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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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Coulomb's law 121
Counterjet radio galaxy 1092
Cox, John P. 496
Crab Nebula 524 525 591 592 595 599 601
Crab pulsar 591 594 599
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 843
Cricumstellar disks, formation 440
Critical density 1150
Cross section 240 246 303
Crustal plates 750
Crystallization white dwarfs 576
Curtis, Herber D. 941
Curvature density fluctuations 1248
Curvature of field 151
Curvature of spacetime 1185—1190
Curvature radiation 592
Curve of growth 273—276
Cutoff frequency 116
Cutoff wavelength 116
Cyclic universe 1273
Cyclotron frequency 686
Cygnus A 162 163 1090—1092 1123—1125
Cygnus Loop 538
Cygnus X-1 644 672 698
da Costa, L. Nicolaci 1076
Dactyl 830 833
Damping profile 270
Damping wings 271
Dark cloud complexes 408
Dark energy 687 1191 1240
Dark matter 914 1232—1233
Dark matter halo 884
Dark matter halo, Milky Way 896—897 914
Darwin mission 857
Darwin, Charles 1144
Darwin, George 760
Davidson, Kris 520
Davis, Don R. 761
Davis, Raymond 356 359
de Broglie frequency 128
de Broglie wavelength 128
de Broglie, Louis 127 128
de Sitter, Willem 1053 1191
de Vaucouleurs profile 892 950 951
de Vaucouleurs, Gerard 945 1069
De-excitations 245
Debris disks 438 857
Decaying orbits 148
Deceleration parameter 1162
Declination 11
Decoupling 1180 1247 1254
Deep Impact 823
Deep Space 1 spacecraft 823
defects 1238 1245
Deferent 3 4
Deflagration 689
Degeneracy see “Electron degeneracy” “Neutron
Degeneracy, complete 452
Degeneracy, conditions for 565—566
Degeneracy, electron degeneracy pressure 563 567—570
Degeneracy, Fermi energy 563—565
Degeneracy, neutron degeneracy pressure 578
Degenerate gases 452 563—569
Degenerate orbitals 133 452
Degenerate system 210
Degrees of freedom 1172 1173
Deimos 7698
Density fluctuations in early universe 1247—1251 1253 1259
Density parameter 1151 1152
Density parameter, total 1193
Density waves 867
Density waves, theory 967—968 981
Descartes, Rene 857
Destructive interference 64
Detached binary 658 659
Detonation 689
Deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio (D/H ratio) 830
Dicke, Robert 1165 1166
Difference equations 333
Differential star count 880—881
Diffraction grating 113
Diffraction, circular aperture 146—148
Diffraction, single-slit 145—146
Diffuse H I clouds 406
Diffuse molecular clouds 407
Digitized Sky Survey 172
Dipole anisotropy of CMB 1168
Dirac equation 135 136
Dirac, Paul A.M. 135
Diskiness 989—991
Disruption radius 692
Dissipative collapse model 1020—1023
Distance measurement, relation 1048—1050
Distance measurement, brightest galaxy in a cluster 1050
Distance measurement, Cepheids 1039—1041
Distance measurement, extragalactic distance scale 1038—1051
Distance measurement, luminosity functions 1045—1047
Distance measurement, novae 1044
Distance measurement, secondary distance indicators 1044
Distance measurement, supemovae 1041
Distance measurement, surface brightness fluctuation method 1047
Distance measurement, Tully — Fisher relation 1048
Distance modulus 61
Distance, angular diameter distance 1215—1217
Distance, luminosity distance 1211—1212
Distance, proper distance 1189 1211
Distance, to most remote objects 1201
Distance, units of 58
Distances motion-based methods 919—922
Distortion of field 151
Diurnal motion 8
Diverging lens 142
Diverging mirror 143
Domain wall 1245
Doppler broadening 269—270
Doppler cores 271
Doppler shift light 97
Doppler shift sound 97
Doppler shift spectrum binary 181—182
Doppler shift transverse 98
Doppler, Christian 97 98
Double-slit experiment, electrons 128 129
Double-slit experiment, light 63—65
DQ Herculis stars 681 685
Draper, Henry 203
Dressier, Alan 1028 1070
Dreyer, J.L.E. 941
Drifting subpulses 595
Dunlop, James S. 1103 1104
Dust clouds see “Interstellar dust”
Dust formation phase classical novae 685
Dust grains 409 411
Dust-lane elliptical galaxies 1006 1007
Dwarf elliptical galaxies (dE) 984 985 987 989
dwarf novae 673 675—680
Dwarf novae, mass transfer rate 677—678
Dwarf spheroidal galaxies(dSph) 891 984 985 987
Dwarf spirals 945
Dwarf stars 221
Dyce, Rolf B. 737
Dynamical friction 1001—1004
Dynamical instability 570
Dynamical instability, pulsating stars 503
Dynamical instability, white dwarfs 570
Dynamical timescale 1020
E corona 367
E-mode 1271
Eagle Nebula 433 434
Early Universe 1230—1275 see “Cosmology”
Early universe, acoustic oscillations 1252 1259 1263—1267
| Early universe, Big Bang nucleosynthesis 1177—1179
Early universe, cosmic microwavebackground origin 1179—1183
Early universe, dark matter 1232—1233
Early universe, density fluctuations 1247—1251 1253 1259
