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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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BLRGs see “Broad-line radio galaxies”
Blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) 984 985
BLue edge 497
Blue magnitude 75 76
Blue stragglers 478
Blue supergiant stars (BSG) 522
Blueshift 98
Bode's rule 716 717
Bode, Johann Elert 716
Bohr atom 121—125
Bohr radius 124
Bohr, Niels 121 122
Bok globules 408 409
Bok, Bart 408
Bolometric correction 75—77
Bolometric magnitude 60 75
Boltzmann equation 209—213 215
Boltzmann factor 209
Boltzmann, Ludwig 70 206
Bolyai, Janos 1185
Bondi, Hermann 1163
Bonnor — Ebert mass 414
Boomerang observatory 1263
Boronabundance in Sun 541
Bose — Einstein statistics 294
Bose, S.N. 136
Bosons 136 294 1230 1231
Bottom-up galaxy formation 1256—1258
Bound-bound transitions 245
Bound-free absorption 245
Boundary conditions stellar structure equations 332
Boxiness 989—991
Brachistochrone problem 31
Brahe, Tycho 23 24 59 524
Bremsstrahlung 246
Brightness magnitude scales 60—63
Brightness of image in telescope 151—154
Broad-line radio galaxies(BLRGs) 1092 1107 1116
Broadening of spectral lines 268—271
Brown dwarfs 204 428
Brown dwarfs, distinguishing from extrasolar planets 855
Brown, Mike 826
Bruno, Giordano 195
Brunt — Vaisala frequency 508
BSG see “Blue supergiant stars”
bulk modulus 321
Bunsen, Robert 111
Buoyancy frequency 508
Burbidge, Geoffrey 1163
Burbidge, Margaret 1163
Burkert, Andreas 1019
Burney, Venetia 813
Butcher — Oemler effect 1030
Butcher, Harvey 1030
Butler, R.Paul 195 196
Butterfly diagram 381 382
Butterfly planetary nebulae 473
BY Draconis stars 672
CAIs see “Calcium- andaluminum-rich inclusions”
CAL 87 699
Calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) 839
Calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions, formation of 868
Calciumspectral lines 218
Calendars 14
Callisto 716 790 791 796 A-2
Callisto, evolution 792
Callisto, surface of 794
Cameron, Alastair G.W. 740
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope 149
Cannon, Annie Jump 202 203
Carbon stars 466
Carbonaceous meteorites 403
Carbonfusion 313—314
Carina Nebula 433
Cartwheel galaxy 1005 1006
Casimir effect 1239
Casimir, Hendrick 1239
Cassegrain telescope 157 158
Cassini division 801 802 805 868
Cassini — Huygens mission 777 797
Cassiopeia A 162
Cat's Eye Nebula 472
Cataclysmic variables 672 673
CCDs (charge-coupled devices) 160—161
cD galaxies 984 985 1013—1015
CDM see “cold dark matter”
Celestial equator 3 10 12
Celestial poles 3
Celestial sphere 3 8
Celestial sphere, altitude-azimuth coordinate system 8
Celestial sphere, daily and seasonal changes 9—10
Celestial sphere, equatorial coordinate system 11—12
Celestial sphere, motion 16
Celestial sphere, precession 12
Celestial sphere, spherical trigonometry 17—19
Centaurs 828 829
Centaurus A 162 1007 1095
Centaurus group 1061
Centaurus X-3 691 695
Center of mass 40
Center-of-mass reference frame 39—43
Centrifugal force 654
Cepheid distance scale 1039—1041
Cepheids 483—487 1039—1041
Cerenkov light 358
CERES 716 717 830 837
Cerro La Silla (Chile) 148
Cerro Pachon (Chile) 148 159
Cerro Paranal (Chile) 148 159
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 148
Cetus 483
CfA redshift surveys 1073—1076
CGRO (Compton Gamma Ray Observatory) 169 170
cgs units, table of conversion to/from SI units Inside Back Cover
Chadwick, James 136 578
Chandra X-Ray Observatory 170
Chandrasekhar limit 468 569—571
Chandrasekhar limit, neutron stars 583
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 170
charge-coupled devices (CCDs) 160—161
Charon 716 717 723 813—816 827
Charon, density and compensation 814
Charon, discovery of 813
Charon, formation of 815
Charon, orbit 814—816
Chauvin, Gael 195 855
Chemical differentiation 730
Chemical elements 309
Chemical elements, Big Bang nucleosynthesis 1177—1179
Chemical elements, in Sun 277—278
Chemical elements, isotopes 298
Chemical elements, nucleus 298
Chicxulub site (Mexico) 843
Chiron 828
Chondrites, carbonaceous 840 844 862
Chondrites, ordinary 840
Chondrules 840
Chondrules, formation of 868
chromatic aberration 150
Chromosphere 364—365
Circumstellar disks 437 438
CK Vulpeculae 680
CL 0939+4713 1064 1065
Clark, Alvan G. 557
Classical Cepheids 483 486 487 489 491
Classical KBOs 828 829
Classical novae 673 680—685
Close binary star systems evolution 670 671
Close binary star systems gravity in 653—658
Clumps 408
| Cluster ages 476
Clusters (galaxies) 1058—1076
Clusters (galaxies), classification of 1058
Clusters (galaxies), intracluster gas 1066 1069
Clusters (galaxies), intracluster medium 1066
Clusters (galaxies), irregular 1059
Clusters (galaxies), luminous arcs in 1135
