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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Light, Doppler shift for      1086—1088
Light, emitted by atoms      1237—1240
Light, Fermat's principle      985—987
Light, gravitational deflection of      1102
Light, Huygens' principle      978—979
Light, index of refraction      976—977
Light, speed of      975—977
light-emitting diodes (LEDs)      1195 1196
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), p-n junction as      1195
Light-year (ly)      8 A-1
Lightning      703
Lightning rods      703
Lightwaves      443
Lightwaves, treating as rays      977—979
Line integrals      167
Line of stability      1008
Linear charge density      622—623
Linear momentum      210
Linear motion      259
Linear motion, collecting parallels between rotational motion and      266—267 301
Linear vs. circular colliders      1256
Linear wave equation      447
Linearity      436
lines      1142
Linked circuits      894
Liquid crystal      463—464 493
Liquid helium and superfluidity      1176—1178
Liquid-drop model      1217—1219 1226 1231
Liquids      464
Liquids, magnetic properties of      874
Liquids, shear modulus      327
Liquids, thermally isolated      493
Liter (L)      A-1
Lithography      1198
Lloyd's mirror      1049
Load resistance      767
Local charge conservation      616
Local effect of collisions      746
Local velocity      474
Logarithmic scale      422
Longitudinal stresses      325
Longitudinal waves      399 407—409 418
Lorentz force      864
Lorentz force law      796 800 802 812 855 861
Lorentz transformations      1090—1096
Lorentz transformations of electric and magnetic fields      1095
Lorentz, Hendrik A.      751 796
Loudness      421
Low-pass filter circuit      941
Mach number      427
Machine, simple      159
Macroscopic quantities, connection between microscopic quantities and      881
magic numbers      1217 1231
Magnesium      1185
Magnetic bulk properties      876—877
Magnetic charges      792 826
Magnetic confinement      1229
Magnetic dipole field      836
Magnetic dipole moment of atoms      879—880
Magnetic dipole moment of atoms, alignment of, bulk effects due to      880
Magnetic dipole moment per unit volume      874
Magnetic dipoles      836—838
Magnetic domains      882
Magnetic field lines      826
Magnetic field lines, properties of      852
Magnetic fields      781—819 888 945 A-1
Magnetic fields in outer space      802—803
Magnetic fields of a straight wire      821—823
Magnetic fields with solenoids      830
Magnetic fields, Ampere's law      820—821 823—824
Magnetic fields, Biot — Savart law      832—836
Magnetic fields, charge-to-mass ratio of the electron      800—801
Magnetic fields, common      795
Magnetic fields, constant, circular motion in      796—797
Magnetic fields, energy and torque on loops      809—810
Magnetic fields, energy in      900—901
Magnetic fields, Gauss' law for      944
Magnetic fields, Hall effect      810—811
Magnetic fields, Lorentz force law      796
Magnetic fields, Lorentz transformations of      1095
Magnetic fields, magnetic force on an electric charge      793—796
Magnetic fields, Maxwell displacement current      838—840
Magnetic fields, mixing of electric fields and      801—802
Magnetic fields, production and properties of      820—846
Magnetic fields, solenoids      828—832
Magnetic fields, static, energy of a charged particle in      796
Magnetic fields, using Gauss' law to find      827—828
Magnetic fields, velocity selectors      800
Magnetic flux      826
Magnetic flux and Gauss' law for magnetism      826—827
Magnetic flux quantum      1174
Magnetic force law      794 796
Magnetic forces      792
Magnetic forces on current loops      807—810
Magnetic forces on currents      804—807
Magnetic forces on finite wires with currents      805—807
Magnetic forces on infinitesimal wires with currents      804—805
Magnetic forces, marked directional character of      792
Magnetic forces, vectors oriented perpendicular to the page      796
Magnetic induction      848 854—855
Magnetic intensity      875
Magnetic levitation      860
Magnetic materials, effects on inductance      897—898
Magnetic monopoles      792 944
Magnetic properties of bulk matter      874
Magnetic properties of bulk matter of material      873
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)      888
magnetic susceptibility      875 888
Magnetically hard materials      884
Magnetically levitated trains      860
Magnetically soft materials      884
Magnetism      141 791
Magnetism and matter      873—892
Magnetism and superconductivity      886
Magnetism, atoms as magnets      878—881
Magnetism, diamagnetism      884
Magnetism, ferromagnetism      881—884
Magnetism, Gauss'law for      826—828
Magnetism, history of the study of      609—610
Magnetism, hysteresis      883—884
Magnetism, nuclear magnetic resonance      886—888
Magnetism, paramagnetism      884—886
magnetization      874
Magnetization curve      883
Magnetization, direction of      875
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD), generator      866
Magnetron, Bohr      880 888 1161 A-2
Magnetron, nuclear      1010 1216
Magnification      1007—1009
Magnification, angular      1019—1020 1024
Magnification, thin lenses      1016—1018
Magnitude, vectors      16 33
Major heat capacity      562
Malus'slaw      961 966
Manhattan project      559
Manometer      465
Mass      4 6 121 A-1
mass density      7 15 24 26 145 231—233 238 465
Mass density function      252
Mass energy      151
Mass number      1210
Mass spectrometer      1212
Mass, associated with energy      1098—1100
Mass, center of      210
Mass, conservation of      475
Mass, gravitational      356
Mass, inertial      92
Mass, reduced      308
Mass, units of      4—5 A-1
Massless particles      1109 1111 1155 1164 1167 1247—1248
Materials and conductivity      752—755
Mathematics      A-5 to A-7
Mathematics, algebraic functions, properties of      A-6
