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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Bragg scattering arguments      1185
Bragg spacings      1064
Bragg's law (Bragg condition)      1064 1068 1117 1119
Bragg, W.L.      1064
Braginsky, Vladimir Borisovitch      356
Brahe, Tycho      339—340
Branching      1225
Brattain, Walter      1196
Brayton cycle      587
Brayton, George B.      587
Brewster's angle      964 966
British engineering system      7 96
British thermal unit (BTU)      518 A-1
Broadcasting antennas      957
Broadening in interference      446
Brownian motion      565
Bruno, Giordano      1257
BTU (British thermal unit)      518 A-1
Bubble chamber      798 1257
Bulk magnetic behavior of materials      876—877
Bulk matter      1264
Bulk matter, exclusion principle in      1163—1168
bulk modulus      24 327 328 432
Bundle      475
Bundles of energy      1113
Bundles of light rays      979 999 1023
Buoyancy      469—471
Buoyant force      470
Burnell, Jocelyn Bell      1168
Burnout velocity      244
Button's method for pi      570
Calculable mutual inductance, example of      897
Caloric      521
Calorie (unit) (cal)      518 520 521 538 A-1
Calorie (unit) (cal), numerical definition of      5 7
Calorimeter      521 533 540 1257
Calorimetry      520—521 538 617
Calorimetry, adiabatic      520
Camera      1019
Capacitance      714—723
Capacitance, calculating      716—718
Capacitive circuit      921—922
Capacitive reactance      921
Capacitors in parallel and in series circuits      721—723
Capacitors with large capacitance, construction of      729
Capacitors, batteries vs.      719
Capacitors, charged      718 766
Capacitors, discharge      716
capacitors, electrolytic      728
Capacitors, energy in      718—719
Capacitors, energy in electric fields      720
Capacitors, equivalent      621
Capacitors, importance of      715
Capacitors, multilayer ceramic      728
Capacitors, parallel-plate      696 731
Capacitors, voltage across      726
Car battery      932
Carbon cycle      1235
Carbon film resistors      757
Carnot cycle      545 581—588 591 598
Carnot engine, finding the efficiency of      582—584
Carnot engine, ideal gas, finding the efficiency of      582—584
Carnot engine, importance of      584—585
Carnot, Sadi      576 581
Cartesian axes      21 61 103
Cartesian coordinates, determining the field in using      695
Cathode rays      1063
Cathodoluminescence      1192
Cavendish experiment      343 357
Cavendish, Henry      342 357 610 618 675 676
Celsius temperature scale      496—497
Center of curvature      1001
Center of gravity      316
Center of mass      210 225—234 238
Center of mass and angular momentum      288
Center of mass motion in absence of external forces      227
Center of mass motion in presence of external forces      228—229
Center of mass of continuous mass distribution      230—233
Center of mass, acceleration of      228
Center of mass, finding      233—234
Center of mass, finding holes, dealing with      234
Center of mass, finding subsystems      233
Center of mass, finding symmetry      233
Center of mass, torque on      277
Center-of-mass frame      230—233
Center-of-mass frame of two colliding objects      225
Centimeter (cm)      7 A-1
Central dogmas of physics      277
Central forces      293
Central forces and angular momentum      293—295 305
Central forces, potential energy for      197 201
Central value of measurement      9—10
Centrifugal force      141
centripetal acceleration      75—76 136
Centripetal force      136—137
CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)      1177 1236
cgs system      7
Chadwick, James      1005 1210—1211 1233
Chain reaction      1228
Chandrasekhar mass      1167
Change of phase      521
Charge by friction      611
Charge by induction      613—614
Charge carriers      740
Charge conservation      1240
Charge density      622
Charge distributions, electric potential of      687—688 696—700
Charge polarization      613
Charge quantization      617
Charge-to-mass ratio of the electron      800—801
Charged capacitors      718 766
Charging batteries      767
Charles, Jacques      512
Chemical energy      151 719
chemical potential      1187 1193
Chemical reactions      1137
Cherenkov radiation      427
Cherenkov, Pavel      427
Chromatic aberrations      1023
circle      341
Circuit analysis      767—768
circuits      767
circular motion      136—141 370—371
Circular motion and noninertial frames      140—141
Circular motion with changing speed      139—140
Circular orbits      346—347
circular polarization      972
Circular vs. linear colliders      1256
Circulation      474—475 480—482 492
Cladding      985
Clausius form of second law of thermodynamics      580
Clausius's inequality      593
Clausius's theorem      591 593 600
Clausius, Rudolf      580
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)      905
Coefficient of friction      129—131
Coefficient of performance (COP)      589—590 602—603
Coefficient of thermal expansion      497
Coefficient of viscosity      482
Coefficient of volume expansion      497
Coefficient, drag      133
Coherence      436—457
Coherent waves      1030
Cold neutrons      1118
Colliders      1252—1256 1265
Colliders, Au-Au      1253
Colliders, characteristics of      1253
Colliders, circular vs. linear      1256
Colliders, fixed-target machines      1252—1253
Colliders, HERA      1253 1266
Colliders, Large Hadron Collider (LHC)      1177 1237—1238 1253
Colliders, Pb-Pb      1253
Colliders, RHIC      1253
Colliders, SppS      1253
Colliders, Stanford Linear Collider (SLC)      1253 1266
Colliders, TEVATRON      1253 1255 1266
Collision cross section      563—564 1210 1220
Collisions      212—216 239
Collisions between pulses      447—448
