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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics |

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Critical stresses 328
Critical temperature 752 755
Critically damped system 384
Cross product 283—284
Crossed fields 800
Crystal 323—324 463 497 570 618
Crystal, liquid 463—464 493
Crystalline lens 1018
Crystalline solids, band structure in 1184
Curie temperature 882
Curie's constant 885
Curie's law 731 885—886
Curie, Marie 1220
Curie, Pierre 882 885
Current conservation 772
Current density 741—742
Current density of moving charges 742
Current density, relation between field and 747
Current(s) 738—765
Current(s) and the conservation of charge 744—745
Current(s) in materials 742—745
Current(s) in wires, measuring 824
Current(s), average 739
Current(s), current density 741—742
Current(s), defined 739
Current(s), density 744
Current(s), direction of 740—741
Current(s), free 875—876
Current(s), induced 848
Current(s), instantaneous 739
Current(s), magnetic forces on 804—807
Current(s), real 875—876
Current(s), resistance 745—752
Current(s), superconductors 755
Current(s), values of 740
Curvature 1009
Curvature, center of 1001
Curvature, radius of 799
Cyclic transformations 528—530
Cycloid 267
Cyclotron 798
Cyclotron frequency 798
Cylinder, rotational inertia of 271—272
D-quark 1244
D-T reaction 1223 1229
da Vinci, Leonardo 129
Dalton, John 1237
Damped harmonic motion 383—385
Damped harmonic motion, critically damped system 384
Damped harmonic motion, overdamped system 384
Damped harmonic motion, underdamped system 384
Damping coefficient 383
Damping factor 383
Damping parameter 383
Damping, critical 384
Dark energy 1261
Dark matter 351—352 1260
Davisson — Germer experiment 1119
Davisson, Clinton J. 1119
Davy, Humphry 847
Day(d) A-1
dc Josephson effect 1175
de Broglie wavelength 1118 1131 1171
de Broglie, Louis 1114 1118
Debye temperature 1182
Decay constant 1221
Deceleration 37
Decibel scale 422
Decibels (dB) 422
Decomposition 453—454
Defect 565
Definite integrals 49
Degeneracy pressure 1165—1166
Degenerate energy levels 1163 1184
Degree A-1
Degree of freedom 561—562
density 464—465
Density of air 134 147
Density of Earth 120
density of water 7 26 173
Density, charge 622
Density, current 741—742
Density, energy 413—414 456 504—507 720 900
Density, linear charge 622—623
Density, mass 7 15 24 26 27 133 145 147 231—233 238 465
Density, momentum 956
Density, number 742
Density, surface charge 623
Density, turn, solenoids 830
Density, volume charge 623
depletion region 1194
derivatives 34—35 38—40 50—52 369 401 A-1
Derivatives, partial 200 401
Derived units 8 A-1
Destructive interference 436 456 1032—1033 1039 1042 1044
Detectors 1256—1257
Deuterium 1228
Deuteron 799
Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences (Galileo) 14
Diamagnetic materials 875 877 888
Diamagnetism 877 884
Diatomic molecules, energy distribution of 560—561
Dicke, Robert 356 1263
Dielectric breakdown 703 726
dielectric constant 724 725 732
Dielectric strength 726 732
Dielectrics 723—731
Dielectrics, consequences of the microscopic model of 731
Dielectrics, defined 723
Dielectrics, experimental evidence for the behavior of 725—727
Dielectrics, Gauss'law and 731
Dielectrics, microscopic description of 729—731
Dielectrics, properties of materials 724
Diesel cycle 587
Diesel engine 545 603
Diesel, Rudolf 587 603
Differential equation 110
Diffraction 978 1050—1012
Diffraction experiments 1119 1124
Diffraction gratings 1052—1056 1067
Diffraction gratings angular dispersion 1054—1055
Diffraction gratings energy conservation and intensity 1053—1054
Diffraction gratings intensity pattern 1054
Diffraction gratings, resolution of 1054—1056
Diffraction gratings, significance of 1052
Diffraction of light 1050—1052
Diffraction resolution of optical instruments 1059—1062
Diffraction, Fraunhofer 1051
Diffraction, Fresnel 1051
Diffraction, holography 1065—1067
Diffraction, single-slit 1056—1059
Diffraction, slit width and grating patterns 1062—1063
Diffraction, X-ray 1062—1065
Diffusion 563
Diffusion and the random walk 564—565
Dimensional analysis 12—14 22
dimensions 12
Dimensions, matching 12—13
Diodes 746 932
Dipole antenna 957—959
Dipole radiation 957—959 966
Dipole radiation, angular pattern of 959
Dirac, Paul 1164 1240
Direct current (DC) 739
Direct-current (DC) circuits 766—790
Direct-current (DC) circuits internal resistance 768—769
Direct-current (DC) circuits measuring instruments 776—779
Direct-current (DC) circuits, circuits 767
Direct-current (DC) circuits, Kirchhoff's junction rule 772—776
Direct-current (DC) circuits, Kirchhoff's loop rule 770—772
| Direct-current (DC) circuits, RC circuits 779—782
Discharging batteries 767
Discrete frequencies 302 426 1138 1142
Disorder and entropy 573 580 590—592
dispersion 428 988—991
Dispersion, atomic theory of 990—991
Dispersion, rainbows and the blue sky 988—990
Dispersive medium 953
Displacement 16 28—31 51 153
Displacement as an integral of velocity over time 48—49
Displacement current 839 946
Displacement, angular 247
Displacement, net 30
Distance 4
Distant shout vs. nearby shout 413