Clusters (galaxies), poor 1058
Clusters (galaxies), regular 1059
Clusters (galaxies), rich 1058
Clusters (galaxies), superclusters 1069
CMB see “Cosmic microwave background” “Cosmic
CMBFAST (software) 1268
CME see “Coronal mass ejections”
CNO cycle 311—312 522
COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) 168 892 1166
Cold dark matter (CDM) 918 1233 1256
Collapsar model 548 549
Collision cross section 240
Collisional broadening 270
Collisions 805
Collisions, during formation of Solar System 860
Collisions, of meteorites with Earth 842—844
Color excess 402
Color index 75—79
Color of stars 75
color temperature 239
Color-color diagram 79
Color-magnitude diagrams 475 477
Column density 272
Coma 151
Coma cluster 993 999 1000 1049 1064 1066 1067 1069 1075
Comet 1861 I 842
Comet Biela 842
Comet Borrelly 823
Comet Churyumov — Gerasimenko 824
Comet Encke 842
Comet Giacobini — Zinner 821 823 842
Comet Hailey 816 825 842
Comet Hailey, spacecraft rendezvous with 820—823
Comet Hyakutake 820 822
Comet Kohoutek 825
Comet Mrkos 816
Comet P/Shoemaker — Levy 9 786—788 823
Comet SOHO-6 825
Comet Swift-Tuttle 842
Comet Tempel 1 824
Comet West 825
Cometary dust 818—820
comets 717 816—825 829
Comets, coma 817
Comets, composition of 820 821
Comets, deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio 830
Comets, disconnection events 820 822
Comets, halo 817
Comets, Kuiper belt 826
Comets, long-period comets 825
Comets, nucleus 817
Comets, Oort cloud 825—826
Comets, short-period comets 825
Comets, spacecraft missions for study 820—825
Comets, sun-grazing comets 825
Comets, tails 371 373 817—819
Comets, “dirty snowball” theory 817 820 822
Comins, Neil F. A-26
Comoving coordinate 1148 1190 1209—1210
Comoving space density 1100 1102
Compact sources 1104
Compton effect 118
Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) 169 170
Compton scattering 247
Compton wavelength 119
Compton, Arthur H. 118
Comte, Auguste 111
Conduction 315
Conic sections 28 45
Conjunction 6
Conservation of energy 39
Constancy of speed of light 88 90
Constants (software) A-16
Constellations table of A-3—A-4
Constitutive relations 331
Constructive interference 64
Contact binary 658—659
Continuous spectrum 68
Continuum 245
Continuum opacity 248
Convection 315
Convection zone solar 511
Convection, criterion for 325
Convection, stellar 322—329
Convection, stellar pulsations and 498 507 508
Convergent point 920
Converging lens 142
Converging mirror 143
Cooling function 1021
Cooling of white dwarfs 572—577
Cooling timescale 1020
Coordinate distance 1148
Coordinate speed 630
Coordinate speed of light 635 636
Coordinate systems, altitude-azimuth (horizon) 8
Coordinate systems, equatorial 11—12
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 13
Copemican model 5—7
Copernicus, Nicolaus 5 7
Core-collapse supemovae 529—541
Core-collapse supemovae, long-soft GRBs and 547
Core-collapse supemovae, pulsars from 592
Core-dominant radio sources 1104
Coriolis force 654 730—732
Corona 366—369 390
Coronal holes 370—372
Coronal mass ejections (CME) 389 390
Corotation radius 967
Corotation resonance (CR) 980 981
Correlation function 1079
Cosines law of 17
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) 168
Cosmic Background Explorer satellite (COBE) 892
Cosmic Censorship, Law of 636
Cosmic microwave background (cmb) 1057 1162—1183 1247 1254
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), anisotropy of 1270—1273
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), dipole anisotropy 1167—1168
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), discovery of 1165—1166
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), origin of 1179—1183
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), smoothness of 1237 1239
Cosmic microwave background (CMB), Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect 1169 1171 1218
Cosmic rays 385 386 410 550—553
Cosmic rays, sources 550—553
Cosmic string 1245
Cosmological constant 1190
Cosmological distance ladder 1039
Cosmological principle 1145—1146
Cosmological redshift 1054 1055 1099 1199—1201
Cosmology 1144—1218 see
Cosmology, cosmic microwavebackground (CMB) 1162—1183
Cosmology, cosmological principle 1145—1146 1247 1254
Cosmology, formation of first stars and galaxies 1255—1256
Cosmology, inflation 1238 1241—1244
Cosmology, matter-antimatter asymmetry 1245—1247
Cosmology, Newtonian 1144—1162
Cosmology, observational 1199—1218
Cosmology, Olbers's paradox 1145
Cosmology, pressureless “dust” model of universe 1146—1156
Cosmology, relati vistic 1183—1199
Cosmology, two-component model of the universe 1170 1175
Coude telescope 157 158
Coulomb barrier 301
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