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Bryant R., O'Hallaron D.R. — Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective |
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"Interesting" numbers 53
%ah [IA32] program register 136
%al [IA32] program register 136
%ax [IA32] program register 136
%bh [IA32] program register 136
%bl [IA32] program register 136
%bp [IA32] program register 136
%bx [IA32] program register 136
%ch [IA32] program register 136
%cx [IA32] program register 136
%dh [IA32] program register 136
%di [IA32] program register 136
%dl [IA32] program register 136
%dx [IA32] program register 136
%eax [IA32] program register 136 173
%eax [Y86] program register 258 261
%ebp [IA32] base pointer program register 136 170—172 173
%ebp [Y86] base pointer program register 258 261
%ebx [IA32] program register 136 173
%ebx [Y86] program register 258 261
%ecx [IA32] program register 136 173
%ecx [Y86] program register 258 261
%edi [IA32] program register 136 173
%edi [Y86] program register 258 261
%edx [IA32] program register 136 173
%edx [Y86] program register 258 261
%eip [IA32] program counter 129
%esi [IA32] program register 136
%esi [Y86] program register 258 261
%esp [IA32] stack pointer program register 136 140—141 170—172
%esp [Y86] stack pointer program register 258 261 286 301 350
%si [IA32] program register 136
%sp [IA32] stack pointer program register 136
.bss section 544 544—545
.data section 544 702
.debug section 545
.line section 545
.rel.data section 545
.rel.text section 545
.rodata section 544
.strtab section 545
.symtab section 544
.text section 544 702
/proc file system 596
80286 microprocessor 126
8080 microprocessor 126
<limits.h> 54
Abel, Niels Henrik 68
Abelian group 68
Aborts 590 592
Absolute value code, and branch misprediction 427
Abstract algebra 44
accept [Unix] wait for client connection request 821 818 821—822
Access time 469
access_counter [CS:APP] read cycle counter 663
Active pages 700
Active program 655
Active socket 821
Actuator arm 468
Acyclic networks 272
Adapter 8
adder [CS:APP] CGI adder 833
Addition, two's-complement 69 69—72
Addition, unsigned 68 66—69
Additive identities 43
Additive inverse 43
addl [IA32] and double word 144 260 282 325 326 329—330
addl [Y86] add 260
addp operation 213
Address order 752
address spaces 595 694 694—695
Address spaces, linear 694
Address spaces, physical 694 694—695
Address spaces, private 595 595—596
Address spaces, virtual 694 694—695
address translation 694 704—715
Address translation with a page table 705
Address translation, end-to-end address translation 711—715
Address translation, integrating caches and VM 707
Address translation, multi level page tables 709—711
Address translation, optimizing 716
Address translation, speeding up with a translation lookaside buffer (TLB) 707—709
Address translation, symbols 705
Address, effective 555 137
Address, internet 806
Address, IP 808 809—811
Address, lookback 812
Address, memory 28
Address, physical 693
Address, return 170
Address, scalar IP 809
Address, socket 815 817—818
Address, virtual 693 129—130
Address, virtual memory 28
Addressing modes 137
add_client [CS:APP] add client to list 857 859
Adjacency matrix 530
AFS (Andrew File system) 483
Aggregate data types 129
Aggregate payload 736
alarm [Unix] schedule alarm to self 622
alarm.c [CS:APP] alarm example 622
Aliasing 380
Alignment 198 198—200 735
Alignment with Microsoft Windows 199
Allocated bit 738
Allocated block 730
Allocated virtual memory 730
Alpha (Compaq Computer Corp.) 265 425 677
ALU (arithmetic/logic unit) 9 277—278 281
AMD 128
Amdahl's Law 443 379 437 443—444
Amdahl, Gene 443
andl [IA32] add double word 144
andl [Y86] and 260 282
Andrew File System (AFS) 483
Anonymous file 724
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 3
ANSI C standard 3 135
AOL (America Online) 210
app.error [CS:APP] report application errors 927
AR Unix archiver 554
Archimedes 107
Archives 554
Areal density 467
Ariane 5 rocket 97
Arithmetic and logical operations 143—148
Arithmetic and logical operations, binary operations 143—145
Arithmetic and logical operations, Load Effective Address 143—144
Arithmetic and logical operations, shift operations 145—146
Arithmetic and logical operations, special arithmetic operations 147—148
Arithmetic and logical operations, unary operations 143—145
Arithmetic shift 50
arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) 9 277 277—278
ARM 468
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Administration) 816
Array allocation and access 180—191
Array allocation and access, arrays and loops 183
Array allocation and access, basic principles 180—181
Array allocation and access, dynamically allocated arrays 188—191
