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Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.) — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry
Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.) — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry

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Название: Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry

Авторы: Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.)


Continuing the tradition of the Advances in Chemical Physics series, Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale details the extraordinary findings reported at the XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry, held at the Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, from November 28 to December 2, 1995. This new volume discusses the remarkable opportunities afforded by the femtosecond laser, focusing on the host of phenomena this laser has made it possible to observe. Examining molecules on the intrinsic time scale of their vibrations as well as their dissociative motions and electronic excitations represents only part of a broadened scientific window made possible by the femtosecond laser.

The assembled studies, with follow-up discussions, reflect the many specialties and perspectives of the Conference's 65 participants as well as their optimism concerning the breadth of scientific discovery now open to them. The studies shed light on the laser's enhanced technical reach in the area of coherent control of chemical reactions as well as of more general quantum systems. The theoretical fundamentals of femto-chemistry, the unique behavior of the femtosecond laser, and a view toward future technological applications were also discussed:

  • Femtochemistry: chemical reaction dynamics and their control
  • Coherent control with femtosecond laser pulses
  • Femtosecond chemical dynamics in condensed phases
  • Control of quantum many-body dynamics
  • Experimental observation of laser control
  • Solvent dynamics and RRKM theory of clusters
  • High-resolution spectroscopy and intramolecular dynamics
  • Molecular Rydberg states and ZEKE spectroscopy
  • Transition-state spectroscopy and photodissociation
  • Quantum and semiclassical theories of chemical reaction rates.

A fascinating and informative status report on the cutting-edge chemical research made possible by the femtosecond laser, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale is an indispensable volume for professionals and students alike.

The femtosecond laser and chemistry's extraordinary new frontier of molecular motions observed on the scale of a quadrillionth of a second.

Research chemists have only tapped the surface of the spectacular reach and precision of the femtosecond laser, a technology that has allowed them to observe the dynamics of molecules on the intrinsic time scale of their vibrations, dissociative motions, and electronic excitations. Volume 101 in the Advances in Chemical Physics series, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale details their extraordinary findings, presented at the XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry, in Brussels.

The studies reflect the work, in part, of the Conference's 65 participants, including many prominent contributors. Together they shed light on the laser's enhanced technical range in the area of coherent control of chemical reactions as well as of more general quantum systems. The theoretical fundamentals of femtochemistry, the unique behavior of the femtosecond laser, and a view toward future technological applications were also discussed.

An exceptionally up-to-date examination of the chemical analyses made possible by the femtosecond laser, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale is an important reference for professionals and students interested in enhancing their research capabilities with this remarkable tool.

From 1993 to 1996, she worked with Dr. P. Gaspard at the Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, on the application of new semiclassical techniques to elementary chemical reaction processes.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 945

