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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics |

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Total energy flow per unit time 958
Total internal reflection 983—985
Total mechanical energy 186
Track 428
Trajectory 60 69—71
Trajectory, flight time 70—71
Trajectory, maximum height 71
Trajectory, range 69—70
Trajectory, representing 65—66
Transformations see “Adiabatic transformations” “Constant-pressure “Constant-volume “Cyclic “Isobaric “Isothermal “Thermal
Transformers 895 917—920
Transformers, ratio of currents in 919
Transformers, ratio of voltages in 919
Transformers, step-down transformers 919
Transformers, step-up transformers 919
transistors 755 931 1196
Transition region 1194
Transmission grating 1052
Transmission of light 981
Transmitted pulses 449—452
Transmitted pulses, amplitudes of 450
Transmitted pulses, uses for 451
Transport of energy 954—956
Transport phenomena 548
Transport phenomena and collisions 562—565
Transportation, energy consumption in A-4
Transverse momentum 1123
Transverse motion 399 447
Transverse separation 1062
Transverse waves 399 405—407
Trapped electrons 1192
Traveling waves 405—412
Traveling waves, arbitrary waveforms, propagation of 411—412
Traveling waves, harmonic 442—447
Traveling waves, longitudinal waves 399 407—409
Traveling waves, shear waves in solids 410—411
Traveling waves, speed of 406—407
Traveling waves, speed of sound in air 410
Traveling waves, transverse waves 399 405—407
Traveling waves, wave speed 409—410
Tribology 755
Triggers 1257
Triple point 495
True spectrum of hydrogen 1144—1147
True spectrum of hydrogen, angular momentum 1144—1146
True spectrum of hydrogen, wave function 1144
Tunneling 195 1120—1122 1231
Tunneling as a periodic phenomenon 1122
Tunneling of pairs 1174—1176
Tunneling, barrier 706
Tunneling, STM (scanning tunneling, microscopy) 1200—1201
Turbulence 482—483
Turbulent flow 474
Turn density of solenoids 830
Turning points 192
Twin paradox 1082
Two-source interference pattern 1031—1033
Type I superconductors 886
Type II superconductors 886
U-quark 1244
Uhlenbeck, George 1148
Ultrasonic 422
Uncertainty 9—10
Uncertainty principle 587—588
Uncertainty principle and pulses 454—456
Uncertainty relations 455—456; see also “Heisenberg uncertainty relation”
Uncertainty, percentage 10
Underdamped motion 384
Underdamping 384
Underdetermined systems 322—323
Unification 141—142
Uniform charge distribution 643
Uniform circular motion 74—77 136 167—168 388
Uniform circular motion and simple harmonic motion 368
Uniform circular motion and work 167—168
Uniform circular motion, acceleration in 75—77
Uniform circular motion, frequency of 75
Uniform circular motion, period of 74
Uniformity of the universe 1263—1264
Unit prefixes 7—8
Unit vectors 18
UNITS 3—8 A-1;
Units, British engineering system 7 96
Units, cgs system 7
Units, conversions 8—9 A-1
Units, mks system 5
Units, prefixes for 7—8
Universal gas constant 500 507 516 A-2
Universal gravitation 141 341—343
Universal gravitation, gravitational constant 342—343; see also “Gravitation” “Gravity”
Universe, background temperature, of 503—506
Unpolarized light 959
Unpolarized radiation 961
Unstable equilibrium 193
Upright image 1003
Upward buoyant force 470
Urey, Harold 1159
Valence band 1186
Values of electric fields 634
Van de Graaff accelerators (Van de Graaff generators) 703—704
Van de Graaff, Robert 703
van der Waals equation of state 503
Van der Waals forces 1178
Van der Waals gas 512 546
van der Waals gas, interpretation of 553—554
van der Waals, Johannes D. 503
Vaporization 521 604
Vaporization, latent heat of 522 543
Variable forces in one dimension 163—165
Variables, angular 251
Variables, extensive 508
Variables, intensive 508
Variables, thermodynamic 499—500 516 518 519
Vector equations 21
Vector product 283—284
Vector sum 621
Vectors 75—18 88
Vectors addition 17—18
Vectors displacement 16
Vectors in three-dimensional space 21
Vectors magnitude 16 33
Vectors null 18
Vectors position 19 30
Vectors resultant 17
Vectors scalar multiplication 18
Vectors subtraction 18
Vectors unit 18
Vectors, components of 19
Vectors, vector equations 21
Velocity 31 32—36 62—64 87
Velocity as an integral of acceleration over time 49
Velocity distribution function 554 557 560
Velocity distribution of gases 557—559
Velocity distribution of gases, average of the velocity squared 558—559
Velocity drift 743
Velocity for distribution functions 554—555 557
Velocity of simple harmonic motion 369—370
Velocity selectors 800
