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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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I/O redirection 795 793—795
i386 microprocessor 126
i486 microprocessor 126
IA32 127 6 125 128
IA32 and alignment 198
IA32 and program stack 170
IA32 and spilling 191
IA32 cycle counters 663—665
IA32, central processing unit (CPU) 136
IA32, comparing to Y86 instruction encodings 263
IA32, extended precision floating point 93
IA32, floating-point unit 215
IA32, instructions 132
iaddl [Y86] immediate add 360
IBM Ultrastar 36LZX, geometry and performance 475
IBM Ultrastar 36LZX, zone map 475—476
ICALL [Y86] instruction code for call instruction 299
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 577 811—812
Identifier, register 260
idivl [IA32] signed divide 148 147
IEEE see "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)"
IEEE floating-point 80 83—85
IEEE floating-point, representation 83—85
IEEE floating-point, standard 80
if [C] conditional statement 157
IHALT [Y86] instruction code for halt instruction 299
IIRMOVL [Y86] instruction code for irmovl instruction 299
IJXX [Y86] instruction code for jump instructions 299
Immediate coalescing 741
Implicit free lists 737—739
Implicit free lists, defined 739
Implicit free lists, invariant form of 745
Implicit free lists, organizing the heap with 738
Implicit thread termination 864
Implicitly reentrant functions 888 888—889
Implied leading I representation 84
imull [IA32] signed multiply 148 147—148
in [HCL] set membership test 278 906
Inactive program 655
incl [IA32] increment double word 144
Include header file 554
index.html 826—828
Indirect jump 152
inet_aton [Unix] convert application to network 810
inet_nota [Unix] convert network to application 810
Infinite precision arithmetic 66
Information representation/manipulation 25—120
Information representation/manipulation, floating point 80—98
information storage 28—51
Information storage, addressing and byte ordering 34—40
Information storage, bit-level operations in C 46—49
Information storage, Boolean algebra 42—46
Information storage, code, representing 41—42
Information storage, data sizes 32—34
Information storage, hexadecimal notation 28—32
Information storage, logical operations in C 49—50
Information storage, rings 43—46
Information storage, shift operations in C 50—51
Information storage, strings, representing 40—41
Information storage, words 32
Initialized global C variables 544
Initializing threads 866
init_pool [CS:APP] init client pool 857 859
Inline assembly with gcc 224
INOP [Y86] instruction code for nop instruction 289
Input event 856
Input/output (I/O) devices 8
Installing a signal handler 624
Instant messaging 210
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 14 80
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Standard 754 80
Instruction caches 504 396
Instruction control unit (ICU) 396—398
Instruction control unit (ICU), Retirement Unit 398
Instruction execution 652
Instruction fetches, locality of 480—481
Instruction pipelining 425
Instruction squashing 346
Instruction-set architecture (ISA) 256 255—374
Instructions per cycle (IPC) 358
int [C] integer type 8 33 34 51 93 135
int [HCL] integer signal 274 906
Integer addition 66—67
integer arithmetic 65—80
Integer arithmetic operations 144
Integer arithmetic, Abelian group 678
Integer arithmetic, powers of two, dividing by 77—80
Integer arithmetic, powers of two, multiplying by 76—77
Integer arithmetic, two's-complement multiplication 75—76
Integer arithmetic, two's-complement negation 72—74
Integer arithmetic, unsigned addition 66—69
Integer arithmetic, unsigned multiplication 74—75
integer division 77—80
Integer register file 129
Integer registers 136
Integer representations 51—65
Integer representations, conversions between signed and unsigned 56—58
Integer representations, expanding the bit representation of a number 60—63
Integer representations, integral data types 51
Integer representations, signed vs. unsigned, advice on 63—64
Integer representations, signed vs. unsigned, in C 59—60
Integer representations, truncating numbers 63—64
Integer representations, unsigned and two's-complement encodings 51—56
Integral data type 51
Intel architecture 125—128
Intel architecture, 80286 microprocessor 126
Intel architecture, 8080 microprocessor 126
Intel architecture, i386 microprocessor 126
Intel architecture, i486 microprocessor 126
Intel architecture, Pentium 126—127
Intel architecture, Pentium 4 126—127
Intel architecture, Pentium II 126
Intel architecture, Pentium III 126
Intel architecture, Pentium/MMX 126
Intel architecture, PentiumPro 126—127
internal fragmentation 736
Internet 805
Internet addresses 806
Internet connections 808 815—816
Internet connections, full-duplex 815
Internet connections, point-to-point 815
Internet connections, socket address 815
Internet connections, sockets 815
Internet connections, structures 817—818
Internet domain names 808 811—815
Internet domain names, first-level 811
Internet domain names, second-level 812
Internet domain names, subdomains 811
Internet Domain Survey 814
Internet hosts, number of 814
Internet protocol (IP) 808
Internet Software Consortium 814
Internet, destination host 806
Internet, origin of 816
Internet, protocol software 806—807
Internet, source host 806
Interpretation 26
Interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism 849 853
Interrupt 590 654
interrupt handlers 590
Interval counting 439
Interval counting accuracy, measuring 662
Interval counting, operation 658—659
