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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics |
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Sun, chemical elements in 511 541—542
Sun, composition 351 356
Sun, convection zone 511
Sun, coronal mass ejections 389 390
Sun, curve of growth 275
Sun, electron degeneracy 567
Sun, evolutionary history 349—350 447—450
Sun, five-minute oscillations 509
Sun, gravitational potential energy 297
Sun, helioseismology 509—512
Sun, interior structure 350—356 450
Sun, limb darkening 254
Sun, luminosity 70
Sun, mass loss rate 374
Sun, nuclear energy 299
Sun, p-modes 510—511
Sun, Parker spiral 380
Sun, photosphere 274 277—278 360—362 379 541
Sun, plages 385
Sun, pressure at center 287
Sun, rotation 380
Sun, rotation rate 364
Sun, solar flares 386—388
Sun, solar neutrino problem 356—360
Sun, solar prominences 388 389
Sun, spectral lines 112 114 217—219
Sun, sunspots 381—385
Sun, tachocline 364
Sun, tidal effects from 723
Sunspot cycles 383
Sunspots 381—385
Sunspots, cycles 383
Sunspots, magnetic dynamo theory 392
Sunspots, Maunder minimum 384 392
Sunspots, penumbra 382 383
Sunspots, polarity 392
Sunspots, umbra 381 383
Sunyaev — Zel'dovich effect 1169 1171 1218
Sunyaev, Rashid 1169
Supemovae (SN) 522 524—541 578 673
Supemovae (SN), classification 526—529
Supemovae (SN), core-collapse supemovae 529—541
Supemovae (SN), evolution 670
Supemovae (SN), for extragalactic distance measurement 1041
Supemovae (SN), gamma-ray bursts and 548
Supemovae (SN), light curves and radioactive decay 534—537
Supemovae (SN), radioactive elements 840
Supemovae (SN), Type I supemovae 526 527 529
Supemovae (SN), Type Ic supemovae 526 533
Supemovae (SN), Type II supemovae 526 527 529 534
Supemovae (SN), Type II-L supemovae 527 528
Supemovae (SN), Type II-P supemovae 527 528 534
Supemovae (SN), Type la light curves 1042—1044
Supemovae (SN), Type la supemovae 526 542
Supemovae (SN), Type lb supemovae 526 533
Super Bowl gamma-ray burst 544
Super — Kamiokande neutrino observatory 357—359
Superadiabatic convection mixing-length theory 325—329
Superadiabatic temperature gradient 322 325
Superclusters 1059 1069
Superconductivity 581
Supercooling 1241
Superfluid 581
Supergiant stars 221 224
Supergranulation 365
Superior planets 6
Superluminal velocities 1125
Supermassive black holes (SMBH) 639
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) 959—962
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in active galactic nuclei 1117—1118
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in Sgr A* 929—930
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs), accretion disks around 1112
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs), binary 1015—1016
Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) 1214
Supernova remnants (SNR) 537
Supernova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP) spacecraft 1044
Superposition principle 64
Superwind 468
Supranova model 549
Surface brightness fluctuation method 1047
Surface flux 70
Surface of last scattering 1181
Swift, Jonathan 769
SX Phoenicis stars 512
Symbiotic binaries 673
Symmetry breaking 1235 1236 1243
Synchronous orbit 723
Synchronous rotation 722—723
Synchrotron radiation 102 592 593 1114 1121 1125
Synchrotron radiation, power-law spectrum of 1089
Synchrotron self-absorption 1090
Synodic period 6 7
T Tauri stars 434—436 439
T-Tauri systems 860 861
Tachocline 364
Tammann, Gustav 1041
Tangential velocity 17
Taylor, Joseph 700 703 705
Tectonic activity 750 see
Telescopes, aberrations and 150
telescopes, aperture 154 163
Telescopes, brightness of image 151—154
Telescopes, gamma ray astronomy 170
Telescopes, infrared telescopes 167—168
Telescopes, large-aperture telescopes 159
Telescopes, light-gathering power 153
Telescopes, optical telescopes 154—161
Telescopes, radio relescopes 161—167
Telescopes, reflecting 141 155—158
Telescopes, refracting 141 154—155
Telescopes, resolution 148
Telescopes, ultraviolet astronomy 168
Telescopes, X-ray astronomy 170
Temperature gradient, adiabatic 321—322 324
Temperature gradient, superadiabatic 322 325
Temperature scale height 239
Tenerife Observatory 148
Terrestrial planets 714 715 737—770
Terrestrial planets, composition of 859
Terrestrial planets, formation of 866
Terrestrial Time (TT) 15
Texture 1245
Theory of Everything (TOE) 1235
Thermal bremsstrahlung 1062 1066 1068 1116
Thermal-pulse asymptotic giant branch 463—465
Thermodynamic equilibrium 239
Thermodynamics 20 317—329
Thermodynamics, adiabatic gas law 320
Thermodynamics, first law 318
Thermodynamics, stellar convection 322—329
Thick disk Milky Way 883—886
Thin disk Milky Way 883—886
Third Cambridge Catalog 1095
Third dredge-up phase 465
Thome — Zytkow object 691
Thome, Kip 691
Thomson scattering 246—247
Thomson, Joseph J. 119
Tidal bulges 719 721
