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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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Occlusion interval maps 205
Occlusion interval maps in gas station 205—206
Occlusion interval maps, algorithm for 207—208
Occlusion interval maps, creating 208—209
Occlusion interval maps, limitations of 211—212
Occlusion interval maps, rendering 209—211
Occlusion interval maps, summary 213—214
Occlusion pyramids 161
Occlusion queries 487
Occlusion queries, operation of 488—489
Occlusion queries, working with 489—493
Occlusion terms in lighting 49—50
Occlusion terms in morph targets 68
Occlusion, ambient 279—280
Occlusion, ambient, hardware-accelerated 283—284
Occlusion, ambient, preprocessing steps for 281—282
Occlusion, ambient, rendering with 284—289
Occlusion, ambient, summary 289—292
Ocean floor in caustics computations 36
Off-screen buffers 570
Offline Tenderer emulation 573—577
offset parameter in fast fluid dynamics simulation 658—659
offset_lookup function 188
Omni lights 170
Omnidirectional shadow mapping 193—194
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, algorithm for 195—198
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, base rendering in 200
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, calculations in 200—201
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, geometric value ranges for 198
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, lighting in 200—201
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, map size in 198
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, rendering in 199—200
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, resource creation for 199
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, shading passes in 202
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, soft shadows in 202—203
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, stencil shadows in 195
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, summary 203
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, system requirements for 198
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, texture formats for 198—199
Omnidirectional shadow mapping, tips and tricks for 201—202
One-dimensional items, convolution 350
One-dimensional items, curve maps 366
One-dimensional items, histograms 675
One-dimensional items, transfer functions 678—679
One-pass lighting solution 51
Opacity in ultrasound visualization 692
Opacity in volume rendering 670 678—679 686
Opacity of water 20
Opaque objects in occlusion culling 493
OpenEXR images 425
OpenEXR images (continued) reading and displaying 431—433
OpenEXR images (continued) rendering and writing 433—438
OpenEXR images (continued), summary 443
OpenEXR images, creating and using 441—443
OpenEXR images, data compression for 431
OpenEXR images, file structure in 430
OpenEXR images, half format for 428—429
OpenEXR images, HDR 425—428
OpenEXR images, linear pixel values in 438—441
OpenGL 446
OpenGL for caustics 37
OpenGL with Cinema 4D 570
Operators in filter networks 447
Operators in image-processing framework 448—449
Opposite light direction in shadow mapping 201—202
Optical models and properties in volume rendering 668—669
Optimization in fragment programs 556—561
Optimization in per-pixel lighting 247
Optimization in shadow volume rendering, culling in 159
Optimization in shadow volume rendering, directional lights in 158—161
Optimization in shadow volume rendering, fill-rate for 162—165
Optimization in shadow volume rendering, point lights and spot lights in 159
Optimization in shadow volume rendering, uncapped performance 160—162
Optimization in texture bombing 332
Optimization of cinematic lighting 182
Optimization, pipeline see "pipeline performance"
Optimization, scene communication 610
Oren-Nayar lighting model 264
Orthogonal frames 571
Orthonormalization for morph targets 67
Out of focus range 375
Out operation in compositing 438
Out structure 439—440
Output Levels values in color correction 364
Over operation in compositing 434 437—438
Over operation in volume rendering 681 686
Overcast skylight effect 284
Overlap images in texture bombing 326
Overrides in water simulation 21
pack_2half function 440
Padding in volume rendering 674—675
Pan camera movements 530
panoramas 441
Parallel programming 622—624
Parallel reductions 625—626
Parameter Connection dialog 529
Parameter dialog 528—529
Parameters for lighting 554
Parameters in Cinema4D 572—573
Parameters in FX Composer 511 528—529
ParamWrapper class 572
Partial derivatives in caustics computations 39—40
Partial derivatives in water simulation 9
Partial derivatives, GPU 405—406
Particles for smoke generators 91—92
Particles in fire 94 96
Particles, GPUs for 623
Particles, interaction between 627
Partitioned scenes 380
Passes for effect files 606
Passes for omnidirectional shadow mapping 202
Passes for shader context 613
Passes for texture-space diffusion 275
Passive scalars 660
Patterns for bicubic filter kernels 399
Patterns for noise 81—83
Patterns, diffraction 129
Pbuffers (pixel buffers) for Image 454 456—457
Pbuffers (pixel buffers) in GPU programming 623
PCF (percentage-closer filtering) in omnidirectional shadow maps 202—203
PCF (percentage-closer filtering) in perspective shadow maps 237—238
PCF (percentage-closer filtering) in shadow map antialiasing 186—187
Peaks in wave simulation 10
Pentium 4 performance 621—622
Penumbra region 205
Per-cluster animation 113—115
Per-face normals 145
Per-fragment work 482
Per-object computations 481
Per-pixel caustics computations 38
Per-pixel Fresnel terms 27
Per-pixel lighting 245
Per-pixel lighting, applications for 255—256
Per-pixel lighting, batches with 246—248
Per-pixel lighting, fill rates for 255
Per-pixel lighting, sets for 248—254
Per-pixel lighting, summary 256
Per-pixel perturbation 688
Per-pixel shadow volumes 138
Per-vertex animation 115—117
Percentage-closer filtering (PCF) in omnidirectional shadow maps 202—203