Interval counting, process timers, accuracy of 660—663
Interval counting, process timers, reading 659—660
Interval time 654
in_addr 809
IOPL [Y86] instruction code for integer operation instructions 299
IP (Internet Protocol) 808
IP address structure 809
| IP addresses 808 809—811
IPC (instructions per cycle) 358 853
IPOPL [Y86] instruction code for popl instruction 299
IPUSHL [Y86] instruction code for pushl instruction 299
IRET [Y86] instruction code for ret instruction 299
IRMMOVL [Y86] instruction code for rmmovl instruction 299
irmovl [Y86] immediate to register move 259 282
IRRMOVL [Y86] instruction code for rrmovl instruction 299
ISA (instruction set architecture) 256
isPtr function 758—759
Issue instruction 322
Issue time 399
Iteration splitting 419
Iterative servers 824 824—825
ja [IA32] jump if unsigned greater 153
jae [IA32] jump if unsigned greater or equal 153
Java language xx 27 546 549 587—588 638
Java monitor 882
Java Native Interface (JNI), and shared libraries 570
Java threads 882 895
jb [IA32] jump if unsigned less 153
jbe [IA32] jump if unsigned less or equal 153
je [IA32] jump when equal 153
je [Y86] jump when equal 260
jg [IA32] jump if greater 153
jg [Y86] jump when greater 260
jge [IA32] jump if greater or equal 153
jge [Y86] jump when greater or equal 260
jl [IA32] jump if less 153
jl [Y86] jump when less 260
jle [IA32] jump if less or equal 153
jle [Y86] jump when less or equal 260
jmp [IA32] jump unconditionally 152—153
jmp [Y86] jump unconditionally 260
jna [IA32] jump if not unsigned greater 153
jnae [IA32] jump if unsigned greater or equal 153
jnb [IA32] jump if not unsigned less 153
jnbe [IA32] jump if not unsigned less or equal 153
jne [IA32] jump if not equal 153
jne [Y86] jump when not equal 260
jng [IA32] jump if not greater 153
jnge [IA32] jump if not greater or equal 153
jnl [IA32] jump if not less 153
jnle [IA32] jump if not less or equal 153
jns [IA32] jump if nonnegative 153
jnz [IA32] jump if not zero 153
Job 620
Joinable thread 865
js 153
Jump 153
Jump instructions/encodings 152—156
Jump table 166—169 588
Jump targets 152
jump, direct 152
jump, indirect 152
Jump, nonlocal 635
jump, table 166
jump, target 152
jz [IA32] jump if zero 153
K&R (C book) 3
K-best measurement scheme 671 671—680
K-best measurement scheme, evaluation on other machines 676—679
K-best measurement scheme, experimental evaluation 671—673
K-best measurement scheme, implementation of 684—685
K-best measurement scheme, observations 679—680
K-best measurement scheme, setting the value of K 673—676
K-best measurement scheme, timer interrupt handling, compensating for 676
Kahan, William 80
Kahn, Robert 816
Kernel 17 588 16 564 779
kernel mode 589 591 596 596—597 655
Kernel virtual memory 17
Kernighan, Brian 2 14 798
Keyboard 8 18
kill [Unix] send signal 621
kill.c [CS.APP] kill example 621
Knuth, Donald 740—741
ksh [Unix] Unix shell program 614
L0 cache 12
L1 cache 72 487
L2 cache 72 487
L3 cache 487
Label, for jump instructions 152
LANs (local area networks) 803—805
LANs (Local Area Networks), bridged Ethernets 804—805
LANs (local area networks), Ethernet 804
LANs (Local Area Networks), Ethernet segments 804
LANs (Local Area Networks), frames 804
LANs (Local Area Networks), internet 805
LANs (Local Area Networks), internet, destination host 806
LANs (Local Area Networks), internet, protocol software 806—807
LANs (Local Area Networks), internet, source host 806
LANs (Local Area Networks), routers 805
Last-in-first-out (LIFO) order 752
latency 310 309—310 682
Latency, instruction 399
Latency, timer 682
Lazy binding 573
LD Unix static linker 542
LD-LINUX.SO Linux dynamic linker 568
ldd program 575
leal [IA32] load effective address 743 149 175 182
Least squares fit 382
Least squares fit, defined 384
Least-frequently-used (LFU) policy 499
Least-recently-used (LRU) policy 499
leave [IA32] prepare stack for return 172
leave [Y86] prepare stack for return 361
Left hoinkey 794
libc library 795
Library functions 652
Library, shared 566
library, static 553
libvector.a 554
LIFO 752
Line matching in direct-mapped caches 491
Line matching in full associative caches 500—501
Line matching in set associative caches 498—499
Line replacement on misses in direct-mapped caches 492
Line replacement on misses in set associative caches 499
Linear address spaces 694
Link-time errors, and compilation system 6
Linker phase 4—5
Linkers 4 5 540
Linkers and resolution of multiply defined global symbols 549—552
Linkers, dynamic 566
Linkers, static 542
Linkers, use of static libraries to resolve references 556—557
Linking 539—583
Linking with static libraries 553—555
Linking, compiler drivers 541—542
Linking, defined 540
Linking, dynamic 566
Linking, dynamic, with shared libraries 566—568
Linking, executable object files 561—564
Linking, executable object files, loading 564—566
Linking, object file manipulation tools 574—575
Linking, object file manipulation tools, AR 574
Linking, object file manipulation tools, LDD 575
Linking, object file manipulation tools, NM 574
Linking, object file manipulation tools, OBJDUMP 574
Linking, object file manipulation tools, readelf 574
Linking, object file manipulation tools, size 574
Linking, object file manipulation tools, strings 574
Linking, object files 543—544
Linking, position-independent code PIC) 570—574
Linking, position-independent code PIC), data references 572
Linking, position-independent code PIC), function calls 572—574
Linking, relocatable object files 544—545
Linking, relocation 557—561
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