Velocity, angular 247—249
Velocity, average 32—33
Velocity, burnout 244
Velocity, constant 89 99
Velocity, Fermi 1187
Velocity, instantaneous 33—35 51 63
Velocity, instantaneous angular 248
Velocity, linear dependence on time 40
Velocity, local 474
Velocity, relative 221
Velocity, root-mean-square 550
Velocity, terminal 118
| Velocity, units of 33
Velocity, zero 89
Venturi flowmeter 478
Vibrational motion, molecules 1154—1155
Virial coefficient 514
Virial expansion 514
Virtual image 1000
Virtual photon 1246—1247
viscosity 474 482
Viscosity, coefficient of 482
Visible light 948—949
Vitreous humor 1018
Volt(V) 688 A-1
Volta, Alessandro 688
Voltage 767
Voltage amplitudes 917 919
Voltmeters 776 777 783
Voltmeters, analog 777
Volume A-1
Volume charge density 623
Volume expansion, coefficient of 497
Volume strain 326
Volume stress 326
Von Guericke, Otto 113
von Laue, Max 1063 1064
Wake 428
Wallis, John 214
Water as a polar dielectric 731
Water waves 443
Watt (W) 8 173 A-1
Watt, James 173
Wave aspects of light 975
Wave equation 40—403
Wave fronts 400
Wave function 1129 1144
wave number 404 440—441
Wave number of harmonic standing waves 428
Wave number of traveling waves 406
Waveform 406
Wavelength 403—407 415 428
Wavelength of harmonic standing waves 415—416
Wavelength of traveling waves 405—407
Wavelength, beats 439
Wavelength, fundamental 416
Waves 397—434
Waves crest 400 405
Waves standing 399 414—418 456
Waves standing and energy 417—418
Waves standing, frequencies of 416
Waves standing, harmonics 416—417
Waves transverse 399 405—407
Waves traveling 405—412
Waves traveling, arbitrary waveforms, propagation of 411—412
Waves traveling, longitudinal waves 399 407—409
Waves traveling, shear waves in solids 410—411
Waves traveling, speed of sound in air 410
Waves traveling, transverse waves 399 405—407
Waves traveling, wave speed 409—410
Waves triangular, Fourier decomposition of 453—454
Waves, amplitude of 404
Waves, angular frequency of 404 406—407 413 416 428
Waves, Doppler effect 423—426
Waves, Doppler effect, Doppler shift 426
Waves, energy in 412—414
Waves, Fourier decomposition of 452—454
Waves, harmonic 411 435
Waves, incident, interference of 439
Waves, light 443
Waves, longitudinal 399 407—409 418
Waves, mechanical 401 409 429
Waves, periodic 403—405
Waves, power delivered by 412—414
Waves, reflected 457
Waves, reflected, interference of 439
Waves, seismic 411
Waves, shock 426—428
Waves, sound 407 409 418—422 443
Waves, sound standing 419—421
Waves, sound, hearing sounds 421—422
Waves, sound, nature of 418—419
Waves, superposition see “Superposition”
Waves, types of 398—401
Waves, wave equation 40—403
Waves, wavelength of see “Wavelength”
Weak bosons 1248
Weak force 141 1223
Weak interactions 1248
Weakly bound electrons 611
Weber (Wb) 826 A-1
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard 826
Weight 7 91 121; force
Weinberg, Steven 141 1248
Weisskopf, Victor 355
Wheatstone bridge 788
White dwarfs 1167—1168
Width at half-maximum 387
Width, pulses 455
Wieman, Carl 1171
Wien, Wilhelm 504
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) 1260—1261
Wilson, H.A. 1208
Wilson, Robert 506 1263
Wire-wound resistors 757
Work 152 183
Work and kinetic energy 151—182
Work and uniform circular motion 167—168
Work as integral 167 170
Work as scalar product 160—161
Work by individual forces 156—157
Work colloquial meaning 153—154
Work done by a spring 164—166
Work done by conservative forces 171 183
Work done by individual forces 156—157
Work done by thermal systems 528—531
Work done by thermal systems in transformations 530
Work done by torque 299
Work for spring force 170
Work for variable forces 163—165
work function 1115
Work in angular motion 299—301
Work net 153
Work, friction for 169—170
Work, path dependence of 169—170
Work, relationship between energy and 152
Work, sign of 153
Work, units of 154—156
Work-energy theorem 153 169 172 175 201 1097
Work-energy theorem for rotations 299
Wren, Christopher 214
X-ray diffraction 1062—1065
X-ray spectrometer 1064
Xerography 705
Xrays 1063
Year (yr) A-1
Young's double-slit experiment 1029—1034 1050
Young's double-slit experiment, intensity in 1034—1037
Young's modulus 326—321 408
Young, Thomas 326 975 1030 1044
Yukawa potential 1216 1231
Yukawa potential energy function 208
Yukawa, Hideki 1216 1239 1247
Zener diode 781
Zener effect 1204
Zeno's paradox 53
Zero 4 10 12
Zero, absolute 495
Zero, gravity 91
Zero, slope 34
Zero, velocity 34 63 89
Zeroth law of thermodynamics 492
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