Percentage-closer filtering (PCF) in perspective shadow maps 237—238
Percentage-closer filtering (PCF) in shadow map antialiasing 186—187
Performance for fire 96—99
Performance in cinematic lighting 181
Performance in fragment shading 476
Performance in image processing 465—467
Performance of binary searches 633
Performance of bitonic merge sorts 629
Performance of deformers 729—730
| Performance of GPUs 621—622 625—627
Performance, of volume rendering 160—161
Performance, pipeline see "pipeline performance"
Perlin noise see "noise and Noise function"
Perspective shadow maps 185 217—218
Perspective shadow maps, biasing in 218 233—237
Perspective shadow maps, blurring for 239—242
Perspective shadow maps, cube maps in 228—233
Perspective shadow maps, filtering for 237—239
Perspective shadow maps, light cameras with 225—233
Perspective shadow maps, results in 242—244
Perspective shadow maps, tricks for 237
Perspective shadow maps, unit cube clipping in 225—228
Perspective shadow maps, virtual cameras with 219—225
perspectivePro j ectionMatrix function 146—147
Perturbation in volume rendering 688
Phase of waves 125—126
Phase shift in cube sampling noise 81
Phong illumination equation 141
Phong lobes 299—302
Phong shading 47
Phong-interpolated highlights 568
Photographic film simulation 440—441
Photons in caustics computations 32—34
Photoshop 365
PhotoSphere cameras 441
Physical models for water simulation see "water simulation"
Physics of diffraction 124—127
Ping-pong rendering 239
Pipeline performance 473—474
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in 474—475
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in, fragment shading in 476—477
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in, raster operations in 476
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in, texture bandwidth in 476
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in, vertex and index transfers in 478
Pipeline performance, bottlenecks in, vertex processing in 477
Pipeline performance, optimizing 478
Pipeline performance, optimizing fragment shading 482—483
Pipeline performance, optimizing frame-buffer bandwidth 484—485
Pipeline performance, optimizing maximize batch size in 478—480
Pipeline performance, optimizing texture bandwidth in 483—484
Pipeline performance, optimizing vertex processing in 480—481
Pipeline performance, optimizing vertex transfers in 480
Pipeline performance, summary 485
Pipelines in glow 356
Pipelines in high-quality software rendering 582—583
Pipes in FX Composer 517—518
Pixel buffers (pbuffers) for Image 454 456—457
Pixel buffers (pbuffers) in GPU programming 623
Pixel shaders 1.1 347
Pixel shaders for constant filter kernels 397—398
Pixel shaders for glow 354
Pixel shaders for image-based lighting 312 320
Pixel shaders for omnidirectional shadow maps 199 202
Pixel shaders for perspective shadow maps 238
Pixel shaders in water simulation 23
Pixel shaders, effect files for 603
Pixel shaders, noise in 80—82
Pixel shaders, variable stripe textures in 413—414
Pixel-bleeding artifacts 388
pixelAspectRatio attribute 430
Pixels color of 363
Pixels in image-to-image conversions 392
Pixels in OpenEXR 430
Pixels in water simulation 27—28
PIZ compression 431
place3DTexture nodes 312
Planar waves 124
Plane in focus 375
Plenoptic modeling 49
Plug-ins in FX Composer 510—511
Pluggable class factories 508
Point lights in omnidirectional shadow mapping 195
Point lights in shadow volume rendering 159 164
Pointers to objects 510
Points in Noise function 74
Points in shadow volumes 138
Poisson equations in fast fluid dynamics simulation 643 656
Poisson equations Navier — Stokes equations 645 649—650
Poisson like distributions in Noise function 76
Polygon meshes 584 593
Polygons in bounding boxes 497
Polygons in Cinema4D 570
Polygons in grass simulation 109—110
Polygons in occlusion culling 498
Polygons in volume rendering 672 676—677
Polygons of intersection 697—698
Position function 65
Position in accumulated matrix skinning 71
Position in ultrasound visualization 701
Posr-T&L vertex caches 481
Post-projective space 218 221—224
Post-rendering fire effects 99
Pow function 365
Power-of-two-size textures 674
PowerStrip tool 475
powVal function 560
Precision in pipeline performance 482
Precision of texture waves 16—17
PrecomputeEnvMap function 301—302
Preprocessors 538
Preprocessors in omnidirectional shadow mapping 202
Preprocessors in shaders 613—614
Pressure in Navier — Stokes equations 642 650
Primitives in volume rendering 670
Priority in texture bombing 326
PRMan 562
Procedural features in texture bombing 326—329 333—335
Procedural rendering 687—688
Procedural texture for caustics 38
Processing in volume rendering techniques 674—676
Product rules in caustics computations 39
Profiles for filter-width estimates 417
Project Gotham Racing game 343
Projection in fast fluid dynamics simulation 656—657
Projection in Naviet-Stokes equations 645—646
Projection in omnidirectional shadow mapping 196
Properties panel in FX Composer 511 528—530
Proxy geometry 670 672 676—677 689—690
Proxy polygons 672 676
Pseudo-angles 676
Pseudo-random gradients 78—79
psize value 414
PSMs see "perspective shadow maps"
Pull data in filter networks 447
Pure Neumann boundary conditions 650
Push data in filtet networks 447
Pyramid variable 701
Pyramidal grids 699—705
Pyramids, bounding boxes for 494—495
Quads for flames 92
Quads in shadow volume rendering 155
Quake 3 game 154 163
Quality vs. speed in high-quality filtering 391—392
Quantization errors 17
Queries in FX Composer 509—510
Queries occlusion 487
Queries occlusion, operation of 488—489
Queries occlusion, working with 489—493
Querylnterface method 507
Radiance software 442
Radiologists 693—694
Rainbow maps 127 130—131
Ramps and ramping effect for curves 367—368
Ramps and ramping for glow 359—360
Random direction sampling 282
Random image selection in texture bombing 330—331
Random-dot stereograms (RDSs) 709—711
Randomize deforms 724
randomUV function 324 331
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