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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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cgSetAutoCompile function 540
cgSetParameter function 541
Chain rules in caustics computations 39
ChangeZoomFactor method 452
Channel-based color correction, curves in 366—368
Channel-based color correction, levels in 364—365
Channels for glow sources 347—348
Channels in OpenEXR headers 430
Checker function 418—420
Checkerboard patterns, h 18 4 20
Choppiness effect 14
CIE colors 371
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into 567—569
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into (continued) shader and parameter management in 572—573
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into connecting to CgFX 570—571
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into lessons learned in 578—579
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into offline Tenderer emulation in 573—577
Cinema 4D, hardware shading into results and performance in 577—578
Cinematic lighting 167—168
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination color in 170
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination model in 169—170
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination results in 173—175
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination selection in 170
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination shadowing in 171—173
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination shaping in 170—171
Cinematic lighting, direct lighting illumination texturing in 173
Cinematic lighting, performance concerns for 181
Cinematic lighting, summary 182—183
Cinematic lighting, uberlight shaders for 175—181
Circle of confusion (CoC) 375—377
Circles in texture bombing 327—329
circular references 510
Circular waves 11—12
CLAMP value in texture bombing 332
Classify features in volume rendering 669
Clipping in shadow volume rendering 145 —146 162—163
ClipPlaneO—5 variables 701
clock speed 475
Clouds simulating 661—662
Clouds, volume rendering for 668
CoC (circle of confusion) 375—377
Codecreatures Benchmark 107 113 120
Collision detection 627
Collision detection in GPU computation 633
Collision detection in perspective shadow maps 224
Collocated discretization 663
Color buffers for perspective shadow maps 240
Color buffers in pipeline performance 484
Color correction 363—364
Color correction, channel-based 364—368
Color correction, multichannel 368—372
Color in cinematic lighting 170
Color in dark environments 463
Color in high-quality software rendering 588
Color in image-based lighting 315
Color in image-to-image conversions 392
Color in shadow volume rendering 151
Color in volume rendering 670
Color in water simulation 21 27
Color maps in absorption simulation 269
Color maps in grayscale conversion 370
Color maps in texture-space diffusion 273 277
Color method 546
Color Mixer tool 370
Color of glow sources 347
Color of incident light in ambient occlusion 281
Color of light sources 124
Color of materials 546
Color splines 77
Color textures in high-quality software rendering 586
Color textures, compressing 483
Color, floating-point numbers for 454
Color, half format for 429
Color, wavelength of 127 129
Color-space conversions 370—372
ColorCubePS function 371
ColorMap input in pyramidal grids 703
Communicating with shaders 609—613
Comp operation 434—437
Compactness in FX Composer file formats 513
Complex deformers 730
Complex functions in textures 482
Component generation 587
Compositing in volume rendering 670—671 681
Compositing, OpenEXR images 433—438
Compression for OpenEXR images 430—431
Compression in volume rendering 690
Compression, color textures 483
Computation on GPUs 621
Computation on GPUs vs. CPU computations 633—634
Computation on GPUs, advanced programming 624
Computation on GPUs, benefits of 621—622
Computation on GPUs, binary searches 630—633
Computation on GPUs, bitonic merge sorts 627—630
Computation on GPUs, limited outputs in 633
Computation on GPUs, parallel programming in 623—624
Computation on GPUs, programming model for 622—623
Computation on GPUs, reductions in 625—627
Computation on GPUs, slow readback in 633—634
Computation on GPUs, summary 634
ComputeBlur function 288—289
Computed tomography (CT) 693—694
ComputedstanceShaping function 179
ComputeLightDir function 177
ComputeSuperellipseShaping function 178
Condensation 661
Conditions in shadow mapping 195—196
Cone lights 573—576
Connecting Cinema 4D to CgFX 570—571
Connection parameters in FX Composer 511
Constant bias in perspective shadow maps 233—235
Constant filter kernels 397—399
Constant-height water tables 19
ConstantTexture structure 548
Construction windows 570
Contact shadows 318
Content pipeline 582—583
Context maps 612—613
Contexts for shaders 608—609 612—613
Continuity equation 643 645
Contrast in color-space conversions 372
Controlled variable density in texture bombing 333
Controls for deformers 725
Conversions, color-space 370—372
Conversions, fast fluid dynamics simulation for 660—661
Conversions, grayscale 369—370
Conversions, image-to-image, bicubic 399—404
Conversions, image-to-image, constant 397—399
Conversions, image-to-image, grayscale data in 394—397
Conversions, image-to-image, kernels for 392
Conversions, image-to-image, screen-aligned 404—405
Conversions, image-to-image, user-defined 393—394
Conversions, multichannel 368—372
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time 551—552
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time by example 552
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time for lighting 552—554
