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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Fluids, convection of      474
Fluids, equation of continuity      475—476
Fluids, hydrostatics      464
Fluids, properties of      462—490
Fluids, real      481—483
Fluids, real turbulence      482—483
Fluids, real viscosity      482
Fluids, rotational flow      474
Fluids, steady flow      474
Fluids, streamline      474
Fluids, turbulent flow      474
Fluorescence      1192
Flux      475
Flux quantization      1174
Flux, conservation of      475
Flux, electric      662—664
Flux, energy      954 958
Flux, magnetic      826—827
Flywheels      252
Focal length      1002
Focal point      1002 1009
Focus      1002
Foot (ft)      4 A-1
Force diagrams      89 199
Force diagrams, extended      316
Force law      109
Force law, inverse-square      340—345
Force(s)      88 91 A-1
Force(s) and Lenz's law      860—861
Force(s) and solids      323—328
Force(s) in motional emf      858—860
Force(s) of gravity      91
Force(s) of universal gravitation      141
Force(s), centripetal      136—137
Force(s), circular motion      136—141
Force(s), circular motion and noninertial frames      140—141
Force(s), circular motion with changing speed      139—140
Force(s), common      105—107
Force(s), conservative      171—172
Force(s), constant      124—126 136
Force(s), contact      91
Force(s), drag      133—135
Force(s), electroweak      141—142 1246 1247—1248
Force(s), external      105
Force(s), fictitious      99
Force(s), fundamental      141—142
Force(s), identifying      103—109
Force(s), internal      105
Force(s), net      105
Force(s), nonconservative      171—172
Force(s), normal      91 106 123
Force(s), nuclear      141 1216—1217
Force(s), nucleon-nucleon      1010
Force(s), saturated nuclear      1216
Force(s), spring      170
Force(s), strong      1412 1246
Force(s), variable in magnitude and direction      166—167
Force(s), variable in one dimension      163—165
Force(s), weak      1223
Forward bias voltage      1195
Foundations, constructing      214
Fourier analysis      454
Fourier decomposition      452—454
Fourier decomposition of pulses      452
Fourier decomposition of pulses and uncertainty principle      454—456
Fourier decomposition of triangular waves      453—454
Fourier decomposition, Fourier analysis and the ear      454
Fourier expansion      452
Fourier's theorem      452 457
Frame dependence of fields      864—865
Frames of reference      77
Frames of reference, geocentric      339
Frames of reference, heliocentric      339
Frames of reference, inertial      90 92 99
Frames of reference, noninertial      99—103 106 111 140
Franck — Hertz Experiment      1143
Franck, James      1143
Franklin, Benjamin      351 609 610 617 689
Fraunhofer diffraction      1051 1053 1062
Fraunhofer, Joseph von      1051
Free charge      617 730
Free currents      875—876
Free electrons      953
Free expansion      516 533
Free fall      73
Free neutrons      1223
Free space, permittivity of      618
Free-body diagrams      103 262—264
Free-body diagrams, identifying      103—109
Free-electron model of resistivity      750—752
Free-electron model, failure of      752
Freely falling objects      44—45
frequency      75 249 368 404
Frequency and uniform circular motion      75
Frequency beat, calculation of      440—442
Frequency of simple harmonic motion      368 373
Frequency, fundamental      416
Frequency, natural      383—384
Frequency-energy relation, for photons      1138
Fresnel diffraction      1051
Fresnel, Augustin      1051
Friction      727—733 169—170
Friction as nonconservative force      171
Friction, charged by      611
Friction, coefficient of      29—31
Friction, forward-directing/backward-directing      132
Friction, kinetic      128—129
Friction, origins of      133
Friction, quantitative properties of      129—131
Friction, sliding      728—729
Friction, static      128—129 132—133 137—138
Friedman, Alexander      1258
Fringe fields      716
Fringes      1035 1040
Fuel resources      A-4
Full-wave rectifier      932
Function(s) distribution      554—557
Function(s) mass density      252
Function(s) probability distribution      1129
Function(s) velocity distribution      554 557 560
Function(s) wave      1129 1144
Function(s) work      1115
Function(s), Gaussian      459—460
Function(s), Yukawa potential energy      208
Fundamental angular frequency      452
Fundamental forces      141—142
Fundamental forces, carriers      1246—1251
Fundamental forces, electroweak forces      1246 1247—1248
Fundamental forces, standard model      1250—1251
Fundamental forces, strong force      1248—1250
Fundamental forces, Yukawa theory      1246—1247
fundamental frequency      416
Fundamental frequency, harmonics of      452
Fundamental mode      415
Fundamental physical constants      A-2
Fundamental physical quantities      4—7
Fundamental physical quantities, length      5
Fundamental physical quantities, mass      6
Fundamental physical quantities, time      6
Fundamental wavelength      416
Fusion      1226—1227 1231
Fusion, controlled      1228—1229
Fusion, latent heat of      521—522
Fusion, nuclear      182
Gabor, Denis      1065
Galaxies      1263—1264
Galilean law of velocity addition      1088 1089
Galilean transformation laws      1077
Galilean transformations      1077 1090
Galileo Galilei      2—3 14 44—45 57 89 214 617 975
galvanometers      776 809—810 848
Gamma decay ($\gamma$-decay mode)      1224 1231
Gamow, George      506 1261
Gas constant      A-2
Gas constant, universal      500 507 516
Gas pressure      410
Gas(es)      463
Gas(es), ideal      see “Ideal gases”
