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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Monopoles      826
Moon, corner reflectors on      980
Morley, Edward W.      1074
Motion      87
Motion in two and three dimensions      60—86
Motion in two or three dimensions      195—197
Motion in two or three dimensions, central forces      197
Motion in two or three dimensions, potential energy for projectile motion      196—197
Motion with constant acceleration      40—41 66—68
Motion, acceleration      64—65
Motion, angular, work and energy in      299—301
Motion, damped harmonic      383—385
Motion, energy of an extended object in      300—301
Motion, equations of      109
Motion, finding      109—110
Motion, first law of, S9      —90
Motion, fluids in      474—75
Motion, graphing      34—36
Motion, linear      259 266—267
Motion, linear, parallels between rotational motion and      266—267
Motion, oscillary      366—396
Motion, periodic      192 366
Motion, projectile      68—73
Motion, projectile trajectory      69—71
Motion, relative      77—80
Motion, rhythmic      366
Motion, rocket      234—236
Motion, rotational, parallels between linear motion and      266—267
Motion, second law of      92—97 103 119—120 151 239 261 262 351—352 401
Motion, simple harmonic      366 367—370
Motion, simple harmonic and energy      374—377
Motion, simple harmonic and springs      371—374
Motion, simple harmonic, kinematics of      367—368
Motion, simple harmonic, properties of      368—369
Motion, simple harmonic, relations among position, velocity and acceleration in      369—370
Motion, straight-line      28—59
Motion, third law of      97—99 209 211 342
Motion, trajectories, representing      65—66
Motion, uniform circular      74—77 388
Motion, velocity      62—64
Motional EMF      855—856 861
Motional emf, forces and energy in      858—860
Mount Everest      355
Mount Palomar telescope      1022
Moving charged particles, deflection of      649—650
Muller, K. Alex      755
Multi-electron atoms and exclusion principle      1148—1151 1156
Multi-loop circuits, solving for the behavior of      783
Multilayer ceramic capacitors      728
Multimeters      776
Multiplets      1147
Muons      1081 1159 1243 1266
Muons, negative      1158 1243
Musical instruments      376 385 421 435 438
Mutual inductance      894—895; see also “Inductance”
n-carriers      1188 1202—1203
N-type semiconductors      754 1190
Nanoamps (nA)      739
Nanometer (nm)      8
Narrowing in interference      446
NASA      73
National Institute of Standards and Technology      6
National Synchroton Light Source (Brookhaven National Laboratory)      1266
Natural frequency      383—384
Near point      1018—1019
Near-sightedness      1019
Negative resistance      1206
Neptune, discovery of      356
Net displacement      30
Net force      88 105
Network      153—154 156
Neutral equilibrium      193
Neutral pion      1110
Neutrinos      174 616 1101 1164 1243—1244
Neutrinos, association with muonic processes      1243
Neutrinos, interactions      1262
Neutron mass      A-2
Neutron stars      275 297 298 353 465 1167—1168
Neutron stars, connection between pulsars and      1168
Neutron stars, isolated      1168
Neutrons      803 886—887 1119—1120 1210—1211
Neutrons, free      1223
New quantum numbers      1240—1244
New Technology Telescope      1061
Newton (N)      96 A-1
Newton's Laws      87—118 159
Newton's laws, applications of      119—150
Newton's laws, common forces      105—107 119—127
Newton's laws, common forces, constant forces      124—126
Newton's laws, common forces, gravity      119—121
Newton's laws, common forces, normal force      123
Newton's laws, common forces, tension      122—123
Newton's laws, drag forces      133—135
Newton's laws, external forces      105
Newton's laws, finding the motion      109—110
Newton's laws, first law of motion      89—90
Newton's laws, forces      88 91
Newton's laws, forces and circular motion      136—141
Newton's laws, forces identifying      103—109
Newton's laws, friction      727—733
