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Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.) — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry
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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry
Àâòîðû: Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Continuing the tradition of the Advances in Chemical Physics series, Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale details the extraordinary findings reported at the XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry, held at the Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, from November 28 to December 2, 1995. This new volume discusses the remarkable opportunities afforded by the femtosecond laser, focusing on the host of phenomena this laser has made it possible to observe. Examining molecules on the intrinsic time scale of their vibrations as well as their dissociative motions and electronic excitations represents only part of a broadened scientific window made possible by the femtosecond laser.
The assembled studies, with follow-up discussions, reflect the many specialties and perspectives of the Conference's 65 participants as well as their optimism concerning the breadth of scientific discovery now open to them. The studies shed light on the laser's enhanced technical reach in the area of coherent control of chemical reactions as well as of more general quantum systems. The theoretical fundamentals of femto-chemistry, the unique behavior of the femtosecond laser, and a view toward future technological applications were also discussed:
Femtochemistry: chemical reaction dynamics and their control Coherent control with femtosecond laser pulses Femtosecond chemical dynamics in condensed phases Control of quantum many-body dynamics Experimental observation of laser control Solvent dynamics and RRKM theory of clusters High-resolution spectroscopy and intramolecular dynamics Molecular Rydberg states and ZEKE spectroscopy Transition-state spectroscopy and photodissociation Quantum and semiclassical theories of chemical reaction rates. A fascinating and informative status report on the cutting-edge chemical research made possible by the femtosecond laser, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale is an indispensable volume for professionals and students alike.
The femtosecond laser and chemistry's extraordinary new frontier of molecular motions observed on the scale of a quadrillionth of a second.
Research chemists have only tapped the surface of the spectacular reach and precision of the femtosecond laser, a technology that has allowed them to observe the dynamics of molecules on the intrinsic time scale of their vibrations, dissociative motions, and electronic excitations. Volume 101 in the Advances in Chemical Physics series, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale details their extraordinary findings, presented at the XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry, in Brussels.
The studies reflect the work, in part, of the Conference's 65 participants, including many prominent contributors. Together they shed light on the laser's enhanced technical range in the area of coherent control of chemical reactions as well as of more general quantum systems. The theoretical fundamentals of femtochemistry, the unique behavior of the femtosecond laser, and a view toward future technological applications were also discussed.
