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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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Translucency in volume rendering 680 684—686
Transmitted rays 33
Transparency in water simulation 21 36
Triangle strips in pipeline optimization 479
Triangles in glow rendering 351
Triangles in high-quality software rendering 593
Trigonometric functions for grass simulation 112
Trilinear filtering in pipeline performance 483
Trilinear filtering in z-buffer depth of field 387
Trilinear interpolation in cube sampling noise 81
Trilinear interpolation in volume rendering 672 675 690
Tron 2.0 game, effects for 356—360
Tron 2.0 game, glow in 343—346
Troughs in wave simulation 10
Turbulence function 83
Two-dimensional items, convolution 349
Two-dimensional items, distortion-based flames 87—89
Two-dimensional items, transfer functions 679
Two-pass filtering for bicubic filter kernels 404
Two-pass filtering for fire glow 99
Types in FX Composer connection parameters 511
Types, shader data 607—609
T_Dot_e variable 559
T_Dot_nL variable 559
u-v coordinates in checkerboard patterns 419
u-v coordinates in Cinema4D 571
u-v coordinates in high-quality software rendering 584 588—589 596 598
u-v space of texture waves 16
uberlights 167 175—181
uberlight_fp function 179—181
uborlight_vp function 175—176
UIName 528
UIType 528
Ultrasound lines 699
Ultrasound visualization 693—695
Ultrasound visualization, results in 706
Ultrasound visualization, volume rendering data in in Cartesian grids 696—698
Ultrasound visualization, volume rendering data in in pyramidal grids 699—705
Ultrasound visualizationm, summary 706
Ultraviolet light waves 124
Uncapped performance in shadow volume rendering 160—161
Under operator 681
Underwater caustics 32—35
Undo/Redo feature 526
Unit cube clipping 225—228
unloadVertexProgram function 148
unpack_4ubyte function 440
UnRegisterNVObjects function 507
Update method 452
Update stage in texture-based volume rendering 670—672
Uru: Ages Beyond Myst 5—6
User interface, FX Composer 514
User-defined filter kernels 393—394
USTexture input 703
v2f structure in absorption simulation 268
v2f structure in texture-space diffusion 273
v2fConnector structure for fire 104
v2fConnector structure in skin lighting 54
Values for effect file variables 605
Variable ramping effect 359—360
Variable stripe texture 413—414
Variables in effect tiles 605
Variables in shaders 609—610
vecMul function 55
Vectors for deformers 724
Vectors for morph targets 67
Vectors in bump-environment mapping parameters 23—27
Vectors in Cinema4D 571
Vectors in fast fluid dynamics simulation 639—640 642—644 663
Vectors in fragment program optimizations 560
Vectors, eye 24—27
Vectors, normalization techniques for 540
Vectors, tangent-space basis 23—24
Velocity in fast fluid dynamics simulation 658
Velocity in Navier — Stokes equations 645 650
vert2frag structure 719
Vertex branching 481
Vertex buffers 144—145
Vertex fetching 478
Vertex indices 153—154
Vertex programs for absorption simulation 268—269
Vertex programs for deformers 725—726
Vertex programs for pyramidal grids 701—703
Vertex programs for texture-space diffusion 272—275
Vertex programs for uberlight-like shaders 175—181
Vertex programs in fragment program optimizations 557—559
Vertex programs vs. fragment programs 555—556
Vertex shaders for glow 352—354
Vertex shaders for grass simulation 112—113
Vertex shaders for image-based lighting 312—313 320
Vertex shaders for morph targets 67
Vertex shaders for omnidirectional shadow maps 199
Vertex shaders for perspective shadow maps 238
Vertex shaders for texture waves 17
Vertex shaders in pipeline optimization 480
Vertex shaders in shadow volume rendering 147—148
Vertex shaders in skin lighting 52—58
Vertex texture coordinates for glow 355
Vertex-processing LODs 481
vertexOutput structure 312—313
vertexOutputB structure 319
VertexProgram function 702—703
Vertical blur 351
Vertices in bottleneck identification 477
Vertices in caustics computations 37
Vertices in Cinema4D 570
Vertices in circular waves 11
Vertices in deformers 723
Vertices in edge-length filtering 21
Vertices in Gerstner waves 12—14
Vertices in high-quality software rendering 584 588—593
Vertices in pipelines 474 477
Vertices in shaders 609 611—612
Vertices in skinning 69—70
Vertices in volume rendering 676—677
Vertices in water depth 18—21
Vertices in water simulation 7 27—28
vFilter values 203
View menu in stereogram application 721
View-aligned planes and slicing 676
Viewers in shadow volume rendering 148
virtual cameras 219—225
Viscosity in Navier — Stokes equations 642
Viscous diffusion in fast fluid dynamics simulation 655
Viscous diffusion in Navier — Stokes equations 648—649
Visibility function 207—209
Visibility in depth of field 381—382
Visibility in occlusion interval maps 207—209
Visibility in per-pixel lighting 245
Visibility in per-pixel lighting, applications for 255—256
Visibility in per-pixel lighting, batches with 246—248
