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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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File position 779
file sharing 791—793
File table 597 791
Files 18 778 13—14
Files, anonymous 724
Files, register 260
Files, regular 724
Firmware 463
First fit 739 739—740
First-level domain names 811
fistl [IA32] FP convert and store integer 216
fistpl [IA32] FP convert and store integer with pop 216
fisubl [IA32] FP load and convert integer and subtract 218
Fixed size arrays 186—188
Flags 65
Flash memory 463
Flat addressing 128
fld [IA32] FP load from register 216
fldl [IA32] FP load double precision 216
fldl [IA32] FP load one 218
fldt [IA32] FP load extended precision 216
fldz [IA32] FP load zero 218
float [C] single-precision 92 8 33 39 92—93 135
Floating point 80—98
Floating point, denormalized value 84
Floating point, double precision 84
Floating point, example numbers 85—89
Floating point, extended precision 93 104
Floating point, floating point in C 92—98
Floating point, floating-point operations 91—92
Floating point, fractional binary numbers 81—83
Floating point, IEEE floating-point 80
Floating point, IEEE floating-point, representation 83—85
Floating point, normalized value 84
Floating point, number representation 80
Floating point, registers in IA32 211
Floating point, rounding 89 80 89—91
Floating point, single precision 83
Floating point, status word 221
Floating-point arithmetic 26 27
Floating-point arithmetic instructions 217—220
Floating-point code 211—223
Floating-point code, floating-point arithmetic instructions 217—220
Floating-point code, floating-point data movement and conversion operations 215—217
Floating-point code, floating-point registers 211—212
Floating-point code, stack evaluation of expressions 212—215
Floating-point code, testing/comparing floating-point values 221—223
Floating-point code, using floating point in procedures 220—221
Floating-point comparison instructions 221—223
Floating-point data movement and conversion operations 215—217
Floating-point load instructions 216
Floating-point numbers, forms of 135
Floating-point register file 129
floating-point registers 211—212
Floating-point status word 221—222
Floating-point store instructions 216
Floating-Point Unit (FPU) 211
flow of control 586
Flushing instructions 398
fmul [IA32] FP multiply 218
fnstw [IA32] copy FP status word 222
Footer 742
fopen [C Stdlib] open file 795
for [C] general loop statement 164—166
Forbidden region 877
Foreground process 616
fork [Unix] create child process 601
fork [Unix] create child process, using to run programs 614—617
fork.c [CS:APP] fork example 602
format string 37—38
Formatted disk capacity 471
Formatted printed 37
Forwarding, avoiding data hazards by 330—335
Forwarding, data 330
Forwarding, load 364
Forwarding, priority of different signal sources 341
FPM DRAM (Fast Page Mode DRAM) 461
fprintf [C Stdlib] formatted output 37
Fractional binary representation 81 83
Fragmentation 736 736—737
Fragmentation, external 736 736—737
Fragmentation, false 741
Fragmentation, internal 736
Frame pointer 170
frames 804
Frames, stack 170
fread [C Stdlib] formatted input 795
Free blocks, coalescing 741
Free blocks, splitting 740
Free heap blocks, referencing data in 763
Free list, implicit 739
Free software, notion of 5
Free virtual memory 730
free [C Stdlib] free heap storage 16 731—734 746 755 763
fscale [IA32] FP scale by power of two 238
fseek [Unix] change file position 796—797
fsin [IA32] FP sine 218
fsqrt [IA32] FP square root 218
fst [IA32] FP store to register 216
fstat [Unix] fetch file metadata 789
fstl [IA32] FP store double precision 216
fstp [IA32] FP store to register with pop 216
fstpl [IA32] FP store double precision with pop 216
fstps [IA32] FP store single precision with pop 216
fstpt [IA32] FP store extended precision with pop 216
fsts [IA32] FP store single precision 216
fstt [IA32] FP store extended precision 216
fsub [IA32] FP subtract 218
fsubl [IA32] FP load double precision and subtract 218
fsubp [IA32] FP subtract with pop 218
fsubr [IA32] FP reverse subtract 218
fsubs [IA32] FP load single precision and subtract 218
fsubt [IA32] FP load extended precision and subtract 218
fucom [IA32] FP unordered compare 222
fucoml [IA32] FP unordered compare double precision 222
fucomp [IA32] FP unordered compare with pop 222
fucompl [IA32] FP unordered compare double precision with pop 222
fucompp [IA32] FP unordered compare with two pops 222
fucomps [IA32] FP unordered compare single precision with pop 222
fucoms [IA32] FP unordered compare single precision 222
full-duplex connections 815
Fully associative caches 499 499—503
Fully associative caches, line matching in 500—501
Fully associative caches, set selection in 500
Fully associative caches, word selection in 500—501
function calls 381
Function calls, position-independent code (PIC) 572—574
function pointers 203
functional units 397—398
Functional units, Floating-Point Add unit 397
Functional units, Floating-Point, Multiplication/Division unit 398
Functional units, General Integer unit 397
Functional units, Integer/Branch unit 397
Functional units, Load unit 398
Functional units, performance 399—400
Functional units, Store unit 398
Functions in Y86 instruction specifier 260
Functions, explicitly reentrant 888
Functions, implicitly reentrant 888
Functions, pointer to 203
Functions, reentrant 888
Functions, thread-safe 885
Functions, thread-unsafe 886
fwrite [C Stdlib] write file 795
fxch [IA32] FP exchange registers 217
Gaps (between disk sectors) 465
Garbage 755
Garbage collection 189 731 755 755—759
Garbage collection, defined 755
Garbage collectors 731 755 756—757 765
| Garbage collectors, basics 756—757
Garbage collectors, conservative 756
Garbage collectors, conservative Mark&Sweep garbage collecting for C programs 758—759
