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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics
Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

Àâòîð: Fernando R. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü áåç íîìåðîâ ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 784

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.11.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Dawn" demo, animation in      see "animation"
"Dawn" demo, skin in      see "skin"
"Dusk" demo      64
"Glow" demo      350
"Last Chance Gas" demo      205—206 213
"Ogre" demo      290—291
"Vulcan" demo      see fire and flames
"Yeah! The Movie" demo      65
"Zoltar" demo      65
$2\frac{1}{2}$ depth of field      379—380
$\omega$ component in shadow volume rendering      145—146
.zip files in FX Composer      512
16-bit elements in pipeline performance      480 485
4D ultrasound visualization      695
a2v structure in absorption simulation      268
a2v structure in texture-space diffusion      273
a2vConnector structure      53
AA (application of antialiasing)      414—415
Absorption      266—272
Abstraction      537
Accelerations in Navier — Stokes equations      641
Accessibility in ambient occlusion      281
Accumulated matrix skinning      71
Accumulate_skin function      71
Accumulation-buffer depth of field      379—380
Accumulation-buffer for flames      94—95
Acoustic grids      694
Additive blending in caustics computations      36
AddRef method      507
Adjacency information for shadow volumes      145
Adjacent cell images in texture bombing      325—326
Advanced GPU programming      624
Advect function      654—655
Advection in fast fluid dynamics simulation      653—655
Advection in Navier — Stokes equations      642 646—648
Advertising imagery      366
After-image effect      359
AGP connections      633
Akenine-Moller, Tomas      165
Albedo in SBRDF      294—295
Algorithms, binary searches      631
Algorithms, bitonic merge sorts      628
Algorithms, image-space shadow      218
Algorithms, multipass      196
Algorithms, object-space shadow      217
Aliasing      see "antialiasing"
Aliasing in glow      349 357—358
Aliasing in perspective shadow maps      218 239—240
Aliasing in water simulation      18
Aliasing of caustics      43
Alpha blending in flames      94—95
Alpha blending in glow sources      347
Alpha blending in pipeline performance      484
Alpha blending in shadow volume multipass rendering      142
Alpha blending in texture-based volume rendering      673
Alpha blending in ultrasound visualization      697
Alpha channels for glow sources      347—348
alpha parameter      655—656
Alpha-test rejection      96
Ambient function      177
Ambient occlusion      279—280
Ambient occlusion, hardware-accelerated      283—284
Ambient occlusion, preprocessing steps for      281—282
Ambient occlusion, rendering with      284—289
Ambient occlusion, summary      289—292
Ambient terms in shadow volume tendering      141
Amplitude of waves      8
Amplitude of waves, geometric      14—15 20
Amplitude of waves, light      124
Amplitude of waves, texture      16—17
Angles in shadow volume rendering      159
Animated objects, bounding boxes for      495—496
Animated objects, sprites flames and smoke in      90—92
Animated objects, sprites implementing      89—90
Animated single-image stereograms (ASISs)      717—719
Animation      63
Animation for fire      94
Animation for grass simulation      111—112
Animation for grass simulation per cluster      113—115
Animation, for grass simulation per grass object      117—119
Animation, for grass simulation per vertex      115—117
Animation, mesh      63—65
Animation, morph targets in      65—68
Animation, skinning in      69—72
Animation, summary      72
Anisotropic filtering      43
Anisotropic widths      419
Annotations for effect files      606
Annotations in FX Composer connection parameters      511
Annotations in shaders      610
antialiasing      see "aliasing"
Antialiasing for checkerboard patterns      418
Antialiasing in high-quality filtering      407—415
Antialiasing, derivative functions for      406
Antialiasing, shadow map      see "shadow maps"
Aperture size in pyramidal grids      700
Apexes in pyramidal grids      700
app2vertex structure      590
appdata structure      312
appdataB structure      319
Application level, moving fragment programs to      557
Application of antialiasing (AA)      414—415
ApplyLobe function      303
ApplyToDevice API      516
Approximate numerical deformer techniques      726—727
arbfpl hardware profile      417
Arbitrary boundaries in fast fluid dynamics simulation      664
ARB_f ragment program-compliant code      551
ARB_occlusion_query extension      488
ARB_pixel_format extension      457
Arrays in fast fluid dynamics simulation      650
Arrays in shadow volume rendering      153—154
Arrays in volume rendering      674
Artifacts in ambient occlusion      283
Artifacts in depth of field      378 381
Artifacts in glow      357—358
Artifacts in high-quality software rendering      592
Artifacts in Noise function      75
Artifacts in occlusion interval maps      211
Artifacts in perspective shadow maps      235
Artifacts in volume rendering      675
Artifacts in water simulation      18
Artifacts in z-buffer depth of field      386—388
Artificial edges      381
Artificial shadows      318
Artist-controlled fog      357
ASISs (animated single-image stereograms)      717—719
Assarsson, Ulf      165
Associated tags      605
Attenuation in image-based lighting      315—316
Attenuation in volume rendering      159 162 686
Attenuation in water simulation      27
Attenuation of geometric waves      20
Attribute maps      584—587 596
Authoring in water simulation      18—19
Authoring in water simulation, depth in      19—21
Authoring in water simulation, edge-length filtering in      21—22
Authoring in water simulation, overrides in      21
Authoring in water simulation, texture coordinates in      22—23
Autiokari      2003 371
Average direction of unoccluded incident light      281
Average of shadows in ambient occlusion      283
Azimuth direction in ultrasound visualization      694—695
Back-facing polygons      497
Backgrounds in focus      375
Backgrounds, localized cube maps as      318—320
Backward ray tracing      34 36
Balance in stripe function      411—412
Band-limited signals      73
Banding in ray-traced depth of field      378