Array allocation and access, fixed size arrays 186—188
Array allocation and access, nested arrays 183—186
Array allocation and access, pointer arithmetic 182—183
Arrays 38 183
Arrays, dynamically allocated 188—191
Arrays, fixed size 186—188
Arrays, nested 183—186
Arrays, relation to pointer 38
| ASCII 3 40
ASCII table, generating 41
ASCII, character set 40—41
asm GCC inline assembly 224
asm, extended form of 224 226—230
Assembler 4 5
Assembler directives 266
Assembler phase 4
Assembly code 149
Assembly code, writing large programs in 224
Assembly-language program 5
Associative memory 498
Asynchronous exception 590
Atom system 576
Automatic variable, local 870
background process 616
backlog 820
Bad pointers, dereferencing 759—760
badcnt.c [CS:APP] improperly synchronized Pthreads program 872—873 876
Base register, in memory reference 137
BASH Unix shell program 614
Basic block 445
Bell Laboratories 14
Berkeley sockets 816
Berners-Lee, Tim 827
Best fit 739 739—740
Bias 84—85
Biased number encoding 84
Big Endian 34—35
Bijection 52
Binary code 42
binary files 3
Binary operations 143—145 213
Binary point 81
Binary semaphores 877
Binary to two's-complement conversion 52
Binary to unsigned conversion 52
Binary translation 576
Bind function 819 818—820
Bit-level operations in C 46—49
bits 26 28
Block offset bits 489
Block pointers 747
blocked bit vector 619
Blocked signal 619
Blocking, using to increase temporal locality 520 520—523
BLOCKS 484 730 738—739
Blocks, current 741
Blocks, epilogue 746
Blocks, footer 742
Blocks, free 743 752
Blocks, free, coalescing 741
Blocks, free, splitting 740
Blocks, header 738
Blocks, minimum block size 739
Blocks, padding 738
Blocks, prologue 746
Blocks, replacing/evicting 485
bmm-ijk 521
Body, code 142
Body, response 830
bool bit-level signal 272
bool boolean signal 906
bool data type 906
Boole, George 42
Boolean algebra 42 42—46
Boolean rings 43 43—46
Boolean rings, compared to modular arithmetic 45
Bottleneck elimination 437—444
Bottleneck elimination, Amdahl's law 443—444
Bottleneck elimination, program profiling 437—439
Bottleneck elimination, using a profiler to guide optimization 439—442
Boundary tags, coalescing with 742 741—744
Boundary tags, defined 742
Boundary tags, optimization of 743
Boundschecker 576
Bovik, Harry Q. xxviii
Branch 157
Branch penalty 426
Branch prediction 322 397 322—323 667—671
Branch prediction and misprediction penalties 425—429
Branch prediction logic 652 670—671
Branch, switch statement 166
Branch, use of term 396—397
Bridged Ethernets 804—805
bridges 804 804—805
Brooks, Frederick Jr. 224
Browser 826
Bubble 330
Buddy 754
Buddy systems 754 754—755
Buffer overflow 206—211 760—761
Buffer overflow bugs 6 760—761
Buffer overflow, battling Microsoft via 210—211
builtin_command [CS:APP] process shell command function 617
Bus 7 463 7—8
Bus interface 464
Bus transaction 463
Bypass paths 333 333—334
Byte movement instructions, comparing 139—141
Byte order, network 809
Byte ordering 34—40
Byte ordering in disassembled code 155
Byte representation, finding 131
bytes 3 28
Bytes, order 34
C library file 53
C programming language 2—3
C programming language and system-level programming 4
C programming language, benefits of 3—4
C programming language, bit-level operations in 46—49
C programming language, floating point in 92—98
C programming language, logical operations in 49—50
C programming language, multiple data format support 33
C programming language, pointers 28
C programming language, shift operations in 50—51
C standard library 3 5 16
C++ xx 27 546 549 587—588 638
C++, reference parameters 204
Cache 12 487—523
Cache block 489
Cache block offset 713
Cache bus 487
Cache hits 485
Cache lines 488
Cache management 486
Cache memories 11—12 357 429 456 478 487—506
Cache memories and streaming media workloads 522—523
Cache memories, associativity, impact of 505—506
Cache memories, block offset bits 489
Cache memories, block size, impact of 505
Cache memories, blocks 506
Cache memories, cache bus 487
Cache memories, cache lines 488 506
Cache memories, cache sets 487—488
Cache memories, cache size, impact of 505
Cache memories, cache-friendly code, writing 507—511
Cache memories, direct-mapped caches 490—497
Cache memories, fully associative caches 499—503
Cache memories, generic organization 488—490
Cache memories, hit rate 505
Cache memories, hit time 505
Cache memories, impact of caches on program performance 511—523
Cache memories, instruction caches/unified caches 504
Cache memories, issues with writes 503—504
Cache memories, L2 cache 487
Cache memories, L3 cache 487
Cache memories, LI cache 487
Cache memories, memory mountain 512—516
Cache memories, miss penalty 505
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