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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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Linking, relocation, of absolute references 560—561
Linking, relocation, of PC-relative references 559—560
Linking, relocation, of sections and symbol definitions 557
Linking, relocation, of symbol references within sections 558—561
Linking, relocation, steps in 557—558
Linking, shared libraries, from applications 568—570
Linking, static 542—543
Linking, symbols/symbol tables 545—548
Linux operating system 5 8 18
Linux operating system, kernel virtual memory 721
Linux operating system, origin of 18
Linux operating system, page fault exception handling 723—724
Linux operating system, page tables 721—722
Linux operating system, virtual memory areas (segments) 722—723
Linux operating system, virtual memory system 721—724
Linux operating system, Web page 21
Lisp programming languages 66
listen [Unix] convert active socket to listening socket 820
Listening descriptors, compared to connected descriptors 823
listening socket 821
Little Endian 34 34—35
Load Effective Address 143—144
Load forwarding, in PIPE 364
load instruction 434—435
Load interlock 337
Load time 540
Load/store architecture 264
Load/use hazards 343
Load/use hazards, handling by stalling 336
Load/use hazards, load interlock 337
loaders 542 564
Loaders, how they work 565—566
Loading 564
Local area network (LAN) 803
Local automatic variables 870
Local static variables 870
Local symbols 546
Locality 478 456 478—482 700—701
Locality of instruction fetches 480—481
Locality of references to program data 478—480
Locality, exploiting in programs 523—524
Locality, principle of 478
Locality, spatial 478
Locality, summary of 481—482
Locality, temporal 478
Lock-and-copy 887
Locking a mutex 878
logic design 271—280
Logic design, combinational circuits 272—274
Logic design, word-level combinational circuits 274—278
Logic gate 271
Logic synthesis 271
Logic synthesis programs 271
Logic, combinational 309
logical blocks 471
Logical control flow 594 594—595
Logical flow 594
Logical operations in C 49—50
long double [C] long double type 135
long int [C] long int type 135
long [C] long integer type 8 33 51
longjmp [C Stdlib] nonlocal jump 635 637
Lookback address 812
Loop inefficiencies, eliminating 387—391
Loop overhead, reducing 408—412
Loop splitting 415—420
Loop unrolling 409 382
Loops 158—166 183
Loops and temporal/spatial locality 481
Loops for loops 164—166
Loops while loops 161—163
Loops, do-while loops 158—160
Loops, rearranging to increase spatial locality 517—520
Lower-case conversion routines 389
Lower-case conversion routines, comparative performance of 390
Lower-case conversion routines, LRU replacement policy 485
Lower-case conversion routines, Lvalue assignable value 201
Machine check exception 593
Machine-language instructions 4
Machine-level code 129—130
Machine-level representation of programs 123—252
Machine-level representation of programs and C programming language 124
Machine-level representation of programs, accessing information 136—143
Machine-level representation of programs, accessing information, data movement example 141—143
Machine-level representation of programs, accessing information, data movement, instructions 138—141
Machine-level representation of programs, accessing information, operand specifiers 137—138
Machine-level representation of programs, alignment 198—200
Machine-level representation of programs, alignment, and Microsoft Windows 199
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations 143—148
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations, binary operations 143—145
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations, Load Effective Address 143—144
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations, shift operations 145—146
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations, special arithmetic operations 147—148
Machine-level representation of programs, arithmetic and logical operations, unary operations 143—145
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access 180—191
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, arrays and loops 183
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, basic principles 180—181
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, dynamically allocated arrays 188—191
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, fixed size arrays 186—188
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, nested arrays 183—186
Machine-level representation of programs, array allocation and access, pointer arithmetic 182—183
Machine-level representation of programs, buffer overflow 206—211
Machine-level representation of programs, control 148—170
Machine-level representation of programs, control, condition codes 149—150
Machine-level representation of programs, control, conditional branches, translating 156—158