Bandwidth in pipeline performance, frame-buffer      484—485
Bandwidth in pipeline performance, texture      476 483—484
Barn doors      171
Barn lights      168
Barn maps      182
Barn shaping      170
Barzel, Ronen      167
Base rendering      200
Basis vectors      23—24
Batches in per-pixel lighting      246—248
Batches in pipeline optimization      479—480
BCGControlBar library      514
Bent normals      283
Bias in circle of confusion      377
Bias in omnidirectional shadow mapping      201
Bias in perspective shadow maps      218 233—237
Bicubic filter kernels      399—404
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)      see "SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function)"
Bilinear filtering      270
Bilinear interpolation in fast fluid dynamics simulation      655
Bilinear interpolation in z-buffer depth of field      386—387
Billboard geometry      346
Binary searches      630—633
BinarySearch function      632
Bind poses in skinning      69
Binding OpenEXR images to textures      431—432
Binormals in accumulated matrix skinning      71
Binormals in Cinema 4D      571
Binormals in deformers      728
Binormals in high-quality software rendering      584 590
Binormals in water simulation      9
Bitonic merge sorts      627—630
BitonicSort function      630
Blades of waving grass      see "grass simulation"
Bleeding, pixel      388
Blend shapes      67—68
Blend weights      358 360
Blend3 function      128
Blending in flames      94—95
Blending in glow sources      347
Blending in pipeline performance      484
Blending in shadow volume multipass rendering      142
Blending in texture-based volume rendering      673
Blending in ultrasound visualization      697
Blending, grayscale conversion      369
BlendTexture structure      548
Blinn-Phong model      679—680
Blood transmission in skin lighting      53
Blue color in dark environments      463
Blue color, remapping      368—369
Blur filters and blurring implementing      460—464
Blur filters and blurring in cinematic lighting      173
Blur filters and blurring in glow      99 349 351
Blur filters and blurring in HDR images      442
Blur filters and blurring in image-to-image conversions      392
Blur filters and blurring in perspective shadow maps      239—242
Blur filters and blurring in volume rendering      686
Blur filters and blurring in z-buffer depth of field      385—387
Blur filters and blurring, stencil shadows      237
Blur filters and blurring, uses of      355—356
Blurred depth buffer      386—387
Body forces in Navier — Stokes equations      642
Bone weights with shaders      614
Bookmarks feature      526
Borders in texture bombing      330
Bottlenecks in pipelines      474—475
Bottlenecks in pipelines, fragment shading in      476—477
Bottlenecks in pipelines, raster operations in      476
Bottlenecks in pipelines, texture bandwidth in      476
Bottlenecks in pipelines, vertex and index transfers in      478
Bottlenecks in pipelines, vertex processing in      477
Boundaries in fast fluid dynamics simulation      639 653 657—659 664
Boundaries in Navier — Stokes equations      650
Boundary function      658
Bounding boxes in occlusion culling      493—496
Bounding boxes in shadow volume rendering      161
Bounding volumes      226—228
Box filters in high-quality filtering      407
Box filters in image-to-image conversions      392
Brabec, S.      165
Branch operator      148
BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function)      see "SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function)"
Brightness for circle of confusion      377
Brightness for glow      359
Brightness for Image      454 456^57
Brightness for lens flares      501
Brightness for perspective shadow maps      240
Brightness for shadow volumes      138 141—142 144—145 150—151 164
Brightness in color-space conversions      371
Brightness in lighting      47
Brightness in OpenEXR      455—457
Brightness in parallel reductions      625
Brightness in pipeline performance      484
Brightness in volume rendering      682—686
Brightness of glow sources      347
Brute-force shadow map antialiasing      187—188
Buffer class      450
Buffers for animated SISs      717—718
Buffers {continued) in Cinema 4D      570
Bump maps for skin lighting      50 52
Bump maps in Cinema 4D      573
Bump maps in diffraction      129—130
Bump maps in high-quality software rendering      591 593
Bump maps in Noise function      78 82—83
Bump maps surface normals      59
Bump maps, parameters for eye vectors in      24—27
Bump maps, parameters for tangent-space basis vectors in      23—24
Bundles, geometry pipe      517
Buoyancy      660—661
C++ language, half format for      429
C++ language, image-processing framework. See framework for image processing C4Dfx plug-in      567
Cameras in FX Composer      530
Cameras with perspective shadow maps, light      225—233
Cameras with perspective shadow maps, virtual      219—225
Canceling waves      125
Caps      150 153—154
Card, Drew      166
Cartesian grids in fast fluid dynamics simulation      640—641
Cartesian grids in ultrasound visualization      694 696—698
Casters      139 150 159
Categories of objects      508
Caustics      31—32
Caustics, approach to      35—36
Caustics, computing      32—35
Caustics, high-level shading languages for      38—44
Caustics, OpenGL for      37
Caustics, summary      43
Cb value for screen-aligned filter kernels      405
Cell-centered discretization      663
Cells in texture bombing      324—328
center method      452
Cg language for caustics      38
Cg language for high-quality filtering      392
Cg language for SBRDF      302—305
Cg language for shadow volume rendering      147—148
Cg language for SISs      719—720
cgConnectParameter function      541 544
cgCreateParameter function      544
cgCreateProgram function      540—541
cgCreateProgramFromFile function      540—541
cgFragmentProgram function      458
CgFX toolkit      567—569
CgFX toolkit, connecting Cinema 4D to      570—571
CgFX toolkit, lessons learned in      578—579
CgFX toolkit, offline Tenderer emulation in      573—577
CgFX toolkit, results and performance in      577—578
CgFX toolkit, shader and parameter management in      572—573
cgGetNamedUserType function      541
cgProgram function      554
cgSetArraySize function      544
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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