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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics |

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Pauli exclusion principle and atomic structure 1147—1151
Pauli exclusion principle and evolution of stars 1166
Pauli exclusion principle and multi-electron atoms 1148—1151
Pauli exclusion principle in bulk matter 1163—1168
Pauli, Wolfgang 753 1016 1148—1149 1222
Pb-Pb collider 1253
Peak, resonant 387
Peaked amplitudes 929
Peebles, James 506
Pendulum period 13
Pendulum, ballistic 241—242
Pendulum, conical 148 389
Pendulum, physical 381—382
Pendulum, simple 378—381 388
Penzias, Arno 506 1263
Percentage uncertainty 10
Perfectly inelastic collisions 216—219 230
Perfectly inelastic collisions, energy loss in 217—218
Perigee 348
Perihelion 348
Period 13 35 5 388 404
Period and uniform circular motion 74
Period of a motion 248
Periodic motion 192 366
Periodic table of elements 1150 1156 1160 A-8
Periodic waves 403—405
Permanent electric dipole moments 639
Permeability of a material 875
Permeability of free space 823 A-2
Permittivity of free space 618 944 A-2
Perot, Alfred 1043
Perpetual motion machines 489 580
Phase 367 464
Phase of simple harmonic motion 367
Phase, changes 521
Phase, changes and heat flow 521—522
Phase, diagrams 501
Phase, difference 371
Phase, plot 203
Phasors 923—924
Phonons 1177 1182
Phosphorescence 1192
phosphors 1192
Photocathode 1117
photoelectric effect 1114—1116 1131
photoelectrons 1115
Photographic emulsions 1256—1257
photoluminescence 1192
Photomultiplier 1117
photons 964—965 1114 1130 1151 1178 1211 1240
Photons, coherent state 1170
Photons, emission and adsorption of, from atoms 1142—1144
Photons, reflected by a mirror 965
Photons, spontaneously emitted 1169
Photons, virtual 1246
Photovoltaic effect 1196
Physical optics 1029
Physical pendulum 381—382
Physical quantities 4—7 A-3
Physical quantities, SI units A-1
Physical world, progress in understanding 2—3
Physics and society 1
Physics, classical 3
Physics, modern 3
Physics, quantum see “Quantum physics”
Physics, revolutionary developments in (1900—1925) 3
Physics, significant data in development of A-9 t A-10
Physics, statistical 548—549
Piezoelectric materials 1199—1200
Piezoelectricity 731
Pioneer 10 spacecraft 677
Pions 1239 1247
Pitch 421
Planck formula 504—505 506
Planck length 1268
Planck time 1260 1268
Planck's constant 301 504—505 887 965 1113 1118 1123 1131 A-2
Planck, Max 504 964 1113
Plane electromagnetic wave 946
Plane mirrors, peculiarity of 1000
Plane polar coordinates 74
Plane waves 947 977
Planetary data A-3
Planetary motion, Copernican picture 339
Planetary motion, Kepler's laws 340
Planets 345—349 A-3
Planets, orbits, types of 346—348
plasma 464 953 1229
Plasma frequency 953
Plasma of charged electrons and ions 1261
Plexiglas 725
Plum pudding model 1208 1245
Plumb bob 44
Pointlike particles 1244—1245 1266
Poiseuille flow 482
Poiseuille, Jean 482
Poisson spot 1051—1052
Poisson's ratio 326 327
Poisson, Simeon 326
Polar coordinates 247
polar molecules 729
Polar polymer 789
Polarization 959—964
Polarization by reflection 963—964
Polarization by scattering 962—963
Polarization charge 613
Polarization, analyzer for 960—961
Polarization, circular 972
Polarization, linearly polarized light 960
Polarization, Malus's law 961
Polarization, polarizers 961
Polarization, unpolarized radiation 961
Polarized radiation, how to produce 962—964
polarizers 961 966
Polaroid 961—963
Poloidal field 1224 1230
Position distribution function 554
Position vectors 19 30
Position-momentum uncertainty, relation 1128
Positron emission 1223
Positronium 1241
Positrons 616 1240—1241
potential energy 151 172 183—197 201
Potential energy and conservative forces 184—185
Potential energy barriers 201
Potential energy for projectile motion 196—197
Potential energy of a magnetic dipole 810
Potential energy of a system of charges 688—689
Potential energy well 376
Potential energy, advantages of using 683
Potential energy, conservation of energy 186
Potential energy, conservation of energy, applications of 186—189
Potentiometer circuit 790
Pound (lb) 6 A-1
Pound, Robert 1104
Power 172—114 A-1
Power factor 931
Power in ac circuits 929—931
Power in waves 412—414
Power, angular distribution of 959
Power, horsepower (hp) 173
Power, instantaneous 173
Power, kilowatt-hour (kWh) 173
Power, watt(W) 173
Powers of 10, unit prefixes for 7
Poynting vector 954—955 958 966
Poynting vector, time average of 1034
Precession 303—305
