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Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 2
Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 2

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Название: The World of Mathematics, Volume 2

Автор: Newman J.R.


Volume 2 of a monumental 4-vol. set covers mathematics and the physical world, mathematics and social science, and the laws of chance, with non-technical essays by and about scores of eminent mathematicians, economists, scientists, and others. Individual articles on "Mathematics of Motion," by Galileo Galilei; "Mathematics of Heredity," by Gregor Mendel; "Mathematics of Population and Food," by Thomas Robert Malthus, and many more. Informative commentary by noted mathematics scholar James R. Newman precedes each essay. Numerous figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 1414

Добавлена в каталог: 02.04.2008

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Butterfield, Herbert, Science, Origins of Modern      726 fn.
Byron, Lord, quoted      1094 1294
Cabot, Sebastian, longitude      781
Cairnes, John E.      1220
Calculating machines      see computing machines
Calculus: differential      887
Calculus: probability      1329—1333 1381 1392 1393 1403—1404 1405 1407
Calculus: variations      883 886—890 901
Calvert, E.R.      1261 fn.
Cambridge University, honors in mathematics      1174—1177
Camot, L.N.M.      1383
Campani, telescopes      791
Campbell, Norman Robert, probability      1405
Candolle, A.P. de      1007
Cannizzaro, Stanislao, unitary theory      914 922
Cannon, Walter      1318
Capillarity, laws of      1211—1212
Cardan (Cardano), probability, theory of      1395 fn.
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted      1203 1378
Carr-Saunders, A.M.      1261 fn.
Carroll, Lewis (Charles L.Dodgson), Through the Looking Glass      1107—1114 1126
Cartel, economics      1277 1283
Carthage, acquisition of land      882
Cartography, scientific, beginning      780
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): Acadmie Royale des Sciences      791 793
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): biography      789
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): blood transfusion experiments      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): Ephemerides      791 793
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): Holy Days, determination      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): Jupiter's satellites      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): longitude surveys, instructions      796—798
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): planisphere      794
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): surveying      790
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico (Jean Domenique): timekeepers      799—800
Cassini, Jean Domenique (Brown)      795 fn.
Catenoid, surface      904
Cathode bombardment      841
Cathode rays      856 857 1066
Causality, principle of      1053 1054 1057
Causes and effects      1384 1386 1387 1389—1390 1392
Cavendish, Henry      811 884 927
Cayley, Sir George      1023 1023
Celestial bodies, mechanics      1056
Celestial wrath, signs      1326
Cells: magnitude      1031 1032—1033
Cells: microscopic organisms      1034
Cells: nucleus      1043
Cells: surfaceenergy      1031
Centrifugal force      800
Certainty and probability, comparable      1327
Ceva, Giovanni      1201
Chalice, Logic of (Venn)      1336 fn.
Challis, James: new planet, search for      832—833 834 835 836—837
Challis, James: Uranus, deviations      825 826
Chalmers, Patrick R., quoted      901
Chambre, Marin de la      786
Chance: calculus of      1334
Chapman, Abel      1020 fn. 1021
Characters, socially valuable, individually disadvantageous      969—970
Charcoal, amorphous      984—985
Charles II (king of England): Royal Observatory      800
Charles II (king of England): Royal Society of London      786
Chaucer, Geoffrey, quoted      1267 1358
Chazelles, Jean Mathieu de: planisphere      794
Chazelles, Jean Mathieu de: surveying      795
Chemical elements: atomic weights      910 911 913
Chemical elements: law of octaves      910 910 915—916 924 926
Chemical elements: new, discoveries      920 921 923
Chemical elements: periodic law      910 913—918
Chemical elements: periodic table      841 911 925 926 928
Chemical elements: physical characteristics      923—924
Chemical elements: zero group      927 928 931
Chemistry, A Hundred Years of (Findley)      911 fn.
Chemistry: periodic law      910
Chemistry: prophecies      919
Chess, no-move contest      1264
Chlorate of potash      865