An exceptionally up-to-date examination of the chemical analyses made possible by the femtosecond laser, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale is an important reference for professionals and students interested in enhancing their research capabilities with this remarkable tool.
From 1993 to 1996, she worked with Dr. P. Gaspard at the Universit? Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, on the application of new semiclassical techniques to elementary chemical reaction processes.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 945
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.07.2014
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Dephasing 7—9 171 240
Dephasing, fast 374
Dephasing, pure 206
Dephasing, separating homogeneous from inhomogeneous 8
Deshmukh, S. 732(13) 737(13) 741
Desouter-Lecomte, M. 541(140) 580 637(56) 646
Dexheimer, S.L. 146(16) 179
Dhar, L. 346(3) 362(3) 370
Diatomic molecules, NeNePo spectroscopy 111—114
Diatomic molecules, vibrational motion 524—525
Dichloroanthracene, decay lifetime 628
Dietrich, H.-J. 629(35) 646
Dietrich, P. 286(3) 292 374(1) 376(1) 377 456(6) 456
Dietz, B. 511(57) 528(57) 577
Dietz, K. 328—329(19) 335—336(19) 339(19) 342
Dietz, T. 339(35) 343
Dikshit, S.N. 158(34) 180
Dill, D. 706(22) 708
Dilution, external perturbations as source of 644
Dilution, versus trapping, high Rydberg states 639—644
DiMauro, L.F. 286(11) 292 731(8) 733—734(8) 741
Dimer-hopping model 158—159
Dimers, rotational temperature 137
Dipole force 185—186
Dipole moment, instantaneous 303—304
Dipole operator, multitime correlation function 209—210
Diradicals, role in cleavage, closure, and rotation 26—27 29
Direct overtone pumping 747
Dispersed fluorescence spectrum, 597—598
Dispersed fluorescence spectrum, acetylene 465—468 602—603
Dispersed fluorescence spectrum, early-time dynamics of ZOBS 472—473
Dispersed fluorescence spectrum, extracting information 469—470
Dispersed fluorescence spectrum, unzipped polyads 470—472
Dissipation in competition with vibrational transitions 336—337
Dissipation, role in quantum mechanics 204
Dissipation, source 343
Dissociation see also "HCO dissociation "Unimolecular
Dissociation on potentials with saddle, bifurcation, associated with transition to chaos 545—552
Dissociation on potentials with saddle, classical properties 541—545
Dissociation on potentials with saddle, semiclassical quantization 555—561
Dissociation on potentials with saddle, Smale horseshoes 552—555
Dissociation rate, as function of energy 751
Dissociation rate, RRKM result 632
Dissociation rate, unimolecular 539—541
Dissociation, above-threshold, vibrational transitions 336—338
Dissociation, HCO, rotational state distributions 749—750
Dissociation, molecular, spectra 789—790
Dissociation, polyatomic molecules 632
Dissociation, specific rate constants, adiabatic channels 832—835
Dissociation, ultrafast 574—575
Dissociative molecules, resonance constants 566
Distortion constants, rotational and centrifugal 809—810
Diu, B. 745(2) 783
DiVincenzo, D.P. 302(6) 312
Dixon, R.N. 726(1) 726 754(40) 784
DNA, models, tautomerization reactions 34—37
DNA, photoinduced tautomerization of base pairs 85
Doanyy, F.E. 400(48) 403
Dobbyn, A.J. 80(1) 80 746(8) 747(34) 751(34—37) 752(38) 753—754(34) 755(37) 758(34 36—37) 760(34) 762(8) 767(59) 769(38) 771(8) 772(34) 774(34 36) 775(36) 776—781(37) 783—785 786(34) 812(4) 812 815(1) 815
Dohle, M. 329(26) 331(26) 340—341(26) 342 377(1) 379
Domcke, W. 201(12) 202 510(53) 577 868(10) 869
