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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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Disk access, commercial disk, anatomy of 475
Disk access, direct memory access (DMA) 474
Disk access, disk controller 477 472—473
Disk access, disk sector, reading 473—474
Disk access, graphics card (adapter) 472
Disk access, I/O port 472
Disk access, memory-mapped I/O 472
Disk access, Universal Serial Bus (USB) 472
disk capacity 466—468
Disk capacity, formatted 471
Disk capacity, real density ( ) 467
Disk capacity, recording density (bits/in) 466
Disk capacity, track density (tracks/in) 467
Disk controller 477 472—473
disk drive 8 465
Disk geometry 464 464—466
Disk operation 468—471
Disk operation, rotational latency 469
Disk operation, seek time 469
Disk operation, transfer time 469—470
Disk sector, reading 473—474
Disk storage 464—476
Disk storage, cylinders 466
Disk storage, disk drive 465
Disk storage, disk geometry 464—466
Disk storage, gaps 465
Disk storage, platters 464—465
Disk storage, revolutions per minute (RPM) 465
Disk storage, rotational rate 464—465
Disk storage, sectors 465 471
Disk storage, spindle 464
Disk storage, surface 464 471
Disk storage, tracks 465
Disk, technology trends vs. memory and CPU 411
disks 18 524
Display 8 18
Divide error 593
divl [IA32] unsigned divide 147 148
DIXtrac (disk characterization tool) 475
dlclose [Unix] close shared library 569
dlerror [Unix] report shared library error 569
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) 566
dlopen [Unix] open shared library 569
dlsym [Unix] resolve symbol 569
DMA (Direct Memory Access) 474
DMA transfer 474
DNS (Domain Naming System) 812
DNS-style error handling 926
DNS-style error-handling wrappers 928—929
dns_error [CS:APP] reports DNS-style errors 927
do [C] variant of while loop 6 158
do-while [C] variant of while loop 158—160
doit [CS:APP] tiny helper function 836
Domain names 808 811—815
Domain names, first-level 811
Domain names, second-level 813
Domain naming system (DNS) 812
dotprod, [CS:APP] vector dot product 494
Dotted-decimal notation 809 812
Double data-rate synchronous DRAM (DDR SDRAM) 462
double [C] double-precision floating point type 8 33 92—93 135
Double-precision values 33 84 135
Double-words 135 731 735
DRAM (dynamic RAM) 8 458—462
DRAM (dynamic RAM), historic popularity of 464
DRAM (dynamic RAM), SRAM vs. 458
DRAM array 458
DRAM cache organization 696
DRAM cell 458
Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) 459—460
dup2 [Unix] copy file descriptor 794
dynamic content 568 827
Dynamic content, serving 831—834
dynamic link library (DLL) 566
dynamic linker 566
Dynamic linking and building of high-performance Web server 568
Dynamic linking and software distribution 568
Dynamic linking with shared libraries 566—568
Dynamic linking, defined 566
Dynamic memory allocation 730—755
Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation 189
Dynamic memory allocation, allocated blocks, placing 739—740
Dynamic memory allocation, coalescing, free blocks 741
Dynamic memory allocation, coalescing, with boundary tags 741—744
Dynamic memory allocation, dynamic memory allocator 730
Dynamic memory allocation, dynamic memory allocator, requirements/goals 735—736
Dynamic memory allocation, explicit free lists 751—752
Dynamic memory allocation, fragmentation 736—737
Dynamic memory allocation, free [C Stdlib] free heap storage 16 731—734 746 755 763
Dynamic memory allocation, getting additional heap memory 740
Dynamic memory allocation, implementation issues 737
Dynamic memory allocation, implementing a simple allocator 744—751
Dynamic memory allocation, implicit free lists 737—739
Dynamic memory allocation, malloc [C Stdlib] allocate heap storage 731—734
Dynamic memory allocation, malloc [C Stdlib] heap storage allocation function 189
Dynamic memory allocation, placing allocated blocks 739—740
Dynamic memory allocation, purpose of 733—734
Dynamic memory allocation, segregated free lists 752—755
Dynamic memory allocation, segregated free lists, segregated fits 753—754
Dynamic memory allocation, segregated free lists, simple segregated storage 752—753
Dynamic memory allocation, simple allocator implementation, allocating blocks 750—751
Dynamic memory allocation, simple allocator implementation, basic constants/macros for manipulating the free list 746—747