Mathematics, binomial theorem      A-5
Mathematics, constants      A-5
Mathematics, derivatives      A-6
Mathematics, expansions      A-7
Mathematics, geometrical formulas      A-6
Mathematics, integrals      A-7
Mathematics, notation      A-7
Mathematics, quadratic equations      A-5
Mathematics, Taylor expansion      A-7
Mathematics, trigonometry      A-5 to A-6
Matter and electric charge      611
Matter, amounts of, vs. antimatter      1262
Matter, average density of      1261
Matter, elastic scattering      1239—1240
Matter, fundamental constituents of      1244—1246
Matter, incompressibility of      1165—1166
Matter, inelastic scattering      1239—1240
Matter, probing the structure of      1236—1240
Matter, states of      462—464
Matter, states of gases      463
Matter, states of liquids      464
Matter, states of solids      463
Matter, subatomic systems      1237—1238
Matter, tunneling      1120—1122
Matter, wave nature of      1118—1122
Matter, wave nature of experimental evidence for      1118—1120
Maxima, location of      444—446
Maximum entropy, state of      594
Maximum height in projectile, motion      71
Maxwell demon      601
Maxwell displacement current      838—840
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution      559—562 566 1186
Maxwell's equations      943 944—945 948 975 982 1038 1073 1121
Maxwell's equations getting in differential form      967
Maxwell, James Clerk      548 557 610 676 791 838—839 943 951
Mayer, Julius Robert      201 542
Mean collision time      563
Mean free path      564 752
Mean life      1130
Mean life of damped harmonic motion      384
Measurement, uncertainty in      9—10
Measuring instruments      776—779
Measuring instruments, ammeters      776—777
Measuring instruments, analog measuring devices constructing      776—779
Measuring instruments, voltmeters      777
Mechanical equivalent of heat      526—527
Mechanical waves      401 409 429
Mechanically isolated system      520
Mechanics      28
Medicine and lasers      1171
Meissner effect      886 1173
Meson field      1247
Mesons      1244 1245—1246
Mesoscopic systems      1112
Metastable states      1169
Meter (m)      4 5—6 A-1
Meters per second (m/s)      8
Metric system      5
Michelson interferometer      1042 1043 1044
Michelson — Morley experiment      1074—1076 1080
Michelson — Morley experiment, result of      1076
Michelson, Albert A.      1042 1074
Microamps ($\mu \mathrm{A}$)      739
Microlasers      1199
Micrometer ($\mu \mathrm{A}$)      8
Micron      8
Microscopes      998
Microscopes, compound      1018
Microscopes, resolution of      1059
Mile (mi)      A-1
Mile per hour (mi/h)      A-1
Milliamps (mA)      739
Millikan, Robert      617 648 659 1116 1208
Minima, location of      444—446
Minimum observable angular, separation      1059—1060
Minimum visible object separation      1061
Minowski diagram      1107
Minute (min)      A-1
Mirror nuclei      1232
Mirrors      998—1028
Mirrors, aberrations      1022—1023
Mirrors, concave      1001—1004
Mirrors, convex      1001 1004—1006
Mirrors, image of an extended object      1011
Mirrors, images and      998—1001
Mirrors, Lloyd's      1049
Mirrors, plane, peculiarity of      1000
Mirrors, relation between source distance and image distance      1011—1012
Mirrors, sign conventions for      1009
Mirrors, sign of the object distance      1012
Mirrors, single refracting surface, focal point of      1010
Mirrors, spherical      1001—1009
Missing orders      1062
Mixing, entropy of      596
MKS system      5
Modes of vibration      415
Molar heat capacity      518
Mole (mol)      499 A-1
Molecular spectra      1154—1156
Molecular spectra, rotational motion      1155—1156
Molecular spectra, vibrational motion      1154—1155
Molecular structure      1151—1156
Molecular structure, formation of molecules      1151—1153
Molecular structure, molecular spectra      1154—1156
Molecular structure, van der Waals force      1153
Molecular weight      499
Molecular-beam epitaxy      1198
Molecules      549
Molecules, diatomic, energy distribution of      560—561
Molecules, nonpolar      730
Molecules, polar      729
Molecules, vibrational motion      1154—1155
Moment arm      259 282 287 314
Moment of inertia      252
Momentum      210
Momentum and energy in special relativity momentum      1096—1101
Momentum and energy in special relativity momentum, energy associated with mass      1098—1100
Momentum and energy in special relativity momentum, kinetic energy      1097—1098
Momentum and energy of a particle, relationship between      1100—1101
Momentum conservation      1097
Momentum density      956
Momentum transfer      237
Momentum, angular      265
Momentum, angular, and central forces      293—294 305
Momentum, angular, as vector product      284—285
Momentum, angular, conservation of      265—267 293—298
Momentum, angular, generalization of      280—285
Momentum, angular, independence of time      266
Momentum, angular, intrinsic      1148
Momentum, angular, of point mass      280—281
Momentum, angular, quantization of      301—302
Momentum, angular, reference point, role of      289
Momentum, angular, transferring in collisions      267
Momentum, conservation of      210—212 1097
Momentum, conservation of, for a system of many objects      212
Momentum, conservation of, for many-body systems      212
Momentum, conservation of, in collisions      209 210—211
Momentum, conservation of, in different inertial frames      229—230
Momentum, conservation of, in supernovas      297
Momentum, conservation of, intrinsic angular      1148
Momentum, conservation of, principle of      211
Momentum, conservation of, relativistic      1097 1105
Momentum, conservation of, transverse      1123
Momentum, conservation of,Fermi      1164
Momentum, linear      210
Monochromatic aberrations      1022
Monomolecular layer      25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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