Donaldson, D.J. 341(25) 342 849(1) 849
Dong, Y. 394(27) 399(27) 402
Donhal, A. 85(1) 85
Doolen, R. 394(30) 399(30) 402
Doom, S.K. 394(27) 399(27) 402
Doorway wavepacket 353—355 357
Doorway wavepacket, phase-space, fluorescence 368—369
Doorway wavepacket, phase-space, pump-probe signals 369—370
Dopfer, O. 619(22 24) 620(22) 623 668(6) 697
Doppler broadening, eliminating 410
Dorfman, J.R. 502(35) 543—544(35) 577
Doron, E. 511(57) 528(57) 577
Double-well, barrierless, population decay 151—152
Doublet, M.L. 573(161) 581
Doubly-many-body-expansion surface 572
Doucet, Y. 485(15) 490
Douglas, A.E. 412(14) 440
Douhal, A. 42
Doyla, Z.E. 328(13) 332(13) 334(13) 339(13) 342
Dreschsler, G. 620(25) 623
Dressier, K. 704(12) 708
Drullinger, R.E. 87 89(7)
Du, M. 57(21) 59(21) 76 142(3) 145(3) 172(44—45) 173(3) 179—180 217(18) 242(18) 271 303(11) 312 394(31) 403
Du, N.Y. 706(24) 708
Dubernet, M.L. 820(9) 843(9) 847
Dudko, S.A. 394(21) 402
Duebal, H.R. 454—455(1) 455 587(1) 588
Dugourd, Ph. 102—103(1) 121(19) 131 132(2) 135(2) 135 203(7) 203—204
Dunham expansion 496—497
Dunham expansion, diagonal and nondiagonal parts 531
Dunham expansion, domain of validity 497 555
Dunham expansion, without anharmonic resonances 529
Dunlop, J.R. 759(42) 761(42 49) 763(42) 784
Dunn, H.K. 346(8) 370
Dunn, T.J. 800(3—4) 806
Dunning, F.B. 434(73) 441
Dupont, E. 270(80) 273 286(10) 292
Duppen, K. 178(52) 180 348(19) 371
Dupuis, M. 731(6) 741
Dynamics-inverse scattering duality 267—269
Dynamics-inverse scattering duality, Schroedinger equation 268—269
Dyson, F.J. 516(75) 518(75) 578
Dzelzkans, L.S. 849(1) 849
Ebata, T. 422(53) 441 674(32) 697
Eberly, J.H. 304(12) 312
Echo spectroscopies 165—175
Echo spectroscopies, dephasing 171
Echo spectroscopies, experimental setup 165
Echo spectroscopies, instantaneous normal modes 172 181—182
Echo spectroscopies, three-pulse echo 166—169
Echo spectroscopies, three-pulse echo, peak shift data 170—171
Eckart potential barrier 865
Eckhardt, B. 501(34) 503(37) 504(40) 512—513(60) 570(40) 573(160) 577—578 581
Eckmann, J.-P. 514(64) 578
Effective Hamiltonian, diagonalizing 640 642
Effective Hamiltonian, time evolution of high Rydberg states 636—639
Egorov, S.E. 883(10) 886
Ehlich, R. 626(31) 646
Eigen reaction probabilities 857—858
Eigenfunctions, averages, periodic-orbit expression 504—505
Eigenfunctions, Berry's conjecture 505
Eigenfunctions, Wigner transforms 508
Eigenstates, high Rydberg states 639
Eigenstates, spectrum, extracting information from 469
Einstein A-coefficient 801
Einstein B coefficient, generalized 303—304
Eisenbud, L. 538—539(133) 580
Eisenstein, L. 405(1—2) 405—406
Eisenthal, K.B. 393(10) 400(10) 401
El-Sayed, M.A. 4(9) 43 411(8) 439
Electron beam, coherence length 192
Electron beam, focusing 187—189 191
Electron beam, monochromaticity 191—192
Electron diffraction, coherence 18—20
Electron transfer reactions in solution 400
Electron transfer reactions, adiabatic elimination of fast variables 393—394
Electron transfer reactions, barrierless 394
Electron transfer reactions, dielectric dispersion of solvent 394—395
Electron transfer reactions, femtochemistry 30—34
Electron transfer reactions, linear response approximation 406—407
Electron transfer reactions, Sumi — Marcus treatment 394
Electron velocity, normal component, variation 190
Electron, free, polarizability in optical field 186
Electron, reflection by evanescent laser wave 189—190
Electron-phonon coupling 656
Electronic coherence 91
