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Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics
Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics

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Название: An introduction to modern astrophysics

Авторы: Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 1358

Добавлена в каталог: 23.02.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Orbital angular momentum      42 44
Orbital resonances      805
Orbitals      133
Orbitals, stellar spectra and      203—204
Orion      68
Orion A complex      408 431 433
Orion Nebula      431 440 441
Orion-Cygnus arm      887 888
Outer core      749
OVVs      see “Optically violently variable quasars”
Owen, Tobias C      816
Oxygen fusion      313—314
Ozone      749
P Cygni      518
P Cygni profile      435 436
P waves      749 750
p-modes      505 508 510—511
Pacini, Franco      599
PAHs      see “Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons”
Pallas      837
Palomar Observatory Sky Survey      1072
Pandora      805
Pangaea      751
parabola      28
Paraboloids      150
Parallax      16
Parallax angle      57 58
Parallax, secular      1039
Parallax, spectroscopic      225 475 1039
Parallel postulate      1184—1185
Parker spiral      380
Parker wind model      375—376
Parker, Eugene      375
Parsec (unit)      58
Parsons, William      941
Partial ionization zone      215
Particle horizon      1203—1205
Particles, standard model of      1230—1232
Particles, virtual particles      1239
Partition function      214
Paschen series      120 121 127
Pauli exclusion principle      135 136 567
Pauli exclusion principle, degeneracy and      563 568
Pauli, Wolfgang      135 308
Payne, Cecilia      219
Pb-Pb system      839
Peculiar velocity      903 906 907 1054
Peebles, P.J.E.      1165 1166
Penrose, Roger      642
Penumbra      382 383
Penzias, Amo      1165 1166
Perigalacticon      904
Perihelion      26 47
Period-density relation pulsating stars      491—492
Period-luminosity relation      1040
Period-luminosity relation, pulsating stars      483—487
Period-luminosity-color relation pulsating stars      487
Perlmutter, Saul      1214
Permittivity of free space      122
Perseus — Pisces supercluster      1069
Peterson, Bruce      1256
Pettengill, Gordon H.      737
Phaeton      842
Phobos      723 769
Photodisintegration      531
Photodissociation      248 730
photoelectric effect      116—118
photographic magnitude      681
Photoionization      245
Photon-baryon fluid      1247 1267
photons      117 118
Photons, emission      252
Photons, free-free absorption      246
Photons, in expanding universe      1206
Photosphere      217 238—240 242 274 277—278 360—362
Photosphere, absorption lines      362
Photosphere, Alfven speed      379
Photosphere, chemical composition      541
Photosphere, granulation      363—364
Photosphere, sound speed      379
Physical constantstable of, Inside Front Cover Piazzi, Giuseppe      716
Pickering, Edward C.      202 484
Pioneer missions      744 111
Pisces — Cetus supercluster      1078 1079
Pitch angle      944
PKS      2349—014 1103
Plages      385
Planck era      1231
Planck function      73—74 126
Planck length      1234
Planck mass      1234
Planck time      1233 1234 1236
Planck's constant      73 116 118 121
Planck, Max      72 119
Plane-parallel atmosphere      259
Plane-polarized waves      65
Planet, inferior      5
Planet, superior      6
Planetary atmospheres      724—730
Planetary atmospheres, chemical evolution of      726
Planetary atmospheres, circulation patterns      730—732
Planetary atmospheres, loss of atmospheric constituents      727—730
Planetary atmospheres, of Earth      726—727 729
Planetary motion, heliocentric model      5—7
Planetary motion, Ptolemaic model      3—4
Planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF)      1046
Planetary nebula nuclei (PNN)      562
Planetary nebulae      470—474
Planetary ring systems      801—807
Planetary ring systems of Jupiter      802 804
Planetary ring systems of Neptune      805
Planetary ring systems of Saturn      801—804 806
Planetary ring systems of Uranus      804 807
Planetary ring systems, formation of      807
Planetary ring systems, physical processes affecting      805—807
Planetary systems      see “Extrasolar planets” “Planets” Solar
Planetary systems, formation and evolution of      857—869
Planetary systems, mass distribution in      861
Planetesimals      718 861 862 866
Planets, atmospheres      see Planetary atmospheres
Planets, Bode's rule      716—717
Planets, characteristics      714 715
Planets, composition of      859
Planets, extrasolar      195—198 714 848—857
Planets, giant planets      775—790
Planets, moons      715—716 775—801 A-2
Planets, size of      715
Planets, surface of      861
Planets, table of orbital and satellite data      A-1
Planets, table of physical data, A      1
Planets, temperatures of      725
plasma      375
Plasma drag      806
Plate scale      144
Plate tectonics      750—751
Plato      2 4
Playfair, John      1184
Pleiades      402 475
Plutinos      828
Pluto      813—816 827
Pluto, atmosphere of      816
Pluto, density and composition      814
Pluto, discovery of      813
Pluto, migration of      868
Pluto, moons of      716 723 813—816
Pluto, orbit      813—816
