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Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics

Àâòîð: Fishbane P.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Reduced-mass effect      1159
Reference beam      1065
Reference frames      see “Frames of reference”
Reference point choosing      290—291
Reference point, role of      289
Reflected pulses      448—449
Reflected pulses, amplitudes of      450
Reflected pulses, uses for      451
Reflected rays      979
Reflected waves      457
Reflected waves, interference of      439
Reflecting telescopes      1021
Reflection      979—981 991
Reflection grating      1052
Reflection, corner reflectors      980
Reflection, energy in      982—983
Reflection, interference from      1037—1042
Refracted rays      981
Refracting surfaces, sign conventions for      1009
Refracting telescope      1021
Refraction      981—982 991 1023
Refraction and optical effects      982
Refraction, energy in      982—983
Refraction, index of      976—977
Refraction, spherical mirrors      1009—1014
Refrigerators      588—590
Reinforced concrete      328
Relative motion      77—80
Relative motion and reference frames      91—92
Relative velocity in elastic, collisions      221
Relativistic addition of velocities      1088—1090
Relativistic Doppler shift      1085—1090
Relativistic Doppler shift, Doppler shift for light and cosmology      1086—1088
Relativistic Doppler shift, relativistic addition of velocities      1088—1090
Relativistic momentum      1097 1105
Relativity      1240 1246 1258;
Relativity, Einstein postulates      1076—1077
Relativity, general theory of      7 339 357 504
Relativity, length contraction      1082—1084
Relativity, Lorentz transformations      1090—1096
Relativity, Michelson — Morley experiment      1074—1076
Relativity, momentum and energy in special relativity momentum      1096—1101
Relativity, relativistic Doppler shift      1085—1090
Relativity, space, time and simultaneity      1078—1079
Relativity, Special Theory of      1073—1111
Relativity, time dilation      1079—1082
Relativity, twin paradox      1082
Resistance      745
Resistance in series and in parallel      749—750
Resistance internal      768—769
Resistance, negative      1206
Resistive circuit      921
Resistivity and conductivity      746—748
Resistivity, free-electron model of      750—752
Resistivity, temperature dependence of      748
resistors      745—746
Resistors in parallel      740—750
Resistors in series      749
Resistors, carbon film      757
Resistors, color-coded      745
Resistors, defined      745
Resistors, shunt      788
Resistors, wire-wound      757
Resolution of diffraction gratings      1054—1056
Resolution of microscopes      1059
Resolution of optical instruments      1059—1062
Resolution of telescopes      1059 1061—1062
Resolving power of diffraction grating      1055
Resonance      385 421 887 926 1014
Resonance and uncertainty      387—388
Resonance in driven RLC circuits      929
Resonance peak      929
Resonance, properties of      386—387
Resonant behavior      926
Resources, annual usage of      A-4
Rest energy      1099
Restoring force      366—367 371 373 377 388 398 399
Restoring force and wave speed      409—410
Resultant vector      17
retina      1018
Reverse bias voltage      1195
Reversible processes      516—517
Reynolds number      452—483
rf (radio-frequency) range      891
RHIC collider      1253
Rhythmic motion      366
Right-hand plane      248
Right-hand rule for axes      21
Right-hand rule for torque      261 270 273 285 304
Right-hand rule for vector product      282 283—284 305
Right-hand rule in rotations      248 272 282 299
Rigid bodies      246
Rigid bodies gravity      316—317
Rigid bodies rotating      246—279
Rigid bodies rotating angular acceleration      249—250
Rigid bodies rotating angular velocity      247—249
Rigid bodies rotating rolling      267—272
Rigid bodies rotating torque      259—265
Rigid bodies rotating, acceleration of a point in      250—251
Rigid bodies rotating, rotational inertia      253—259
Rigid bodies, motions of      247
Rigid bodies, rotational kinetic energy      251—253
Rigid bodies, statics for      313—316
Ripple tank      443
RL circuits, analogy between RC circuits and      901
RL circuits, time dependence in      901—903
RLC circuits      905
RLC circuits, analogy between damped harmonic motion and      906
RLC circuits, damped oscillations in      905—908
RLC circuits, energy in      908—909
RMS (Root Mean Square)      930
rms speed      550
Rocket motion      234—236
Rocket motion in the presence of gravity      236
Rocket motion, thrust      235
Rockets      99
Rockets, burnout velocity      244
Roemer, Ole      975
Roentgen, Wilhelm      1063
Rolling      267—272
Rolling cylinder      267
Rolling, dynamics of      269—272
Rolling, energy in      268—269
Rolling, kinematics of      267—268
Root-mean-square (rms) speed      550
Rotating coil      868
Rotating rigid bodies, acceleration of a point in      250—251
Rotation axis      247
Rotational flow      474
Rotational inertia      252 253—259
Rotational inertia of simple solids      253
Rotational inertia, evaluation of      253—259
Rotational inertia, evaluation of, dumbbell      254—255
Rotational inertia, evaluation of, parallel-axis theorem      257—259
Rotational inertia, evaluation of, rod      256
Rotational inertia, evaluation of, solid cylinder      255—256
Rotational inertia, evaluation of, thin cylinder      255
Rotational kinetic energy      251—253
Rotational motion, collecting parallels between linear motion and      301
Rotational motion, dynamical equation      260—262
Rotational motion, molecules      1155—1156
Rotational motion, parallels between linear motion and      266—267
Rotations of rigid bodies      246—279
Rotations, about fixed axis      247 252
Rotations, dynamics of      288