Electronic states, ground, nuclear wavepacket, "hole burning" 195—198
Electronic states, pair, field-matter interactions 145—146
Electronic transition frequency correlation function, normalized 174—175
Eliason, M.A. 835(23) 847
Elimination, two-center 29—30
Ellert, Ch. 129(24) 132
Elliott, D.S. 57(22—24) 76 286(4 9 12) 292
Enantiomers, tunneling between 381
Energy difference operator 162
Energy relaxation 193—194
Energy shell 507
Energy spectrum, bounded systems 514—519
Energy spectrum, bounded systems, average level density 515—516
Energy spectrum, bounded systems, beyond Heisenberg time 520
Energy spectrum, bounded systems, periodic-orbit structures 516
Energy spectrum, bounded systems, scale below mean spacing 516—519
Energy spectrum, irregular, mechanisms 537—538
Energy spectrum, open systems 538—539
Energy, Gaussian distribution, initial wavepacket 522
Energy, levels, curvature statistics 519—520
Engel, V. 60—61(38) 64(42) 65(49) 67(49) 76—77 81(1) 81 196(6) 196 274(10) 275 327(1) 339(1) 341 373(6) 374 565(153) 566(159) 570(153) 573(159—160) 581 768(61) 785
Entropy barrier 517
Equilibrium points, quantization 556—557
Equilibrium points, quantization, isolated 496—498
Ernst, W.E. 72(52) 77 691(47) 698
Escape rate 514
Escape-time function 544
Etchepare, J. 173(47) 180
Evans, M. 173(48) 180
Even, U. 416(35) 419(45) 434(78 83 85) 437(83 85) 440—442 626(1 4 16 18—19) 628(4 18) 629(1) 634(1) 644(1) 645 652 668(14) 681—682(14) 697 702(3) 707 724(1) 724
Evolution operator 494
Ewing, G.E. 418(39) 440
Excitation pathways, phase control 274
Eyler, E.E. 634(49) 646
Eyring, H. 835(23) 847
Ezra, G.S. 497(21) 521(110) 526(110) 576 579 590
Fabre, C. 382(10) 385
Fabri — Perot etalon 361
Fan, H.-Y. 382(13 15) 385
Fang, J.-Y. 514(66) 578
Fano profile, OCS, VUV-PHOFEX spectrum 793—795 797
Fano, U. 686(40) 698 703(7) 708 793(12a 12b) 797
Fantucci, P. 103(4) 114—115(10) 117(10 16—17) 129—130(25) 131—132
Farantos, S.C. 484(13) 490
Fast Fourier transform propagation techniques 200
Faucher, O. 286(15) 292
Fayet, P. 122(20) 131
Fedoriuk, M.V. 861(15) 867
Feedback in molecular control design 316—318
Feedback, quantum dynamics control 315—325
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, effective Schroedinger equation 317—318
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, Heisenberg's equation of motion 320
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, inversion of molecular dynamics 320—321 323—324
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, laboratory control 318—320
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, nonlinear Schroedinger equation 318 320 322
Feedback, quantum dynamics control, tracking control 318
Feezel, L.L. 849(1) 849
Feit, M.D. 200(2) 201
Feldstein, M.J. 348(20) 371
Felker, P.M. 12(13) 39—41 43 412(12) 439
Femtochemistry 3—45 892 see
Femtochemistry, barrier reactions 22—25
Femtochemistry, complex organic reactions 26—30
Femtochemistry, electron transfer reactions 30—34
Femtochemistry, ground-state dynamics 25—27
Femtochemistry, key concepts 6
Femtochemistry, reaction dynamics 4—5
Femtochemistry, reactions studied 37—38
Femtochemistry, resonances in unimolecular reactions 20—22
Femtochemistry, tautomerization reactions of DNA models 34—37
Femtochemistry, two-center elimination 29—30
Femtosecond laser pulses, phase-modulated 59—63
Femtosecond NeNePo 658
Femtosecond transition-state spectroscopy 20
Femtospectrochemistry 873—887
Femtospectrochemistry, femtosecond multiphoton ionization of chromophores 877—880
