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Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 2
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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 2
Автор: Newman J.R.
Аннотация: Volume 2 of a monumental 4-vol. set covers mathematics and the physical world, mathematics and social science, and the laws of chance, with non-technical essays by and about scores of eminent mathematicians, economists, scientists, and others. Individual articles on "Mathematics of Motion," by Galileo Galilei; "Mathematics of Heredity," by Gregor Mendel; "Mathematics of Population and Food," by Thomas Robert Malthus, and many more. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2000
Количество страниц: 1414
Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2008
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Morse, Marston 890
Moseley, Henry G.J.: atomic numbers 841 842—850
Moseley, Henry G.J.: atomic research 840
Moseley, Henry G.J.: cathode bombardment 841
Moseley, Henry G.J.: commentary on 840—841
Motion: absolute 1115—1116
Motion: air resistance 761—763
Motion: compounded of horizontal and vertical motions 766 769 770
Motion: compounded of two uniform motions 765
Motion: horizontal plane 752 761
Motion: instantaneously completed 739
Motion: law of 1207
Motion: minutest organisms 1043—1044
Motion: momentum, measuring 767—769 770:
Motion: naturally accelerated 734—754
Motion: Newton's Second Law 760 fn.
Motion: persistence 729
Motion: plane surfaces 729 740—742 746—747 752—754
Motion: planetary see planetary motion
Motion: points 1203—1204
Motion: projectiles 755—770
Motion: retarded 752—753 761
Motion: theory of 727
Motion: time, relationship with 735
Motion: uniform, properties of 734—754
Motion: uniformly accelerated, definition 738 740
Movement, Brownian 1043—1045
Moxlmum Minimorum 1272 1276 1277
Moyal, J.E. 1260 fn.
Muir, Pattison 931
Muller, G.E. 1165
Muller, Hermann 997
Muller, Johannes 1043 fn. 1146 1148 1156
Multiple proportions, law of 918
Murders, world total 1261
Muscular Movement in Man (Hill) 1014 fn.
Muscular powers, limit to 1174
Mutants, lower stability 988
Mutation: atomic pattern 973
Mutation: natural 988
Mutation: overcoming selection 964 972
Mutation: quantum jumps 977
Mutation: reversible 990
Mutation: spontaneous 987
Mutation: x-ray Induced 989 990
Nagel, Ernest: "Probability, The Meaning of" 1398—1414
Nagel, Ernest: commentary on 1395—1397
Napier, James R 1009 fn.
Napier, John, mathematical notation 728
Napoleon I, Laplace's atheism 1321
National defense 1243
Natural equality 1173
Natural intellectual gifts, production 1181
Natural Philosophy, Treatise on (Thomson and Tait) 1218
Natural selection: analysis 951
Natural selection: characters, socially valuable, Individually disadvantageous 969—971
Natural selection: mathematics of 958—972
Natural selection: measurement of intensity 965—966
Natural selection:Natural selection: metrical character 966—969
Nature, economical tendencies 888
Nature, inexhaustibleness 1351
Nature, misleading 1107—1108
Nautical Almanac 778 814
Nebulae, speed of recession 1074—1075 1089
Necessary speed, principle of 1020—1021
Negative entropy 992—993 995
Negotiation, effect of threats 1241
Neptune, discovery 820 834—839 853 1102
Neumann, John von: chess strategies 1264
Neumann, John von: games, perfect Information 1291
Neumann, John von: Games, Theory of 1265 1268 1270 1277 1282 1283 1285 1293 1309 1312
Neumann, John von: imputations 1281
Neumann, John von: main theorem 1288 1290—1291
Neumann, John von: matching pennies 1264
Neumann, John von: mathematical economics 1201
Neuroblophysical theory 1299
Neutron, discovery 1089—1090
New Sperm Whale, A (Wall) 1008 fn.
Newlands, John, law of octaves 910 910 915—916 916 924 926
Newton's rings 1028 1029
Newton, Isaac: air resistance 886 887
Newton, Isaac: earth, theoretical investigation 800
Newton, Isaac: gravitation, theory of 798 799 1094—1098 1100 1101 1103 1317
Newton, Isaac: inertia, law of 729
Newton, Isaac: light waves 1065 fn.
Newton, Isaac: longitude at sea 803 804
Newton, Isaac: lunar theory 801
Newton, Isaac: motion, theory of 728
Newton, Isaac: quoted 1094
Newton, Isaac: Second Law of Motion 760 fn.