Tidal capture 690
Tidal force 719
Tidal force, effect on Io 793—795
Tidal force, ring system formation and 807
Tidal stripping 1006 1009
Tidal-tail galaxies 1009 1011
Tides, effects of 721—722
Tides, physics of 719—721
Tides, Roche limit 723—724
Tides, Sun, effect of 723
Time dilation 93 95 97 621 631
| Time in special relativity 92—94
Time measurement 14
Time, universal simultaneity 92
Timelike interval 109
Tinsley, Beatrice 1011
Titan 716
Titan, atmosphere of 797—798
Titan, surface of 798
Titius — Bode rule 716 775
Titius, Johann 716
TNOs see “Trans-Neptunian Objects”
toe see “Theory of Everything”
Tombaugh, Clyde W. 813
Toomre, Alar 1009 A-26
Toomre, Juri 1009 A-26
Top-down galaxy formation 1256 1257
Total internal reflection 131
Total opacity 248
Total relativistic energy 103
TP-AGB see “Thermal-pulse asymptotic giant branch”
Tracers of hydrogen 407
Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) 717 826
Transfer equation 255—266
Transition region (solaratmosphere) 365—366
Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) 172
Translucent molecular clouds 407
Transmission grating 113
Transverse Doppler shift 98
Transverse velocity 17
Transverse waves 65
Trapezium cluster 431 433
Tremaine, Scott 806 867
Triaxial spheroidal galaxies 943
Trigonometric parallax 57 58
Trimble, Virginia 16
Triple alpha process 312
Triton 723 827
Triton, atmosphere of 800
Triton, surface of 800
Trojan asteroids 657 829 831 833 837
Trujillo, Chad 826
Trumpler, Robert 1040
Truran, James W. 1019
Tully — Fisher relation 952—956 1048
Tully, R.Brent 952
Tunguska event 842
Tuning-fork diagram 942 943
Tunneling 131 132 300—302
Turn-off point 476
Turner, Michael 1191
Turnover magnitude 1046
Twinkling stellar images 148
Two-body problem 41—43
Two-component model of the universe 1170 1175
Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) 172
TwoStars (software) 194 A-18—A-22
Tycho's supernova 524
Type Ia supemovae 686—689 1042 1044 1214
Type Ia supemovae, models 687—688
U Geminorum 675
UBV system 75
ULIRGs see “Ultraluminous infrared galaxies”
Ultraharmonic resonance 980
Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) 1099 1107
Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) 639
Ultraviolet astronomy telescopes 168
Ultraviolet light 66
Ultraviolet magnitude 75 76
ULXs see “Ultraluminous X-ray sources”
Umbra 381 383
Uncertainty principle 130—132 268 301 see
United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope sky survey 1073
Unitstable of unit conversions Inside Back Cover
Universal gravitational constant 33
Universal Time (UT) 13 1190
Universe see “Cosmology” “Early
Universe, age of 1156—1158 1176
Universe, big bang 1057—1058
Universe, expansion of 1052—1058 1175 1207
Universe, extragalactic distance scale 1038—1051
Universe, flatness of 1237—1238
Universe, large-scale motion 1070—1072
Universe, large-scale structures 1072—1080
Universe, sky surveys 1073—1078
Universe, steady-state model 1163
Uranus 715 719 776
Uranus, atmosphere of 778 785
Uranus, atmospheric dynamics 789
Uranus, composition of 859
Uranus, core of 784
Uranus, discovery of 775
Uranus, energy budgets and effective temperatures 784
Uranus, gravitational moments 781
Uranus, interior structure of 785 786
Uranus, mass-radius relationship 778
Uranus, moment of inertia 781
Uranus, moons of 715—716 799
Uranus, ring system 802 804 807
Uranus, spacecraft missions to 111
URCA process 586
UT1 13
UTC (coordinated universal time 13
V1500 Cyg 681
V404 Cygni 644 672 698
V616 Mon 644
Vacuum, energy of 1239—1241
Valles Marineris 763 765 768
Valve mechanism, pulsating stars 495 502
Van Allen radiation belts 373 753
van den Bergh, Sidney 947
van Maanen, Adrian 941
Variable stars naming 393
Vector gauge bosons 1230 1231 1236
Vectors 31
Vega 77 112 116 203 437
Vega missions 821
Vela spacecraft 543
Velocity dispersion 906
Velocity ellipsoids 906
Velocity-metallicity relation 906
Venus 715 740—745
Venus, atmosphere of 741—743
Venus, formation of 866
Venus, greenhouse effect 725 743
Venus, lack of magnetic field 742
Venus, orbit 5
Venus, retrograde rotation 741—742
Venus, spacecraft missions to 744—745
Venus, surface of 744—745
Vernal equinox 10—12
Vertical optical depth 259
Vertical oscillation frequency 973
Very Large Array (VLA, New Mexico) 166
Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) 166
Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) 165
Vesta 837 841
Viking missions 763
Virgo A 1093
Virgo cluster 992 993 1041 1045 1048 1049 1051 1062—1063 1066 1069
VIRGO consortium 1258
Virgocentric peculiar velocity 1070
Virial mass 960
Virial of Clausius 50 51
Virial temperature 1021
Virial theorem 50—53 314 330 412 420 454 1069
Virtual observatories 172
Virtual particles 1239
Visible light 66
Visual binary star system 180
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