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Prigogine I., Rice S.A. — Advances in chemical physics. Volume 117
Prigogine I., Rice S.A. — Advances in chemical physics. Volume 117

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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in chemical physics. Volume 117

Àâòîðû: Prigogine I., Rice S.A.


Providing the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline, the latest volume of Advances in Chemical Physics continues to provide significant, up-to-date chapters written by internationally recognized researchers.

This volume is essentially devoted to helping the reader obtain general information about a wide variety of topics in chemical physics. Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 117 includes chapters addressing laser photoelectron spectroscopy, nonadiabatic transitions due to curve crossings, multidimensional raman spectroscopy, birefringence and dielectric relaxation in strong electric fields, and crossover formulae for Kramers Theory of thermally activated escape rates.

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Strong responses, dc electric field, nonlinear dielectric relaxation, exact solutions      330—347
Strong responses, dc electric field, nonlinear dielectric relaxation, problem formulation and solution      317—330
Strong responses, dc electric field, nonlinear dielectric relaxation, relaxation spectra evaluation      343—347
Strong responses, dc electric field, nonlinear dielectric relaxation, relaxation time/spectra evaluation      340—343
Strong responses, nonlinear stationary responses, polar and polarizable molecules, superimposed ac and dc bias electric fields      382—394
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect      347—358
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, activation law behavior      356—358
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, correlation time integral representation      354—356
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, dipole moment evaluations      351—353
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, linear response theory      347—349
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, relaxation function and times, evaluation of      353—354
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, dynamic Kerr effect, transient and relaxation times      350—351
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, perturbation solutions      358—373
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, perturbation solutions, dispersion plots      368—373
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, perturbation solutions, equilibrium and first-order solutions, matrix continued fractions      362—364
Strong responses, steady-state response from weak electric field, perturbation solutions, second-order solutions      364—368
Stueckelberg, E.C.G.      128—129(3) 133(3) 230
Sturm — Liouville technique, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green function time evolution      760—762
Sugawara, M.      215—216(99) 233
Sulfur-containing molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy      105—116
Sulfur-containing molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, dimethyl sulfide      113—116
Sulfur-containing molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, methanethiol      108—112
Sulfur-containing molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, thiirane      106—108
Sun, X.      131(28) 168(28) 230(28) 231
Sundstroem, G.      10(63—64 66) 119
Sung, J.      262(97) 270(97) 273
Superexcited states, SH radical spectroscopy      58—59
Superexcited states, three-atomic molecules      83
Superexcited states, three-atomic molecules, carbon dioxide molecules      92—93
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, nonlinear Brownian relaxation, anisotropically polarized molecules      383—394
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, nonlinear Brownian relaxation, rigid polar molecules, asymptotic expansion      380—382
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, superparamagnetic particle relaxation, uniaxial potential      456—460
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect      347—358
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, activation law behavior      356—358
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, correlation time integral representation      354—356
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, dipole moment evaluations      351—353
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, linear response theory      347—349
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, matrix continued fractions      353—354
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, relaxation function and times, evaluation of      353—354
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, dynamic Kerr effect, transient and relaxation times      350—351
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, perturbation solutions      358—373
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, perturbation solutions, dispersion plots      368—373
Superimposed ac/dc magnetic fields, weak ac field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field, perturbation solutions, equilibrium and first-order solutions, matrix continued fractions      362—364
Superparamagnetic particles, Kramers reaction rate theory, rotational Brownian motion      501—504
Superparamagnetic particles, relaxation effects      446—460
Superparamagnetic particles, relaxation effects, strong dc field, Langevin equation      447—450
Superparamagnetic particles, relaxation effects, transient nonlinear response      450—456
Superparamagnetic particles, relaxation effects, uniaxial particles, ac/dc bias magnetic fields      456—459
