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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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Multicycle instructions 356—357
Multilevel page tables 709—711
Multiple zone recording 467
Multiplexor 273
Multiplexor, HCL description with case expression 276
Multiplexor, word-level 275
Multiplication, two's-complement 75 75—76
Multiplication, unsigned 74
Multiplicative identities 43
Multiported random-access memory 280
multiprocessors 848
Multitasking 595
multp operation 213
munmap [Unix] unmap disk object 729
Mutex lock ordering rule 893
Mutex variables (Pthreads) 882
Mutexes 878
Mutual exclusion 878
Name demangling 549
Name mangling 549
NaN 85
Nanoseconds (ns) 382 653
neg operation 213
Negation, two's-complement 72
Negative overflow 70
negl [IA32] negate double word 144
Nested arrays 183—186
network adapter 472
Network byte order 809
Network client 79 802
Network file system (NFS) 483
Network programming 801—845
Network programming, client-server programming model 802—803
Network programming, global IP Internet 807—816
Network programming, global IP Internet, datagrams 808
Network programming, global IP Internet, defined 807
Network programming, global IP Internet, Internet connections 808 815—816
Network programming, global IP Internet, Internet domain names 808 811—815
Network programming, global IP Internet, IP addresses 808 809—811
Network programming, global IP Internet, sockets interface 808 816—826
Network programming, global IP Internet, TCP/IP protocol 808
Network programming, global IP Internet, TINY Web server 834—841
Network programming, global IP Internet, UDP (Unreliable Datagram Protocol) 808
Network programming, global IP Internet, Web servers 826—834
Network programming, networks 803—807
Network programming, Web servers, basics of 826—827
Network programming, Web servers, content 827—828
Network programming, Web servers, HTTP requests 829—830
Network programming, Web servers, HTTP responses 830—831
Network programming, Web servers, HTTP status codes 831
Network programming, Web servers, HTTP transactions 828—831
Network programming, Web servers, serving dynamic content 831—834
Network server 79 802
networks 18—20 803—807
Newline character (\n) 3
Next fit 739 739—740
NFS (Network File System) 483
nm program 574
No-write-allocate 503
No-write-allocate caches 503—504
Nonexistent variables, referencing 762
Nonlocal jumps 635 587 635—638
Nonlocal jumps, example of 636
Nonnegative floating-point numbers, examples of 88
Nonvolatile memory 462 462—463 524
nop [IA32] no operation 132
nop [Y86] no operation 298 325 329—330
norace.c [CS:APP] Pthreads program without a race 892
Normalized numbers 84—85
Normalized, floating-point value 84
not-a-number (NaN) 85
Notation, decimal 81
Notation, dotted decimal 809
Notation, hexadecimal 28—32
Notation, RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) pocket calculators 28—32
notl [IA32] complement double word 144
ns (nanoseconds) 382
NSF (National Science Foundation) 816
ntohl [Unix] convert network-to-host long 809
ntohs [Unix] convert network-to-host short 809
Numbers, expanding the bit representation of 61—63
Numbers, truncating 63—64
OBJDUMP object file reader 559 131 574
object files 543 543—544
Object files, executable 542 543
Object files, relocatable 542 543
Object files, shared 543
Object in C++ and Java 192
Object module 543
Object, memory-mapped 724
Object, private 725
Object, shared 566 725
OF [IA32] overflow flag condition code 149
OF [Y86] overflow flag condition code 258
Off-by-one errors 761—762
On-chip cache 487
one's complement 54
open [Unix] open file 779
Opening/closing files 779—781
open_clientfd [CS:APP] establish connection with server 819
open_listenfd [CS:APP] establish a listening socket 821
Operand forms 137
Operand labels 401
Operand specifiers 137—138
Operand specifiers, immediate 137
Operand specifiers, memory 137—138
Operand specifiers, register 137
Operating System 73 13—18
Operating system kernel 17
Operating system, files 13—14
Operating system, fundamental abstractions 13—14
Operating system, primary purposes of 13
Operating system, processes 13—14
Operating system, virtual memory 13—14
Operations 9
OPl instruction 282 295
Optimization blockers 380 378 395
Optimization blockers, defined 380
Optimization blockers, function calls 381
Optimization blockers, memory aliasing 380
Order, byte 34
Ordered comparison 221
Origin server 830
orl [IA32] or double word 144
OS see "Operating system"
Ossana, Joe 14
Out-of-bounds memory references 206—211
Out-of-order execution 358 396
Out-of-order processing 399
Overflow 26 63 67 85
Overflow, arithmetic 67
Overflow, buffer 206
Overflow, negative 70
Overflow, positive 70
Overload function 549
P semaphone operation 877 879
P [CS:APP] wrapper for sem_wait 879
P6 microarchitecture 126
PA (physical address) 693
Packets 806
Padding, blocks 738
Page directory 717
Page directory base register (PDBR) 718
Page directory entry (PDE) 717
Page fault exception 358 593
page faults 698 655 698—700
Page faults, counting 701
Page faults, operational view of 706
| Page frames 695
page hits 698
Page hits, operational view of 706
Page table base register (PTBR) 704
Page Table Entries (PTEs) 697
Page tables 696 597 696—697
Page tables with a address translation 705
Page tables, address translation with 705
Page tables, multi level 709—711
Page, demand zero 724
Page, physical 695
Page, virtual 694
Paged-in pages 699
Paged-out pages 699
Paging 699
Paging, demand 699
Parallel applications 848
Parallelism, enhancing 415—420
Parallelism, limits to 421—423
Parallelism, loop splitting 415—420
Parallelism, register spilling 420—421
parent process 600 601
parseline [CS.APP] shell helper routine 676 615—616
parse_uri [CS:APP] TINY helper function 838
Pascal, reference parameters 204
Passing parameters to a function 204