Visibility in per-pixel lighting, fill rates for 255
| Visibility in per-pixel lighting, sets for 248—254
Visibility in per-pixel lighting, summary 256
Visibility of lens flares 499—501
Visible sets 248 250
Vision in dark environments 463—465
Visual effects of subsurface scattering 263—264
Visualization of object translations 530
Visualization ultrasound see "ultrasound visualization"
Vlachos, Alex 166
Volume rendering techniques 667—668
Volume rendering techniques in texture-space diffusion 275
Volume rendering techniques in ultrasound visualization in Cartesian grids 696—698
Volume rendering techniques, compositing in 670—671 681
Volume rendering techniques, data representation and processing in 674—676
Volume rendering techniques, fragment program limitations in 689—690
Volume rendering techniques, illumination in 675 679—680
Volume rendering techniques, lighting in 682—687
Volume rendering techniques, methods in 668—670
Volume rendering techniques, performance considerations in 688—690
Volume rendering techniques, procedural rendering 687—688
Volume rendering techniques, proxy geometry in 676—677
Volume rendering techniques, rasterization bottlenecks in 688—689
Volume rendering techniques, texture memory limitations in 690
Volume rendering techniques, texture-based 670—674
Volume rendering techniques, transfer functions in 669—675 678—679
Volume rendering techniquesin ultrasound visualization in pyramidal grids 699—705
Volume texture for flames 94
VolumeRenderCartesian.cpp program 696—698
VolumeRenderPyramid.cpp program 701 705
VolumeRenderPyramidF.cg program 701 703
VolumeRenderPyramidF.ocg program 701 704
VolumeRenderPyramidUS.cpp program 705—706
VolumeRenderPyramidV.eg program 701—703
Von Neumann architecture 622
Voronoi regions 332 335—337
Vorticity confinement 662—663
Voxels for Navier — Stokes equations 5
Voxels in volume rendering 668—669
vp_Diffraction function 128—129
VS TEMP structure 113
VS_INPUT structure 112
VS_OUTPUT structure 112
Warnings in FX Composer 532
Water caustics see "caustics"
Water condensation 661
Water simulation 5
Water simulation geometric waves in 11—15
Water simulation, authoring in 18—19
Water simulation, authoring in depth in 19—21
Water simulation, authoring in edge-length filtering in 21—22
Water simulation, authoring in overrides in 21
Water simulation, authoring in texture coordinates in 22—23
Water simulation, goals and scope of 5—7
Water simulation, normals and tangents in 9—10
Water simulation, runtime processing in 23—28
Water simulation, sum of sines approximation for 7
Water simulation, texture waves in 15—18
Water simulation, wave selection in 7—8
Wave deformers 730—732
Wave function in caustics computations 41
Wave theory of light 123 125
Waveform generators 37
Wavelength of color 127 129
Wavelength simulation in edge-length filtering 21
Wavelength simulation in wave functions 8
Wavelength simulation of geometric waves 14
Wavelength simulation of light waves 124
Wavelength simulation of texture waves 15—16
Waves geometric 11—15
Waves interference 125—126
Waves peaks and troughs 10
Waves texture 15—18
Waves, selection of 7—8
Waving grass see "grass simulation"
Weak pointers 510
Weighted sums for skinned vertices 70
Weighted sums in filter kernels 393
Weighted texture samples 353
Weights for bicubic filter kernels 400
Weights for blends 358 360 369
Weights for flames 96
Weights in real-time glow 350
Welding vertices 158
wglChoosepixelFormatARB function 456
wglShareLists function 457
WGL_AP,B__pbuf fer extension 454
WGL_ARB_pixel_f ormat extension 455
WGL_ARB_render_texture extension 454
WGL_NV_render_depth_Lcxture extension 574
White values for gamma 439
width method 450
Williams, Lance 195
Win32 with Cinema4D 570
Wind-driven waves 11
Winding order and direction in per-pixel lighting 253—254
Winding order and direction in shadow volume rendering 155—157
Window effects 168
Wireframe views 594—595
Working at infinity 145—148
worldEyeDirection term in skin lighting 53
WorldTanMatrixX term in skin lighting 53
WorldTanMatrixY term in skin lighting 53
WorldTanMatrixZ term in skin lighting 53
Wrap lighting 264—267
Wrapper functions and classes 570
Wrapping operations 151
Wreckless game 343
Writing OpenEXR images 433—438
x axis in SBRDF 295
x coordinates in texture bombing 330
x-ray images 694
xfBoxPS structure 320
xfBoxVS structure 320
XFilelmporter class 508
XML data 512—513
XSLT transforms 513
XY clipping 162—163
y axis in SBRDF 295
Y value for screen-aligned filter kernels 405
YIQ signal conversions 371
Z values in perspective shadow maps 224 233
z-bounds in shadow volume rendering 163—165
z-buffer depth of field forward-mapped 382
z-buffer depth of reverse-mapped 383—388
z-buffers for animated SISs 717—718
z-buffers for circle of confusion 377
z-buffers z component in texture bombing 330
z-scissor range 255
z-test for fire 99—100
Zero-alpha pixels 96
ZIP compression 431
zoomFactor method 452
ZoomFactor variable 701
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