Добавлена в каталог: 11.07.2014

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Friedman, H.L.      142(6) 145(6) 173(6) 179
Friedman, R.S.      493(9) 538(9) 575
Friesner, R.A.      147—148(22) 150(22) 177(22) 179
Frillon, G.      173(47) 180
Frishman, A.M.      393(18) 402
Frosch, R.P.      419(43) 440
Fugol, I.Ya.      711(2) 714
Fujii, A.      674(32) 697
Furukawa, M.      422(53) 441
Furuta, H.      395(40) 399(40) 403
Fyodorov, Y.V.      519(101) 579
Gabriel, W.      328—329(20) 332(20) 335(20) 339(20) 342
Gabrielse, G.      379(9) 381
Gallagher, R.F.      668(19) 670(27) 697
Gandhi, S.R.      65(45—46) 77
Garcia, M.E.      116(11) 131
Garcia-Moreno, I.      849(4) 849
Garcia-Sucre, M.      746(7) 783
Garcia-Vela, A.      201(14) 202 868(5) 868
Gardecki, J.      142(2) 145(2) 173—174(2) 178 394(34) 403
Garg, A.      393—394(14) 402
Gargaud, M.      820(9) 843(9) 847
Garland, C.W.      143(53) 180
Garneau, J.-M.      485(15) 490
Garraway, B.      4(12) 43
Garrett, B.C.      259(68—70) 264(75) 272 493(9) 538(9) 575 855(7) 867
Gaspard — Rice lengthening of lifetimes      560 565
Gaspard, P.      59(28) 76 209 215(6) 218(6) 227(6) 231(6) 233(6) 236(6) 249(52) 270—272 286(2) 291 302(18) 313 317(6) 322 458(1) 458 493—494(10) 495(14) 497(14 23) 500(14 31) 501(14 33) 502(35) 504(14) 509(48) 510(14 56) 511(56) 512—513(61) 514(14 33 61 64 67) 515(70) 517(33) 519(95 97 102—103) 521(14 108 112 114) 522(108) 524(14 108) 525—526(14) 528(56) 529(14 112) 530(108 112) 531(112) 534(14 114) 535(114) 536(108 114) 541(14) 542(14 23 33) 543(33 35 48) 544(10 35) 545—546(10) 548(146) 553(10) 554(10 14 146) 555(10 149) 556(10 14) 558(10 14) 559—560(33) 565(33) 566(146) 570(14 146) 576—579 581 772(64) 785 816(3) 816
Gated autocorrelation signal      348—349
Gaubatz, U.      328(9) 339(9) 341 425(62) 441
Gaus, J.      79(9) 80 117—118(13) 122(13) 131 133(4 134(4) 135(4 135 136(4) 137 200(6) 201 203(4—5) 203
Gaussian component, line broadening      181
Gaussian fluctuations, classically chaotic systems      518
Gauthier, J.-M.      286(3) 292
Gauyacq, D.      647(1) 648 707(32) 708
Gavrila, M.      338(34) 343
Gavrilov, N.K.      551(147) 581
Gea-Banacloche, J.      382(7) 385
Geers, A.      782(77) 785
Gehrke, Ch.      407
Gejo, T.      731(9) 741
Gelbart, W.M.      411(8) 439
George, T.F.      862(16) 867
Georges, R.      493(6) 518(6) 521(111) 528(6 111) 537(6) 540(6) 575 579
Gerber, G.      49(14) 52(17—18) 55(19) 60(37) 63(41) 65(18 49) 67(49) 72(54) 76—77 78(1 3) 79(5) 79 90(2) 90 103(6) 117(14) 131 135(8) 137 196(6) 196 217(17) 229—230(17) 271 328(10) 339—340(10) 341
Gerber, R.B.      201(14—15) 202 868(5 8) 868—869
Gerdy, J.J.      42
Gertitschke, P.L.      458(3) 458 849(2) 849
Gertner, B.K.      393(8) 399(8) 401
Geva, E.      239(42) 271
Ghosh, R.      157(32) 180
Giacobino, E.      382(10) 385
Giannoni, M.J.      517(77) 578
Gibson, S.T.      794(15) 797
Gilbert, R.D.      634(50) 646
Gilbert, R.G.      750(28) 784
Gillilan, R.      317(6) 322
Gillilan, R.E.      235(28) 245(28) 265(28) 286(2) 292
Giniger, R.      393(11) 401
Girard, B.      57(27) 76
Girardeau, M.D.      236(33) 271
Giusti-Suzor, A.      48(12—13) 76
Glasbeek, M.      39
Glass-Maujean, M.      794(13) 797
Glasstone, S.      835(23) 847
Godar, D.E.      39
Goertler, S.      329(27) 341(27) 342
Goldberg, A.      82(2) 82 711—714(5) 715 855(8) 867
Goldberg, J.      519(91) 579
Goldfield, E.M.      86(2) 87
