Electric potential of a point charge 686—687
Electric potential of charge distributions 687—688 696—700
Electric potential, defining due to a charge distribution 686
Electric potential, potentials and fields near conductors 700—703
Electric potential, units of 688
Electric power 755—757 769
Electric power and batteries 769—770
Electric quadrupole 660 713
Electrical appliances, energy consumption of A-4
Electrical energy 151 719
Electrical resistance see “Resistance”
Electrically neutral atom 611
electricity 141
Electricity, history of the study of 609—610
Electroluminescence 1192
electrolytic capacitors 728—729
Electromagnetic energy, radiation of 991
Electromagnetic force 141
Electromagnetic properties of superconductors and BCS theory 1173
Electromagnetic radiation 503 1114 1130—1131
Electromagnetic radiation as particles 964—965
Electromagnetic spectrum 951—952
Electromagnetic waves 943 945—953
Electromagnetic waves dipole radiation 957—959
Electromagnetic waves in-phase electric and magnetic fields 951
Electromagnetic waves propagation in matter 952
Electromagnetic waves radiation 951—952
Electromagnetic waves radiation pressure 956
Electromagnetic waves, angular pattern of 959
Electromagnetic waves, energy of 954
Electromagnetic waves, intensity of 958—959
Electromagnetic waves, momentum in 956—957
Electromagnetic waves, propagation of 946—949
Electromagnetic waves, relation between E and B in 949—951
Electromagnetic waves, relations between amplitudes 949—950
Electromagnetic waves, resistance to Maxwell's notion of 951
Electromagnetic waves, transport of energy 954—956
Electromagnetic waves, transversality of 950
Electromagnetism 141 661 948 1073 1246
Electrometer 628
electromotive force (EMF) 766—770 894
Electromotive force (emf) by mutual inductance 894—895
Electromotive force (emf) by self-inductance 894
Electromotive force (emf), AC sources of in circuits 917
Electromotive force (emf), defined 767—768
Electromotive force (emf), induced 848
Electromotive force (emf), sources of 766
Electron capture 616 1223
Electron charge-to-mass ratio A-2
Electron mass 1006 1101 1116 1189 A-2
Electron-volt (eV) 690 1115—1116 A-1
Electrons and semiconductors 1188—1190
Electrons in metals 1163—1165
Electrons, spin of 1147—1151
Electrons, trapped 1192
Electroscope 615
Electrostatic fields near conductors 674
Electrostatic unit 629
Electrostatics 611
Electroweak forces 141—142 1246 1247—1248
Electroweak interaction 1248 1264
Elementary charge A-2
Elementary particles 616
Elevation angle 69—70
ellipse 340 341—342 348 355
Elliptical orbits 346—347
Emergency backup systems, and, capacitors 715
Energy 151—152 186 A-1; “Potential
Energy ,electric 610 719 755
Energy and simple harmonic motion 374—377
Energy and standing waves 417—418
energy bands 1184—1185
Energy conservation 769; see also “Conservation of energy”
Energy consumption A-4
Energy content of fuels A-4
Energy density 413—414 456 504—507 720 900
Energy diagrams 191—193
Energy diagrams equilibrium points 193
Energy distribution of diatomic molecules 560—561
Energy flux 954 958
energy gaps 302 1173 1175 1184—1188 1202
Energy in angular motion 299—301
Energy in inductors 898—900
Energy in LC and RLC circuits 908—909
Energy in magnetic fields 900—901
Energy in motional emf 858—860
Energy in reflection and refraction 982—983
Energy in waves 412—414
energy levels 302 1138
Energy levels in atoms, quantized 302
Energy of a simple pendulum 380—381
Energy of an extended object in motion 300—301
Energy of electromagnetic waves 954
Energy of systems 189—190
Energy quantization 1137—1144
Energy quantization and wave nature of matter 1139
Energy quantization, Bohr model of hydrogen 1139—1141
Energy quantization, emission and absorption of photons from atoms 1142—1144
Energy transport 413
Energy, associated with mass 1098—1100
Energy, chemical 719
Energy, electric potential 684—689
Energy, electromagnetic, radiation of 991
Energy, ground state 1126—1128
Energy, ground-level 1138
Energy, ionization 1141
Energy, kinetic 1097—1098
Energy, potential 683 688—689 810
Energy, quantization of 302
Energy, rest 1099
Energy, separation 1215
Energy, society's production/use of 200
Energy, supply and demand A-4
Energy, thermal 500
Energy, total 215
Energy, total mechanical 186
Energy, transport of 954—956
Energy, units of 154—155
Energy, “bundles” of 1113
Engines 574—576
Engines and entropy 597—598
Engines, automobiles 588
Engines, Brayton 587
Engines, Carnot 582—584 587
Engines, diesel 545 587 603
Engines, efficiency of 576—577
Engines, jet 220
Engines, Otto 587
Engines, Stirling 586—587
Enthalpy 606
entropy 573 580 590—592 594 598
Entropy and direction of spontaneous processes 592—593
Entropy and engines 597—598
Entropy and ideal gases 594—595
Entropy and the second law 590—591
Entropy as a thermodynamic variable 591
Entropy as state function 591
Entropy of an isolated system 594
Entropy of mixing 596
Entropy, meaning of 596—599
Entropy, microscopic interpretation of 591
Entropy, path dependence of 600
Entropy, units of A-1
Envelope 384
Eotvos experiments 120 356
Eotvos, Lorand von 356
Epicycles 339
Epitaxy 1197—1198
