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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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Signal names, in HCL 906
signal [C Stdlib] install signal handler 623
Signal [CS:APP] portable version of signal 631
signal1.c [CS:APP] flawed signal handler 627
signal2.c [CS:APP] flawed signal handler 628
signal3.c [CS:APP] flawed signal handler 630
signal4.c [CS:APP] portable signal handling example 632
Signals 617—635
Signals, actions 623
signals, blocked 619
signals, catching 618 624 621
Signals, default action 623
Signals, delivering 677
Signals, explicitly blocking signals 633—638
Signals, handler 618 623 624
Signals, handling 624
Signals, installing 624
Signals, Linux signals 618
Signals, pending 679
Signals, portable signal handling 631—633
Signals, receiving 618 623 618—619 623—625
signals, sending 677 617—623
Signals, sending, from the keyboard 620—621
Signals, sending, process groups 619—620
Signals, sending, with the alarm function 621—623
Signals, sending, with the kill function 621
Signals, sending, with the kill program 620
Signals, signal handler 618
Signals, signal handling issues 625—630
Signals, terminology 617—619
Signed numbers, alternative representations of 54
Significand 83
SIGPIPE signal 841
sigprocmask [Unix] block and unblock signals 633
sigsetjmp [Unix] init nonlocal handler jump 63
SIGSTOP signal 623
SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module) 460
Simple segregated storage 753
Single Inline Memory Module (SIMM) 460
Single precision 33 83
Single-bit multiplexor circuit 273
Single-precision values 135
Six-bit floating-point format, representable values for 85
Size classes 752
size program 574
sizeof [C] take size of object 38
size_t [Unix] unsigned size type 782
sleep [Unix] suspend process 610
Slow system call 625
Smith, Richard 211
snooze [CS:APP] sleep example 610—611
sockaddr [Unix] generic socket address structure 817
sockaddr_in [Unix] internet-style socket address structure 817
Socket 815 790 796
Socket address 815
Socket address, structures 817—818
Socket descriptors 818 796
Socket pair 815
socket [Unix] create a socket descriptor 818
Sockets interface 816 808 816—826
Sockets interface, accept function 821—823
Sockets interface, bind function 819—820
Sockets interface, connect function 818—819
Sockets interface, example echo client and server 823—826
Sockets interface, listen function 820—821
Sockets interface, open_clientfd function 819
Sockets interface, open_listenfd function 821
Sockets interface, origins of 816
Sockets interface, socket function 818
Software exceptions (C++ and Java) 587—588 638
Solaris 14
source file 2
Source host 806
Source program 2
Soviet Union 816
Spatial locality 478 508
Spatial locality, exploiting 487
Spatial locality, rearranging loops to increase 517—520
Special arithmetic operations 147—148
Special control cases 344—346
Special control conditions, detecting 346—347
speculative execution 397 426
Spilling 797 420
Spilling and IA32 191
Spilling, register 191 420—421
Spindle 464
Splitting 737 740
Splitting, iteration 419
sprintf [C Stdlib] formatted in-memory print 37 797
Sputnik 816
Squash, mispredicted branch handling 346
SRAM (static RAM) 72 457
SRAM (static RAM), DRAM vs. 458
SRAM (static RAM), technology trends vs. DRAM, disk, and CPU 477
SRAM cache 696 487
SRAM cell 457
srand [CS:APP] pseudo-random number generator seed 886
ssize_t [Unix] compared to size_t 782 779
STACK 17 16
Stack frame structure 170—171
Stack operation, illustration of 140
Stack pointer 170
Stack-based interpreters 212
Stall, pipeline 328
Stalling, avoiding data hazards by 328—330
Stalling, handling load/use hazards by 336
Stallman, Richard 5 14
Standard C library 3 5
Standard data types, sizes of 135
Standard error 779
Standard I/O Library 795 795—797
Standard input 779
Standard output 779
startup code 564
start_counter [CS:APP] timing function 665 668
start_timer [CS:APP] timing function 681
stat [Unix] fetch file metadata 789
stat [Unix] structure 789
State 588 856
State machine 856
State transition 874
State, programmer-visible 258
static content 827
Static content, serving 827
static libraries 553 553—555
Static libraries and resolution of references 556—557
Static libraries, archive 554
Static linker 542
static linking 542 542—543
static RAM (SRAM) 457—558
Static random access memory (SRAM) 12 457
Static variable, local 870
static [C] variable and function attribute 546 870
Status code 830
status message 830
Status word, floating-point 221
STDERR_FILENO [Unix] constant for standard error descriptor 779
stdin [C] standard input file 735 795
STDIN_FILENO [Unix] constant for standard input descriptor 779
STDLIB see "C standard library 3"
stdout [C] standard output file 795
STDOUT_FILENO [Unix] constant for standard output descriptor 779
Stevens, W. Richard 842 925
Stopped process 601
Storage devices, memory hierarchy 12—13
Storage technologies 457—477
Storage technologies, disk storage 464—476
Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM) 457—464
Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM), conventional DRAMs 458—459
| Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM), dynamic RAM (DRAM) 458—459
Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM), enhanced DRAMs 461—462
Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM), nonvolatile memory 462—463
Storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM), static RAM (SRAM) 457—458
Storage technologies, trends in 476—477
Store buffer 433
storeaddr instruction 434—435
storedata operation 436
storep operation 213
Stream 795
stream buffer 795
Streaming Media 522
Streaming media workloads, and caches 522—523
strerr [Unix] print error message 841
Stride-k reference pattern 479
Stride-l reference pattern 479
strings program 574
Strings, representing 40—41
strlen [C Stdlib] string length 41
Strong symbol 549
struct [C] structure data type 192—193
structures 191—194
st_size 790
subdomains 811
subl [IA32] subtract double word 144
subl [Y86] subtract 282
subl [Y86] subtract, tracing the execution of 284—285
sumarraycols [CS:APP] column-major sum 508 479
sumarrayrows [CS:APP] row-major sum 508 479
sumvec [CS:APP] vector sum 507
Superscalar processing 358
Superscalar processor 396
Supervisor mode 596
surface 464 471
Surface, disk 464 471
Suspended process 601
Swap area 724
swap file 724
swap space 724
Swap space (area) 724
Swapped-in pages 699
Swapped-out pages 699
Swapping 699
Sweep function 757—758
Sweep phase 757
Swift, Jonathan 35
switch [C] multi-way branch statement 6 166—170
Symbol resolution 543
Symbol resolution, linkers 543
Symbol resolution, linkers, and resolution of multiply defined global symbols 549—552
Symbol table 544 545—548
symbols 545—546
Symbols, address translation 705
Symbols, global 545
Symbols, local 546
Symbols, reference resolution 548—557
Symbols, strong 549
Symbols, weak 549
synchronization errors 871
Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) 462
Synchronous exception 591
System bus 463
system calls 15 591 593
System calls and error handling 599
System calls, slow 625
System V semaphores 853
System V shared memory 853
System V Unix 14
System-level functions 599
System-level I/O 777—800
System-level I/O, file metadata, reading 789—790
System-level I/O, file sharing 791—793
System-level I/O, I/O redirection 793—795
System-level I/O, opening/closing files 779—781
System-level I/O, reading/writing files 781—783
System-level I/O, RIO package 783—789
System-level I/O, RIO package, origin of 789
System-level I/O, standard I/O 795—797
System-level I/O, Unix I/O 778—779
Table, jump 166
Tag bits 489
Target, jump 152
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 808
TCP/IP protocol 808
Telnet 828 19—20
Temporal locality 478
Temporal locality, exploiting 486
Temporal locality, using blocking to increase 520—523
Terminated processes 601 605—606
Terminated threads 864—865
Terminated threads, reaping 865
testb [IA32] test bytes 150
testl [IA32] test double word 150
testw [IA32] test word 150
Text files 3
Text line 784
then-statement 166—170
Thompson, Ken 14
thrashing 495 495—496 700
thread context 861 869 861—862
Thread ID (TID) 861 861—862
thread safety 885 885—888
Thread termination, explicit 864
Thread termination, implicit 864
Threaded programs, shared variables in 868—871
threads 16 849 861 861—862
Threads memory model 869—870
Threads, concurrent programming with 849
Threads, concurrent server based on 866—868
threads, creating 864
Threads, detaching 865—866
Threads, event-driven programs based on 883—885
Threads, initializing 866
Threads, main 862
Threads, peer 862
Threads, Posix 863—884
Threads, reaping of 865
Threads, synchronizing with semaphores 871—882
Threads, terminated 864—865
Threads, terminated, reaping 865
Threads, thread execution model 862
Three-bit unsigned multiplication 75—76
Throughput 309 735
TID (thread ID) 861
Time segment 658
Time slice 595
TIME Unix time command 659
Time, interval 654
Time-of-day measurements 680—683
Timer interrupt handling, compensating for 676—678
Timer interrupts 654—655
Timer, latency 682
Timer, resolution 681
Timer, time segment 658
Timer, time slice 595
times [Unix] timing function 660
TINY [CS.APB] Web server 834 834—841
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, clienterror function 837
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, doit function 834—836
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, main routine 834
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, parse_uri function 837—839
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, read_requesthdrs function 837—838
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, serve_dynamic function 840—841
TINY [CS.APB] Web server, serve_static function 839—840
TLB index (TLBI) 708
TLB tag (TLBT) 708 713
TMax (maximum two's complement number) 52
TMin (minimum two's complement number) 52
Torvalds, Linus 18
Touch (a page) 724
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