Chlorate of potash, crystals      865
Chlorate of potash, faces of      874 878 880
Chlorate of potash, grating      840
Chlorate of potash, mathematics of      852
Chlorate of potash, minute      1040
Chlorate of potash, rotation axis      875
Chlorate of potash, space-structure      880
Chlorate of potash, structure      841 851 853 858—870 874 878 975 984
Chlorate of potash, symmetry      876—878
Chlorate of potash, units      860 861 868
Chlorate of potash, x-rays      840 851 852 857—870
Chromosome fiber, giant molecule      973
Chromosome: linear order      934 fn.
Chromosome: nucleus, size      1035 1035
Chromosome: self-reproduction      973
Chronometer, marine      779 804
Chrysler Building, New York      1005 fn.
Churchill, Winston      1242
Cicero      1028
Cilium, dimensions      1041 1041
Circle: area      882 886
Circle: measuring      1099
Clairaut, Alexis Claude      1326
Clarke, Alexander Ross, "Earth, Figure of the"      792 fn.
Classification: men according to their natural gifts      1173—1188
Classification: table      1187
Cleavages, manner of formation      1243
Clerke, Agnes Mary      1316 fn. 1319 1321
Clocks: barometric pressure      806
Clocks: driven by weights      784
Clocks: early      804
Clocks: mechanical      803 804
Clocks: pendulum      732 784 793 797 798
Clocks: regulator      807 fn.
Clocks: synchronizing      1127—1133 1137—1142
Clocks: twenty-four hour      805
Coalition formation      1270—1271 1282 1283 1293 1311
Coefficient      1274—1275
Cohen, Morris R.      1396
coin tossing      1264 1286—1288 1311 1329 1331 1332 1409—1410 1411—1412
Colbert, Jean Baptiste: Academie Royale des Sciences      785—786 787 788 791
Colbert, Jean Baptiste: planisphere      794
Cole, Humphrey: log, invention      789
Columbium, discovery      923
Columbus, Christopher      781 783
Comets: foretelling      1326
Comets: Halley's      1326
commodities      1204 fn. 1205 1228—1229
Comparative anatomy      954
Compass, variation      783
Complementarity      1049 1053—1055
Computing machines      1308
Conceptualistic theory, probability      1342—1348 1350 1354
Condorcet, Marquis de      1178 1189 1190 1365 1368 1370 1393
Congenital altruism      970—971
Conjectural variation      1267
Conklin, Edwin G.      1032
Consciousness, limen      1164
Consequences      1344
Consequences in history      1259
Consequences, even      1348—1350
Consequences, games of      1285—1293
Consequences, logarithm      1344 1345
Consequences, objectivity      1391
Consequences, theory of      1322 1327 1329 1336—1337
Consequences, what It Is      1380
Conservation, law of      883
Constant stimuli, method of      1165
Constant sum profits      1271 1271 1276—1277
Contempt, effect of threats      1240
Continuous description and casualty      1056—1058
Continuous, physics of the      876
Continuum      1058—1064
Control mecnanisms, cybernetics      1308
Cook, Captain      818
Cooke, Josiah P.      915 926
Copernicus, Nicolaus: heliocentric theory      728
Copernicus, Nicolaus: hypothesis      1295
Copernicus, Nicolaus: planetary motion      1204
Copernicus, Nicolaus: Venus, phases      732
Corbeliler, Philippe Le: biography      853
Corbeliler, Philippe Le: crystals, mathematics of      852
Corlolis, Gaspard G. de, "work done by a body"      1399
Correlation, principle      1170
Correns, C.      932 976
Correspondence, one-to-one      1063 1065
Cosmic rays      1091
Cosmical constant      1075—1076 1080
Cosmical number      1069
Cottingham, E.T.      1101
Courant Richard: "Plateau's Problem"      901—909
Courant Richard: "Soap Film Experiments with Minimal Surfaces"      884 fn.
Cournot, Antoine Augustin: commentary on      1200—1202
Cournot, Antoine Augustin: duopoly      1267
Cournot, Antoine Augustin: Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth      1201
Cournot, Antoine Augustin: Mathematics of Value and Demand      1203—1216
Cram r, H., Mathematical Methods of Statistics      1257 fn.
Crew, Henry      733 fn.
Criminal statistics      1261
Crombie, A.C.      726 fn. 729 731 732
Crommelin, A.C.D.      1101
Crookes, Sir William      854—855 918 1025
Crowther, J.G.      1069 fn. 1072
Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry (Jaffe)      910
Crystalline State, The (Bragg)      851 fn.
Crystals and X-rays (Lonsdale)      851 fn.
Crystals: atomic theory      851
Cube, solid      872
Curvature, radius      1076 1077 1078 1080
Curve: cycloid      887
Curve: Euler — Lagrange equation      889
Curve: functions      887
Curve: path of projectile      760
Curve: regulation      1326
Curve: stationary      889 890
Cybernetics      1307—1309
Cycloid      887
Czuber: Risiko, theory      1367 fn.