Superposition principle, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover between IHD/VLD regimes, Green's function of energy diffusion equation      638—639
Superposition principle, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover between IHD/VLD regimes, Wiener — Hopf integral equation, energy distribution function      642—646
Survival process, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, hydrogen and deuterium molecules      9—11
Suto, M.      42(138) 121
Swanson, J.A.      579(71) 581(71) 764
Symmetric stretch, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, stretching transformation, mean first passage times (MFPT)      622—623
Symmetric stretch, OCS fragmentation      93—97
Szabo, A.      309(62) 479
Talkner, P.      486—491(1) 501(1) 504(1) 527(1) 541(1) 576(1) 578—579(1) 581—583(1) 585(1) 588(1) 597(1) 601(1) 608(1) 611(1) 617(1) 620(1) 623(1) 632(1) 635(1) 656(1) 743(1) 762(1) 762
Tanabe, T.      10(61) 119
Tanaka, K.      32(105) 120
Tanaka, Y.      86(232) 94(232) 123
Tanimura, Y.      257(59 71 75—81) 260(78) 264(75 78) 272
Tarjus, G.      254(49) 272
Tasumi, M.      252(38—40) 271
Taylor-series expansion, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), intramolecular vibrations      241—243
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, nonaxial formula divergence for small axial symmetry departures      683—690
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, steepest descent evaluation, partition functions      714—715
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) limit, magnetic spins      594—598
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) regime, Langer's treatment of      583—588
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, linearized Klein — Kramers equation, potential barrier summit, IHD regimes      523—524
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, probability density, state space evolution      516—520 518—520
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, Langevin/Fokker — Planck equations      495—497
Taylor-series expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, stretching transformation, mean first passage times (MFPT)      620—623
Taylor-series expansion, Stratonovich proof      463—465
Teegan, J.P.      109(293) 111(293) 113(293) 125
Tejada, J.      211(98) 219(98) 233
Temkin, S.I.      278(11) 416—417(11) 428(11) 433(11) 438(11) 477
ter Steege, D.H.A.      72(199) 79—81(199) 123
Teranishi, y.      131(44 46—47) 182(44) 192(44) 206—207(46—47) 212(44) 231
Terazawa, N.      30(100) 32(105—106) 120
Term value plots, NH radical spectroscopy      63—66
Thantu, N.      257(55 57) 272
Theinl, R.      59(154) 121
Thiel, A.      132(57) 232
Thiirane, laser photoelectron spectroscopy      106—108
Thomas, L.      133(67) 211(67) 232 674(85) 741(85) 764
Thouless, D.J.      133(64) 182(64) 232
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy      81—97
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, $CS_{2}$ Rydberg complexes      83—85
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, carbon dioxide excited states      92—93
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, OCS fragmentation      93—97
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI-PES with $CS_{2}$      97
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, structure and properties      81—83
Three-atomic molecules, 16-valence electrons, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, vibronic couplinc, $N_{2}O$ and $CS_{2}$      86—92
Three-dimensional Brownian motion, dielectric and Kerr effect relaxation      462—463
Three-photon excitation, CIO radicals      70—72
Three-photon excitation, CIO radicals, E, F, and G Rydberg states      73—77
Three-photon excitation, thiirane molecule      108
Threshold effect, noncurve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions      181—182
Thurston, G.B.      282(23) 286(23) 292(23) 326(23) 478
Tier, C.      542—543(44) 610—612(44) 617—618(44) 626(44) 629(44) 763
Time dependence, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), intramolecular vibrations      242—243
Time dependence, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green's function time evolution, Fokker — Planck equation, zero-frequency limit, delta function orientation distribution      745—749
Time dependence, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green's function time evolution, integral expression of escape time      743—745
Time dependence, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green's function time evolution, principles      741—743
Time dependence, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green's function time evolution, series expression for summit time      752—753
Time dependence, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green's function time evolution, uniaxial anisotropy explicit expression      753—758
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, curve crossings      131—132
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, external fields, molecular control, exponential nonadiabatic transition      224—229
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, external fields, molecular control, Landau — Zener nonadiabiatic transition      215—219
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, external fields, molecular control, laser field control      214—229
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, external fields, molecular control, Rosen — Zener nonadiabiatic transition      219—224
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, external fields, molecular control, theoretical background      206—214
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, level crossings      132—133
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, level crossings, applications      188—201
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, level crossings, Demkov — Osherov model      203—201
