148 159
General theory of relativity 88 609 610 see
General theory of relativity, bending of light 613 617—618
General theory of relativity, curvature of spacetime 609—613 622
General theory of relativity, gravitational redshift 619—621 631
General theory of relativity, principle of equivalence 613—616 619
General theory of relativity, time dilation 621 631
Genzel, Reinhard 923
Geocentric universe 2—3
Geodesics 628
Geometry 1183—1185
Georgi, Howard 1236
Geosynchronous orbit 723
Giacconi, Riccardo 359
Giant elliptical galaxies (gE) 989
Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) 407 410 414 417
Giant planets 715 718 775—790
Giant planets, atmosphere of 778 785 788
Giant planets, cooling timescale 785
Giant planets, cores of 783
Giant planets, energy budgets and effective temperatures 784
Giant planets, gravitational moments 781
Giant planets, interior structure of 785 786
Giant planets, internal heat of 784
Giant planets, magnetic fields 790
Giant planets, mass-radius relationship 778
Giant planets, moons of 790—801
Giant planets, oblateness of 779—783
Giant planets, ring systems 801—807
Giant planets, spacecraft missions to 776—777
Giant stars 205 220
Ginga satellite 644
Giotto 817 818
Giotto spacecraft 821 822
Glashow, Sheldon 1236
Gliese 229B 428
Gliese 876 197 850
Glimpse see “Galactic Legacy Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire”
Global warming 748
Globular cluster luminosity function 1045—1046
Globular clusters 474 1009 1028
Globular clusters, dynamical friction 1003—1004
Globular clusters, luminosity function 1045—1046
Globular clusters, Milky Way 894—895
Globular clusters, specific frequency of 962 963
Gluons 1230 1231
GMCs see “Giant molecular clouds”
Gold, Thomas 589 1163
Goldreich, Peter 806 867
Gondwanaland 751
Goodricke, John 483
Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) 159
GRANAT spacecraft 932
Grand unification era 1231
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) 359 1236 1246
Grand-design spirals 964 981
Granulationsolar atmosphere 363—365
Graphitein interstellar medium 402
Gravitation Newton's law of 32—36 609
Gravitational instability formation of planets 862
Gravitational lensing 195 897 1130—1133 1135 1232
Gravitational potential 780 781
Gravitational potential energy 37 38 42 50 296—297
Gravitational potential energy, stellar evolution and 457
Gravitational radiation 669 688
Gravitational redshift 619—621 631
Gravitational separation 730
Gravitational waves 589 688
Gravity in close binary star system 653—658
Gravity Probe B 641
Gravity, relativity and 611
Gray atmosphere 260 263
GRB see “Gamma-ray bursts”
GRB 030329 547
GRB 970228 546
GRB 980425 547
Great Attractor (GA) 1070
Great Dark Spot of Neptune 788 789
Great Debate 941—942
Great Pyramid (Giza) 15
Great Red Spot of Jupiter 788
Great wall 1076
Greatest eastern elongation 5 6
Greatest western elongation 5 6
Greek astronomy 2—4
Greenhouse effect, Earth 725 747—748
Greenhouse effect, Venus 743
Greenstein, Jesse 1097
Greenwich Mean Time 13
Gregorian calendar 14
Grotrian diagram 136
Ground state 124 212
groups 1058—1061
GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias) 159
Guide Star Catalogs 158 172
Guillotine factor 250
Gunn — Peterson trough 1256 1257
Gunn, James 1256
Guth, Alan 1238 1246
GUTs see “grand unified theories” “Grand
Gyroradius 552
H-R diagram see “Hertzsprung — Russell diagram”
Hadley circulation 730 731 789 854
Hadrons 1230 1232
Hailey, Edmond 816
Half-power beam width(HPBW) 165
Hall, Asaph 769
Harmonic law (Kepler) 25
Harmonic mean 249
Haro, Guillermo 437
Hartmann, William K 761
Harvard spectral classification 202
Hawaiian islands, creation of 768
Hawking radiation 644—646
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