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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
Предметный указатель |
Read ports 280
Read set 854
Read throughput 512
Read transaction 463
Read transaction, example of 464
read [Unix] read file 781—782
Read-only memories (ROMs) 462—463 524
Read/write head 468 468—469
READELF program 574
Reading a disk sector 472
Reading/writing files 781—783
Ready read descriptor 854
Ready set 854 854—856
read_requesthdrs [CS:APP] TINY helper function 838
Reaping 605
Reaping child processes 605 605—611
receiving signals 618 623 618—619 623—625
Recording zones 467
Recursive procedures 178—180
reentrancy 888 888—889
Reentrant function 888
Reference bit 718
Reference count 791
Reference function parameter 204
References to program data, locality of 478—480
Register file 9 280
Register identifier (ID) 260
Register operation 279
Register renaming 398
Register specifier byte, in Y86 instruction 261
Register spilling 191 420—421
Register usage conventions 173—174
Registers 8 94 279
Registers, clocked 279
Registers, hardware 279
Registers, IA32 floating point 211
Registers, IA32 integer 136
Registers, pipeline 310
Registers, program 258 279
Registers, renaming 398
registers, spilling 191 420
Registers, Y86 261
Regular file 724 790
Relative performance, expressing 393
Reliable connection 815
Relocatable object files 542 543 544—545
Relocation 543 557—561
Relocation of absolute references 560—561
Relocation of PC-relative references 559—560
Relocation of sections and symbol definitions 557
Relocation of symbol references within sections 558—561
Relocation, algorithm 559
Relocation, entry 558
Relocation, linkers 543
Relocation, steps in 557—558
Replacement policy 485
Replacing blocks 485
Request 802
Request headers 829
Request line 829
Resident set 700
Resolution of a function 681—682
Resolution timer 681
Resource 802
RESP [Y86] register identifier for %esp 299
Response 802
Response body 830
response headers 830
Response line 830
restart.c [CS:APP] nonlocal jump example 637
Restrictive placement policies 486
ret [IA32] procedure return 172
ret [Y86] procedure return 260 288 289 349—350
ret [Y86] procedure return, instruction processing 344—345
ret [Y86] procedure return, tracing execution of 290
Retiming, circuit 308
Retiring instructions 398
Return address 170
Return address prediction with a stack 323
Reverse engineering 124
Revolutions per minute (RPM) 465
REWIND 796—797
RFC (Request for Comments) 842
Right hoinkey 794
Rings 43 43—46
RIO package 783—789
RIO package, buffered input functions 783 783—788
RIO package, origin of 789
RIO package, unbuffered input/output functions 783—784
RIO [CS:APP] robust I/O package 783
rio_read [CS:APP] internal read function 787
rio_readinitb [CS:APP] init read buffer 784
rio_readinitb [CS:APP] initialize read package 786
rio_readlineb [CS:APP] robust buffered read 784 787—788
rio_readlineb [CS:APP] robust text line read 788
rio_readn [CS:APP] robust unbuffered read 783 785
rio_readnb [CS:APP] robust buffered read 784
rio_readnb [CS:APP] robust read 788
rio_t [CS:APP] read buffer 786
rio_writen [CS:APP] robust unbuffered write 783 785 789 797
RISC instruction set 263 263—264
RISC instruction set, RISC vs. CISC controversy 265
Ritchie, Dennis 2 3 14 798
rmmovl [Y86] register to memory move 259 786
rmmovl [Y86] register to memory move, tracing the execution of 286
RNONE [Y86] ID for indicating no register 299
Roberts, Lawrence 816
ROM (read-only memory) 462
root nodes 756
Rotational latency 469
Rotational rate 464 464—465
Round-down mode 90
Round-to-even 90
Round-to-even rounding 90—91
Round-to-nearest 90
Round-toward-zero 90
Round-up 90
Rounding 80 89 89—91
Rounding modes 90
routers 805
Row access strobe (RAS) 459
Row-major order 185 479
RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) 465
RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) pocket calculators 213
rrmovl [Y86] register to register move 259 282 285
run time 540 566
Running process 600
SA [CS.APP] shorthand for struct sockaddr 818
Safe trajectory 875
sall [IA32] shift left double word 145
sarl [IA32] shift arithmetic right double word 145
sbrk [C Stdlib] extend the heap 732
SBUF [CS:APP] shared buffer package 881
sbuf_init [CS:APP] initialize shared buffer 881
sbuf_insert [CS:APP] insert item in buffer 881
sbuf_remove [CS:APP] remove item from buffer 882 881—882
sbuf_t [CS:APP] shared buffer 880
Scalar data types 129
Scalar IP address 809
Scale factor, in memory reference 137
scanf [C Stdlib] formatted read 778 795
Scheduler 597
Scheduling 597
Scheduling of operations with resource constraints 405—407
Scheduling of operations with unlimited resources 404—405
Scheduling policy 406—407
Scud millse 82
SDRAM (synchronous DRAM) 462
Second-level domain names 812
Section header table 544
| sectors 465 471
Security holes, and compilation systems 6
Seek 468
Seek operation (file) 779
Seek time 469
Segment header table 563
Segment, code 564
Segment, data 564
Segment, time 658
Segmentation faults 593