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, level crossings, Nikitin's model      201—203
Time dependence, nonadiabatic transitions, level crossings, quadratic solutions      182—188
Time-resolved laser photoelectron spectroscopy, molecular excited states      5—8
Titchmarsh, E.C.      501(35) 632(35) 638—639(35) 644—645(35) 660(35) 763
Titov, S.V.      283(31) 286—287(31) 295(31) 296(55) 298(55) 299(59) 301—302(59) 309(31) 311(31) 316(31) 318(55) 321(55 65—66) 331(31) 333(31) 337(31) 340(31) 439(113) 448(130—133) 449(132) 451—452(130) 455(65) 459(65) 478—481 566(51) 578(60) 579(67) 752(67) 763—764
Titulaer, U.M.      547(47) 763
Tokmakoff, A.      242(11) 257(66—69) 260(66) 261(66 68—69) 264(66—67) 265(67) 267(122) 271—272 274
Tokoue, I.      106—108(284) 109(294) 111(294) 113—114(301) 125
Tolles, W.M.      282—283(18) 289(18) 340(18) 346—347(18 69) 478—479
Tolman, R.C.      504—506(40) 508(40) 763
Tolstikhin, O.I.      162—163(89—90) 164(89) 165(91) 233
Tominaga, K.      252(38—40) 257(60—63) 261(60 62—63) 266—267(118—120) 268—269(119) 271—274
Tonkyn, R.G.      86(228) 123
Torre, R.      245(19) 271
Toth, R.A.      71(180) 122
Trajectory surface hopping (TSH), nonadiabatic transitions, multichannel and multidimensional problems      131
Trajectory surface hopping (TSH), two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, multidimensional problems      168
Transient relaxation, dynamic Kerr effect, weak ac electric field steady-state response superimposed on dc bias field      350—351
Transient relaxation, molecular hyperpolarizability, nonlinear step-on response      403—412
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric and birefringent high fields      283—288
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric and birefringent high fields, build-UP processes, relaxation times      286—288
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric and birefringent high fields, step-on response, nonpolar polarizable molecules      285—286
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric and birefringent high fields, step-on response, polar molecules      284—285
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric/dynamic Kerr relaxation, strong dc electric field, exact solutions      330—347
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric/dynamic Kerr relaxation, strong dc electric field, problem formulation and solution      317—330
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric/dynamic Kerr relaxation, strong dc electric field, relaxation spectra evaluation      343—347
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric/dynamic Kerr relaxation, strong dc electric field, relaxation time/spectra evaluation      340—343
Transient relaxation, nonlinear dielectric/dynamic Kerr relaxation, strong dc electric field, step-on response evaluation      336—340
Transient relaxation, superparamagnetic particle relaxation, nonlinear response      450—456
Transition probabilities, (3 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy, hydrogen molecule photodissociation      19—23
Transition probabilities, molecular control, time-dependent external fields, theoretical background      206—214
Transition probabilities, nonadiabatic transitions, time-dependent level crossings, generalizations and applications      188—201
Transition probabilities, nonadiabatic transitions, time-dependent level crossings, quadratic model      184—188
Transition probabilities, noncurve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, attractive potential model      180—181
Transition probabilities, noncurve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, repulsive potential model      177—178
Transition probabilities, time-dependent level crossings, nonadiabatic transitions      192—201
Transition state theory (TST), Arrhenius law      487—490
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, nonaxial formula divergence for small axial symmetry departures      684—690
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover between IHD/VLD regimes, prefactor escape rate as departure from      632—634
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, escape rate validity      499—501
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, IHD vanishing friction limit      549
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, reaction rate calculations      529—531
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, small viscosity model, VLD escape rate calculation      539—541
Transition state theory (TST), Kramers reaction rate theory, rotational Brownian motion      501—504
Transmission probability, two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, Landau — Zener — Stueckelberg problems, nonadiabatic tunneling case      148—151
Transport matrix, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) limit, Kramers' formula as Langer's formula      589—593
Transport matrix, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) limit, Langer's treatment of      581—588
Transport matrix, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) limit, magnetic spins      594—598
Transverse susceptibility, inertial effects, dielectric and birefringence relaxation, dielectric response      427—428
Transverse susceptibility, inertial effects, dielectric and birefringence relaxation, spectra and relaxation times      429—439
Transverse susceptibility, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, nonaxial formula divergence for small axial symmetry departures      686—690
Transverse susceptibility, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, uniaxial/LD crossovers      702—703
Transverse susceptibility, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover between IHD/VLD regimes, magnetic relaxation      656—657
Transverse susceptibility, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, escape rate, weak transverse field      624—625