Femtospectrochemistry, laser photoion microscopy 883—884
Femtospectrochemistry, laser resonance photoelectron spectromicroscopy 880—883
Femtospectrochemistry, principal idea 875—877
Fermi bifurcation, 527
Fermi resonance 591
Ferreira, L.F.A. 612(9) 623
Feshbach, H. 636(52) 642(52) 646
Feynman diagrams, 167—168
Feynman diagrams, double-sided 161—162
Feynman — Vernon — Hellwarth diagram 304—307
Field, J.E. 302(7) 312
Field, R.W. 412(10) 421(52) 439 441 465(1—5) 467(1 3) 476(2) 484(5) 485(12) 486(5) 487(5 18) 488(3—5 12) 488(3) 489(5) 490 493(3) 518(85) 529(122) 536(125) 575 578 580 707(34) 708 747(13 15) 783
Field-ion microscopy 884—885
Fielding, H.H. 670(28) 687(43—45) 688(43 45) 689(43) 697—698 707(35—36) 708
Filed-matter interactions, pair of electronic states 145—146
Fink, R. 767(59) 785
Fischer, I. 626(10) 629(10) 645 668(7) 682(7) 697 726(4) 726
Fischer, M. 279(3) 280
Fishman, S. 503(38) 504(40) 570(40) 577
Fitzcharles, M.S. 86(2) 87
Flannery, B.P. 332(30) 342
Fleck, Jr., J.A. 200(2) 201
Fleischhauer, M. 302(8) 312
Fleming, G.R. 57(21) 59(21) 76 94 96 142(3 4 7) 144(4) 145(3 4 7 11) 146(14 18 20) 147—148(22 24) 149(24) 150(22 24) 152(18 24 28) 153(29) 154(18 28—30) 155(28) 156(29) 157(18 158(18 34) 159(18) 160(24) 162—163(7) 164(37) 166(37) 168(37) 169(38—10) 171(39—40) 172(11 37 44) 173(3—4 7 37 174—175(37) 176(11) 177(22) 179—180 195 217(18) 241(18) 271 282 303(11) 312 346(4) 370 393(11) 394(25—26 31 34) 400(50) 401—403
Floethmann, H. 751(33) 752(33 38) 761(33) 763(33) 769(38) 784
Flores, J. 505(44) 577 772(67) 785
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 386
Fluegge, S. 332(31) 343
Fluorescence, anisotropy function 157—158
Fluorescence, four-point correlation function 365—368
Fluorescence, phase-space doorway-window wavepackets 368—369
Fluorescence, rate 801—802
Fluorescence, Stokes shift function 143—145 162—163
Fluorescence, Stokes shift function, correlation with line-broadening function 164
Fluorescence, time-dependent signal 803—804
Foltin, M. 626(26) 645
Fonseca, T. 393(16) 394(32) 402—403
Ford, J. 583(3) 585
Forst, W. 515(72) 539(72) 578 750(27) 784
Fotakis, C. 286(15) 292
Four-wave mixing, heterodyne-detected, wigner wavepackets extension to 358—359
Fourier transform, windowed 521—522 601
Fourier — Laplace transform, response function 163
Fourkas, J.T. 346(3) 362(3) 370
Fragmentation model 127
Fragmentation reaction 220—221
Fragmentation, deconvolution 127—128
Fragmentation, rate constants 821
Fragmentation, rates 128—129
Franck — Condon active normal modes, configuration space 469 589—590
Franck — Condon active vibrational modes 464—465
Franck — Condon bright state 464—465
Franck — Condon bright state, fractionation 470
Franck — Condon bright ZOBS 468—470
Franck — Condon bright ZOBS, survival probability 477
Franck — Condon mapping 767—768
Franck — Condon mapping, model 786—787
Franck — Condon principle 63
Franck — Condon region 325
Franck — Condon region, initial excitation in 457
Franck — Condon transition 227 230
Franck — Condon transition, squeezing and 382
Franck — Condon window 121 135—136
Frauenfelder, H. 405(1—2) 405—^06
Fredin, S. 647(1) 648 707(32) 708
Free radicals see also "Vinoxy radical"
Free radicals, reactive 730
Free-rotor expression 833
Freed, K.F. 411(7) 439
Freer, A.A. 158(33) 180
Fremacle, F. 813(1) 813
French, J.B. 505(44) 577 772(67) 785
Frenkel, A. 511(57) 528(57) 577
Frensley, W.R. 513(62) 578
Frequency-resolved optical gating technique 346
Freund, R.W. 858(9) 867
Fried, L.E. 394(37) 403 497(21) 576 590