Patriot missle 82
Patterson, David 264 358
pause [Unix] suspend until signal arrives 610
Payload 736 804 806
PC (program counter) 8 281
PC selection stage PIPE 337—339
PC update stage 281
PC update stage, SEQ 304
PC-relative jump encodings 753
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) 471
PDBR (Page Directory Base Register) 718
PDE (Page Directory Entry) 777
Peak utilization metric 736
Peer thread 862
Pending bit vector 679
Pending signal 679
Pentium 126—127
Pentium 4 126—127
Pentium II 126
Pentium III 126
Pentium system, address translation 716—721
Pentium system, page directory 717
Pentium system, page directory base register (PDBR) 718
Pentium system, page directory entries (PDEs) 717—720
Pentium system, page table entries (PTEs) 717—720
Pentium system, page table translation 719—720
Pentium system, page tables 717—719
Pentium system, processor package 716
Pentium system, TLB translation 720
Pentium/Linux memory system case study 715—724
Pentium/Linux memory system case study, Linux system 721—724
Pentium/Linux memory system case study, Pentium system 716—721
Pentium/MMX 126
PentiumPro 126—127
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus 471
persistent connection 830
Physical address 693
Physical address spaces 694 694—695
Physical addressing 693
Physical page number (PPN) 704
Physical page offset (PPO) 704
Physical pages (PPs) 695
PIC (position-independent code) 571
Picoseconds 309
PID (process ID) 600
PIPE processor 317 358 917—923 see "Pipelining"
PIPE processor, decode stage 339—342
PIPE processor, execute stage 342—343
PIPE processor, fetch stage 337—339
PIPE processor, HCL code 917
PIPE processor, memory stage 342
PIPE processor, memory stage, logic 343
PIPE processor, PC selection stage 337—339
PIPE processor, write-back stage 339—342
Pipeline registers 310—311
Pipeline, bubble 330
Pipeline, diagram 309
Pipelined function units 399—400
Pipelined Y86 implementations 317—358
Pipelined Y86 implementations, branch prediction 322—323
Pipelined Y86 implementations, condition code hazards 327
Pipelined Y86 implementations, control hazards 324
Pipelined Y86 implementations, data hazards 324
Pipelined Y86 implementations, data hazards, avoiding by forwarding 330—335
Pipelined Y86 implementations, data hazards, avoiding by stalling 328—330
Pipelined Y86 implementations, data hazards, load/use 335—337
Pipelined Y86 implementations, exception handling 354—356
Pipelined Y86 implementations, interfacing with the memory system 357—358
Pipelined Y86 implementations, memory hazards 328
Pipelined Y86 implementations, multicycle instructions 356—357
Pipelined Y86 implementations, next PC prediction 322—323
Pipelined Y86 implementations, performance analysis 352—354
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations 337—343
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, decode stage 339—342
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, execute stage 342—343
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, fetch stage 337—339
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, memory stage 342—343
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, PC selection stage 337—339
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE stage implementations, write-back stage 339—342
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor 317
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor, abstract view of 318
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor, decode stage 321
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor, hardware structure of 320
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor, pipeline registers, inserting 317—321
Pipelined Y86 implementations, PIPE-processor, rearranging/relabeling signals 321—322
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic 343—352
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, actions for 348
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, combinations of control conditions 349—351
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, control logic implementation 351—352
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, detecting special control conditions 346—347
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, detection conditions for 347
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, load/use hazards 343
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, mispredicted branches 343—344
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, pipeline control mechanisms 347—349
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, processing ret 343
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline control logic, special control cases 344—346
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline hazards 323—328
Pipelined Y86 implementations, pipeline registers 310—311
Pipelined Y86 implementations, program counter hazards 328
Pipelined Y86 implementations, program register hazards 327
Pipelining 309—317
Pipelining of a system with feedback 315—317
Pipelining, computational pipelines 309—311
Pipelining, limitations of 313—315
Pipelining, limitations of, deep pipelining 314—315
Pipelining, limitations of, nonuniform partitioning 313—314
Pipelining, one clock cycle of pipeline operation 312
Pipelining, pipeline operation 311—313
Pipelining, pipelined Y86 implementations 317—358
Pipelining, timing, three-stage 311
Pipes 853
Pisano, Leonardo (Fibonacci) 26
Placement policy 485 739
Platters 464 464—465
PLT (procedure linkage table) 573
Point-to-point connections 815
pointer arithmetic 182—183
Pointer arithmetic, misunderstanding 762
Pointer code, converting array code to 413
Pointer code, converting to 412—415
Pointer code, performance anomaly 414
pointer to function 203
Pointer, creation of 142
Pointer, declaration 33
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