Gas(es), image      705
Gas(es), magnetic properties of      874
Gauge pressure      486
Gauss (G)      795 A-1
Gauss' law      661—682 832
Gauss' law and Coulomb's law      666—667
Gauss' law for electric and magnetic, fields      943
Gauss' law for magnetism      26—28
Gauss' law for magnetism and magnetic flux      826—828
Gauss' law for magnetism, field lines of a bar magnet      826—827
Gauss' law testing with a null experiment      675
Gauss' law using to determine electric fields      668—672
Gauss' law using to find the field of a finite line of charge      670—672
Gauss' law, correctness of      675—677
Gauss' law, defined      662 665
Gauss' law, electric flux      662—664
Gauss' law, electrostatic fields near conductors      674
Gauss' law, essence of      662
Gauss' law, field cancellation within conductors, mechanism for      673
Gauss' law, general statement of      666
Gauss' law, purpose of      661—665
Gauss' laws for electric and magnetic fields      965
Gauss, Karl Friedrich      661
Gaussian function      459—460
Gaussian pulse      460
Gaussian surface      663
Gay-Lussac, Joseph      512
Geiger — Muller tube      733
Geiger, Hans      1208
Gell-Mann, Murray      617 1244
General relativity      7 339 357 504 1101
General theory of relativity      see “General relativity”
Generalization of angular momentum      280—285
Generalization of torque      285—287
Generalized Ampere's law      944 946 947 965 967
Generators      863—864
Generators, alternating-current (AC)      863
Generators, homopolar      871
Generators, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)      866
Generators, Van de Graaff      703—704
Geocentric reference frame      339
Geometric optics      979 998 1022 1023 1029 1033
Geosynchronous orbit      362
Gerlach, Walter      1145
Germanium      611
Germanium, energy gap      754
Germer, Lester H.      1119
Gibbs, Josiah-Willard      548
Gilbert, William      2 791
Glashow, Sheldon L.      141 1248
Global Positioning System (GPS)      6—7 294 339
Gluons      1249
Goeppert-Mayer, Maria      1011 1217
Gold, Tom      1168
Goudsmit, Samuel      1148
grain      323
Gram(g)      7 8 A-1
Gram-atomic weight      1211
Gravitation      338—365 609 1246
Gravitation and extended objects      349—355
Gravitation, dark matter      351—352
Gravitation, Einstein's theory of      357—359
Gravitation, equality of inertial and gravitational masses      356
Gravitation, equivalence principle      357
Gravitation, equivalence principle, black holes      359
Gravitation, equivalence principle, gravitational lenses      358—359
Gravitation, equivalence principle, light falls under the influence of gravity      357—358
Gravitation, equivalence principle, precision of planetary orbits      359
Gravitation, equivalence principle, predictions of      357—359
Gravitation, Newton's inverse-square law      340—345 357
Gravitation, orbits, types of      346—348
Gravitation, planetary motion, early observations of      339—340
Gravitation, planetary motion, early observations of, Copernican picture      339
Gravitation, planetary motion, early observations of, Kepler's laws      340
Gravitation, planets      345—349
Gravitation, satellites      345—349
Gravitation, spherically symmetric object, gravitational force due to      349—351
Gravitation, tidal forces      352—355
Gravitational constant      A-2
Gravitational field      680
Gravitational forces and electric, charge      610
Gravitational lens      359 1103 1258 1260
Gravitational lensing      358
Gravitational mass      356 1102 1105
Gravitational potential      1103
Gravitational potential energy      193
Gravitational redshift      1102—1103
Gravitons      1246
Gravity      119—121 169 187—188
Gravity and extended objects      264—265
Gravity and path dependence      169
Gravity and rigid bodies      316—317
Gravity, acceleration due to      44—45
Gravity, force of      91
Gravity, rocket motion in the presence of      236
Gravity, specific      464
Gravity, zero      91
Gray, Stephen      610
Ground state      1138
Ground state energy      1126—1128
Ground-level energy      1138
Grounded objects      612
gyromagnetic ratio      879 888
Gyroscopes      303
Hadrons      1237 1240 1245
Half-life      1221
Half-wave rectifier      932
Hall effect      810—811
Hall effect, technological uses      811
Hall, Edwin H.      811
Halley's comet      347
Halogens      1150
Harmonic driving force      387
Harmonic series      416
Harmonic waves      411
Harmonics      416—417
Harmonics of the fundamental, frequency      452
Harmonics, nth harmonic      416 419
Hearing      421—422
Hearing and Fourier analysis      454
Heat      see also “Heat flow”
Heat bath      492 492
heat capacity      518—519
Heat capacity, constant-pressure      530 534
Heat capacity, constant-volume      530 534
Heat capacity, molar      518
Heat capacity, units of      519
Heat flow and phase changes      521—522
Heat flow in materials      523—526
Heat flow, path dependence of      519—520
Heat flow, units of      A-1
Heat pump      584 588—590
Heat specific      518
Heat, mechanical equivalent of      526—527
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      237 1122—1128 1131 1220 1231 1247 1264
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, double-slit experiment      1124—1128
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, ground state energy      1126—1128
Heisenberg, Werner      237 881 1122
Heliocentric reference frame      339
Helium atoms      1176 1178
Helix      799
Helmholtz, Hermann von      201
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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