Distortion 1022
Distribution functions for position 554
Distribution functions for velocity 554—555 557
Distribution functions, continuous 556
Divergence of the vector field 679
Diverging lenses 1016
dm notation 252
domain walls 882
domains 888
Domesday Book 181
Donor electrons 754
donor impurity 1190
Doping 754 1190—1192 1202
Doppler broadening 1028 1111 1234
Doppler effect 423—426
Doppler effect, moving medium 425—426
Doppler effect, moving observer 424—425
Doppler effect, moving source 423—424
Doppler effect, moving source and observer 425
Doppler radar 426
Doppler shift for light and cosmology 1086—1088
Doppler shift for sound 426
Doppler, Christian 423
Dot product 160
Double-slit experiment 1030—1034 1050 1124—1128 1129
Double-slit experiment, intensity in 1034—1037
Doublet 1055 1148
Drag coefficient 133
Drag forces 114 116 119 133—135
Drag forces, better approximation to 135
Drag forces, drag coefficient 133
Drag forces, terminal speed 134—135
Drift speed 1163
Drift velocity 743
Driven harmonic motion 385—388
Driven harmonic motion, equations of motion for 385—386
Driven harmonic motion, resonance and uncertainty 387—388
Driven harmonic motion, resonance, properties of 386—387
Driven harmonic oscillator 926
Driven RLC circuits, resonance in 929
Driven spring motion, analogy between driven RLC circuits and 926
Driving frequency 386 388 926
Drude model 750
Drude, Paul 750 751
Dufay, Charles 610
Dumbbell, rotational inertia of 254
Dynamics in wave motion 400—401
Dynamics of rolling 269—272
Dynamics of rotations 288
Dyne 96 A-1
Dynode 1117
Earnshaw's theorem 627
Earth's magnetic field 832
Earth, mass of 120
Eccentricity 348
Eddy currents 857—858
Eddy currents and Joule heating 857
Eddy currents, ee collider 1253
Effective electron mass 1189
Efficiency, engines 576—577
Egyptians, building of the Pyramids 159
Einstein postulates 1076—1077 1079
Einstein's theory of gravitation 1101 1104
Einstein, Albert 7 141 339 357 791 865 943 964 1073 1077 1102 1114—1116 1126 1169 1258
Ejection seats 97
Elastic collisions 215
Elastic collisions in two and three dimensions 223—225
Elastic collisions, two-body collisions in one dimension 220—223
Elastic modulus 326
Elastic scattering 1239—1240
Electric charges 609—632
Electric charges and matter 611
Electric charges as a property of matter 609—617
Electric charges by induction 613—614
Electric charges electroscope 615
Electric charges forces involving multiple charges 621—626
Electric charges of two types, evidence of 612—613
Electric charges significance of electric forces 610
Electric charges superposition 637—638
Electric charges, conservation of 616—617
Electric charges, continuous distributions of 622—623
Electric charges, Coulomb's law 617—620
Electric charges, motion of in electric fields 648—649
Electric charges, quantization of 617
Electric charges, spherically symmetric charge distribution 626
Electric charges, units of 614
Electric current 706; see also “Current”
Electric dipole moments 638 808
Electric dipole moments, induced 639
Electric dipole moments, permanent 639
Electric dipoles and electric fields 638
Electric dipoles and electric fields in external electric fields 650—652
Electric dipoles and electric fields, energy of in electric fields 652—653
Electric energy 610 755
Electric field lines 639—643
Electric field lines constant charge densities 643—644
Electric field lines drawing 641
Electric field lines examples 641
Electric field lines from equipotentials 692—693
Electric field lines, continuous distributions of charge 642—643
Electric field lines, defined 639
Electric field lines, density in space of 639
Electric field lines, properties of 639—640
Electric fields 633—639
Electric fields and conductors 672—674
Electric fields between two uniformly charged planes with opposite charge 647—648
Electric fields moving charged particles, deflection of 649—650
Electric fields of a point charge 635
Electric fields using Gauss' law to determine 668—672
Electric fields, defined 633
Electric fields, determining from potentials 694
Electric fields, electric dipoles and 638
Electric fields, energy in 720
Electric fields, external electric dipole in 650—652
Electric fields, external energy of a dipole in 652—653
Electric fields, Gauss' law for 944
Electric fields, Lorentz transformations of 1095—1096
Electric fields, mixing of magnetic fields and 801—802
Electric fields, motion of a charge in 648—649
Electric fields, usefulness of the field concept 636
Electric fields, values of 634
Electric flux 662—664
Electric force 610 627
Electric motors 864
Electric motors, how they work 809
Electric potential 683—713
Electric potential and quantum engineering 706—707
Electric potential difference 686—687
Electric potential energy 684—686
Electric potential energy of a system of charges 688—689
Electric potential in technology 703—707
Electric potential in technology, field-ion microscope 704—705
Electric potential in technology, quantum engineering 706—707
Electric potential in technology, Van de Graaff accelerator 703—704
Electric potential in technology, xerography 705
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