Pluto, spacecraft missions to      816
Pluto, surface of      815
PNLF      see “Planetary nebula luminosity function”
PNN      see “Planetary nebula nuclei”
Poe, Edgar Allan      1145
Poisson's equation      335
Polar-ring galaxies      1006 1007
Polaris      486
Polarized light      65
Polarized light, from interstellar dust      404
Polars      675 685—686
Poloidal field      391
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in interstellar medium      403
Polytropes      333 335
Polytropic index      336
Pope, Alexander      71
Population I/II/III stars      474 490 885
Position angle      17
Positron      136
Post-asymptotic giant branch      469 478
Post-common-envelope binaries      673
Post-main-sequence stellar evolution      448 457
Post-main-sequence stellar evolution, core-collapse supemovae      530—534
Post-main-sequence stellar evolution, massive stars      518—523
potential energy      37
Power laws      307
Poynting vector      66
Poynting — Robertson effect      806 819
Poynting, John Henry      66
PP I      see Proton-proton chain
Pre-main-sequence evolution      425—441
Precession      12
Pressure broadening      270—271
Pressure defined      286
Pressure equation of state      288—296
Pressure integral defined      290
Pressure scale height      316—317
Pressure-supported galaxies      989
Pressureless “dust” model of universe      1146—1156
Primary star      658 659
Prime focus      156
Primordial black holes      639 645
Principal focus      26
principal quantum number      124 133
Principle of equivalence      613—616 619
Principle of relativity      88 89 102
probability      129
Procyon      112
Prolate spheroidal galaxies      943 944
Prometheus      792 805
Prompt initial enhancement      1020
Proper distance      626 1189 1211
Proper length      95 626
Proper motion      17 112
Proper time      93 625
Proplyds      440
Proto-Galactic cloud      1017 1023
Proton-proton chain (PP I)      309—311 352
Proton-proton chain (PP I), PP I reaction chain      309
Proton-proton chain (PP I), PP II reaction chain      310
Proton-proton chain (PP I), PP III reaction chain      310
Protons, Big Bang nucleosynthesis      1177—1178
Protons, isotopes      298
Protons, mass of      299
Protostars      412—424
Protostars, ambipolar diffusion      421
Protostars, birth line      429
Protostars, homologous collapse      414—417
Protostars, inside-out collapse      417
Protostars, Jeans criterion      412—413 419
Protostars, numerical simulations      422
Proxima Centauri      59
PSR 0031-07      598
PSR 0329+54      595
PSR 0531-21      599
PSR 0633+1746      590
PSR 1237+25      598
PSR 1257+12      703
PSR 1641-45      596
PSR 1744-24A      703
PSR 1913+16      700 703 704
PSR 1919+21      587 588
PSR 1937+214      701
PSR 1957+20      702
Ptolemaic model      4 7
Pulsars      538 586—602 1114
Pulsars, as rapidly rotating neutron stars      590
Pulsars, characteristics      588—589
Pulsars, emission mechanism      600
Pulsars, glitches      590 602
Pulsars, millisecond      590
Pulsars, models      589—590 596—599
Pulsars, origin      592
Pulsars, period derivatives      599 601
Pulsars, structure of pulses      595
Pulsars, wind      601
pulsating variable stars      63 68 251 589 see
Pulse period      587
Pythagoras      2
Q0142-100      1131
Q0957+561      1130 1133 1136
Q2237+031      1135
QSOs      see “Quasi-stellar objects”
QSRs      see “Quasi-stellar radio sources”
Quantization of energy      71—75
Quantum      73
Quantum mechanical tunneling      131 132 300—302
quantum mechanics      116 132
Quantum numbers      124 133 135 136
Quantum state      135
Quaoar      717
Quark era      1231
Quark-hadron transition      1231 1246
Quarks      1230 1231 1246
Quasars      1095—1104 1107
Quasars, discovery of      1096
Quasars, evolution of      1100—1104
Quasars, high cosmological redshifts      1099
Quasars, luminosity of      1097
Quasars, Lyman-$\alpha$ forest      1137—1139
Quasars, polarization      1104
Quasars, spectra of      1095 1097—1098 1137—1139
Quasi-stellar objects (QSOs)      1099 1107
Quasi-stellar radio sources(QSRs)      1096 1107
Queloz, Didier      195 848
Quiescent prominences      388 389
Quiet corona      390
Quintessence      1192
r-process nucleosynthesis      542
Rabinowitz, David      826
Radial velocity      16 98
Radial velocity to detect extrasolar planets      195 196
Radial velocity, binary stars      186—187
Radians (unit)      58
Radiant      842
Radiant flux      60
Radiation      315
Radiation constant      234
Radiation era      1174
Radiation field      231—237
Radiation field, intensity      231—232 235
Radiation field, radiation pressure      236—237
Radiation field, radiative flux      234—235
Radiation field, specific energy density      233—234
Radiation pressure      67 236—237 295
Radiation pressure gradient      255
Radiation torus      1113
Radiative flux      234—235
Radiative temperature gradient      316 325
Radiative transfer      251—266
Radiative transfer, Eddington approximation      262—263
Radiative transfer, limb darkening      254 264—266
Radiative transfer, radiation pressure gradient      255
Radiative transfer, random walk      252—254
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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