Triatomic systems, nonadiabatic curve crossings, multidimensional problems      162—168
Trigonometric equations, inertial effects, dielectric and birefringence relaxation, free rotational motion      421—425
Tronc, E.      674(86) 764
Tschirschwitz, F.      266(116) 273
Tsuboi, T.      10(69 81) 119
Tsuji, M.      84(206) 123 282(19) 462(19) 478
Tsukada, M.      132(51) 232
Tsukiyama, K.      96—97(260) 124
Tully, J.C.      128(9) 131(27 30) 134(9) 162(84) 168(27 30) 230(28 30) 230—231 233
Turnbull, H.W.      585—586(74) 594(74) 764
Turner, D.W.      6(27) 28(27) 117
Turner, M.B.E.      42(137) 121
Tutcher, B.      43(145) 121
Two-color excitation spectra, (1 + 1' REMPI), hydrogen molecules      30—34
Two-color excitation spectra, SH radical spectroscopy      52—54
Two-photon interaction, dimethyl sulfide      114—116
Two-photon interaction, NH radical spectroscopy      62—70
Two-photon interaction, SH radical      45—59
Two-photon interaction, thiirane molecule      107—108
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, early research on      128—129
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, Landau — Zener — Stueckelberg problems, complete solutions      134—151
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, Landau — Zener — Stueckelberg problems, historical background      133—134
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, Landau — Zener — Stueckelberg problems, Landau — Zener case      142—146
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, multichannel and multidimensional problems, I-matrix propagation      152—153
Two-state curve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, multichannel and multidimensional problems, research background      130
Two-state curve crossing, noncurve crossing, nonadiabatic transitions, Rosen — Zenker — Demkov model      174—175
Ubachs, W.      29(97—98) 30—31(97) 33(97) 120
Uhlenbeck, G.E.      491(42) 493(29) 512(29) 515(29) 521(42) 528(42) 763
Ukai, M.      30(100) 32(105—106) 34(109) 120
Ullman, R.      352(71) 479
Ulness, D.J.      261(96) 266(96 103—108 111 113—114) 273
Umanskii, S.Ya.      128(6) 169(6) 171(6) 177(6) 201(6) 224(6) 230
Ungerade states, (1 + 1') resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization, hydrogen molecules      32—34
Ungerade states, three-atomic molecules, carbondisulfide complexes      84—85
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, nonaxial formula divergence for small axial symmetry departures      684—690
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, perturbation      703—706 725—740
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, VLD uniaxial/LD crossovers      698—703 718—720
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, stretching transformation, mean first passage times (MFPT)      622—623
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, rigid Brownian rotator escape times, bistable potential, Green function time evolution      753—758
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, rotational Brownian motion      502—504
Uniaxial symmetry, Kramers reaction rate theory, rotational Brownian motion, single domain ferromagnetic particles      562—566
Uniaxial symmetry, nonlinear Brownian relaxation, strong electric fields, one-dimensional relaxation models      312—317
Uniaxial symmetry, superparamagnetic particle relaxation, superimposed ac/dc bias magnetic fields      456—460
Uniaxial symmetry, superparamagnetic particle relaxation, superimposed ac/dc bias magnetic fields, transient nonlinear response      451—456
Uniform asymptotic expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, nonaxial formula divergence for small axial symmetry departures      681—690
Uniform asymptotic expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations      611—613
Uniform asymptotic expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, mean first passage time (MFPT) expression      617—619
Uniform asymptotic expansion, Kramers reaction rate theory, low-damping (LD) regime, escape rate calculations, Stokes' theorem derivation      618—619 627—628
Unimolecular rate theory, Kramers reaction rate theory, intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) limit, Langer's treatment of      588
Urbain, X.      10(60) 19(60) 21(60) 119
Urban, S.      568(83) 626(83) 741(83) 764
Ushakov, V.G.      131(32) 170—171(32) 224(32) 231
Vaida, V.      72(198) 79(198) 84(219) 99(274) 122—123 125
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy      81—97
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, $CS_{2}$ Rydberg complexes      83—85
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, carbon dioxide excited states      92—93
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, OCS fragmentation      93—97
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI-PES with $CS_{2}$      97
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, structure and properties      81—83
Valence electrons, three-atomic molecules, laser photoelectron spectroscopy, vibronic couplinc, $N_{2}O$ and $CS_{2}$      86—92
Vallance-Jones, A.      35(110) 120
van der Zande, W.J.      6(25) 10(66) 11—13(25) 16(25) 19(25) 22(25) 25(25) 28(25) 33—34(25) 93(25) 117 119
van Dishoeck, E.F.      35—36(116) 120
Van Kampen, N.G.      487—488(27) 489(27—28) 493(27—28) 495(27—28) 497—498(27—28) 505(27—28) 532(27—28) 538(27—28) 547(27) 550(27—28) 613(75) 626(75) 763—764
van Linden van den Heuvell, H.B.      10(68 70—71) 12(68) 17(71) 33(68 70) 34(70) 119
van Veen, N.      36(119) 38(119) 120
van Voorst, J.D.W.      251(34—35) 252(36) 271
Vanden Bout, D.      250(30) 252(30 37 41) 253(37) 254(30 46) 256(30) 277—272
Vanishing friction limit, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, IHD behavior      549