Newtonian mechanics 1412 1413
Next Million Years, The (Darwin) 1190 fn.
Nilson, Lars Fredrik, eka-boron 921
Norton, overlapping generations 966
Number: cosmical 1069
Number: great and little 1003
Numbers, theory of 876 878 879
Observable facts, causal dependence 1065
Observation: concept 1054
Observation: continuous 1057
Occam's razor 1247
Octagon: rotation axis 875
Octaves, law of, chemical elements 910 910 915—916 924
Ohm's law 1150
Ohm, Georg Simon 1150
Oligopoly 1267 1268 1282
One-to-one correspondence 1063 1065
Onslow, H. 1028 fn.
Operational research 1245
Opinions, difference of 1328—1329
Optics, geometrical 882 fn.
Opuscules mathematlques 1366 fn. 1371
Orblum Coeleslium, De Revolutionibus (Copernicus) 728
Order, heredity, quantum theory 990—995
Ore, Oystein 1395 fn.
Oresme, Nicole 726 728
Organic goodness, theory of 1371
Origin of Species (Darwin) 1171
Orthogenesis, useless 969
Ostwald. Wilhelm 1040 1044
Owen, Richard, quoted 1007
Oxygen, distribution, animals 954
Palmer, William 806
Pan genesis, theory of 1042
Panpsychism 1158
Parabola: path of projectiles 730 734
Parabola: quadrature 760—761
Paracelsus, zinc 923
Paradise Lost (Milton), quoted 1073
Parental character, hybrids 942
Pareto, Alfredo 1200
Paris, France, Observatory 787 793
Parmenides, quoted 1335
Partial equilibria, theory of 1200
Particles. momentum 1085
Past, pattern for the future 1383
Peacock feathers, coloring 1028 1029
Peacock, George 820
Peano, Giuseppe, postulates 1307
Pearson, Karl: correlation, principle 1170
Pearson, Karl: Francois Galton, Life, Letters and Labours of 1167
Pearson, Karl: human stature, inheritance 966
Pecquet, Jean 786
Peirce, Charles Sanders: "Probability of Induction, The" 1341—1354
Peirce, Charles Sanders: "Red and the Black, The" 1334—1340
Peirce, Charles Sanders: pragmatism 1307
Peirce, Charles Sanders: statistical probability 1396
Pendulum swing, leg 1016
Pendulum: air resistance 977
Pendulum: gravity, effect on 787 798 800
Pendulum: gridiron 807 808 808
Pendulum: isochronism 731 731
Pendulum: movements 977
Pendulum: oscilation 800
Pendulum: temperature, effect on 799
Penn, William, quoted 1248
Pennies, matching, state coin tossing Pennsylvania, first commercial oil well 928
Penurbations, inverse 820 823—824
Penurbations, motion of Uranus 823 824 827
Perfect competition 1282
Perfect information, games 1291
Periodic law, chemical elements 910 913
Periodic table, chemical elements 841 911 925 926 928
Periodicity, theory of 1375
Perkin, William, discoverer of mauve dye 920
Permutation, shuffled playing cards 1385
Perrault, Claude, Paris Observalory 787
Perrin, J. 1043 fn. 1044
Petch, T. 1007 fn.
Petersburg Paradox 1368 1368 1369 1370 1371
Petly, Sir William 1194 1202
Phillip III (king of Spain), offer for discoverer of longitude measurer 781—782
Phillips, H, F. 1018 fn.
Philosophy and the Physicists (Stebbing) 1049 fn.
Phosphorus, discovery 923
Photographs, breaking soap bubbles 896
Phrenology 1149
Physical Science, The (Bragg) 1048 fn.
Physical Science, The Philosophy of (Eddington) 1069 fn.
Physical World, The Nature of the (Eddington) 1050 fn. 1091
Physics, History of (Von Laue) 851 fn.
Physics, On Understanding (Watson) 1049 fn.
Physics: analysis, applications 1330
Physics: mathematical 1402
Physics: probability calculus 1403
Physics: quantitative and qualitative assertions 1071—1072
Physics: work done by a body 1399 1400
Picard, Abbe Jean 787 788 792—793 803
Picot, George 786 fn.