Garbage collectors, Mark&Sweep garbage collectors 757—758
Gas 130 135
GCC compiler 5 128
GCC compiler, -c option 131
GCC compiler, -S option 130 134
gdb debugger 204 131 204—205
GDB debugger, example commands 205
general protection fault 593
Generic organization, cache memories 488—490
getc [C Stdlib] read character 795
getenv [C Stdlib] read environment variable 612
gethostbyaddr [Unix] get DNS host entry 812
gethostbyname [Unix] get DNS host entry 812
gethostbyname_ts, [CS:APP] thread-safe non-reentrant wrapper for gethostbyname 887
getpgrp [Unix] get process group ID 619
getpid [Unix] get process ID 600
getppid [Unix] get parent process ID 600
gets [C Stdlib] read string 760—761
gettimeofday [Unix] time-of-day library function 680
get_counter [CS:APP] read cycle counter 665 668
get_timer [CS:APP] read Unix timer 681
gigabytes (GB) 468
Gigahertz (GHz) 382
Global IP Internet 807—816
Global IP Internet, datagrams 808
Global IP Internet, defined 807
Global IP Internet, Internet connections 808 815—816
Global IP Internet, Internet domain names 808 811—815
Global IP Internet, IP addresses 808 809—811
Global IP Internet, sockets interface 808 816—826
Global IP Internet, TCP/IP protocol 808
Global IP Internet, tiny Web server 834—841
Global IP Internet, UDP (Unreliable Datagram Protocol) 808
Global IP Internet, Web servers 826—834
Global offset table (GOT) 572
Global symbols 545
Global variables 870
GNU binutils package 574
GNU project 5
GNU Web page 21
GOPS (giga-operations per second) 310
GOT (Global Offset Table) 572
goto code 157
goto [C] control transfer statement 156
GPROF Unix profiler 438
Gradual underflow 84
Granularity 861
Graphics card (adapter) 472
halt [Y86] halt instruction execution 260 281 298 329
Handler 588
Handling a signal 624
Hardware cache 487
Hardware control language (HCL) 271 271—280
Hardware control language (HCL), HCL Boolean expressions 272—274
Hardware control language (HCL), HCL integer expressions 274—278
Hardware description language (HDL) 271
Hardware drawing conventions 293—294
Hardware organization 7—9
Hardware organization, buses 7—8
Hardware organization, input/output (I/O) devices 8
Hardware organization, main memory 8
Hardware organization, processor 8—9
Hardware registers 279
Hardware units 291
Hardware vs. software exceptions 588
hazards 324
Hazards in pipelined processor 324
HCL (hardware control language) 277 271—280
HCL descriptions, constant values used in 299
HCL Reference Manual 905—910
HCL Reference Manual, expressions and blocks 906—908
HCL Reference Manual, HCL example 908—910
HCL Reference Manual, quoted text 906
HCL Reference Manual, signal declarations 906
HCL2C 905
Head crash 469
Header, blocks 738 804
Heap 76 730 16—17 564 735
Heap nodes 756
Heap, allocated block 730
Heap, allocation with malloc or calloc 189
Heap, block 730
Heap, free block 730
Heap, heap storage, allocation with new 189
Heap, heap storage, freeing by garbage collection 189
Heap, heap storage, freeing with free function 189
Heap, organizing with implicit free lists 738
hello [CS:APP] hello source program 2—3 7 15 19
hello [CS:APP] hello source program, running 9—11
hello.c [CS:APP] hello intermediate file 3 6—7
hello.i text file 5
hello.o [CS:APP] hello object file 5
Hennessy, John 264 358
Heterogeneous data structures 191—198
Heterogeneous data structures, structures 191—194
Heterogeneous data structures, unions 194—198
Hexadecimal notation 28—32
Hexadecimal, converting between decimal and 28 31—32
Hit rate 505
Hit time 505
Hoinky 794
Holding a mutex 878
Host 803
Host entry structures 812
hostent [Unix] DNS host entry structure 812
HOSTINFO [CS:APP] get DNS host entry 813
HOSTNAME, [Unix] get host information 809
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 826
htonl [Unix] convert host-to-network long 809
htons [Unix] convert host-to-network short 809
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 826
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), DELETE method 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), GET method 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), HEAD method 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), OPTIONS method 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), POST method 829 831—832
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), PUT method 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), request 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), request header 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), request line 829
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), response 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), response body 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), response header 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), response line 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), status code 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), status message 830
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), TRACE method 829
HTTP POST requests, passing arguments in 831—834
HTTP requests 829—830
HTTP responses 830—831
HTTP status codes 831
HTTP transactions 828—831
Hub 804
Hyperlinks 826
h_errno [Unix] DNS error variable 926
i-cache 504
I/O bridge 463 463—464
I/O bus 471 471—472
I/O device 8
I/O multiplexing 849 853
I/O multiplexing, concurrent event-driven server based on 856—860
I/O multiplexing, concurrent event-driven server based on, add_client function 857 859
I/O multiplexing, concurrent event-driven server based on, check_clients function 857 860
I/O multiplexing, concurrent event-driven server based on, init_pool function 857 859
I/O multiplexing, concurrent programming with 849
I/O multiplexing, concurrent programs 853—861
I/O port 472
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