Vector stochastic differential equation, orientational relaxation, rotational diffusion model      295—300
Veerhuizen, H.      84(205) 123
Velocity distribution, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation      520—522
Velocity distribution, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, small viscosity model, energy-phase variables      533—535
Verschuur, J.W.J.      10(68 70—71) 12(68) 17(71) 33(68 70) 34(70) 119
Vertal, L.E.      125
Very high damping (VHD) regime, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, large viscosity model      543—548
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, energy diffusion method      695—698
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, interpolation formulas      694—695
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, pertubations, uniaxial case      703—706
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, axial/nonaxial symmetric potentials, escape rates, uniaxial/LD crossovers      698—703
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, double well potential bridging formula      650—655
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, double well potential bridging formula, population proof      672—674
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, double well potential bridging formula, Wiener — Hopf Fourier transforms      669—672
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, energy variance proof      663—664
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, erfc??? proof      668—669
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, escape rate prefactor, TST expression      632—634
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Fokker — Planck equation, energy-action variables      634—637
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Fokker — Planck equation, energy-action variables, right-hand energy diffusion operator      657—658
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Green's function, energy diffusion, proof      659—663
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Green's function, energy diffusion, variables      638—639
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, integral formula for prefactor A      646—650
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, integral formula for prefactor A, radial convergence proof      665—667
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, integral formula for prefactor A, series expression of convergence      667—668
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, magnetic relaxation applications      656—657
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, metastable decay rate, whole damping range      655—656
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, particle crossover      631—632
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, single oscillation expression      658—659
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Wiener — Hopf solution, energy distribution function distribution equation      639—646
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, crossover functions, Wiener — Hopf solution, energy distribution function distribution equation, Fourier transform proofs      664—665
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, escape rate validity      499—501
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity      549—561
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, alternative derivation      552—555
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, damping regimes      550—551
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, linearized solution      527
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, numerical interpretation      551
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, small viscosity alternative      556—561
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, Smoluchowski equation derivation      555—556
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, range of validity, vanishing friction limit      549
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Klein — Kramers equation, reaction rate calculations      529—531
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, rotational Brownian motion, axial symmetry, magnetocrystalline anisotropy      570—575
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, small viscosity model, energy-phase variables      532—535
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, small viscosity model, energy-phase variables, small viscosity model, escape rate calculation      538—541
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, Kramers reaction rate theory, Wiener — Hopf integral equation      496—497
Very low damping (VLD) regimes, reaction rate theory      489—490
Vibrational branching ratios, (3 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy, hydrogen molecule photoionization      17—19
Vibrational resonant pathways, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)      237—243
Vibrational resonant pathways, Raman-echo spectroscopy, liquid molecules      252—256
Vibronic structure, ammonia molecules      100—105
Vibronic structure, dimethyl sulfide      114—116
Vibronic structure, three-atomic molecules      81—82
Vibronic structure, three-atomic molecules, $N_{2}O$ and $CS_{2}$      86—92
Vibronic structure, three-atomic molecules, carbondisulfide complexes      84—85 97
Vidal, C.R.      99—100(275—276) 125
Vidal, M.      125
Visnawathan, K.S.      38(125) 121
Visscher, L.      72(199) 79—81(199) 123
Vogel, K.      656(100) 761(100) 765
Vollmer, H.D.      373(79) 479 656(100) 761(100) 765
Volterra integrodifferential equation, inertial effects, dielectric and birefringence relaxation, extended rotational diffusion model      418—425
Voronin, A.I.      170(94) 233
Voronov, G.S.      3(4) 117
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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