Rotations, equations of motion for      269—270
Rotations, work-energy theorem for      299
Rowland ring      883
Rumford, Count (Benjamin Thompson)      521 526
Russian doll      1236—1237 1240 1244
Rutherford, Ernest      237 1137—1138 1207—1210 1213 1239
Rydberg constant      1142 A-2
Rydberg, Johannes      1142
Salam, Abdus      141 1248
Satellites      339 345—349
Satellites, orbits, types of      346—348
Saturated nuclear force      1216
Saturation phenomenon      886
Savart, Felix      833
Scalar multiplication, vectors      18
Scalar product      160 161
Scalars      15
Scales      3—4
Scaling      558
Scaling, laws      22
Scaling, technique for integrals      558
Scanning microscopy      1199—1202
Scanning microscopy, atomic-force microscopy (AFM)      1201—1202
Scanning microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)      195 706 1200—1201
Scattering, Bragg scattering arguments      1185
Scattering, Compton      1118 1239
Scattering, elastic      1239—1240
Scattering, inelastic      1239—1240
Schrieffer, Robert      755 1173
Schroedinger equation      1144
Schroedinger, Erwin      1144 1156
Science Kit & Boreal Laboratories      1250
Scientific method      2
Scientific notation      4—9
Scientific notation, distance      4
Scientific notation, length      5
Scientific notation, mass      4 6
Scientific notation, time      4 6
Scientific notation, unit prefixes      7—8
Sears Tower (Chicago)      352
Second (s)      4 6 7 A-1
Second law of motion      92—97 103 109 119—120 151 239 261 262 351—352 401
Second law of motion and force      93—95
Second law of motion and observers in different inertial frames      96—97
Second law of thermodynamics      755
Seismic waves      411
Seismograph      411
Selection rules      1146
Self-inductance      894; see also “Inductance”
Semi-major axis      348
Semi-minor axis      348
Semiconductor lasers      1199
Semiconductors      611 742 754 1185—1192 1202
Semiconductors and electrons      1188—1190
Semiconductors and energy gap      1187
Semiconductors and holes      1188—1190
Semiconductors extrinsic (impurity)      1190—1191
Semiconductors intrinsic      1189
Semiconductors light-emitting diodes (LEDs)      1195 1196
Semiconductors structures      1193—1199
Semiconductors temperature, effects of      1186—1187
Semiconductors transistors      1196
Semiconductors, biasing      1195—1196
Semiconductors, doping      1190—1192
Semiconductors, gap widths of      1186
semiconductors, N-type      1190
Semiconductors, optical effects in      1192
Semiconductors, p-n junction      1193—1195
semiconductors, P-type      1191
Semiempirical mass formula      1218 1231
Separation energy      1215
Series connection      722—723
Series connection of springs      391
Series connection, thermal      540—542 586
Series RLC circuits impedance      928
Series RLC circuits, AC in      926—929
Series RLC circuits, resonance in driven RLC circuits      929
Shapley, Harlow      1258
Shear force      410—411 464
shear modulus      327
Shear strain      326
Shear stress      326
Shear waves in solids      410—411
Sheet of current      946
Shell model      1217 1231
Shielded rooms      see “Faraday cages”
Shirling cycle      587
Shockley, William      1196
Shockwaves      426—428
Shunt resistor      788
Shutter      1019
SI (Systeme Internationale)      5 A-1
SI (Systeme Internationale) base units      A-1
SI (Systeme Internationale) conversion to non-SI units      A-1
SI (Systeme Internationale) derived units      A-1
SI unit      A-1
Significant figures      10—11
Silicon, energy gap      754
Simple cubic lattice      323
simple harmonic motion      366 367—370
Simple harmonic motion and springs      371—374
Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion      368
Simple harmonic motion, amplitude of      372
Simple harmonic motion, energy of      374—377
Simple harmonic motion, frequency of      368 373
Simple harmonic motion, kinematics of      367—368
Simple harmonic motion, period of      367—368
Simple harmonic motion, phase of      367
Simple harmonic motion, properties of      368—369
Simple harmonic motion, relations among position velocity and acceleration in      369—370
Simple harmonic motion, velocity of      369—370
Simple machine      159
Simple magnifier      1020—1021
simple pendulum      139 199 378—381 388
Simple pendulum, accuracy of pendulum clock      379
Simple pendulum, energy of      380—381
Simultaneity      1078—1079
Single refracting surface, focal point, of      1010
Single-loop circuit      770
Single-slit diffraction      1056—1059
Single-slit diffraction, deriving single-slit intensity value      1059
Single-slit diffraction, intensity pattern of      1058
Siphon mechanism      484
Skyscrapers, sway of, reducing      386
Sliding friction      128—129
Sliding friction as nonconservative force      171
Slug      7
Smoke detectors, dependence on, charges      616
Snell's law      964 981 985—987 992 998 1009 1010 1023
Snell, Willebrord      981
Solar cells, operation of      1196
Solar cells, p-n junctions as      1195
Solar energy output      A-4
Solar sail      968
Solar wind      803
Solenoids      828—832
Solenoids, magnetic field with      830
Solenoids, toroidal solenoid      831—832
Solenoids, turn density of      830
Solenoids, using Ampere's law to find the magnetic field in      829—831
Solids      463
Solids and forces      323—328
Solids, crystal      323—324
Solids, defects      323—324
Solids, lattice structure      323
Solids, magnetic properties of      874
Solids, shear waves in      410—411
Solids, strains      525—528
Solids, strength of      327—328
Solids, stresses      525—528
Solids, tensile strengths of      328
Solvay Conference      1927 1112
Sonic      422
Sound synthesizers      905
Sound, beats in      441—442
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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