Dynamic memory allocation, simple allocator implementation, creating the initial free list 747—748
Dynamic memory allocation, simple allocator implementation, freeing/coalescing blocks 748—750
Dynamic memory allocation, simple allocator implementation, general allocator design 744—746
Dynamic memory allocation, splitting free blocks 740
Dynamic memory allocator 730
Dynamic memory allocator, explicit 730
Dynamic memory allocator, implicit 731
Dynamic memory allocator, memory utilization of 735
Dynamic memory allocator, throughput of 735
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) 458—459 524
Dynamic RAM (DRAM), conventional DRAMs 458—459
Dynamic RAM (DRAM), enhanced DRAMs 461—462
Dynamic RAM (DRAM), historical popularity of DRAM techniques 462
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) 8
Dynamically allocated arrays 188—191
Dynamo 576
Dyninst 576
ECF see "Exceptional control flow (ECF)"
echo [CS:APP] read and echo input lines 826
echoclient.c [CS:APP] echo client 824
echoserveri.c [CS:APP] iterative echo server 825
echoservert.c [CS:APP] concurrent echo server based on threads 867
echoservert_pre.c [CS:APP] a prethreaded concurrent echo server 884
echo_cnt [CS:APP] counting version of echo 885 883—885
EDO DRAM (Extended Data Out DRAM) 462
Eel 576
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM) 463
Effective address 137 558
Eight-bit floating-point format, example nonnegative values for 86
Electrically erasable PROM (EEPROM) 463
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) 543
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), BSD and 543
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), header table 544
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), Linux and 543
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), relocation entry (.g.) 558
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), relocation type, R_386_32 (absolute addressing) 558
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), relocation type, R_386_PC32 (PC-relative addressing) 558
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), relocation type, segment header table 563
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), Solaris and 543
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), symbol table entry 547
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format), System V, Unix and 543
ELF header 544
embedded processors 265
Encapsulation 807
end-of-file (EOF) 779 825
End-to-end address translation 711—715
| Endian, origin of 35
Enhanced DRAMs 461—462
Enhanced DRAMs, double data-rate synchronous DRAM (DDR SDRAM) 462
Enhanced DRAMs, extended data out DRAM (EDO DRAM) 462
Enhanced DRAMs, fast page mode DRAM (FPM DRAM) 461—462
Enhanced DRAMs, Rambus DRAM (RDRAM) 462
Enhanced DRAMs, synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) 462
Enhanced DRAMs, video RAM (VRAM) 462
entry point 563 563—564
Environment variables 611—613
Environment variables, setting in Solaris systems 613
eof 779 825
Ephemeral port 815
Epilogue block 746
EPIPE error return code 841
Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) 463
errno [Unix] Unix error variable 926
Error handling 925—948
Error handling in Unix systems 926—928
Error handling in Unix systems, DNS-style error handling 926
Error handling in Unix systems, error-reporting functions 927—928
Error handling in Unix systems, Posix-style error handling 926
Error handling in Unix systems, Unix-style error handling 926
Error handling, error-handling wrappers 925
Error-correcting codes 44
Error-handling wrappers 599 925
Error-handling wrappers, DNS-style 928—929
Error-handling wrappers, Posix-style 928—929
Error-handling wrappers, Unix-style 928
Error-reporting function 599
Etch 576
Ethernet 804
Ethernet segments 804
eval [CS:APP] shell helper routine 615
Event 588
Event-driven program 856
Evicting blocks 485
exception 354 587
exception handler 354 588
Exception handling 354—356 588—590
Exception handling, exception number 588—589
Exception handling, kernel 588
Exception number 588 588—589
Exception, asynchronous 590
Exception, synchronous 591
Exceptional control flow (ECF) 586 585—648
Exceptional control flow (ECF) and cache pollution 598
Exceptional control flow (ECF), child processes, reaping 605—611