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time optimization techniques on fragment programs 556—561
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time, results and conclusions 561—565
Conversions, RenderMan shaders to real-time, vertex programs vs. fragment programs 555—556
Convertldto2d function 628
Convex hulls 252—254
Convolution for glow 349—352 355
Convolution in image-to-image conversions 392
Convolve3x3GrayHDPS function 396
Convolve3x3GrayHDXPS function 397
Convolve3x3GrayHPS function 395—396
Convolve3x3PS function 393
Cookies in cinematic lighting 173
Cookies in Monsters, Inc. 168
Coordinates at infinity 145—148
| Coordinates for checkerboard patterns 419
Coordinates for flames 92—93
Coordinates for glow 351—355
Coordinates for parallel reductions 625
Coordinates from array addresses 628
Coordinates in ambient occlusion 288
Coordinates in Cinema4D 571
Coordinates in deformers 723—724
Coordinates in high-quality software rendering 584 588—589 596 598
Coordinates in Noise function 74
Coordinates in perspective shadow maps 231—233
Coordinates in pipeline performance 481
Coordinates in texture bombing 324 328 330
Coordinates in ultrasound visualization 696—698
Coordinates in volume rendering 676
Coordinates in water simulation 22—23 27
Coordinates, texture see "texture coordinates"
Copy to texture (CTT) copies 652
Cosine functions in fragment program optimizations 558
Cosine functions in grass simulation 112
Counters for occlusion queries 490
Counting rays 160—161
CPUs in fast fluid dynamics simulation 651—653
CPUs in occlusion culling 496—497
CPUs in pipelines 473 478—480
Cr value for screen-aligned filter kernels 405
Cracks for shadow volumes 139—140 158
CreateNVObject function 507—508
CreateWeightTexture function 401—403
Creation phase in shadow mapping 196
Crepuscular rays 44
Crest-to-crest distance 8
Crevices in ambient occlusion 280 284
Crinkled patterns 83
Cross function 556
Cross-processing effect 366—367
Crow, Frank 165
Cspec function 560
CT (Computed Tomography) 693—694
CTT (copy to texture) copies 652
Cube maps as backgrounds 318—320
Cube maps for high-dynamic-range environments 48
Cube maps in high-quality software rendering 592
Cube maps in image-based lighting 312
Cube maps in omnidirectional shadow mapping 196 198
Cube maps in perspective shadow maps 228—233
Cube maps localized 318—320
Cube sampling noise 80—82
Cube-mapped reflections 307
CubeNormalizer structure 540—541
Cubic filter kernels 400
CubicFilter function 403
Cull mode in shaders 602
Culling occlusion see "occlusion culling"
Culling occlusion, shadow volumes 159
Cumulus clouds 668
Curves in channel-based color correction 366—368
Curves in Noise function 78
Cut-planes 696 701
D3DFMT_ cube texture formats 198
D3DX tool 481
D3DXCreateCubeTexture function 199
D3DXCreateEf fectFromFile function 199
D3DXCreateRenderToEnvMap function 199
D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics API 517
Dark caps 150 153—154
Darkness in cinematic lighting 172
Data compression for OpenEXR images 430—431
Data compression in volume rendering 690
Data compression, color textures 483
Data objects 447
Data replication 672
Data representation 674—676
Data sets in texture-based volume rendering 671
Data sets in ultrasound visualization 696
DataWindow attribute 430
DCC tools 584 589
ddx and ddy functions in antialiasing 409
ddx and ddy functions in derivative functions 406
ddx and ddy functions in filter-width estimates 417 420—421
Debevec, Paul 47
Debugging in shadow volume rendering 157—158
Decision deferral in pipeline optimization 480
Deformed normals 726—728 732
Deformers 723—724
Deformers, formulating 725
Deformers, GPUs for 725—728
Deformers, limitations of 729
Deformers, mathematical definitions for 724—725
Deformers, performance of 729—730
Deformers, vertex programs for 725—726
Deformers, wave 730—732
Degenerate triangles 479
Density in texture bombing 333
Density smoke 661
Dependent lookup 670
Depth bias 201
Depth buffers for lens flares 501
Depth buffers for shadow volumes 138 142 164
Depth discontinuities 386—387
Depth from 3D Mesh option 722
Depth in perspective shadow maps 231
Depth in shadow volume rendering 164
Depth in stereograms 713 715 721
Depth in water simulation 19—21
Depth maps in absorption simulation 266—272
Depth maps in Cinema 4D 573
Depth maps in perspective shadow maps 239
Depth maps in SISs 714 716
Depth of field 375-Ç77
Depth of field layered 379—380
Depth of field, accumulation-buffer 379—380
Depth of field, circle of confusion in 377
Depth of field, focus for 355
Depth of field, forward-mapped z-buffer 382
Depth of field, ray-traced 378
Depth of field, reverse-mapped z-buffer 383—388
Depth of field, summary 388—389
Depth passes in texture-space diffusion 275
Depth peeling 267
Depth perception in SISs 713
Depth perception in stereo photography 710
Depth shadow maps and textures 232—233 237 240 242
Depth writes in occlusion culling 497—498
Depth writes in pipeline performance 484
Depth writes in shadow volume rendering 151
Depth-first rendering 482 484
Depth-of-field blurring 442
Depth-only rendering 197
Derivable vertex attributes 480
Derivatives GPU 405—406
Derivatives in shaders 418—420
Deterministic deformers 724
Device windows 515
Differential equations 648
Diffraction 123
Diffraction grating 124—125
Diffraction, implementation 127—131
Diffraction, physics of 124—127
Diffraction, results 131—132
Diffraction, summary 132
Diffraction, wave theory of light 123
Diffuse color in SBRDF 296
Diffuse color in skin lighting 60
Diffuse function 178
Diffuse image-based lighting 317
Diffuse maps for skin lighting 51
Diffuse maps in Cinema 4D 573
Diffuse maps in high-dynamic-range environments 48—49
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