Precession, angular frequency of 305
Precession, torque on a spinning top 304—305
| Precessional motion 887 889
Pressure 465—466 A-1
Pressure and internal energy 532
Pressure and molecular motion 550—552
Pressure degeneracy in a fluid at rest 466—469
Pressure law of partial 572
Pressure, degeneracy 1165—1166
Pressure, gauge 486
Pressure, origin of 550—551
Priestley, Joseph 351 610 617
Primary coil 918
Primary dimensions 12
Primary rainbow 989
Principal maxima 1053
principal quantum number 1140
Principal rays 1004
Principle of conservation of momentum 211
Principle of superposition 344—345 356 438—439 621 627
Principle of the conservation of energy 152
probability 1128—1130
Probability distribution function 1129
Probability distributions 555 566;
Problem-solving techniques 32 107
Projectile motion 68—73
Projectile motion, potential energy for 196—197
Projectile motion, trajectory 69—71
Proper length, use of term 1092
proportions 14
Proton cycle 1226
Proton magnetometer 891
Proton mass A-2
Proton-electron mass ratio A-2
Protons 886—887 1211
Pseudoforce 99
Ptolemaic description of planetary motion 339
Ptolemy, Claudius 339
Pulsars 1168
Pulse frequency 458 461
Pulses 446—452
Pulses and uncertainty principle 454—456
Pulses change in velocity with change in medium 451
Pulses conservation of energy, consequences of 450
Pulses reflection 448—449
Pulses, collisions between 447—448
Pulses, transmitted 449—452
Pulses, width 455
Pupil, eye 1018
Pyramids 159
Pyrometer, optical 503
Pythagoras's theorem 19 21
Q factor 384
Quadratic equation, solutions of A-5
Quality factor (Q-factor) 930
Quanta 1114
quantization of angular momentum 301—302
Quantization of energy levels 302 1137—1144
Quantization of flux 1174
Quantization, Bohr quantization condition 1140
Quantum chromodynamics 1249
Quantum corral 1183
Quantum electrodynamics 1248
Quantum engineering 707 1183—1206
Quantum engineering and electric potential 706—707
Quantum engineering scanning microscopy 1199—1202
Quantum engineering semiconductors 1185—1192
Quantum engineering structures 1193—1199
Quantum engineering, band-gap engineering 1197—1199
Quantum engineering, energy bands 1184—1185
Quantum engineering, ultimate in 1202
quantum mechanics 237 266 301 302 747 1112 1128—1130 1131 1156 1247 1265
Quantum mechanics and materials 1183
Quantum mechanics, orbital angular momentum 880
Quantum physics 3 505 562 752 1112—1136
Quantum physics and magnetic flux 886
Quantum physics matter, wave nature of 1118—1122
Quantum physics, Heisenberg uncertainty relations (principle) 1122—1128
Quantum theory 504 1129
Quantum wells 1197—1198
Quantum wires 1198
Quantum-mechanical exclusion, principle 753 881
Quarks 237 617 627 1240 1244—1246 1264
Quarks, antiquarks 1245
Quarks, d-quark 1244
Quarks, heavy 1245
Quarks, light 1245
Quarks, properties of 1244
Quarks, strange 1245
Quarks, u-quark 1244
Quarter-wave thickness 1042
Quasars 358 1087
Quasistellar objects 1087
Radial acceleration 250
RADIANS 74 247 A-1
Radians per second (rad/s) 248
Radiation 493 951—952 1131
Radiation and thermal equilibrium 503
Radiation pressure 956
Radiation, blackbody 504—506 1113—1114
Radiation, Cherenkov 503
Radiation, Compton effect 1116—1117
Radiation, electromagnetic 503
Radiation, emitted 504
Radiation, particle nature of 1113—1117
Radiation, photoelectric effect 1114—1116
Radio waves 953
Radio-frequency range 1122
Radioactive series 1225
Radioactivity 1220—1224
Radioactivity and life 1224
Radioactivity, alpha decay 1222
Radioactivity, beta decay 1222—1224
Radioactivity, gamma decay 1224
Radioisotopes 1228
Radiometric dating 1227 1231
Rainbows 988—990
Rainbows, primary 989
Rainbows, secondary 989
Random walk 564—565
RANGE 69—70
Ranging, lasers 1170
Rankine temperature scale 509
Rankine, William 509
Rarefaction 418
Ray optics see “Geometric optics”
Ray tracing 1005 1017 1023
Ray-tracing techniques 1001 1008 1009
Rayleigh criterion 1060
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 1113
Rayleigh, Lord 504—505 989 991 1113
Rays, cathode 1063
Rays, cosmic 1256
Rays, incident 979
Rays, paraxial 1001 1009
Rays, principal 1004
Rays, reflected 979
Rays, refracted 981
rc circuits 779—782
RC circuits, energy in 782
Real currents 875—876
Reaumur temperature scale 509
Rebka, Glen 1104
Receiving antennas 957
Reciprocal relation 455—456
Recombination 1192
Reconstructed image 1065
Rectification 932
rectifiers 932
Redshift 433 1086
Redshift, gravitational 1102—1103
Reduced mass 308
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