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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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MG 1131 0456 1133 1134
Mhd see “Magnetohydrodynamics”
Michell, John 633
Michelson — Morley experiment 86 97
Michelson, Albert A. 86
Microwaves 66
Mie scattering 402
Mie scattering, theory 401 402
Mie, Gustav 401
Migrationduring planetary formation 867—868
Mikheyev — Smimov — Wolfenstein effect (MSW effect) 359
Milky Way galaxy 29 171 473 488 595 874—932 1059 10603
Milky Way Galaxy, 3-kpc expanding arm 893
Milky Way Galaxy, age-metallicity relation 885—886
Milky Way Galaxy, central bar 893
Milky Way Galaxy, central bulge 884 891 1027
Milky Way Galaxy, circumnuclear ring 927
Milky Way Galaxy, cold dark matter 918
Milky Way Galaxy, components of 882—884
Milky Way Galaxy, cylindrical coordinate system 901 903
Milky Way Galaxy, dark matter halo 884 896—897 914
Milky Way Galaxy, differential rotation 908—913
Milky Way Galaxy, distance to Galactic center 882
Milky Way Galaxy, Galactic center 882 922—932
Milky Way Galaxy, Galactic coordinates 898—901
Milky Way Galaxy, globular clusters 894—895
Milky Way Galaxy, H I warp 889
Milky Way Galaxy, historical models 875—878
Milky Way Galaxy, hydrogen 21-cm line profile 913—914
Milky Way Galaxy, interstellar gas and dust 884 889—891
Milky Way Galaxy, kinematics of 898—922
Milky Way Galaxy, local standard of rest (LSR) 901—907
Milky Way Galaxy, magnetic field 897—898
Milky Way Galaxy, mass-to-light ratio 886
Milky Way Galaxy, morphology of 881—898
Milky Way Galaxy, nuclear disk 926
Milky Way Galaxy, peculiar velocity 907
Milky Way Galaxy, rotation 908—913
Milky Way Galaxy, rotation curves 914—916 919
Milky Way Galaxy, spiral structure 887
Milky Way Galaxy, stellar halo 884 894 896
Milky Way Galaxy, thick-disk formation 1025—1027
Milky Way Galaxy, thin and thick disks 883—886
Milky Way Galaxy, thin-disk formation 1027
Milky Way Galaxy, velocity-metallicity relation 906
Miller, Joseph 1108
Millikan, Robert A. 118
Millisecond pulsars 590 700
Mimas 798 799 805 861
Minimum Mass Solar Nebula 864
Minkowski, Hermann 92
Minor planets, see Asteroids Mira 483 484 490
Mira variable stars 465
Miranda 716
Miranda, surface of 799 861
Mirrors, optics 143
Mixing length 326
Mixing-length theory 328
Modified Julian Date (MJD) 14
Molecular clouds 406 407 411
Molecular clouds, collapse of 861
Molecular clouds, Jeans criterion 412—413 419
Molecular clouds, magnetically sub/supercritical 421
Molecular clouds, protostellar collapse 412—419
Molecular tracers of hydrogen 407
Momentum, Newton's first law 31
Momentum, relativistic momentum 102 105—106
Monatomic gas 318 320
Monochromatic flux 75
Monochromatic luminosity 74
Monochromatic opacity 241
Monopole problem 1238 1244
Moon (Earth's) 716 718 754—762
Moon (Earth's), Earth-Moon distance 722
Moon (Earth's), formation of 760—762
Moon (Earth's), global magnetic field of 756
Moon (Earth's), highlands 756 759
Moon (Earth's), internal structure of 754—756
Moon (Earth's), late heavy bombardment 760
Moon (Earth's), maria 754
Moon (Earth's), moon rocks 756 862
Moon (Earth's), moonquakes 755
Moon (Earth's), radioactive dating 756—759
Moon orbit 36
Moons 715—716 769 see “Moon
Moons, Galilean moons 775 790—797
Moons, of giant planets 790—801
Moons, of Jupiter 775 776 790—797 859
Moons, of Neptune 800—801
Moons, of Pluto 813—816
Moons, of Saturn 776 797—799
Moons, of Uranus 799
Moons, shepherd moons 805
Morgan — Keenan luminosity class 225 270
Morgan, William W. 225
Morley, Edward W. 86
Moving cluster method 919
Mrk 1157 1086 1087
Mrk 1243 1086
Mrk 3 1121
MSW effect see “Mikheyev — Smimov — Wolfenstein effect”
Mueller, M.W. 983
Multicolor light curve shapes (MCLS) method 1042
Muons 95—96
Murchison meteorite 844
MXRBs see “Massive X-ray binaries”
N-body simulations 981—983 1008 1029
Narrow-line radio galaxies(NLRGs) 1092 1107
National Radio AstronomyObservatory (NRAO) 166
National Virtual Observatory project 172
Natural broadening 268
Navarro, Julio 918
Navier — Stokes equations 316
Neap tides 723
NEAR-Shoemaker (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission) 834
Nebular theories 857
Neptune 715 776
Neptune, atmosphere of 778 785
Neptune, composition of 859
Neptune, core of 784
Neptune, discovery of 775—776
Neptune, energy budgets and effective temperatures 784
Neptune, gravitational moments 781
Neptune, Great Dark Spot 788 789
Neptune, interior structure of 785
Neptune, mass-radius relationship 778 779
Neptune, migration of 868
Neptune, moment of inertia 781
Neptune, moons of 723 800—801
Neptune, ring system 805
Neptune, spacecraft missions to 777