Golovlev, V.V.      878(8) 884(11) 886
Gomez Llorente, J.M.      772(63) 785
Gomez-Llorente, J.M.      557(150) 581
Good, D.      405(1—2) 405—406
Goodman, M.F.      85(1) 85
Gorden, R.J.      216(15) 223(15) 225(15) 271
Gordon, J.      216(12) 270
Gordon, R.G.      286(6) 292
Gordon, R.J.      57(25—26) 76 216(13—14 16) 270—271 286(5 13) 292 328(4) 339(4) 341
Gorini, V.      238(37) 271
Goswami, D.      65(45) 77
Gould, P.      308(16) 312
Govers, T.R.      612(9) 623
Grabert, H.      393(16) 402
Graham, R.      320(11) 322 382(12) 385 393(16) 402
Grant, E.      117(12) 131 286(12) 292 668(1) 696
Grant, E.R.      72(51) 77 133(3) 135(3) 135 203(8) 204 433(72) 437(72) 441 616(16) 625
Gray, S.K.      86(2) 87 760(47) 784
Green — Kubo — Yamamoto — Zwanzig formulas      505
Green's function, imaginary part      637
Green's function, initial-value representation      862—863
Green's function, onto a vector      858
Green's function, semiclassical approximation      860—862
Green's function, Wigner wavepackets      363
Green, Jr., W.H.      750(29) 784 849(3) 849
Greene, B.I.      433(71) 441
Greene, C.H.      706(24—25) 708 726(3) 726
Grenlich, K.-O.      884(11) 886
Groebner, J.      379(9) 381
Gross, P.      215(11) 218(21—22) 268—269(76—77) 270—272 315(2) 317(6) 318(7) 322
Grosser, M.      52(17) 63(41) 76 103(6) 131
Grote, R.F.      393(8 16) 399(8) 401—402
Grotemeyer, J.      626—627(21) 634(21) 645 656
Ground-state dynamics, bimolecular reactions      25—27
Grozdanov, T.P.      760(46) 776(68) 784—785
Grubb, S.G.      433(72) 437(72) 441
Gruebele, M.      40 492(1) 561(151) 566(151) 575 581 799(2) 806
Guameri, I.      519(96) 579 583(1—2) 584(4—5) 584—585
Guckenheimer, J.      496(19) 501(19) 509(19) 542—543(19) 546—547(19) 551(19) 576
Guelachvili, G.      465(7) 488(7) 490
Gutzwiller periodic-order amplitudes      516
Gutzwiller trace formula      573
Gutzwiller trace formula, extending to scattering      510
Gutzwiller trace formula, isolated periodic orbits      498—502
Gutzwiller, M.      517(83) 578
GutzwiUer, M.C.      493(12) 499(12) 510(12) 576 772(66) 785 861(15) 867
Guyer, D.R.      493(4) 541(4 138) 575 580 782(75) 785 812(1) 812
Guyon, P.M.      612(9) 623 669(22) 697 794(13) 797
H + $H_{2}$, cumulative reaction probability      859—860
H + $H_{2}$, potential energy surfaces      855—856
Haake, F.      510(50) 519(97 99) 557(50) 577 579
Habenicht, W.      434(74) 441 615(11) 623 701(1) 707
Haberland, H.      129(24) 132
Haenggi, P.      392(3) 393(8 16) 399(8) 401—402
Haeusler, D.      327(3) 339(3) 341 768(61) 785
Haggerty, M.R.      521(109) 579
Hahn, O.      557(150) 581
Halberstadt, N.      86(2) 87
Hall, J.L.      382(5) 385
Haller, E.      493(5) 518(5) 528(5) 537(5) 540(5) 575
Halse, E.J.      675(33) 697
Halstead, D.      200(7) 201
Hamilton, C.D.      529(122) 580
Hamilton, C.E.      421(52) 441 747(13) 783
Hamilton, I.P.      859(12) 867
Hamiltonian matrix, diagonalizing      725
Hamiltonian, anharmonic resonance      590
Hamiltonian, diagonal and nondiagonal parts      498
Hamiltonian, full rotational-vibrational, scattering resonances      567
Hamiltonian, spectral determinant      495
Hamiltonian, spectroscopic, raising and lowering operators      590
Hamiltonian, spectroscopic, water      591
Hamiltonian, stability borders      665
Hammerich, A.D.      196(5) 196 304(19) 313
Hamoniaux, G.      173(47) 180
Han, C.H.      400(49) 403