Machine-level representation of programs, control, jump instructions/encodings 152—156
Machine-level representation of programs, control, loops 158—166
Machine-level representation of programs, control, switch statements 166—170
Machine-level representation of programs, data formats 135
Machine-level representation of programs, embedding assembly code in C programs 223—230
Machine-level representation of programs, embedding assembly code in C programs, basic inline assembly 224—226
Machine-level representation of programs, embedding assembly code in C programs, extended form of asm 226—230
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code 211—223
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, floating-point arithmetic instructions 217—220
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, floating-point data movement and conversion operations 215—217
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, floating-point registers 211—212
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, stack evaluation of expressions 212—215
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, testing/comparing floating-point values 221—223
Machine-level representation of programs, floating-point code, using floating point in procedures 220—221
Machine-level representation of programs, heterogeneous data structures 191—198
Machine-level representation of programs, heterogeneous data structures, structures 191—194
Machine-level representation of programs, heterogeneous data structures, unions 194—198
Machine-level representation of programs, historical perspective 125—128
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture 125—128
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, 80286 microprocessor 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, 8080 microprocessor 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, i386 microprocessor 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, i486 microprocessor 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, Pentium 126—127
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, Pentium 4 126—127
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, Pentium II 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, Pentium III 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, Pentium/MMX 126
Machine-level representation of programs, Intel architecture, PentiumPro 126—127
Machine-level representation of programs, out-of-bounds memory references 206—211
Machine-level representation of programs, pointers 201—204
Machine-level representation of programs, pointers, function pointers 203
Machine-level representation of programs, pointers, underlying concepts 201
Machine-level representation of programs, pointers, use in C 202
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures 170—180 178—180
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures, procedure example 174—178
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures, recursive procedures 178—180
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures, register usage conventions 173—174
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures, stack frame structure 170—171
Machine-level representation of programs, procedures, transferring control 172
Machine-level representation of programs, program encodings 128—135
Machine-level representation of programs, program encodings, code examples 130—133
Machine-level representation of programs, program encodings, formatting 133—135
Machine-level representation of programs, program encodings, machine-level code 129—130
Macroscopic events 653
| Main memory 8 460 11 12 471
Main memory, accessing 463—464
Main threads 862
malloc [C Stdlib] allocate heap storage 737 16 129 189 199 731—734 746 755 763 765
mangling 549
Mapping variables to memory 870
mark function 757—758
Mark phase 757
Mark&Sweep algorithm 755
Mark&Sweep algorithm, pseudo-code for 758
Mark&Sweep garbage collectors 757 757—758
Mark&Sweep garbage collectors, TMax (maximum two's-complement number) 52
Mark&Sweep garbage collectors, UMax (maximum unsigned number) 52
Masking operations 48
McCarthy, John 755
Mcllroy, Doug 14
megahertz (MHz) 382
Memory 8
Memory allocation 702—703
Memory bus 463
memory controller 459
Memory hierarchy 72 12—13 455—536
Memory hierarchy, blocks 484
Memory hierarchy, blocks, replacing/evicting 485
Memory hierarchy, cache hits 485
Memory hierarchy, cache management 486
Memory hierarchy, cache memories 487—506
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, direct-mapped caches 490—497
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, fully associative caches 499—503
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, generic organization 488—490
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, instruction caches/unified caches 504
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, issues with writes 503—504
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, L2 cache 487