Epitaxy, molecular-beam 1198
Equal action and reaction, law of 98
| Equation of continuity 475—476
Equation of state 500
Equation of state of gases 499—503
Equation of state of gases, changing 501
Equation of state of gases, real gases compared to ideal gases 502—503
Equation of state of gases, thermodynamic variables 499
Equation of state of gases, van der Waals equation of state 503
Equations of motion 109
Equations of motion for rockets 235—236
Equations of motion for rotations 269—270
Equilibrium 767
Equilibrium points 193
Equilibrium, neutral 193
Equilibrium, stable 193 194—195 204 314 594
Equilibrium, thermal 492—493
Equilibrium, unstable 193
Equipartition theorem 561—562
Equipotential surfaces 691—692
Equipotentials 196 691—693
Equipotentials, compared to contour lines on a topographic map 692
Equipotentials, determining electric fields from 694
Equipotentials, determining the field in Cartesian coordinates 695
Equivalence principle 356 357 1101—1104
Equivalence principle, black holes 359
Equivalence principle, gravitational lenses 358—359
Equivalence principle, light falls under the influence of gravity 357—358
Equivalence principle, precision of planetary orbits 359
Equivalence principle, predictions of 357—359
Equivalent capacitor 721
Erg 154 A-1
Escape speed 346
estimates 14—15
Ether 1073—1075
Ether drag 1106
Ether wind 1073
Euclidean axes 21
Evaporative cooling 1171
Excited atoms 1138
Excited electrons 753
Excited state 1138
Exclusion principle, Pauli 1148 1178
Exclusion principle, Pauli, and atomic structure 1147—1151
Exclusion principle, Pauli, and evolution of stars 1166
Exclusion principle, Pauli, and multi-electron atoms 1148—1151
Exclusion principle, Pauli, in bulk matter 1163—1168
Expansion, Fourier 452
Expansion, Fourier, free 516 533
Expansion, Taylor A-7
Expansion, thermal 497—499
Expansion, virial 514
Expansion, volume, coefficient of 497
Experimental Researches in Electricity (Faraday) 848
explosions 219—220
Extended force diagrams 316
Extended objects and gravitation 349—355
Extended objects and gravitation, dark matter 351—352
Extended objects and gravitation, spherically symmetric object, gravitational force due to 349—351
Extended objects and gravitation, tidal forces 352—355
Extended objects in motion, energy of 300—301
Extended objects, image of 999
Extensive variables 508
External electric fields, electric dipole in 650—652
External electric fields, electric dipole in, energy of a dipole in 652—653
External forces 105
Extrinsic semiconductors 1190—1191
eye 1018—1019 1132 1237
Eye, accommodation 1018
Eye, basic structure of 1018
Eye, far-sightedness 1018—1019
Eye, near-sightedness 1019
Eye, nearpoint 1018—1019
Eyeglasses, antireflective coatings 1042
Eyepiece 1018
Fabry — Perot interferometer 1043—1044
Fabry, Charles 1043
Fahrenheit temperature scale 497
Far-sightedness 1018—1019
Farad (F) 716 A-1
Faraday cages 676
Faraday ice-pail experiment 675
Faraday's law 847—872 888 893—894 943 944 965 1173
Faraday's law, discovery of 847
Faraday's law, eddy currents 857—858
Faraday's law, frame dependence of fields 864—865
Faraday's law, generators 863—864
Faraday's law, magnetic induction 849—850
Faraday's law, motional emf 855—856
Faraday's law, surface formed by the loop 852—854
Faraday's law, time-varying magnetic fields 861—863
Faraday's ring 848
Faraday, Michael 610 633 639 675 716 724 791 847 848
Femtometer 1216
Fermat's principle 985—987
Fermat, Pierre de 986
Fermi (fm) 1216 A-1
Fermi energy 1164—1165 1167 1173 1178 1185 1187 1202
Fermi momentum 1164
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 1252 1255 1257
Fermi temperature 1178
Fermi velocity 1187
Fermi — Dirac distribution 1186—1188 1206
Fermilab (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) 815
Fermilab proton accelerator 802
fermions 1151 1184—1185
Fermions, identical 1162
Fermions, quantum effects in large systems of 1162—1177
Ferromagnetic materials 792 875 877 881 888
ferromagnetism 877 881—884
Feynman, Richard 1252
Fiber optics 984
Fictitious forces 99 101 353
Fictitious forces in circular motion 141
Field amplitudes, relation of 950
Field cancellation within, conductors, mechanism for 673
Field-ion microscopy 704—705
film 1019
Filter(s) 387 932 933—934
Fine-structure constant 1158
First harmonic 415
First law of motion 89—90
First-order maxima 1033
Fission 1224—1226 1231
Fission, controlled 1228
Fission, induced 1226
Fission, spontaneous 1226
Fixed-target machines/colliders 1252—1255
Fizeau, Hippolyte 975—976
Flatness, test for 1040
Flavor labels 1245
Flight time of projectile 69
Flip coil 872
Flow from a tank 479—480
Flow from tank 479—480
Flow of fluids 462
Fluid motion with constant speed 479
Fluid speed in a closed pipe, measuring 478
Fluids buoyancy 469—471
Fluids circulation 474
Fluids conservation of flux 475
Fluids density 464—465
Fluids in motion 474—475
Fluids irrotational flow 474
Fluids laminar flow 474
Fluids lift 480—481
Fluids pressure 465—466
Fluids pressure in a fluid at rest 466—469
Fluids viscosity 474
Fluids, Archimedes' principle 472—473
Fluids, Bernoulli's equation 476—477
Fluids, Bernoulli's equation, applications of 478—480