Neutrino decoupling 1172—1173 1231
Neutrinos 308 1172 1230—1232
Neutrinos, from SN 1987A 539—540
Neutrinos, solar neutrino problem 356—360
Neutrinosphere 533
Neutron degeneracy pressure 578
Neutron drip 581
Neutron star binaries 703
Neutron stars 136 534 578—586 589 690 693
Neutron stars, accretion disks 664—665 693
Neutron stars, Chandrasekhar limit 583
Neutron stars, density 578
Neutron stars, equation of state 579
Neutron stars, formation 689
Neutron stars, light cylinder 600
Neutron stars, magnetic field 585
Neutron stars, magnetosphere 601
Neutron stars, models 581—583
Neutron stars, neutron degeneracy 578
| Neutron stars, rapid rotation 584
Neutron stars, surface layers accreting on 696 697
Neutron stars, temperatures 586
Neutron stars, tidal capture 690
Neutronization 580
Neutrons, Big Bang nucleosynthesis 1177—1178
Neutrons, isotopes 298
Neutrons, mass of 299
New General Catalog (NGC) 941
New Horizons mission 816
Newton's law of gravitation 32—36 609
Newton's laws of motion 30—32 71
Newton's laws of motion, first law 31
Newton's laws of motion, law of inertia 31
Newton's laws of motion, second law 31—32 122
Newton's laws of motion, third law 32 33
Newton, Isaac 30 141
Newtonian cosmology 1144—1162
Newtonian mechanics 29—39
Newtonian mechanics, gravitation 32—36
Newtonian mechanics, motion 30—32
Newtonian mechanics, work and energy 37—39
Newtonian telescope 156
NFW density profile 918
NGC 1023 group 1061
NGC 1068 1085
NGC 1084 1043
NGC 1265 1092 1094
NGC 1300 947
NGC 1600 989
NGC 175 947
NGC 224 888
NGC 2525 947
NGC 2841 964 965
NGC 2998 915 916
NGC 3031 946
NGC 3034 1012 1013
NGC 3379 985 986
NGC 3384 1008
NGC 3923 1014
NGC 4038 1009 1011
NGC 4039 1009 1011
NGC 4151 1087 1116 1120
NGC 4251 945
NGC 4261 1121
NGC 4340 945 948 980
NGC 4365 945
NGC 4476 961
NGC 4564 945
NGC 4594 946
NGC 4622 966
NGC 4623 945
NGC 4650A 1007
NGC 5128 1007 1095
NGC 5194 964 1010
NGC 5195 964 1009 1010
NGC 520 1002
NGC 5457 946
NGC 6240 1015 1103
NGC 6420 1015
NGC 6522 893
NGC 7096 946 947 980
NGC 891 889
Nicholson, J.W. 121
Nieto, Jean-Luc 989
NLRGs see “arrow-line radio galaxies”
Non-Euclidean geometry 1185
Normal Zeeman effect 134
North galactic pole 899 900
Northern lights 373
Nova Mus 1991 699
Nova Persei 685
Nova-like binaries 672
novae see “Classical novae” “Dwarf “Supemovae”
Novae, distance determination with 1044
Novae, speed class 681
Noyes, Robert 509
NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) 166
Nuclear reaction rates 302—307
Nuclear reaction rates, electron screening and 306
Nuclear reaction rates, Gamow peak 305
Nuclear reaction rates, power laws 307
Nuclear reaction rates, resonance and 306
Nuclear reactions 298
Nuclear reactions and stellar energy 298—300
Nuclear reactions, binding energy per nucleon 314—315
Nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis 308—309 314
Nuclear reactions, reaction rates 302—307
Nuclear reactions, spallation reactions 388
Nuclear timescale 300 446
Nuclear winter 844
Nucleons 298
Nucleosynthesis 308 314
Nucleosynthesis, Big Bang nucleosynthesis 1177—1179
Null interval 109
Numerical modelingstellar structure equations 333—334
Numerical N-body simulations 981—983
OB associations 433
OBAFGKMLT scheme 202 204 205
objective lens 154 155
Oblate spheroidal galaxies 943 944
Oblateness 779—783
Observational cosmology 1199—1218
Observatories, radio observatories 166—167
Observatories, space-based observatories 160 171
Observatories, virtual observatories 172
Oemler, Augustus, Jr. 1030
Of stars 522
OGLE-TR-10b 853
OGLE-TR-56b 197
OH/IR sources 468
Olbers's paradox 881 1145
Olbers, Heinrich 881 1145
Olympus Mons 769
Omega Centauri 891
Oort Cloud 717 825—826
Oort constants 911
Oort, Jan 825 908
Opacity 241—251
Opacity, continuum opacity 248
Opacity, defined 241
Opacity, iron bump 499
Opacity, Kramers opacity law 250
Opacity, pulsating stars 496
Opacity, Rosseland mean opacity 249—250 260
Opacity, sources 244—247
Opacity, total opacity 248
Open clusters 474
Oppenheimer, J.Robert 582 634
Opposition 6
Optical axis 142
Optical depth 242—244 264
Optical depth, vertical 259
Optical double 180
Optical telescopes 154—161
Optical telescopes, adaptive optics 159
Optical telescopes, best sites 148
Optical telescopes, mounts 158
Optical telescopes, reflecting 141 155—158
Optical telescopes, refracting 141 154—155
Optically thin phase classical novae 684
Optically violently variable quasars (OVVs) 1106 1107
Optics, aberrations 144 150—151
Optics, adaptive optics 159
Optics, basic concepts 141—154
Optics, lenses 142
Optics, seeing 148
Optics, telescopes 154—161
Orbit (Bohr atom) 124
Orbit (software)49 A-17
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