Hanazaki, I.      731(9) 741
Handy, N.C.      259(64) 262—263(64) 272 496(18) 497(20) 576 870
Hannay, J.H.      509(49) 546(49) 557(49) 577
Hansen, K.      626(29) 646
Harding, L.B.      760(48) 784
Hariharan, A.      65(45—46) 77
Harmin, D.A.      686(41) 698
Harmonic oscillators      589
Haroche, S.      801(11) 806
Harris, N.A.      707(34) 708
Harris, S.E.      302(7) 312
Hartke, B.      79(4) 79 196(3) 196 281(2) 281 328(12) 339(12) 342 750(21) 761(21 52—53) 784—785
Hartley band, ozone      572
Hartree approximation, time-dependent      265—267
Hase, W.L.      750(22) 751(30—31 35) 776(30) 784 835(27) 841(27—30) 847—848 854(5) 867
Hasegawa, H.      519(97) 579
Haseltine, J.N.      400(49) 403
Hashimoto, N.      194
Hatano, Y.      405(5) 406
Hattori, T.      382(20) 385
Hawthornthwaite-Lawless, A.M.      158(33) 180
Hayes, J.M.      171(41) 180
HCl, thermal capture rate constants      830 831
HCN, thermal capture rate constants      830—831
HCO, comparison of fluctuating quantum and RRKM results      814
HCO, dissociation dynamics      759—768 781
HCO, dissociation dynamics, bending mode      762
HCO, dissociation dynamics, CO stretching mode      762
HCO, dissociation dynamics, final-state distributions of CO fragment      764—766
HCO, dissociation dynamics, Franck — Condon mapping      767—768
HCO, dissociation dynamics, IVR process      764 767
HCO, dissociation dynamics, resonance series as function of CO stretching quantum number      762—763
HCO, dissociation dynamics, vibrational dynamics      761
HCO, dissociation rates      759—760
HCO, excitation energies      769—770
HCO, lifetime function      756 758—759
HCO, photoelectron spectrum      787
HCO, potential well      772
HCO, potential-energy surfaces      752—754 769
HCO, resonance wave functions      756—757
HCO, resonance wave functions, angular dependence      765 767
HCO, rotational state distributions following dissociation      749—750
HCP, stimulated emission pumping spectra      484—488
He, G.Z.      425(63) 441
He, X.      48(12—13) 76
Healing process      648—649
Heaven, M.      731(8) 733—734(8) 741
Heidenreich, A.      82(2) 82
Heikal, A.A.      41 85 391(1) 400—401(1) 401
Heilweil, E.J.      400(48) 403
Heisenberg operator      161
Heisenberg time, beyond      520
Heisenberg's equation of motion      320
Heitz, M.-C.      79 79(6)
Helbing, J.      60(37) 64(43) 76 79 79(5)
Heller, E.J.      504(39) 505(47) 521—522(108) 524(108) 530(108) 536(108) 538—539(130) 577 579—580 602(1) 602 790(2) 796 862—863(18) 868
Helman, A.      414(26—26) 440
Helman, A.B.      393(13) 402
Henri, G.      619—620(22) 623
Henriksen, N.E.      328—329(20) 332(20) 335(20) 339(20) 342
Hepburn, J.W.      669(26) 697
Herek, J.L.      41—42 44 56(20) 65(55) 76—77 90(1 3) 90 328(10) 339—340(10) 341
Herman, J.      529(122—123) 531—532(123) 580
Herman, M.      465(7) 488(7) 490 521(112 114) 529—531(112) 534—536(114) 579 809(1) 810(2) 810
Herman, M.F.      862—863(17) 867—868
Hermann, R.H.      610—611(5) 623
Hermitian rate operator      636—638
Hernandez, R.      496(18) 497(20) 541(139) 576 580 782(76) 785 812(1) 812 870
Herrmann, F.W.      72(52) 77
Herzberg, G.      634(46) 646 705(14—16) 706(21) 708 721 726(2) 726
Hess, W.P.      732(13) 737(13) 741
Hessel, M.M.      87 89(7)
Hessels, E.A.      705(18—20) 708
Hexane molecules, small clusters, viscosity and solvent friction      405
HgI, coherence      94 96