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, L3 cache 487
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, LI cache 487
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, performance impact of cache parameters 505—506
Memory hierarchy, cache memories, set associative caches 497—499
Memory hierarchy, cache misses 485—486
Memory hierarchy, caching in 484—486
Memory hierarchy, central idea of 484
Memory hierarchy, defined 482
Memory hierarchy, example of 13 483
Memory hierarchy, levels in 483
Memory hierarchy, locality 478—482
Memory hierarchy, locality, exploiting in programs 523—524
Memory hierarchy, locality, of instruction fetches 480—481
Memory hierarchy, locality, of references to program data 478—480
Memory hierarchy, locality, summary of 481—482
Memory hierarchy, mapping variables to 870
Memory hierarchy, random-access memory (RAM), memory modules 459—460
Memory hierarchy, storage technologies 457—477
Memory hierarchy, storage technologies, disk storage 464—476
Memory hierarchy, storage technologies, random-access memory (RAM) 457—464
Memory hierarchy, storage technologies, trends in 476—477
Memory hierarchy, summary of concepts 486—487
Memory hierarchy, transfer units 484
memory leaks 764
Memory management and virtual memory 701—703
Memory management and virtual memory, linking 701—702
Memory management and virtual memory, loading 703
Memory management and virtual memory, memory allocation 702—703
Memory management and virtual memory, sharing 702
Memory Management Unit (MMU) 694
Memory mapping 703 724 724—730
Memory mapping, execve function 727—728
Memory mapping, fork function 727
Memory mapping, mmap function 728—730
Memory mapping, shared objects 725—727
memory modules 459 459—460
Memory mountain 573 512—516
Memory mountain, Pentium III Xeon 514
Memory references 137
Memory references, unneeded, eliminating 393—395
Memory stage 281
Memory stage, PIPE 342
Memory stage, PIPE, logic 343
Memory stage, SEQ 291 303—304
Memory system 456
Memory utilization 735
Memory, aliasing 380
Memory, instruction processing stage 281
Memory, virtual 692 13—14 16—17 28 691—774
Memory-mapped I/O 472
Memory-mapped object 724
Memory-related bugs in C programs 759—764
Memory-related bugs in C programs, allowing stack buffer overflows 760—761
Memory-related bugs in C programs, dereferencing bad pointers 759—760
Memory-related bugs in C programs, free heap blocks, referencing data in 763
Memory-related bugs in C programs, memory leaks 764
Memory-related bugs in C programs, nonexistent variables, referencing 762
Memory-related bugs in C programs, off-by-one errors 761—762
Memory-related bugs in C programs, pointer arithmetic, misunderstanding 762
Memory-related bugs in C programs, reading uninitialized memory 760
Memory-related bugs in C programs, referencing pointers instead objects pointed to 762
Memory-related bugs in C programs, same-size pointers and objects 761
mem_brk [CS:APP] top of heap 744
mem_init [CS:APP] initialize heap 744
mem_sbrk [CS:APP] extend heap 744
Metadata 789
MHz (megahertz) 382
mhz [CS:APP] clock rate function 665
Microscopic events 653
Microseconds ( ) 653
Middle bits, indexing with 496—497
Milliseconds (ms) 653
MIME types 827
Minimum block size 739
MIPS Technologies 358
Mispredicted branches 343—344 349
Mispredicted branches, processing 346
Miss penalty 505
Miss rate 505
mmap [Unix] map disk object 728 703 723 728—729
MMU (Memory Management Unit) 694
mm_coalesce [CS:APP] merge memory blocks 749
mm_free [CS:APP] free memory blocks 749 748—749
mm_ijk [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_ikj [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_init [CS:APP] allocator: initialize heap 747
mm_jik [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_jki [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_ki j [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_kji [CS:APP] matrix multiply 518
mm_malloc [CS:APP] allocate memory block 750
Mockapetris, Paul 816
Mode bit 596
Mode, kernel 589 597 596 655
Mode, supervisor 596
Mode, user 590 597 596 655
Modern processors 395—408
Modern processors, block diagram of 396
Modern processors, functional unit performance 399—400
Modern processors, overall operation 395—399
Modern processors, processing of operations by the EU 402—403
Modern processors, processor operation 400—408
Modern processors, translating instructions into operations 401—402
Monitor 882
Monotonically nondecreasing assumption, relaxing 736
Monotonicity 92
Moore's law 727 127—128
Moore, Gordon 127
motherboard 8
mountain [CS:APP] generate memory mountain 513
Mouse 8
movb [IA32] move byte 139
movl [IA32] move double word 138 139
movsbl [IA32] move and sign-extend byte to double word 139
movw [IA32] move word 139
movzbl [IA32] move and zero-extend byte to double word 139
mull [IA32] unsigned multiply 747 147—48
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