Dalton, John      874 918
Dampier, William Cecil: quoted      841
Dampier, William Cecil: Science, A History of      726 fn. 732 1048
Dante, Ignazio      790
Darboux, Gaston      786 fn. 1374
Darwin, Charles Galton      842 1190
Darwin, Charles Robert: evolution, theory of      924 950
Darwin, Charles Robert: heritable variations      962
Darwin, Charles Robert: Origin of Species      1171
Darwin, Charles Robert: pangenesis      1042
Darwin, Charles Robert: unquantified ideas      1296 1297
Darwin, Sir George      1377
Davidson, C.      1101
Davies, D.W.      1291 fn.
Davies, R.A.      1011 fn.
De Chancourtois, atomic weights      915 916 926
De Morgan, Augustus: Formal Loric      1342
De Morgan, Augustus: probebility, theory of      1322 1395 1395 1403 1405 1406
Death-rate, unskilled and skilled workers      965
Debility, large animals and trees      1005 fn.
Decadic fraction      1061
Defense expenditures      1242 1246
Degree of utility      1225—1226
Delambre, Jean Baptiste J., Uranus, positions      823
Delboeuf, Joseph      1154 1155 1161
Delbrueck, M., molecular model      979 983 990 991
Delisle, M.      1016
Demand: law of      1209—1216
Demand: variation      1210—1211
Democracy, Greek type      956
Democritus, pangenesis      1042
Denumerable Infinity      1376 1377
Des Hayes: longitude surveys      795—796 800
Descartes, Rem: Method, Discourse on      728
Descartes, Rem: quoted      1360
Detlefsen: rodents, color changes      964 965
Devaux, M.      1040 1041
Deviation from an average, law of      1181 1182—1183 1185—1186
Dewey, John, quoted      1240
Dialorue on the Great World Systems (Galileo)      732 732 733
Dice throwing, probabilties      1342 1406
Dickinson, Lowes      1355
Dido (queen of Carthage): commentary on      882—885
Dido (queen of Carthage): variations, calculus of      886 887
Differential calculus      887
Digby, Sir Kenelm, "powder of sympathy"      779 802
Digges, Captain Dudley      812—813
Dimensional Analysis (Bridleman)      1004 fn.
Dimensions, The Theory of (Lanchester)      1004 fn.
Dimensions, theory of      1009
Dingle, Herbert      1072 1085
Dingle, Herbert, Scientific Adventure, The      728
Dirac, P.A.M.: obscurity      1072
Dirac, P.A.M.: Wave mechanics      974 fn. 1089
Direct currents, quantitative measurements      1150
Discontinuous groups, theory of      876
Disutility and discommodity      1227
Ditton, Humphrey      802 803
Dixon, H.H.      1036 fn.
Dobeli, Clifford      996 998 999
Dobereiner, J.W., atomic weights      910
Dodd, Stuart C., Society, Dimensions of      1298—1299
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge      see Lewis Carron
Dominance, evolution of      967
Domination, relation      1278 1280
Donnan, Frederick      893
Douglas, J., Plateau's problem      888 902
Down to Earth: Mapping for Everybody (Greenhood)      779fn.
Doyle, Arthur Conan, quoted      1285
Drake, Edwin L.      928
Drake, Stillman      733 fn.
Dreyer, John L.E., ''Time, Measurement of"      784 fn.
Driesch, Hans Adolf      1032 1033
Drop, surface-tension      1032 1041
Drosophila fly: average progeny (table)      960
Drosophila fly: mutation, temperature      989
Duclos, Samuel      786
Dumas, Jean Baptiste      915
Duopolist strategies      1268—1275
Duopoly      1267 1276 1282
Duquesne, Abraham      788
DureIl, Clement V., ''Theory of Relativity, The"      1107—1143
DureIl, Clement V., Relativity, Readable      1106
Dyadic fractions      1061—1062
Dynamical similarity      1004
Dynamics and Quantum Theory, Variational Principals in (Yourgrau and Mandelstam)      822fn.
Dynamics, acceleration      729
Earth (planet): measurement      783 791 792—793
Earth (planet): oblate spheroid      799
Earth (planet): orbit      1102
Earth (planet): small furniture of      851—853
Earth (planet): weight      884 884
Economic Consiquences of the Peace, The (Keynes)      1357
Economic fluctuations, theory of      1282
Economic freedom      1301
Economic Thought, The Development of (Spelgel)      1202 fn.
Economics: ethics, relation to      1221
Economics: logical method      1220—1221
Economics: mathematical      888 1200 1201 1217—1218
Economy, political      1217—1237
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, "Constants of Nature, The"      1074—1093
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, "New Law of Gravitation and the Old Law The"      1094—1104
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, commentary on      1069—1073
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, cosmical number      1069
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Fundamental Theory      1071
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