HgNe van der Waals dimer, Rydberg states      715—716
HI, potential-energy diagram      225
High-resolution rotationally resolved UV spectroscopy, van der Waals complexes      414—416
Hill, R.K.      189(7) 191
Hintsa, E.J.      737—738(18) 737(19) 741—742
Hioe, F.T.      425(61) 441
Hirai, K.      521—522(108) 524(108) 530(108) 536(108) 579
Hirata, F.      142(6) 145(6) 173(6) 179
Hirschfelder, J.O.      835(23) 847
Hishikawa, A.      791(7) 794(7) 796
HNO, best transition state      815
HNO, dissociation dynamics      772—775
HNO, dissociation rates      759—760
HNO, lifetime function      756 758—759
HNO, nearest-neighbor energy spacing distributions      772 774
HNO, potential well      772
HNO, potential-energy surfaces      752—754
Hoburg, E.A.      395(41) 400(41) 403
Hobza, P.      416(34) 440
Hochstrasser, R.M.      393(11) 395(42 46) 399(42) 400(48—49) 401 403 412(17) 440
Hoffman, B.M.      393(16) 402
Hogervorst, W.      493(11) 510(11) 576
Hohmann, H.      626(30—31) 646
Holbrook, K.A.      515(71) 539(71) 578 750(26) 784
Holle, A.      493(11) 510(11) 576
Hollenstein, H.      453(5—6) 453
Holloway, S.      200(7) 201
Holmes, D.      296(6) 300 300(6)
Holmes, J.L.      731(10) 741
Holmes, P.      496(19) 501(19) 509(19) 542—543(19) 546—547(19) 551(19) 576
Holthaus, M.      328—329(19) 335—336(19) 339(19) 342
Hong, C.K.      382(9) 385
Hopfield, J.J.      393—394(19) 402
Horacek, J.      746(6) 783
Horani, M.      647(1) 648 707(32) 708
Horin, N.B.      416(35) 440
Horn, B.A.      42
Horng, M.L.      142(2) 145(2) 173—174(2) 178 394(34) 403
Hougen, J.T.      423(55) 441 485(14) 490
Houston, P.L.      749(18—19) 759(18) 765(19) 767(19) 783
Hsu, Y.P.      419(44) 440
Hu, X.      835(27) 841(27) 847
Hu, Y.      178(51) 180
Huang — Tarn — Clark theorem      248
Huang, G.      247(46) 272
Huang, G.M.      218(21) 247(47—50) 248(47) 268(48 76) 269(76) 271—272 318(7) 322
Hubbard, L.M.      536(124) 580
Huber, J.R.      746(9) 765(9) 767(9) 778(9) 783 785 794(18a) 797
Huber, K.P.      693(48) 698 705(13) 707(13) 708
Hudson, A.J.      696(50) 698
Huepper, B.      572(157) 573(160) 581
Huet, T.R.      529(122) 580
Hunter, C.N.      146(19) 152(19) 160(19) 179
Hunter, M.      782(79) 785
Hunziker, H.E.      731(5) 733(5) 741
Hupp, J.T.      394(27) 399(27) 402
Huppert, D.      393(11) 401
Hutson, J.M.      80(1) 80
Hydrogen, Fourier transform infrared emission spectra      721
Hydrogen, ion-molecule reaction      678—681 698—699
Hydrogen, ion-molecule reaction, collision energy resolution      679—680
Hydrogen, ion-molecule reaction, Rydberg state perturbation      680—681
Hydrogen, ion-molecule reaction, transmission effects      680
Hydrogen, pulsed-field ionization      723—724
Hydrogen, Rydberg states      703—704
Hydrogen, singlet-triplet interaction      721
Hydrogen, state-selected ions      672
Hydrogen, vibrational and rotational autoionization      706
Hydrogen, vibrational states      723
Hynes, J.T.      142(9) 145(9) 163(9) 173(9) 179 393(8 14 16) 394(14 31) 399(8) 401—403 854(5) 867
IBr, photodissociation      222—224
IBr, potential energy curve      222
IHgl system, barrier reactions      22—24
Ikeda, N.      642—643(60) 646
Imamoglu, A.      302(7) 312
Imamoto, Y.      405(5) 406
Impey, R.W.      394(33) 403
Imre, D.      493(3) 575
Imre, D.G.      274(10) 275 327(1) 339(1) 341 373(6) 374
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