Newton's laws, friction, coefficient of      129—131
Newton's laws, friction, forward-directing/backward-directing      132
Newton's laws, friction, kinetic      728—729
Newton's laws, friction, quantitative properties of      129—131
Newton's laws, friction, sliding      728—729
Newton's laws, friction, static      728—729
Newton's laws, fundamental forces      141—142
Newton's laws, internal forces      105
Newton's laws, inverse-square law      340—345
Newton's laws, inverse-square law, gravitational force, potential energy associated with      344
Newton's laws, inverse-square law, superposition principle      344—345 356
Newton's laws, inverse-square law, universal gravitation      341—343
Newton's laws, noninertial frames of reference      99—103
Newton's laws, second law of motion      92—97 103 109 119—120 151 239 261 262 351—352 401
Newton's laws, third law of motion      97—99 209 211 342
Newton's laws, universal gravitation      341
Newton's rings      1039—1040 1044
Newton's second law      797
Newton, Isaac      2—3 87 301 338—345 353 357 359—360 791 974 1039 1257
nodes      415
noise levels      422
Noise-canceling headphones      447
Noncircular orbits, properties of      348
Nonconservative forces      171—172 198—200
Nonconservative forces, friction as      171
Nonconservative forces, sliding friction as      171
Nonharmonic period waves      452
Noninertial forces      99
Noninertial frames of reference      99—103
Noninertial frames of reference and circular motion      140—141
Nonohmic materials      746
Nonpolar molecules      730
Nonrigid bodies angular momentum      296—298
Nonrigid bodies astrophysical example      297—298
Normal force      91 106 123
Normalization condition      555
North pole      792
Northern lights, Earth's magnetic, field and      803
nozzles      476
nth harmonic      416 419
Nuclear energy      151
Nuclear fission      1120—1121 1219
Nuclear force      141
Nuclear fusion      1219
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      886—888 889 1215
Nuclear magnetron      1010 1216
Nuclear physics      1207—1235
Nuclear physics, applications of      1227—1230
Nuclear physics, fission      1224—1226
Nuclear physics, fusion      1226—1227
Nuclear physics, nuclear power generation      1228—1230
Nuclear physics, nuclear power generation, controlled fission      1228
Nuclear physics, nuclear power generation, controlled nuclear fusion      1228—1229
Nuclear physics, nuclear reactions, energetics of      1219—1220
Nuclear physics, radioactivity      1220—1224
Nuclear physics, radioactivity, alpha decay      1222
Nuclear physics, radioactivity, beta decay      1222—1224
Nuclear physics, radioisotopes      1228
Nuclear physics, radiometric dating      1227
Nuclear submarines      294
Nuclei      549
Nucleon-nucleon force      1010
Nucleons      1005 1211 1245
Nucleus, binding energies      1212—1213
Nucleus, compound      1014
Nucleus, daughter      1221
Nucleus, discovery of      1207 1231
Nucleus, liquid-drop model      1217—1219
Nucleus, magnetic dipole moments      1215—1216
Nucleus, nuclear constituents      1207—1209
Nucleus, nuclear forces/models      1216—1217
Nucleus, nuclear masses      1212—1213
Nucleus, parent      1221
Nucleus, scattering distributions      1209—1211
Nucleus, shell model      1217
Nucleus, size/internal distribution of mass and charge      1213—1215
Nucleus, spin      1215—1216
Nucleus, static properties of      1207—1216
Nucleus, terminology      1211
Nuclides      1211
Nuclides, stability of      1214—1215
Null experiments      675
Null vector      78
Number density      742
Nutation      303
Object      999
objective lens      1018
Objective lens, refracting telescope      1021
Observation      2
Occupied energy level      1138
Ocular      1018
Oersted, Hans Christian      610 791 807 820—821
Ohm ($\Omega$)      745 A-1
Ohm's law      745 746 758
Ohmic heating      756
Ohmic material      745
Ohmmeters      776 783
Oil drop experiment      659—660
Olbers' paradox      1257—1258
Olbers, Heinrich      1258
OMEGA system, University of Rochester      1171