Collisions, classification of      214—215
Collisions, elastic      215
Collisions, energy considerations in      215—216
Collisions, impulsive forces      212—214
Collisions, inelastic      216
Collisions, perfectly inelastic      216—219
Collisions, perfectly inelastic, energy loss in      217—218
Collisions, two-body collisions in one dimension      220—223
Color charge      1249
Color-coded resistors      745
comets      347
Common forces      105—107 119—127
Common forces, constant forces      124—126
Common forces, gravity      119—121
Common forces, normal force      123
Common forces, tension      122—123
Commutative addition      17
Compensator      1042
Complex analysis      923 925
Component vectors      19—21
Compound microscope      1018
Compound nucleus      1014
Compressibility      214 335 464
Compression      418 464
Compressional strain      325
Compressor      576—577 589 603
Compton effect      1116—1117 1131
Compton scattering      1118 1239
Compton wavelength      1117
Compton, Arthur      964—965 1116
Concave mirror      1001—1004
Concave mirror, image of an extended object      1002—1003
Concave mirror, location of the focal point      1001—1002
Condition of no torque      315—316
Conducting surfaces, role of sharp points on      702—703
Conduction band      754 1186
Conduction electrons      752
Conduction, thermal contact by      492—493
Conduction, transport of thermal energy by      565
Conductivity      747; see also “Superconductivity”
Conductivity and materials      752—755
Conductivity and resistivity      746—748
Conductivity, thermal      524 538 541
Conductivity, values of      747
Conductors      611 742
Conductors and electric fields      672—674
Conductors, electrons of      672—673
Conductors, electrostatic fields near      674
Conductors, field cancellation within, mechanism for      673
Conductors, potentials and fields near      700—703
Conic pendulum      148 389
Conic sections      341 345 348
Conservation of angular momentum      265—267 293—298
Conservation of charge      610 616 619 739 1240
Conservation of energy      186
Conservation of energy and allowed motion      191—193
Conservation of energy and gravity      187—188
Conservation of energy and nonconservative forces      198—200
Conservation of energy and spring force      188—189
Conservation of energy as a general principle      198
Conservation of energy as an underpinning of physics      200—201
Conservation of energy of energy, applications of      186—189
Conservation of energy, collisions      212—216
Conservation of energy, consequences of and pulses      450
Conservation of energy, explosions      219—220
Conservation of energy, principle of      152
Conservation of flux      475
Conservation of mass      475
Conservation of momentum      210—212 1097
Conservation of momentum for many-body systems      212
Conservation of momentum in collisions      209 210—211
Conservation of momentum in different inertial frames      229—230
Conservation of momentum in supernovas      297
Conservation of momentum, principle of      211
Conservation, baryon      1241
Conservative forces      171—172 175 183
Constant acceleration, motion with      40—41 66—68
Constant acceleration, special case of      51
Constant angular acceleration      249
Constant charge densities      643—644
Constant current      744
Constant forces      124—126 136 373—374
Constant forces in more than one dimension      159—162
Constant velocity      89 99
Constant-pressure transformation      530 534
Constant-volume transformation      530 534
Construction cranes      322
Constructive interference      436 456 1031 1032—1033 1044
Contact forces      91
Contact potential      1194
Continuity, equation of      475—416
Continuous distribution of charge      622—623 642—643
Continuous distribution of charge, linear charge density      622—623
Continuous distribution of charge, surface charge density      623
Continuous distribution of charge, volume charge density      623
Continuous distributions      556
Continuous mass distribution, center of mass of      230—233
Continuous objects in two and three dimensions      232—233
Controlled fission      1228
Controlled nuclear fusion      1228—1229
Convection, thermal contact by      492—493
Convection, transport of thermal energy by      565
Converging lenses      1016
Conversion of units      8—9 A-1
Convex mirror      1001 1004—1006
Convex mirror image of an extended object      1005—1006
Convex mirror location of the focal point      1004—1005
Cooper pairs      1173—1174 1178
Cooper, Leon      755 1173
coordinates      19
Coordinates, plane polar      74
COP (coefficient of performance)      589—590 602—603
Copernicus, Nicolaus      339
Core repulsion      1216
Coriolis force      149
Cornell, Eric      1171
Corner reflectors      980
Corona discharge      703
Cosmic background radiation      1263 1265
Cosmic rays      703 802 1256
Cosmological principle      1258
Cosmology, Big Bang model      1261—1263
Cosmology, Doppler shift of      1086—1088
Cosmology, Hubble'slaw      1258—1261
Cosmology, uniformity of the universe      1263—1264
Coulomb (C)      614 A-1
Coulomb forces      619
Coulomb forces, between home appliances      620
Coulomb potential      1128
Coulomb repulsion      1173 1224 1226 1228
Coulomb's law      609 610 617—620 627 629 653 661 832 945 1128
Coulomb's law, correctness of      675—677
Coulomb's law, held over small and large distances      676—677
Coulomb, Charles      610 618 676
Coupled differential equations      947
Coupled fields      945
Crab supernova      2—4
Crest, wave      400 405
Critical damping      907
Critical fields      886
Critical strains      328
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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