Segregated fits 753 753—754
Segregated fits, buddy systems 754—755
Segregated free lists 752—755
Segregated free lists, segregated fits 753—54
Segregated free lists, simple segregated storage 752—753
Segregated storage 752
select [Unix] wait for I/O events 854
Self-loop 856
Self-modifying code 328
Semaphores, binary 877
Semaphores, defined 877
Semaphores, invariant 877
Semaphores, Posix 878—879
Semaphores, safe sharing with 878
Semaphores, synchronizing threads with 871—882
Semaphores, using to access shared variables 877
Semaphores, using to schedule shared resources 879—881
sem_init [Unix] initialize semaphore 879
sem_post [Unix] V operation 879
sem_wait [Unix] P operation 879
sending signals 617 617—623
Sending signals from the keyboard 620—621
Sending signals with the alarm function 621—623
Sending signals with the kill function 621
Sending signals with the kill program 620
Sending signals, process groups 619—620
Separate compilation 540
seq 280—308 910—913
SEQ and decode stage 291 300—302
SEQ and execute stage 291 302—303
SEQ and fetch stage 291 298—300
SEQ and memory stage 291 303—304
SEQ and PC update stage 304
SEQ and write-back stage 291 300—302
SEQ+ 305 914—917
SEQ+ hardware 305—307
SEQ+ hardware, abstract view 306
SEQ+ hardware, HCL description of the PC computation 308
SEQ+ hardware, modified sequential processor implementation 305
SEQ+ hardware, structure 307
SEQ+, HCL code 914
SEQ, hardware structure 291—295
SEQ, HCL code 910
SEQ, identifying computation steps in sequential implementation 294
SEQ, organizing processing into stages 281—291
SEQ, SEQ+ hardware 305—307
SEQ, stage implementations 297—305
SEQ, surveying 305
SEQ, timing 295—298
SEQ, tracing two cycles of execution by 297
Sequential circuits 279
server 79 802
serve_dynamic [CS:APP] TINY helper function 840
serve_static [CS:APP] TINY helper function 839
Service 802
Serving dynamic content 827
Serving static content 827
Set index bits 489
Set membership 278
Set membership test, in HCL 906
Set selection in direct-mapped caches 490—491
Set selection in full associative caches 500
Set selection in set associative caches 498
Set-associative caches 497 497—499
Set-associative caches, LFU replacement policy in 499
Set-associative caches, line matching in 498—499
Set-associative caches, line replacement on misses in 499
Set-associative caches, set selection in 498
Set-associative caches, word selection in 498—499
seta [IA32] set on unsigned greater 150
setae [IA32] set on unsigned greater or equal 150
setb [IA32] set on unsigned less 150
setbe [IA32] set on unsigned less or equal 150
sete [IA32] set on equal 150
setenv [Unix] create/change environment variable 613
setg [IA32] set on greater 150
setge [IA32] set on greater or equal 150
setjmp [C Stdlib] init nonlocal jump 635
setjmp.c [CS:APP] nonlocal jump example 636
setl [IA32] set on less 150
setle [IA32] set on less or equal 150
setna [IA32] set on unsigned not greater 150
setnae [IA32] set on unsigned not less or equal 150
setnb [IA32] set on unsigned not less 150
setnbe [IA32] set on unsigned not less or equal 150
setne [IA32] set on not equal 150
setng [IA32] set on not greater 150
setnge [IA32] set on not greater or equal 150
setnl [IA32] set on not less 150
setnle [IA32] set on not less or equal 150
setns [IA32] set on nonnegative 150
setnz [IA32] set on not zero 150
setpgid [Unix] set process group ID 679
sets [IA32] set on negative 150
setz [IA32] set on zero 150
SF [IA32] sign flag condition code 149
SF [Y86] sign flag condition code 258
sh [Unix] shell program 614
Shannon, Claude 42—43
Shared area 725
shared libraries 16 77 566
Shared libraries and Java Native Interface (JNI) 570
Shared libraries, defined 566
Shared libraries, dynamic linking with 566—568
Shared libraries, loading/linking from applications 568—570
Shared libraries, sharing methods 567
Shared object file 543
shared objects 566 725 725—727
SHARED variables 868 870 870—871
Shared variables in threaded programs 868—871
Shared variables, using semaphores to access 877
sharing.c [CS:APP] sharing in Pthreads programs 869
Shell 7 614
shellex.c [CS:APP] shell main routine 614
Shift operations 145—146
Shift operations in C 50—51
Shift, arithmetic 50
Shift, arithmetic, logical 50
shll [IA32] shift left double word 782 145
Short count 782
short [C] short integer 33 51 135
shrl [IA32] shift logical right double word 144
Side effect 381
sigaction [Unix] install portable handler 631
sigaddset [Unix] add signal to signal set 633
SIGCHLD signal 623 625—627 633 851
SIGCONT signal 623
sigdelset [Unix] delete signal from signal set 633
sigemptyset [Unix] clear a signal set 633
sigfillset [Unix] add every signal to signal set 633
SIGINT signal 624—625
sigint1.c [CS:APP] catches SIGINT signal 624
sigismember [Unix] test signal set membership 633
SIGKILL signal 623
siglongjmp [Unix] init nonlocal jump 635
Sign bit 52
Sign extension 67
Sign-magnitude representation 54
Signal handler 618 623 624
Signal handling issues 625—630
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