Pigafetta, Antonio, navigation 780 789
Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan) 952
Plaggio, H.T.H. 1092
Planck, Max 874 1203
Planck, Max, quantum theory 841 974 976 1048 1089
Plane, surfaces, motions on 729 740—742 746—747
Planetary motion 1204
Planetary motion, ellipse 1102
Planets: elliptic orbit 823—824
Planets: minor, distribution 1382—1383 1387
Planets: perturbations 1317—1318
Planets: speeds 1098
Planisphere, Paris Observatory 794
Plank, Stephen 806
Plant-hybridization, experiments in 937—938
Plants: experimental, selection of 938—939
Plants: hybrids 940—941
Plants: mental life 1151
Plateau's problem 884 885 887 901—909
Plateau, Felix, Insect strength 1014
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand: soap bubbles, geometrical construction 898
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand: Statique des Liquides 898
Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand: surface tension, soap bubbles 891
Platinum, discovery 923
Plato: "saving the phenomena" 727
Plato: cubes, solid 872
Plato: Euclid's geometry 1295
Plato: metaphors 1308
Playing cards, shuffling 1385 1387—1388
Poincare, Henri: "Chance" 1380—1394
Poincare, Henri: "Mathematical Creation" 1377
Poincare, Henri: commentary on 1374—1379
Poincare, Henri: elliptic functions 1375
Poincare, Henri: fluid, gravitating mass in rotation 1377
Poincare, Henri: Fuchsian functions 1377
Poincare, Henri: publications 1375
Poincare, Henri: quoted 1378
Points: between zero and one 1060—1061
Points: curve 889—890
Points: functions 887
Points: moving 1203—1204
Points: saddle 1272—1273 1275
Points: value variations 1206
Poisson distribution 1257—1258 1259
Poisson, Sun on Denis, Petersburg Paradox 1368 1370
Poker, strategic: determination 1264
Polanyi, M. 979
Pole star, latitude, reckoning 778
Political Arithmetic (Buffon) 1333
Political Economy, Principles of (Muel) 1234 fn.
Political Economy, The Theory of (Jevons) 1202 1217—1237
Political economy: distribution of commodity 1228—1229
Political economy: disutility and discommodity 1227—1228
Political economy: economics, relation to ethics 1221
Political economy: exact measurement 1219
Political economy: exchange, theory of 1231—1235
Political economy: feeling and motives, measurement 1219—1220
Political economy: indifference, law of 1229—1231
Political economy: labor, theory of 1235—1237
Political economy: mathematical and exact sciences, confusion between 1218—1219
Political economy: mathematical character 1217—1218
Political economy: symbolic statement of theory 1233—1235
Political economy: utility, theory of 1222—1235
Political science, economics, logical method 1220—1221
Politics, content-analysis techniques 1312
Pollen-grains, magnitude 1038 1038
Pope, Alexander, quoted 1074 1094
Popoff, M. 1032 fn.
Population and food, mathematics of 1193—1197
Population As It Affects the Future, Improvement of Society, Principle of (Malthus) 1189—1190
Population: checks to 1197—1199
Population: equilibrium 967—968
Population: increase 1189 1190 1194 1196—1197
Porson, Richard 1179
Port Royal Logic 1361 1372
Portugal, Bull of Demarcation 781
Poseidonius, earth, measurement 792
Possibility, mathematics of 1322
Postulational system 1295—1296
Poultry, broodiness 969
Powder grains suspended in water 1385 1388
Pragmatism 1307
Prasad, Ganesh 1374 fn.
Precision, limits 1048
Preston, Thomas, Light, The Theory of 882 fn.
Prevost, Pierre 1005 fn.
Primary matter 918
Principle (Newton) 1307
Principles, calculus of probabilities 1329—1333
Probabilism, Jesuit doctrine 1360—1361
Probabilities, A Philosophical Essay on (Laplace), quoted 1047
Probabilities, Calcul des (Bertrand) 1380
Probabilities,'Letters on (Quetelet) 1181 1183
Probability, the Foundation of Eugenics (Galton) 1372
Probability, Theory of (Jeffreys) 1257
Probability, Treatise on (Keynes) 1356 1357
Probability: addition, rule for 1341
Probability: calculus of 1329—1333 1381 1392 1393 1403—1404 1405 1407
Probability: character 1335
Probability: classic view 1395
Probability: compound event 1330
Probability: conceptualistic theory 1342—1343 1345 1346—1347 1348 1350 1354
Probability: consequences 1341 1344
Probability: curves 1391
Probability: dice throwing 1342
Probability: diminution 1330
Probability: ethical theory 1361
Probability: events to cause 1331—1332
Probability: formation of belief 1345—1346
Probability: frequency theory 1357 1406—1409 1411 1413
Probability: indeterminate 1347