Early universe, energy of the vacuum 1239—1241
Early universe, eras and events 1231
Early universe, false vacuum 1241 1243
Early universe, formation of first stars and galaxies 1255—1256
Early universe, fundamental particles 1230—1232
Early universe, inflation 1238 1241—1244
Early universe, matter-antimatter asymmetry 1245—1247
Early universe, origin of structure 1247—1275
Early universe, Silk damping 1252
Early-type galaxies 943 945
Early-type stars 202 220
Earth 715 745—754
Earth, atmosphere of 726—727 729 746—749
Earth, Earth-Moon distance 722
Earth, formation of 857 866
Earth, global warming 748
Earth, greenhouse effect 725 747—748
Earth, interior structure of 749—751
Earth, magnetic field of 753
Earth, meteorite collisions with 842—844
Earth, moon of see “Moon (of Earth)”
Earth, orbit 6 9 10
Earth, plate tectonics 750—751
Earth, precession 12
Earth, rotation 10
Earth, seismology 749 750
Earth, sources of internal heat 752
Earth, synchronous orbit 723
Earth, tides 719—722
Earth, weather systems 732
Earthquakes 749
Eccentricity 26 187
Eclipsing binary star system 181 186—193
Eclipsing binary X-ray pulsars 694—696
Eclipsing semidetached binary systems 667
Ecliptic 9
Eddington approximation 262—263 360
Eddington luminosity limit 341—342 520 603 1104
Eddington — Barbier relation 280
Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley 262 488 494 495 559 612
Edgeworth — Kuiper belt 826
Edgeworth, Kenneth E 826
Effective gravitational potential 655 656
Effective radius 950
Effective temperature 70 238
Eggen, Lynden — Bell, Sandage collapse model see “ELS collapse model”
Eggen, Olin J. 1016
Einstein cross 1135
Einstein Observatory 170
Einstein Ring 1133
Einstein source 932
Einstein — Rosen bridge 642
Einstein's field equations 622 630 641 643
Einstein's postulates 88—90
Einstein, Albert 20 63 71 87 116 117 119 609 612 614—615 1055 1190 1191
Eisenhauer, Frank 882
Electro weak theory 359
Electromagnetic spectrum 66
Electromagnetic spectrum, transparancy of Earth's atmosphere towards 167
Electromagnetic waves 65
Electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector 66
Electromagnetic waves, radiation pressure 67
Electron degeneracy pressure 563 567—570
Electron orbitals 133
Electron scattering 246—247
Electron screening 306
Electron spin 135
Electron-positron annihilation 1231
Electrons, discovery 119
Electrons, double-slit experiment 128 129
Electrons, mass of 299
Electrons, orbitals 133
Electrons, orbits 124
Electrons, transitions 136
Electroweak era 1231 1232
Electroweak unification 1236
Elements see “Chemical elements”
Elements (Euclid) 1183
ellipse 25—28 45
Elliptical galaxies 942 983—989 1014
Elliptical galaxies, boxiness and diskiness 989—991
Elliptical galaxies, characteriestics of 985
Elliptical galaxies, classification of 984
Elliptical galaxies, color of 986
Elliptical galaxies, dust and gas in 985—986
Elliptical galaxies, Faber — Jackson relation 987
Elliptical galaxies, formation of 1028
Elliptical galaxies, fundamental plane 988
Elliptical galaxies, mergers of 1013—1015
Elliptical galaxies, metallicity and 958 985 986
Elliptical galaxies, morphology-density relation 1028
Elliptical galaxies, rotation of 988—989
Elliptical galaxies, surface brightness of 985 986
Elliptical galaxies,shells 1014
Elliptical geometry 1184 1185
Elliptical orbits 23—29 185 187
ELS collapse model 1016—1017
Emden, Robert 335
emission 252
Emission coefficient 256
Emission lines 112 126 203
Emission lines, T Tauri stars 434
Emission nebulae 431
Encke Gap 801
Endothermic reactions 314
Energy conservation 39
Energy density, blackbody radiation 234
Energy density, of relativistic particles 1173
Energy transport 315—317
Energy, Newtonian mechanics 37—39
Energy, quantization 71—75
Energy, relativistic kinetic energy 102—104
Energy, rest energy 103
Energy, stellar energy sources 296—315
entropy 330
Epicycle frequency 973
Epicycles 3 4 7
Epoch 13
Equants 4
Equation of radiative transfer see “Transfer equation”
Equatorial coordinate system 11—12
Equatorial coordinates transformation to/from Galactic coordinates 900 902
Equatorial mount 158
Equinox 10 11
Equipotential surface 656 657
Equivalence principle 613—616 619
Equivalent widths 267
EROS 834—836
Eruptive prominences 388 389
Escape speed 39
Eta Carinae 433 518—520
Ether 84
Euclid 1183—1184
Euclid's Fifth Postulate 1184—1185
Euclidean geometry 1184
Eudoxus of Cnidus 3
Eulerian codes 333
Europa 716 790 791 795
Europa, evolution 792
Europa, orbit 793
Europa, surface of 793 795
European Southern Observatory 148
Evanescent wave 132
EVLA (Expanded Very Large Array) 166
Evolutionary tracks 422 423 426
Excitation temperature 238
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