Exceptional control flow (ECF), defined 586
Exceptional control flow (ECF), exceptions 587—593
Exceptional control flow (ECF), importance of 586—587
Exceptional control flow (ECF), nonlocal jumps 635—638
Exceptional control flow (ECF), process control 600—617
Exceptional control flow (ECF), process control, process IDs, obtaining 600
Exceptional control flow (ECF), process control, processes, creating/terminating 600—605
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes 594—598
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes, context switches 597—598
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes, kernel mode 596—597
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes, logical control flow 594—595
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes, private address space 595—596
Exceptional control flow (ECF), processes, user mode 596—597
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals 617—635
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, explicitly blocking signals 633—638
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, Linux signals 618
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, portable signal handling 631—633
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, receiving 618—619 623—625
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, sending 617—623
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, signal handler 618
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, signal handling issues 625—630
Exceptional control flow (ECF), signals, terminology 617—619
Exceptional control flow (ECF), system calls and error handling 599
Exceptions 354 587—593
Exceptions in Intel processors 592—594
Exceptions, classes of 590—592
Exceptions, classes of, aborts 592
Exceptions, classes of, faults 591—592
Exceptions, classes of, interrupts 590—591
Exceptions, classes of, traps 591
Exceptions, defined 587
Exceptions, event 588
Exceptions, exception handler 588
Exceptions, exception handling 588—590
Exceptions, exception table 588
Exceptions, exception table base register 589
Exceptions, hardware vs. software 588
Exceptions, terminology 593
Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) 543
Executable object files 4 542 543 5 561—564
Executable object files, fully linked 563
Executable object files, loading 564—566
Executable object program 4
Execute stage 281
Execute stage and SEQ 291
Execute stage, PIPE 342—343
Execute stage, SEQ 302—303
Execution unit (EU) 396
Execution unit (EU), processing of operations by 402—403
execve [Unix] load program 611 564 611—613 727—728
execve [Unix] load program, using to run programs 614—617
exit status 601
exit [C Stdlib] terminate process 601
Expansion slot 472
Explicit code 209
Explicit free lists 751—752
Explicitly blocking signals 633—638
Explicitly reentrant functions 888
Exploit code 209
Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO DRAM) 462
Extended precision 105
Extended-precision format 94 212
Extended-precision values 135
extend_heap [CS:APP] allocator, extend heap 748
external fragmentation 736 736—737
fabs [IA32] FP absolute value 218
fadd [IA32] FP add 218
Fall through (switch statement) 166
False fragmentation 741
Fast page mode DRAM (FPM DRAM) 461—462
Faulting instruction 591
Faults 590 591—592
fchs [IA32] FP negate 218
fcom [IA32] FP compare 222
fcoml [IA32] FP compare double precision 222
fcomp [IA32] FP compare with pop 222
fcompl [IA32] FP compare double precision with pop 222
fcompp [IA32] FP compare with two pops 222
fcomps [IA32] FP compare single precision with pop 222
fcoms [IA32] FP compare single precision 222
fcos [IA32] FP cosine 218
fcyc [CS:APP] compute function execution time 684
fdiv [IA32] FP divide 218
fdivr [IA32] FP reverse divide 218
FD_CLR [Unix] clear bit in descriptor set 854
FD_ISSET [Unix] bit turned on in descriptor Set 854
FD_SET [Unix] set bit in descriptor set 854
FD_ZERO [Unix] clear descriptor set 854
Feedback paths 291 316
Fetch stage 281
Fetch stage and SEQ 291
Fetch stage, PIPE 337—339
Fetch stage, SEQ 298—300
fflush [C Stdlib] flush buffer 796
fgets [C Stdlib] read string 760 823
fibonacci 26
fids [IA32] FP load single precision 216
FIFO 853
fildl [IA32] FP load and convert integer 216
file descriptor 779
File metadata, reading 789—790
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