Onnes, H. Kammerlingh      755
Optic nerve      1018
Optical devices, antireflective, coatings      1042
Optical effects in semiconductors      1192
Optical flat      1040
Optical instruments      1018—1022 1024; “Lenses”
Optical instruments, angular magnification      1019—1020
Optical instruments, camera      1019
Optical instruments, reflecting telescopes      1021
Optical instruments, resolution of      1059—1062
Optical instruments, simple magnifier      1020—1021
Optical instruments, telescope      1021—1022
Optical interferometers      1042—1044
Optical molasses      1171
Optical pyrometer      503
optical tweezers      955—956
Optics, adaptive      1022
Optics, fiber      984
Optics, geometric      979 998 1022 1023 1029 1033
Optics, physical      1029
Optics, ray      see “Geometric optics”
Orbital magnetic dipole moment      879
Orbits      339
Orbits, closed      341
Orbits, geosynchronous      362
Orbits, noncircular, properties of      348
Orbits, parabolic      346
Orbits, types of      346—348
Order      598 1033
Order-of-magnitude calculation      14
Orders of magnitude for length      5
Orders of magnitude for mass      6
Orders of magnitude for time      6
Orthogonality of fields      950
Oscillary motion      366—396
Oscillary motion and circular motion      370—371
Oscillary motion, damped harmonic motion      383—385
Oscillary motion, driven harmonic motion      385—388
Oscillary motion, driven harmonic motion, equations of motion for      385—386
Oscillary motion, driven harmonic motion, resonance and uncertainty      387—388
Oscillary motion, driven harmonic motion, resonance, properties of      386—387
Oscillary motion, physical pendulum      381—382
Oscillary motion, simple harmonic motion      367—370
Oscillary motion, simple harmonic motion and springs      371—374
Oscillary motion, simple harmonic motion, kinematics of      367—368
Oscillary motion, simple harmonic motion, properties of      368—369
Oscillary motion, simple harmonic motion, relations among position, velocity and acceleration in      369—370
Oscillary motion, simple pendulum      378—381 388
Oscillary motion, simple pendulum, accuracy of pendulum clock      379
Oscillary motion, simple pendulum, energy of      380—381
Oscillation frequency      1122
Otto cycle      587
Otto, Nikolaus      587
Outward radial direction      695
Overdamping      384 901
Ozone      952
p-carriers      1188 1202—1203
p-n junction      1193—1195
p-type semiconductors      755 1191
Pair production      1110
Pairs, tunneling of      1174—1176
parabola      341
Parabolic motion of projectiles      69
Parabolic orbit      346
Parallel connection      722
Parallel connection of thermal resistance      525
Parallel-axis theorem      257—259
Parallel-plate capacitors      696 731
Paramagnetic materials      875 877 888—889
Paramagnetism      877 884—886
Paraxial rays      1001 1009
Parent nucleus      1221
Parsec (pc)      8 A-1
Partial derivatives      401
Partial pressures, law of      572
Particle accelerators, scattering experiments carried out with      1237
Particle identification      1257
Particle physics, tools of      1252—1257
Particle physics, tools of, accelerators      1252—1256
Particle physics, tools of, detectors      1256—1257
Particle-Beam Fusion Accelerator II (Sandia National Laboratories)      1230
Particles      1236—1289
Particles, antimatter, discovery of      1240—1241
Particles, baryon number      1241
Particles, bosons      1162
Particles, fermions      1162
Particles, leptons      1242—1216
Particles, new quantum numbers      1240—1244
Pascal's principle      467
Pascal, Blaise      466
Pascals (Pa)      466 A-1
Path dependence      169—172
Path dependence of entropy      600
Path dependence of heat flow      519—520
Path dependence, friction      169—170
Path dependence, gravity      169
Path dependence, spring force      170
Path-length difference      1032
Pauli exclusion principle      753 1147—1151 1156 1178
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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